See 4 ENTSCHEIDUNGEN DES BUNDESVERFASSUNGSGERICHTS [Decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court] 7, 15-16 (1954) [hereinafter BVerfGE]
See 4 ENTSCHEIDUNGEN DES BUNDESVERFASSUNGSGERICHTS [Decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court] 7, 15-16 (1954) [hereinafter BVerfGE].
3d ed.
For an overview, see MENSCHENRECHTE: IHR INTERNATIONAL SCHUTZ (Bruno Simma & Ulrich Fastenrath eds., 3d ed. 1992). The documents included in this collection are of different degrees of legal validity, ranging from political declarations to binding covenants and international customary law. See Karl J. Partsch, Vor- und Nachteile einer Regionalisierung des internationalen Menschenrechtsschutzes, 16 EUROPAEISCHE GRUNDRECHTE-ZEITSCHRIFT 1 (1989).
Menschenrechte: IHR International Schutz
Simma, B.1
Fastenrath, U.2
Vor- und Nachteile einer Regionalisierung des internationalen Menschenrechtsschutzes
For an overview, see MENSCHENRECHTE: IHR INTERNATIONAL SCHUTZ (Bruno Simma & Ulrich Fastenrath eds., 3d ed. 1992). The documents included in this collection are of different degrees of legal validity, ranging from political declarations to binding covenants and international customary law. See Karl J. Partsch, Vor- und Nachteile einer Regionalisierung des internationalen Menschenrechtsschutzes, 16 EUROPAEISCHE GRUNDRECHTE-ZEITSCHRIFT 1 (1989).
Europaeische Grundrechte-zeitschrift
, vol.16
, pp. 1
Partsch, K.J.1
Sociology and Natural Law
See Philip Selznick, Sociology and Natural Law, 6 NATURAL LAW FORUM 84, 85-91 (1961). Analogous to Selznick, Thomas Rentsch uses the term Erfuellungsgestalten. See THOMAS RENTSCH, DIE KONSTITUTION DER MORALITAET: TRANSZENDENTALE ANTHROPOLOGIE UND PRAKTISCHE PHILOSOPHIE 106, 113, 176, 184, 192, 243 (1990).
Natural Law Forum
, vol.6
, pp. 84
Selznick, P.1
See Philip Selznick, Sociology and Natural Law, 6 NATURAL LAW FORUM 84, 85-91 (1961). Analogous to Selznick, Thomas Rentsch uses the term Erfuellungsgestalten. See THOMAS RENTSCH, DIE KONSTITUTION DER MORALITAET: TRANSZENDENTALE ANTHROPOLOGIE UND PRAKTISCHE PHILOSOPHIE 106, 113, 176, 184, 192, 243 (1990).
Die Konstitution der Moralitaet: Transzendentale Anthropologie und Praktische Philosophie
, pp. 106
Rentsch, T.1
Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch
Hans Reiss ed. & H. B. Nisbet trans., 2d ed.
See IMMANUEL KANT, Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch, in KANT'S POLITICAL WRITINGS 93, 113-14 (Hans Reiss ed. & H. B. Nisbet trans., 2d ed. 1991). [Nature] . . . uses two means to separate the nations and prevent them from intermingling - linguistic and religious differences. These may certainly occasion mutual hatred and provide pretexts for wars, but as culture grows and men gradually move towards greater agreement over their principles, they lead to mutual understanding and peace. And . . . this peace is created and guaranteed by an equilibrium of forces and a most vigorous rivalry. Id.
Kant's Political Writings
, pp. 93
Kant, I.1
On the history of human rights, see GERHARD OESTREICH, GESCHICHTE DER MENSCHENRECHTE UND GRUNDFREIHEITEN (1968) and Hasso Hofmann, Zur Herkunft der Menschenrechtserklaerungen, 28 JURISTISCHE SCHULUNG 841 (1988). For a critical discussion of the generation concept in the history of human rights, see Eibe H. Riedel, Menschenrechte der dritten Dimension, 16 EUROPAEISCHE GRUNDRECHTE-ZEITSCHRIFT 9 (1989). Pointing to a possible misunderstanding of the generation concept, Riedel stresses the fact that the third generation of human rights by no means is "better" or "higher" than the former generations; it does not "supersede" these generations in the Hegelian sense, but rather represents a novel phase in the history of human rights. Therefore, Riedel prefers the term "dimension" to "generation." Id. at 11.
Geschichte der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten
Oestreich, G.1
Zur Herkunft der Menschenrechtserklaerungen
On the history of human rights, see GERHARD OESTREICH, GESCHICHTE DER MENSCHENRECHTE UND GRUNDFREIHEITEN (1968) and Hasso Hofmann, Zur Herkunft der Menschenrechtserklaerungen, 28 JURISTISCHE SCHULUNG 841 (1988). For a critical discussion of the generation concept in the history of human rights, see Eibe H. Riedel, Menschenrechte der dritten Dimension, 16 EUROPAEISCHE GRUNDRECHTE-ZEITSCHRIFT 9 (1989). Pointing to a possible misunderstanding of the generation concept, Riedel stresses the fact that the third generation of human rights by no means is "better" or "higher" than the former generations; it does not "supersede" these generations in the Hegelian sense, but rather represents a novel phase in the history of human rights. Therefore, Riedel prefers the term "dimension" to "generation." Id. at 11.
Juristische Schulung
, vol.28
, pp. 841
Hofmann, H.1
Menschenrechte der dritten Dimension
On the history of human rights, see GERHARD OESTREICH, GESCHICHTE DER MENSCHENRECHTE UND GRUNDFREIHEITEN (1968) and Hasso Hofmann, Zur Herkunft der Menschenrechtserklaerungen, 28 JURISTISCHE SCHULUNG 841 (1988). For a critical discussion of the generation concept in the history of human rights, see Eibe H. Riedel, Menschenrechte der dritten Dimension, 16 EUROPAEISCHE GRUNDRECHTE-ZEITSCHRIFT 9 (1989). Pointing to a possible misunderstanding of the generation concept, Riedel stresses the fact that the third generation of human rights by no means is "better" or "higher" than the former generations; it does not "supersede" these generations in the Hegelian sense, but rather represents a novel phase in the history of human rights. Therefore, Riedel prefers the term "dimension" to "generation." Id. at 11.
Europaeische Grundrechte-Zeitschrift
, vol.16
, pp. 9
Riedel, E.H.1
Id. at 114
Id. at 114.
reprinted, preamble hereinafter Universal Declaration
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted 10 Dec. 1948, G.A. Res. 217a (III), 3 U.N. GAOR (Resolutions, part 1) at 71, U.N. Doc. A/810 (1948), reprinted in 43 AM. J. INT'L L. SUPP., 127, preamble (1949) [hereinafter Universal Declaration].
Am. J. Int'l L. Supp.
, vol.43
, pp. 127
Menschenrechte im modernen Staat
hereinafter Menschenrechte
See Riedel, supra note 6, at 12-21; Winfried Brugger, Menschenrechte im modernen Staat, 114 ARCHIV DES OEFFENTLICHEN RECHTS 537, 540-41 (1989) [hereinafter Menschenrechte].
Archiv des Oeffentlichen Rechts
, vol.114
, pp. 537
Brugger, W.1
This division exists in MENSCHENRECHTE: IHR INTERNATIONALER SCHUTZ, supra note 3
This division exists in MENSCHENRECHTE: IHR INTERNATIONALER SCHUTZ, supra note 3.
Fuer Schutz der Fluechtlinge - Gegen das Grundrecht auf Asyl!
See id. at 189-95. By referring to this approach, I have argued that an unlimited right of asylum, as was granted in Germany up to 1993, cannot be justified. See Winfried Brugger, Fuer Schutz der Fluechtlinge - gegen das Grundrecht auf Asyl!, 48 JURISTENZEITUNG 119 (1993).
, vol.48
, pp. 119
Brugger, W.1
See the collection of decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court in 4 BVerfGE, supra note 2, at 7, 15; see also 65 BVerfGE, supra note 2, at 1, 44 (1984); DONALD KOMMERS, THE CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY 39, 245-46, 250, 300, 307, 310, 312-14, 316, 361 (1989); PETER HAEBERLE, DAS MENSCHENBILD IM VERFASSUNGSSTAAT (1988).
The Constitutional Jurisprudence of the Federal Republic of Germany
, pp. 39
Kommers, D.1
See the collection of decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court in 4 BVerfGE, supra note 2, at 7, 15; see also 65 BVerfGE, supra note 2, at 1, 44 (1984); DONALD KOMMERS, THE CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY 39, 245-46, 250, 300, 307, 310, 312-14, 316, 361 (1989); PETER HAEBERLE, DAS MENSCHENBILD IM VERFASSUNGSSTAAT (1988).
Das Menschenbild im Verfassungsstaat
Haeberle, P.1
4 BVerfGE, supra note 2, at 15-16
4 BVerfGE, supra note 2, at 15-16.
Many established human rights include limitation clauses. Even if the text does not mention such limitations, it is always possible that textually unlimited rights of different persons collide.
Stufen der Begruendung von Menschenrechten
For earlier discussions of this formula, see Winfried Brugger, Menschenrechte, supra note 10, at 578-84 and Winfried Brugger, Stufen der Begruendung von Menschenrechten, 31 DER STAAT 19, 22-27 (1992). For an application to the United States Constitution, see WINFRIED BRUGGER, GRUNDRECHTE UND VERFASSUNGSGERICHTSBARKEIT IN DEN VEREINIGTEN STAATEN VON AMERIKA 418-23 (1987). For an application to the German Constitution, see Winfried Brugger, Elemente liberaler Grundrechtstheorie, 13 JURISTENZEITUNG 633, 637-39 (1987) and Winfried Brugger, Staatszwecke im Verfassungsstaat, 39 NEUE JURISTISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT 2425, 2433 (1989).
Der Staat
, vol.31
, pp. 19
Brugger, W.1
For earlier discussions of this formula, see Winfried Brugger, Menschenrechte, supra note 10, at 578-84 and Winfried Brugger, Stufen der Begruendung von Menschenrechten, 31 DER STAAT 19, 22-27 (1992). For an application to the United States Constitution, see WINFRIED BRUGGER, GRUNDRECHTE UND VERFASSUNGSGERICHTSBARKEIT IN DEN VEREINIGTEN STAATEN VON AMERIKA 418-23 (1987). For an application to the German Constitution, see Winfried Brugger, Elemente liberaler Grundrechtstheorie, 13 JURISTENZEITUNG 633, 637-39 (1987) and Winfried Brugger, Staatszwecke im Verfassungsstaat, 39 NEUE JURISTISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT 2425, 2433 (1989).
Grundrechte und Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika
, pp. 418-423
Brugger, W.1
Elemente liberaler Grundrechtstheorie
For earlier discussions of this formula, see Winfried Brugger, Menschenrechte, supra note 10, at 578-84 and Winfried Brugger, Stufen der Begruendung von Menschenrechten, 31 DER STAAT 19, 22-27 (1992). For an application to the United States Constitution, see WINFRIED BRUGGER, GRUNDRECHTE UND VERFASSUNGSGERICHTSBARKEIT IN DEN VEREINIGTEN STAATEN VON AMERIKA 418-23 (1987). For an application to the German Constitution, see Winfried Brugger, Elemente liberaler Grundrechtstheorie, 13 JURISTENZEITUNG 633, 637-39 (1987) and Winfried Brugger, Staatszwecke im Verfassungsstaat, 39 NEUE JURISTISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT 2425, 2433 (1989).
, vol.13
, pp. 633
Brugger, W.1
Staatszwecke im Verfassungsstaat
For earlier discussions of this formula, see Winfried Brugger, Menschenrechte, supra note 10, at 578-84 and Winfried Brugger, Stufen der Begruendung von Menschenrechten, 31 DER STAAT 19, 22-27 (1992). For an application to the United States Constitution, see WINFRIED BRUGGER, GRUNDRECHTE UND VERFASSUNGSGERICHTSBARKEIT IN DEN VEREINIGTEN STAATEN VON AMERIKA 418-23 (1987). For an application to the German Constitution, see Winfried Brugger, Elemente liberaler Grundrechtstheorie, 13 JURISTENZEITUNG 633, 637-39 (1987) and Winfried Brugger, Staatszwecke im Verfassungsstaat, 39 NEUE JURISTISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT 2425, 2433 (1989).
Neue Juristische Wochenschrift
, vol.39
, pp. 2425
Brugger, W.1
See Selznick, supra note 4, at 90-91
See Selznick, supra note 4, at 90-91.
See id. at 85-91
See id. at 85-91.
As to this distinction, see RAWLS, supra note 15, at 204. The same concern has led the German Federal Constitutional Court to view constitutional rights not only as defensive rights, but also as positive values that the state should support so that every member of society has a chance to actually make use of these rights. For a representative formulation of this view, see the excerpts of the Lueth case in KOMMERS, supra note 17, at 370 (constitutional rights as public values "strongly reinforce . . . the effective power of basic rights").
E.B. Dutton & Co.
See THOMAS HOBBES, LEVIATHAN 7-9 (E.B. Dutton & Co. 1950) (1651) (discussing the theory of physical survival as the supreme political interest in chapter one).
, pp. 7-9
Hobbes, T.1
For this reason, the German Federal Constitutional Court emphasizes the intrinsic worth of the person. See supra note 17.
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, adopted 16 Dec. 1966, 999 U.N.T.S. 171 (entered into force 23 Mar. 1976), G.A. Res. 2200 (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR, Supp. (No. 16) 52, U.M. Doc. A/6316 (1966).
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, adopted 16 Dec. 1966, 993 U.N.T.S. 3 (entered into force 3 Jan. 1976), G.A. Res. 2200 (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR, Supp. (No. 16) 49, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966).
See Riedel, supra note 6
See Riedel, supra note 6.
This is more or less John Rawls' viewpoint. See RAWLS, supra note 15
This is more or less John Rawls' viewpoint. See RAWLS, supra note 15.
Menschenrechte von Fluechtlingen in universalistischer und kommunitaristischer Sicht
See, e.g., PHILIP SELZNICK, THE MORAL COMMONWEALTH: SOCIAL THEORY AND THE PROMISE OF COMMUNITY (1992); Winfried Brugger, Menschenrechte von Fluechtlingen in universalistischer und kommunitaristischer Sicht, 80 ARCHIV FUER RECHTS- UND SOZIALPHILOSOPHIE 318 (1994).
Archiv Fuer Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie
, vol.80
, pp. 318
Brugger, W.1
According to RENTSCH, supra note 4, at 95-96, co-originality means that the elements discussed are (1) not derivable from each other, (2) not deducible in their meaning from each other, and (3) not understandable unless connected with each other.
Universal Declaration, supra note 9, art. 30
Universal Declaration, supra note 9, art. 30.
See Kant, supra note 5
See Kant, supra note 5.
A similar argument can be found in recent German constitutional history. Donald Kommers has made the following comment on the dignity of man formula in Article 1, section 1, of the German Constitution of 1949: "The dignity of man is founded upon eternal rights with which every person is endowed by nature," read the first draft of the Chiemsee conference. Later, in the Main Committee of the Parliamentary Council, Christian Democratic delegates sought to characterize these "eternal rights" as "God-given." Social and Free Democrats resisted the use of such language because of its implications for constitutional interpretation. The result was this succinct and more neutral formulation: "The dignity of man is inviolable." . . . The framers were thus successful in refusing to identify the concept of human dignity with a particular philosophical or religious school of thought. The constitutional text seems fully consistent with a variety of philosophical perspectives. . . .