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Volumn 51, Issue 2, 2000, Pages 347-365

Crypto-Protestants and pseudo-Catholics in the nineteenth-century Hispanic Caribbean

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EID: 61049176601     PISSN: 00220469     EISSN: 14697637     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1017/S0022046900004255     Document Type: Review
Times cited : (4)

References (77)
  • 1
    • 0013474680 scopus 로고
    • San José, Costa Rica
    • There exists a modest body of published sources on Protestantism in the nineteenth-century Hispanic Caribbean. Most of it examines the post-1869 period. The most general source on Cuba is Marcos Antonio Ramos, Panorama del protestantismo en Cuba, San José, Costa Rica 1986.
    • (1986) Panorama Del Protestantismo en Cuba
    • Ramos, M.A.1
  • 3
    • 79956637599 scopus 로고
    • Joaquin de Palma: predicator revolucionario
    • January
    • Among the few extant more specific works are Rafael Cepeda, 'Joaquin de Palma: predicator revolucionario', Juprecu xv (January 1977), 8-11;
    • (1977) Juprecu , vol.15 , pp. 8-11
    • Cepeda, R.1
  • 4
    • 79956637612 scopus 로고
    • El clero en la revolución cubana
    • Francisco González del Valle, 'El clero en la revolución cubana', Cuba Contemporánea xviii (1918), 161-79;
    • (1918) Cuba Contemporánea , vol.18 , pp. 161-179
    • Del Valle, F.G.1
  • 6
    • 84928849694 scopus 로고
    • Baptists in western Cuba
    • Harold Greer, 'Baptists in western Cuba', Cuban Studies xix (1989), 61-77;
    • (1989) Cuban Studies , vol.19 , pp. 61-77
    • Greer, H.1
  • 7
    • 79956659170 scopus 로고
    • Don't die here: The death and burial of Protestants in the Hispanic Caribbean, 1840-1885
    • July
    • Luis Martínez-Fernández, '"Don't die here": the death and burial of Protestants in the Hispanic Caribbean, 1840-1885', The Americas xlix (July 1992), 23-47.
    • (1992) The Americas , vol.49 , pp. 23-47
    • Martínez-Fernández, L.1
  • 11
    • 85038794367 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See, for example, AHDASJ, justicia, procesos legales, Soltería, Ponce, leg. J-182; AALH, expedientes ultramarinos and matrimonios ultramarinos; various anti-Protestant articles and documents published in Puerto Rico's Boletín Eclesiástico and Boletín Eclesiástico del Obispado de La Habana
    • See, for example, AHDASJ, justicia, procesos legales, Soltería, Ponce, leg. J-182; AALH, expedientes ultramarinos and matrimonios ultramarinos; various anti-Protestant articles and documents published in Puerto Rico's Boletín Eclesiástico and Boletín Eclesiástico del Obispado de La Habana.
  • 12
    • 85038785279 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See Puerto Rico's 1815 Cédula de Gracias in Boletín Histórico de Puerto Rico, ed. Cayetano Coll y Toste, San Juan, 1914-27, i. 297-304, and Cuba's 'Real Cédula de 21 de octubre de 1817, sobre aumentar la población blanca de la isla de Cuba', ANC, gobierno superior civil, leg. 1657, exp. 82745.
    • See Puerto Rico's 1815 Cédula de Gracias in Boletín Histórico de Puerto Rico, ed. Cayetano Coll y Toste, San Juan, 1914-27, i. 297-304, and Cuba's 'Real Cédula de 21 de octubre de 1817, sobre aumentar la población blanca de la isla de Cuba', ANC, gobierno superior civil, leg. 1657, exp. 82745.
  • 15
    • 85038681001 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • French settlers in Vieques reportedly lived many years on the island without seeking domiciliation: governor of Puerto Rico to the Spanish minister of government, 18 Nov. 1851, CIH, papeles de Vieques, 209-10S
    • French settlers in Vieques reportedly lived many years on the island without seeking domiciliation: governor of Puerto Rico to the Spanish minister of government, 18 Nov. 1851, CIH, papeles de Vieques, 209-10.
  • 16
    • 85038680220 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • In 1876, according to Eduardo Newmann, there were 811 foreigners among the 33,514 residents of Ponce. José María Archevald owned Hacienda Cintrona, Thomas Davidson owned Hacienda Consuelo, William Lee owned Hacienda Constancia, Thomas G. Salomons owned Hacienda Santa Cruz, James Gilbee owned Hacienda Fortuna: Eduardo Newmann, Verdadera y auténtica historia de la ciudad de Ponce desde sus primitivos tiempos hasta la época contemporánea, San Juan 1913, 85;
    • In 1876, according to Eduardo Newmann, there were 811 foreigners among the 33,514 residents of Ponce. José María Archevald owned Hacienda Cintrona, Thomas Davidson owned Hacienda Consuelo, William Lee owned Hacienda Constancia, Thomas G. Salomons owned Hacienda Santa Cruz, James Gilbee owned Hacienda Fortuna: Eduardo Newmann, Verdadera y auténtica historia de la ciudad de Ponce desde sus primitivos tiempos hasta la época contemporánea, San Juan 1913, 85;
  • 18
    • 79956600290 scopus 로고
    • Las oleadas de inmigración sobre el sur de Puerto Rico: el caso de las sociedades mercantíles creadas en Ponce (1816-1830)
    • Ivette Pérez Vega, 'Las oleadas de inmigración sobre el sur de Puerto Rico: el caso de las sociedades mercantíles creadas en Ponce (1816-1830)', Revista del Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Puerto Rico y el Caribe ix (1987), 114-23;
    • (1987) Revista Del Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Puerto Rico y El Caribe , vol.9 , pp. 114-123
    • Pérez Vega, I.1
  • 19
    • 85038767319 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Padrón de productos y capitales, Ponce, 1869-70, and Riqueza territorial, 1871-2, both in AHMP, leg. 31, boxes 30A, 30C; secretaria del gobierno superior civil de la Isla de Puerto Rico, Registro central de esclavos (6to. Depto. ), San Juan 1872 (microfilm in CIH)
    • Padrón de productos y capitales, Ponce, 1869-70, and Riqueza territorial, 1871-2, both in AHMP, leg. 31, boxes 30A, 30C; secretaria del gobierno superior civil de la Isla de Puerto Rico, Registro central de esclavos (6to. Depto. ), San Juan 1872 (microfilm in CIH);
  • 22
    • 85038677781 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Of a total of 227 foreigners (1838), race was determined for 208, 127 of whom were white and 81 blacks: statistics for 1838, AGPR, gobernadores españoles, Ponce, box 14
    • Of a total of 227 foreigners (1838), race was determined for 208, 127 of whom were white and 81 blacks: statistics for 1838, AGPR, gobernadores españoles, Ponce, box 14.
  • 28
    • 33745478332 scopus 로고
    • La importación de trabajadores contratados para la industria azucarera puertorriqueña, 1860-1880
    • Francisco A. Scarano (ed. ), Río Piedras, PR
    • Andrés A. Ramos Mattei, 'La importación de trabajadores contratados para la industria azucarera puertorriqueña, 1860-1880', in Francisco A. Scarano (ed. ), Inmigración y clases sociales en el Puerto Rico del siglo xix, Río Piedras, PR 1981, 125-42. See also transcripts of documents pertaining to Vieques in CIH.
    • (1981) Inmigración y Clases Sociales en El Puerto Rico Del Siglo Xix , pp. 125-142
    • Ramos Mattei, A.A.1
  • 29
    • 85038710244 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Edward Kenney to Bishop Whittingham, 1 Apr. 1876, MDA, Cuba, folder V; Gobierno de Cuba, Cuadro estadístico de la siempre fiel Isla de Cuba, correspondiente al año 1846, Havana 1847, 69, 77; register of Americans [in Cuba], 1 Jan. -31 Dec. 1871, NA, records of foreign service posts, RG 84, Havana, c. 14. 1
    • Edward Kenney to Bishop Whittingham, 1 Apr. 1876, MDA, Cuba, folder V; Gobierno de Cuba, Cuadro estadístico de la siempre fiel Isla de Cuba, correspondiente al año 1846, Havana 1847, 69, 77; register of Americans [in Cuba], 1 Jan. -31 Dec. 1871, NA, records of foreign service posts, RG 84, Havana, c. 14. 1.
  • 30
    • 85038741318 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Domiciliation files for 1855 in ANC, gobierno superior civil, leg. 796, exp. 27003; register of non-domiciled foreigners, AHPM, negociado de órden público y policía, leg. 58, exp. 6001; register of Americans [in Cuba], 1 Jan. -1 Dec. 1871, 1, NA, RG 84, Havana, c. 14. 1; Robert L. Paquette, Sugar is made with blood, Middletown, CT 1988, 187; Edward Kenney to Bishop Whittingham, 1 Apr. 1876, MDA, Cuba, folder V
    • Domiciliation files for 1855 in ANC, gobierno superior civil, leg. 796, exp. 27003; register of non-domiciled foreigners, AHPM, negociado de órden público y policía, leg. 58, exp. 6001; register of Americans [in Cuba], 1 Jan. -1 Dec. 1871, 1, NA, RG 84, Havana, c. 14. 1; Robert L. Paquette, Sugar is made with blood, Middletown, CT 1988, 187; Edward Kenney to Bishop Whittingham, 1 Apr. 1876, MDA, Cuba, folder V.
  • 33
    • 0003837662 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Andrew Blythe to William Cass, 20 July 1857, NA, general records of the Department of State, RG 59, despatches from US consuls in Havana, microfilm roll T20, vol. 36; Pérez, On becoming Cuban, 23.
    • On Becoming Cuban , pp. 23
    • Pérez1
  • 34
    • 85038670589 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Estimate for Puerto Rico based on 16 men per ship and data from Charles De Ronceray to Cass, 29 July 1859, US Department of State, San Juan consulate, Despachos de los cónsules norteamericanos en Puerto Rico (1818-1868), ed. CIH, Río Piedras, PR 1982, 390.
    • Estimate for Puerto Rico based on 16 men per ship and data from Charles De Ronceray to Cass, 29 July 1859, US Department of State, San Juan consulate, Despachos de los cónsules norteamericanos en Puerto Rico (1818-1868), ed. CIH, Río Piedras, PR 1982, 390.
  • 35
    • 85038765373 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Consul-General Joseph T. Crawford to Lord Palmerston, 22 January 1852, PRO, FO, 72, 866; domiciliation documents of George Booth and Guillaume Perrone, ANC, gobierno superior civil, leg. 1656, exp. 82742; domiciliation documents of David Clark, leg. 787, exp. 26754; testimony of Luis Mariátegui on behalf of Juan Emilio Beylle, AALH, matrimonios ultramarinos, exp. 25 (Jan. 1841)
    • Consul-General Joseph T. Crawford to Lord Palmerston, 22 January 1852, PRO, FO, 72, 866; domiciliation documents of George Booth and Guillaume Perrone, ANC, gobierno superior civil, leg. 1656, exp. 82742; domiciliation documents of David Clark, leg. 787, exp. 26754; testimony of Luis Mariátegui on behalf of Juan Emilio Beylle, AALH, matrimonios ultramarinos, exp. 25 (Jan. 1841).
  • 36
    • 85038797520 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Grace M. Backhouse to Catherine Backhouse, 6 Jan. 1854, and George Backhouse to his aunt, 3 Aug. 1853, in John Backhouse papers, Special Collections Department, Perkins Library, Duke University, Durham, NC. See also domiciliation papers of Mary Callaghan, ANC, gobierno superior civil, leg. 791, exp. 26855, and of Jorge Y. Finlay, AHDASJ, justicia, procesos legales, certificaciones de soltería, Ponce, leg. J-182
    • Grace M. Backhouse to Catherine Backhouse, 6 Jan. 1854, and George Backhouse to his aunt, 3 Aug. 1853, in John Backhouse papers, Special Collections Department, Perkins Library, Duke University, Durham, NC. See also domiciliation papers of Mary Callaghan, ANC, gobierno superior civil, leg. 791, exp. 26855, and of Jorge Y. Finlay, AHDASJ, justicia, procesos legales, certificaciones de soltería, Ponce, leg. J-182.
  • 37
    • 85038712968 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • David Turnbull, Travels in the west Cuba with notices of Porto Rico, New York 1968, 67; declaration of Jorge Y. Finlay, AHDASJ, justicia, procesos legales, certificados de soltería, Ponce, leg. J-182; James Kennedy to Lord Palmerston, 21 June 1850, and Crawford to Lord Palmerston, 22 Jan. 1852, both in PRO, FO 72, 886; Spanish minister of Gracia y Justicia to the president of the Spanish Council of Ministers, papeles de Vieques, CIH, 267-72.
    • David Turnbull, Travels in the west Cuba with notices of Porto Rico, New York 1968, 67; declaration of Jorge Y. Finlay, AHDASJ, justicia, procesos legales, certificados de soltería, Ponce, leg. J-182; James Kennedy to Lord Palmerston, 21 June 1850, and Crawford to Lord Palmerston, 22 Jan. 1852, both in PRO, FO 72, 886; Spanish minister of Gracia y Justicia to the president of the Spanish Council of Ministers, papeles de Vieques, CIH, 267-72.
  • 40
    • 79956637561 scopus 로고
    • New York
    • George Backhouse to his aunt, 3 Aug. 1853; diary of Grace M. Backhouse, 25-7 Mar. , 24 Apr. , 10 June 1853, 9 Apr. 1854, Backhouse papers; [Julia Louisa Matilda Woodruff] J. L. M. Jay (pseud. ), My winter in Cuba, New York 1871, 157.
    • (1871) My Winter in Cuba , pp. 157
    • Jay, J.L.M.1
  • 41
    • 85038707395 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ramos, Panorama, 78; diary of Grace M. Backhouse, 4, 11, 18 Feb. , 4 Mar. 1855, Backhouse papers
    • Ramos, Panorama, 78; diary of Grace M. Backhouse, 4, 11, 18 Feb. , 4 Mar. 1855, Backhouse papers;
  • 43
    • 85038774578 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Amelia Matilda Murray, Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada, London 1856, ii. 64, 77; diary of William Norwood, 24 Mar. 1844, Viriginia Historical Society, Richmond
    • Amelia Matilda Murray, Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada, London 1856, ii. 64, 77; diary of William Norwood, 24 Mar. 1844, Viriginia Historical Society, Richmond.
  • 44
    • 85038752485 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Grace M. Backhouse to Mary Backhouse, 30 June 1853, Backhouse papers; Hiram H. Hulse, 'The history of the Church in Cuba', Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church vi (June 1937), 249; George A. Leakin to 'Dear Madam', 16 Mar. 1906, Archives of the Episcopal Church, Austin, Tex, Cuba scrapbook.
    • Grace M. Backhouse to Mary Backhouse, 30 June 1853, Backhouse papers; Hiram H. Hulse, 'The history of the Church in Cuba', Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church vi (June 1937), 249; George A. Leakin to 'Dear Madam', 16 Mar. 1906, Archives of the Episcopal Church, Austin, Tex, Cuba scrapbook.
  • 45
    • 85038741606 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For example, on 6 May 1869 the curate of Ponce baptised Matilde Luisa Belén Eckleman who was the daughter of Bernardo Eckleman and Enriqueta Luisa Van Ryhn; on 11 June 1869 he baptised Carlos Manuel Bonifacio Weichers who was the son of Jorge Federico Weichers and Ysabel Pieretty; on 26 July 1869 he baptised Tomás Antonio Oppenheimer who was the son of Guillermo Oppenheimer and Ana Salomons: books of baptisms of Ponce's Roman Catholic Church, microfilms at CIH.
    • For example, on 6 May 1869 the curate of Ponce baptised Matilde Luisa Belén Eckleman who was the daughter of Bernardo Eckleman and Enriqueta Luisa Van Ryhn; on 11 June 1869 he baptised Carlos Manuel Bonifacio Weichers who was the son of Jorge Federico Weichers and Ysabel Pieretty; on 26 July 1869 he baptised Tomás Antonio Oppenheimer who was the son of Guillermo Oppenheimer and Ana Salomons: books of baptisms of Ponce's Roman Catholic Church, microfilms at CIH.
  • 46
    • 85038691516 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Grace M. Backhouse to her mother-in-law, 3 Mar. 1854, Backhouse papers; baptismal entry of Gustavo Runge, 14 July 1858, book of baptisms, no. 3, Iglesia Salvador del Mundo, El Cerro, Havana; Revd E. Kenney's report of 1874 in Edward Kenney, Report of our mission in Cuba: October 1874-October 1877, Detroit 1878, 15; books of baptisms of Vieques's Roman Catholic Church, microfilms at CIH
    • Grace M. Backhouse to her mother-in-law, 3 Mar. 1854, Backhouse papers; baptismal entry of Gustavo Runge, 14 July 1858, book of baptisms, no. 3, Iglesia Salvador del Mundo, El Cerro, Havana; Revd E. Kenney's report of 1874 in Edward Kenney, Report of our mission in Cuba: October 1874-October 1877, Detroit 1878, 15; books of baptisms of Vieques's Roman Catholic Church, microfilms at CIH.
  • 48
    • 85038799636 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AHDASJ, justicia, procesos legales, papeles de extranjeros, leg. J-229; procesos legales, certificados de soltería, Ponce, leg. J-182.
    • AHDASJ, justicia, procesos legales, papeles de extranjeros, leg. J-229; procesos legales, certificados de soltería, Ponce, leg. J-182.
  • 49
    • 85038680209 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Lourdes Sampera González, 'Breve reseña: la parroquia el Salvador del Mundo del Cerro', file 6. 1. 1, Archivo del Museo del Cerro
    • Lourdes Sampera González, 'Breve reseña: la parroquia el Salvador del Mundo del Cerro', file 6. 1. 1, Archivo del Museo del Cerro.
  • 50
    • 85038722857 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See circular by Bishop Gil Esteve, 23 Dec. 1852, AHDASJ, gobierno, circulares. See also files in AHDASJ, justicia, procesos legales, certificados de soltería, legs. J-181, J-182; AALH, matrimonios ultramarinos.
    • See circular by Bishop Gil Esteve, 23 Dec. 1852, AHDASJ, gobierno, circulares. See also files in AHDASJ, justicia, procesos legales, certificados de soltería, legs. J-181, J-182; AALH, matrimonios ultramarinos.
  • 51
    • 85038748792 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Process of certification of bachelorhood and spinsterhood and Catholicity of Augusto Lion and Elena Catalina Salomons (1862); their witnesses were Bernardo Eckleman, Emilio Overman and Degetau. Roberto Graham and Ysabel Spense married Catholic, their witnesses being Tomás A. Dodd, William Lee and Jorge Finlay, all of whom swore that they were Catholics. On 18 Aug. 1868 Juan Hernán Van Rhyn and Juana Francisca Van Rhyn married with Catholic rites. Jorge Finlay and Emilia Francisca Van Rhyn went through the process of certification of bachelorhood and spinsterhood and Catholicity; his witnesses were Ramón Berartain, Juan Sullivan and Francisco Antonsanti; hers were Pedro Minvielle and James Gallagher.
    • Process of certification of bachelorhood and spinsterhood and Catholicity of Augusto Lion and Elena Catalina Salomons (1862); their witnesses were Bernardo Eckleman, Emilio Overman and Degetau. Roberto Graham and Ysabel Spense married Catholic, their witnesses being Tomás A. Dodd, William Lee and Jorge Finlay, all of whom swore that they were Catholics. On 18 Aug. 1868 Juan Hernán Van Rhyn and Juana Francisca Van Rhyn married with Catholic rites. Jorge Finlay and Emilia Francisca Van Rhyn went through the process of certification of bachelorhood and spinsterhood and Catholicity; his witnesses were Ramón Berartain, Juan Sullivan and Francisco Antonsanti; hers were Pedro Minvielle and James Gallagher. They married on 5 July 1866. Certification of bachelorhood and spinsterhood of Guillermo Oppenheimer and Ana María Salomons (1864): Carlos Juan Oppenheimer and Ana María Van Rhyn were married on 18 June 1865; Pedro Minvielle and James Gallagher testified on behalf of Emilia Francisca Van Rhyn; and Bernardo Eckleman served as witness for Jorge Federico Weichers (1862): books of marriages of Ponce's Roman Catholic Church, microfilms in CIH; AHDASJ, justicia, procesos legales, certificaciones de soltería, legs. J-181, J-182.
  • 52
    • 85038804075 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Books of marriages of the Roman Catholic Church of Vieques, microfilms in CIH; declaration of the Vieques curate (1851), papeles de Vieques, CIH, 820-1, 213.
    • Books of marriages of the Roman Catholic Church of Vieques, microfilms in CIH; declaration of the Vieques curate (1851), papeles de Vieques, CIH, 820-1, 213.
  • 53
    • 85038782722 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Kenney, Report of our mission, 12; Kenney to Whittingham, 25 Nov. 1873, MDA, Cuba, folder IV; Grace M. Backhouse to her mother-in-law, 3 Mar. 1854, Backhouse papers; marriage entry of Carolina Smith and Francisco Javier Molina y García, book of marriages no. 2, Iglesia Salvador del Mundo, El Cerro
    • Kenney, Report of our mission, 12; Kenney to Whittingham, 25 Nov. 1873, MDA, Cuba, folder IV; Grace M. Backhouse to her mother-in-law, 3 Mar. 1854, Backhouse papers; marriage entry of Carolina Smith and Francisco Javier Molina y García, book of marriages no. 2, Iglesia Salvador del Mundo, El Cerro.
  • 54
    • 85038716836 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Antonio de las Barras y Prado, Memoiras: La Habana a mediados del siglo xix, Madrid 1925, 84;
    • Antonio de las Barras y Prado, Memoiras: La Habana a mediados del siglo xix, Madrid 1925, 84;
  • 55
    • 85038758345 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • , My winter, 128; marriage records of All Saints' Church of St Thomas (microfilms at the Williams Library of St Croix)
    • [Woodruff], My winter, 128; marriage records of All Saints' Church of St Thomas (microfilms at the Williams Library of St Croix).
  • 56
    • 85038751811 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGPR, audiencia territorial, acuerdo real, box 34, exp. 19; curate of Vieques to the bishop of Puerto Rico, 12 Mar. 1857, AHDASJ, gobierno, correspondencia parroquia-obispo, Vieques, leg. G-29; books of marriage of the Dutch Reformed Church of Christiansted, St Croix (microfilms at the Williams Library of St Croix); Ramos, Prontuario, 313
    • AGPR, audiencia territorial, acuerdo real, box 34, exp. 19; curate of Vieques to the bishop of Puerto Rico, 12 Mar. 1857, AHDASJ, gobierno, correspondencia parroquia-obispo, Vieques, leg. G-29; books of marriage of the Dutch Reformed Church of Christiansted, St Croix (microfilms at the Williams Library of St Croix); Ramos, Prontuario, 313.
  • 58
    • 85038735033 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Roberto Marte, Cuba y la República Dominicana: transición económica en el Caribe del siglo xix, Santo Domingo [1988?], 191; Consul Robertson to William Marcy, 27 July 1854, NA, RG 5g, despatches from US consuls in Havana, microfilm roll T20, 28;
    • Roberto Marte, Cuba y la República Dominicana: transición económica en el Caribe del siglo xix, Santo Domingo [1988?], 191; Consul Robertson to William Marcy, 27 July 1854, NA, RG 5g, despatches from US consuls in Havana, microfilm roll T20, vol. 28;
  • 60
    • 85038667228 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • De Ronceray to William Cass, 3 Dec. 1860, US Department of State, Despachos consulares, 308
    • De Ronceray to William Cass, 3 Dec. 1860, US Department of State, Despachos consulares, 308.
  • 62
    • 85038803551 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • [William Henry Hurlbert], Gan-Eden: or, pictures of Cuba, Boston 1854, 136-7
    • [William Henry Hurlbert], Gan-Eden: or, pictures of Cuba, Boston 1854, 136-7.
  • 63
    • 79956615973 scopus 로고
    • Charleston, SG
    • Blythe to Cass, 20 July 1857, NA, despatches from US consuls in Havana, microfilm roll T20, vol. 36; George W. Williams, Sketches of travel in the old and new world, Charleston, SG 1871, 55;
    • (1871) Sketches of Travel in the Old and New World , pp. 55
    • Williams, G.W.1
  • 68
    • 85038785958 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Alexander Jourdan to William Seward, 2 June, 19 July 1866, US Department of State, Despachos consulares, 707, 719.
    • Alexander Jourdan to William Seward, 2 June, 19 July 1866, US Department of State, Despachos consulares, 707, 719.
  • 69
    • 85038680598 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Boletín Eclesiástico 1:19 (1 Oct. 1859), 219; Roura and Hernández to the bishop of Puerto Rico, 28 Apr. 1887, AHDASJ, justicia, procesos legales, validación de matrimonios, leg. J-218; book of baptisms no. 4, Iglesia Salvador del Mundo, El Cerro
    • Boletín Eclesiástico 1:19 (1 Oct. 1859), 219; Roura and Hernández to the bishop of Puerto Rico, 28 Apr. 1887, AHDASJ, justicia, procesos legales, validación de matrimonios, leg. J-218; book of baptisms no. 4, Iglesia Salvador del Mundo, El Cerro;
  • 70
    • 85038790029 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ramos, Panorama, 140; books of defunctions of Ponce's Roman Catholic Church (microfilms at CIH)
    • Ramos, Panorama, 140; books of defunctions of Ponce's Roman Catholic Church (microfilms at CIH).
  • 72
    • 85038656665 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Leví Marrero, Cuba: economía y sociedad, Madrid, 1971-92, xiv. 88; minutes on Protestant cemetery, 8 Nov. 1841; Ángel Cowley of la Junta Superior de Sanidad to the gobernador superior civil, 17 Feb. 1847; capitán pedáneo de San Lázaro to the captain general, 22 Dec. 1849, ANC, gobierno superior civil, leg. 744, exp. 25546; leg. 745, exp. 25568
    • Leví Marrero, Cuba: economía y sociedad, Madrid, 1971-92, xiv. 88; minutes on Protestant cemetery, 8 Nov. 1841; Ángel Cowley of la Junta Superior de Sanidad to the gobernador superior civil, 17 Feb. 1847; capitán pedáneo de San Lázaro to the captain general, 22 Dec. 1849, ANC, gobierno superior civil, leg. 744, exp. 25546; leg. 745, exp. 25568.
  • 73
    • 0042216448 scopus 로고
    • Philadelphia
    • David Turnbull to the captain-general of Cuba, 16 Sept. 1841, ANC, gobierno superior civil, leg. 744, exp. 25346; Richard J. Levis, Diary of a spring holiday in Cuba, Philadelphia 1872, 109.
    • (1872) Diary of A Spring Holiday in Cuba , pp. 109
    • Levis, R.J.1
  • 74
    • 85038699128 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Bishop Young, 'Cuba', Spirit of Missions xlix (October 1884), 486-7; governor of Matanzas to the curate of Matanzas, 15 Sept. 1841, AHPM, gobierno provincial, órden público y policía, leg. 74, exp. 8349.
    • Bishop Young, 'Cuba', Spirit of Missions xlix (October 1884), 486-7; governor of Matanzas to the curate of Matanzas, 15 Sept. 1841, AHPM, gobierno provincial, órden público y policía, leg. 74, exp. 8349.
  • 75
    • 85038748205 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Blythe to Cass, 20 July 1857, Belot to Charles Helm, 28 Apr. 1860, and Helm to Cass, 28 Apr. 1860, NA, RG 59, despatches from US consuls in Havana, microfilm rolls T20, vols 36, 40
    • Blythe to Cass, 20 July 1857, Belot to Charles Helm, 28 Apr. 1860, and Helm to Cass, 28 Apr. 1860, NA, RG 59, despatches from US consuls in Havana, microfilm rolls T20, vols 36, 40.
  • 76
    • 85038782732 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Acting consul Jourdan to Seward, 27 July 1854, NA, RG 84, San Juan, 7228; George Coggeshall, Voyages to various parts of the world made between the years 1800 and 1831, New York 1853, 144-5; AHMP, leg. 35, exp. 14.
    • Acting consul Jourdan to Seward, 27 July 1854, NA, RG 84, San Juan, vol. 7228; George Coggeshall, Voyages to various parts of the world made between the years 1800 and 1831, New York 1853, 144-5; AHMP, leg. 35, exp. 14.
  • 77
    • 85038702092 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Asiento de difuntos protestantes en la isla de Vieques desde I de septiembre de 1845, registro del gobernador de Vieques, 1838-45, CIH, 4, copy in AHV; budget for the Vieques government, 1879-80, AGPR, Vieques, box 5, exp. 41A.
    • Asiento de difuntos protestantes en la isla de Vieques desde I de septiembre de 1845, registro del gobernador de Vieques, 1838-45, CIH, vol. 4, copy in AHV; budget for the Vieques government, 1879-80, AGPR, Vieques, box 5, exp. 41A.

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