New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux
Susan Sontag, Regarding the Pain of Others (New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2003), 92. graphic to spiritually sacred artifacts, we should consider what a similar reclassification of Holocaust photographs could offer. Have Holocaust atrocity photographs reached the limits of their usefulness as testimony?
Regarding the Pain of Others
, pp. 92
Sontag, S.1
The Traffic in Photographs
Spring, and his Rethinking the Net and the Deep Blue Sea (Rethinking the Traffic in Photographs), October 102 (Fall 2002), 3-34.
See, for example, Alan Sekula, "The Traffic in Photographs," Art Journal (Spring 1981 ), 15-25, and his "Rethinking the Net and the Deep Blue Sea (Rethinking the Traffic in Photographs)," October 102 (Fall 2002), 3-34.
Art Journal
, pp. 15-25
Sekula, A.1
London: Verso, passim, 77-120
Tessa Morriss-Suzuki, The Past within Us: Media, Memory, History (London: Verso, 2005), 27-30, 77-120 passim.
The Past Within Us: Media, Memory, History
, pp. 27-30
Morriss-Suzuki, T.1
Surviving Images: Holocaust Photographs and the Work of Postmemory
ed. Barbie Zelizer New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press
Marianne Hirsch, "Surviving Images: Holocaust Photographs and the Work of Postmemory," in Visual Culture and the Holocaust, ed. Barbie Zelizer (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2000), 214-246.
Visual Culture and the Holocaust
, pp. 214-246
Hirsch, M.1
On Woolf, see Sontag, Regarding the Pain of Others, 1-17 passim; 21
On Woolf, see Sontag, Regarding the Pain of Others, 1-17 passim; 21.
Woolf, Three Guineas, 271.
Three Guineas
, pp. 271
Marcus contends, quite rightly, that Woolf s chosen images are crucial to her argument, yet they have typically been omitted for generations of readers in both UK and American editions; see Marcus's introduction to Three Guineas, especially lx-lxvi.
Marcus's Introduction to Three Guineas
(London: Oxford University Press)
The exception happened to be the first copy I saw, the 1993 Penguin edition: Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own and Three Guineas (London: Oxford University Press, 1993).
A Room of One's Own and Three Guineas
Woolf, V.1
The only violence Woolf famously advocates in her pacifist tract is, arguably, only symbolic:the destruction by fire of existing academic institutions in order to create them anew; see Woolf s incendiary rhetoric in Three Guineas, 45-46.
Woolf S Incendiary Rhetoric in Three Guineas
, pp. 45-46
Empathy, Suffering and Holocaust 'Pornography
(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press)
Carolyn Dean, "Empathy, Suffering and Holocaust 'Pornography,'" in her The Fragility of Empathy after the Holocaust (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2004), 16-42.
Her the Fragility of Empathy after the Holocaust
, pp. 16-42
Dean, C.1
(Berkeley: University of California Press), 6
The way that crowds overwhelmed the first major exhibit of American lynching photography, in New York in 2000, reminded the historian Grace Hale all too eerily of the spectacle and spectatorship generated by perpetrators of the original lynchings; see Anthony Lee's introduction to Dora Apel and Shawn Michelle Smith, Lynching Photographs (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007), 1-9; 6.
Introduction to Dora Apel and Shawn Michelle Smith, Lynching Photographs
, pp. 1-9
Lee, A.1
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
I am obviously alluding to a larger debate about the "limits of representation," as it appeared in the volume edited by Saul Friedlander and continues today (Probing the Limits of Representation: Nazism and the Final Solution [Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1992]), My point here, however, is about metonymy and what atrocity images permit us to "know" about the alterity of the past - images show us horrors, but reveal little about the identities, subjectivities, or agency of the victims and possibly not even of the perpetrators. They can only stand in for, represent a part of, a larger historical process.
Probing the Limits of Representation: Nazism and the Final Solution
Emptying the Gaze: Framing Violence through the Viewfinder
Fall, 34
Bernd Huppauf, "Emptying the Gaze: Framing Violence through the Viewfinder," New German Critique 72 (Fall 1997), 32, 34.
New German Critique
, vol.72
, pp. 32
Huppauf, B.1
The Angel's Enigmatic Eyes, or the Gothic Beauty of Catastrophic History in W. G. Sebald's 'Air War and Literature,'
Julia Hell, "The Angel's Enigmatic Eyes, or the Gothic Beauty of Catastrophic History in W. G. Sebald's 'Air War and Literature,'" Criticism (Summer 2004), 377.
, pp. 377
Hell, J.1
. . .without masks': Jews through the Lens of 'German Photography' 1933-1945
ed. Klaus Honnef, Rolf Sachsse, and Karin Thomas (Cologne: Dumont)
Hanno Loewy, "'. . .without masks': Jews through the Lens of 'German Photography' 1933-1945," in German Photography 1870-1970; The Power of a Medium, ed. Klaus Honnef, Rolf Sachsse, and Karin Thomas (Cologne: Dumont, 1997), 100-114.
German Photography 1870-1970; the Power of A Medium
, pp. 100-114
Loewy, H.1
Zloczow, July 1941: The Wehrmacht and the Beginning of the Holocaust in Galicia, from a Criticism of Photographs to a Revision of the Past
ed. Omer Bartov, Atina Grossman, and Mary Nolan (New York: New Press)
See also Bernd Boll, "Zloczow, July 1941: The Wehrmacht and the Beginning of the Holocaust in Galicia, From a Criticism of Photographs to a Revision of the Past," in Crimes of War: Guilt and Denial in the Twentieth Century, ed. Omer Bartov, Atina Grossman, and Mary Nolan (New York: New Press, 2002), 61-99;
Crimes of War: Guilt and Denial in the Twentieth Century
, pp. 61-99
Boll, B.1
Ordinary Men, Extraordinary Photos
Judith Levin and Daniel Uziel, "Ordinary Men, Extraordinary Photos," Yad Vashem Studies 26 (1998), 265-293.
Yad Vashem Studies
, vol.26
, pp. 265-293
Levin, J.1
Uziel, D.2
What Can We Learn from the Visual Turn? Photography, Nazi Germany and the Holocaust
Sept. 18
David Crew, "What Can We Learn from the Visual Turn? Photography, Nazi Germany and the Holocaust," H-German Forum, Sept. 18, 2006, http://h-net.msu.edu/, 2.
H-German Forum
, pp. 2
Crew, D.1
The Holocaust
ed. Charles Stewart and Peter Fritzsche (Champagne-Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press
Peter Fritzsche, "The Holocaust" in Imagining the Twentieth Century, ed. Charles Stewart and Peter Fritzsche (Champagne-Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1998), 66-67. Note however that Fritzsche does not provide the source for the image, in the caption or anywhere in the book.
Imagining the Twentieth Century
, pp. 66-67
Fritzsche, P.1
Picturing Violence: Aesthetics and the Anxiety of Critique
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 18
As Mark Reinhardt points out, it is rather ironic to find that when the ACLU tried to bring suit against the American government, under the Freedom of Information Act, to gain release of more Abu Ghraib images, the government lawyers countered that recirculation of the images would constitute a violation of the rights of the Iraqi prisoners, under the Geneva Convention. Apparently there is still a sense in which the shaming of victims through taking the pictures remains linked to the existence of the image. See Reinhardt's insightful essay, "Picturing Violence: Aesthetics and the Anxiety of Critique," in Beautiful Suffering: Photography and the Traffic in Pain, ed. Mark Reinhardt, Holly Edwards, and Erina Duganne (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007), 13-36; 18.
Beautiful Suffering: Photography and the Traffic in Pain
, pp. 13-36
Reinhardt, M.1
Edwards, H.2
Duganne, E.3
New Haven: Yale University Press
Lawrence Langer, Preempting the Holocaust (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998), 69.
Preempting the Holocaust
, pp. 69
Langer, L.1
New Haven: Yale University Press
It may be worth noting that when I assigned Langer's book, Holocaust Testimonies: The Ruins of Memory (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991), early in my career of developing the Holocaust class, the students uniformly hated it. They were thoroughly resistant to, and thereby reaffirmed, Langer's main message: that they, as postwitnesses to the Holocaust, tend to project romantic and idealistic expectations of heroism and courage onto surviving victims, many of whom find this an additional, unbearable burden on memory. The students continued to believe that the act of testifying about the past would be therapeutic for the surviving victims, rejecting Langer's conclusions.
The Ruins of Memory
Testimonies, H.1
Lynching Photographs and the Politics of Public Shaming
For a painfully apt comparison of the shame associated with both surviving horrific abuse and the recirculation of atrocity images for a different group of twentieth-century victims, see Dora Apel's work on lynching photography; most recently, Apel, "Lynching Photographs and the Politics of Public Shaming," in Apel and Smith, Lynching Photographs, 42-78.
Apel and Smith, Lynching Photographs
, pp. 42-78
On the significance of "acknowledgment," see Reinhardt, "Picturing Violence," 31.
Picturing Violence
, pp. 31
Pictures of Atrocity: Public Discussion of der gelbe Stern in Early 1960s West Germany
see also Robert Sackett, "Pictures of Atrocity: Public Discussion of Der gelbe Stern in Early 1960s West Germany," German History 24:4 (2006), 526561
German History
, vol.24
, Issue.4
, pp. 526561
Sackett, R.1
Casualties and the Nature of Photographic Evidence
London: Routledge
Yet the familiarity of the image does not preclude the multiplicity of meanings that different people, and different collective memories, will attach to it. From the "Family of Man" exhibit's inclusion of the mushroom cloud image, to the U.S. Postal Service's and Smithsonian's fiascos presenting this image in the 1990s, it has been clear that even iconic images have a range of meanings associated with them. This is precisely Caroline Brothers's point in her study of the famous Spanish Civil War photography of Robert Capa; see "Casualties and the Nature of Photographic Evidence," in her War and Photography (London: Routledge, 1997).
Her War and Photography
Perhaps it is time to admit that atrocity in the past may not discourage but in fact invite atrocity in the future
Or as Langer put it, "Perhaps it is time to admit that atrocity in the past may not discourage but in fact invite atrocity in the future." Langer, Preempting the Holocaust, 73.
Langer, Preempting the Holocaust
, pp. 73
Morriss-Suzuki, The Past within Us, 71-78.
The Past Within Us
, pp. 71-78
Documentation or Decoration? Uses and Misuses of Photographs in the Historiography of the Holocaust
ed. John Roth and Elizabeth Maxwell (New York: Palgrave), 342 and passim
See Bryan F. Lewis, "Documentation or Decoration? Uses and Misuses of Photographs in the Historiography of the Holocaust," in Remembering for the Future: The Holocaust in an Age of Genocide, ed. John Roth and Elizabeth Maxwell (New York: Palgrave, 2001), 341-357; 342 and passim.
Remembering for the Future: The Holocaust in An Age of Genocide
, pp. 341-357
Lewis, B.F.1
London: Writers and Readers
John Berger, About Looking (London: Writers and Readers, 1980), 39-40.
About Looking
, pp. 39-40
Berger, J.1
History Begins at Home: Photography and Memory in the Writings of Siegfried Kracauer and Roland Barthes
Meir Wigoder, "History Begins at Home: Photography and Memory in the Writings of Siegfried Kracauer and Roland Barthes," History and Memory 13:1 (Spring/Summer 2001), 22.
History and Memory
, vol.13
, Issue.1
, pp. 22
Wigoder, M.1
A Witness to Murder: Looking at Photographs of the Condemned
September-October 2005, Accessed June 23
Susie Linfield, "A Witness to Murder: Looking at Photographs of the Condemned" Boston Review (September-October 2005) http://www.bostonreview. net/BR30.5/linfield.html. Accessed June 23, 2006, 5.
Boston Review
, pp. 5
Linfield, S.1
Images of the Holocaust Part i
see also Sybil Milton, "Images of the Holocaust Part I," Holocaust and Genocide Studies 1:1 (1986), 27-61
Holocaust and Genocide Studies
, vol.1
, Issue.1
, pp. 27-61
Milton, S.1
Images of the Holocaust Part II
and "Images of the Holocaust Part II," Holocaust and Genocide Studies 1:2 (1986), 193-216;
Holocaust and Genocide Studies
, vol.1
, Issue.2
, pp. 193-216
Knoch, Die Tat als Bild, and Struk, Photographing the Holocaust
Knoch, Die Tat als Bild, and Struk, Photographing the Holocaust.