Question juive
ed. G. Labica and G. Bensusan, new ed. (Paris)
On this point, I refer the reader to the excellent synthesis of G. Bensusan, "Question juive," in Dictionnaire critique du marxisme, ed. G. Labica and G. Bensusan, new ed. (Paris, 2003).
Dictionnaire Critique du Marxisme
Bensusan, G.1
On the Jewish Question (hereafter JQ)
New York: International Publishers
Karl Marx, On the Jewish Question (hereafter JQ), in Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works, vol. 3 (New York: International Publishers, 1975), 162. Unless otherwise stated, emphasis in all quotes is in the original.
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works
, vol.3
, pp. 162
Marx, K.1
(hereafter MEW r)
For the original German, see Marx Engels Werke, vol. 1 (hereafter MEW r), 363-64.
Marx Engels Werke
, vol.1
, pp. 363-364
JQ 164
JQ 164, MEW 1:366.
, vol.1
, pp. 366
JQ 163, 1:365. Even Rousseau (as Marx emphasizes later in On the Jewish Question), despite his conception of a "civil liberty" that entails not the loss of "natural liberty" but rather the production of a new freedom based on the entire alienation of the individual forces of all those who found the political association, remains a prisoner of this model of liberty-independence.
, vol.163
, Issue.1
, pp. 365
ed. G. Labica [Paris: Presses Universitaires de France
This suspicion nonetheless remains that this "essence" itself functions on the mode of a nature, of an original given altered by the atomism of bourgeois society, which "human emancipation" serves to reestablish. These ambiguities led Marx later (in the sixth thesis on Feuerbach) to repudiate explicitly the concept of "species" and of "generic essence" as "internal, mute universality binding the numerous individuals in a natural fashion" (from Karl Marx: Les thèses sur Feuerbach, ed. G. Labica [Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1897], 22).
Les Thèses sur Feuerbach
, pp. 22
Marx, K.1
Marx: La tradition libérale et le concept universel de l'homme
On this question, see D. Losurdo, "Marx: La tradition libérale et le concept universel de l'homme," Actuel Marx, no. 5 (1989): 17-31;
Actuel Marx
, Issue.5
, pp. 17-31
Losurdo, D.1
La construction du concept universel de l'homme: De la tradition libérale à la Révolution française
ed. B. Bourgeois and J. d'Hondt (Paris: Vrin)
and Losurdo, "La construction du concept universel de l'homme: De la tradition libérale à la Révolution française," in La philosophie et la Révolution française, ed. B. Bourgeois and J. d'Hondt (Paris: Vrin, 1993), 49-58.
La Philosophie et la Révolution Française
, pp. 49-58
Geneva: Droz
Quoted in R. Zapperi, introduction to E. Sieyès, Qu'est-ce que le Tiers Etat? (Geneva: Droz, 1970), 46. Sieyès even envisaged, in absolute seriousness, the perfection, through successive crossings, of a new "race" of "anthropomorphic monkeys" destined to be "slaves," alongside the race of "negroes," serving as "auxiliary instruments of labor," and of a "race" of "chiefs of production," composed exclusively of "whites" (ibid., 11).
Introduction to E. Sieyès, qu'Est-ce Que le Tiers Etat?
, pp. 46
Zapperi, R.1
Paris: Gallimard
Cf. G. Fraisse, Muse de la Raison: Démocratie et exclusion des femmes en France (Paris: Gallimard, 1995). Fraisse correctly emphasizes that "it can be said that equality is true in theory and false in practice, but the procedure is in fact more perverse, because theory itself bears inequality, the possibility of subordinating women" (286); she concludes that "the Declaration of the Rights of Man is not contradictory with exclusion" (330).
Muse de la Raison: Démocratie et Exclusion des Femmes en France
Fraisse, G.1
Paris: Kimé
A. Tosel, Démocratie et liberalismes (Paris: Kimé, 1995), 20-26. This principle is "hidden" not because the utterances of the exclusion remain implicit (on the contrary, we have seen that they are clearly affirmed) but because they are situated at another level of the discourse, one that is more "empirical," or "concrete," leaving formally intact the primary utterance that was supposed to "subsume" them from the heights of its impassive universality. Thus the fragmented, proliferating, and finally instable character of this particular type of utterance.
Démocratie et Liberalismes
, pp. 20-26
Tosel, A.1
Paris: Gallimard
See esp. "Sur le lieu commun: Il se peut que ce soit juste en théorie, mais, en pratique, cela ne vaut point," in E. Kant, Oeuvres philosophiques, vol. 3 (Paris: Gallimard, 1986), cf. esp. 275-78, an eloquent plea for the exclusion from citizenship of women, minors, and all those who sell their force of labor (operaii).
Oeuvres Philosophiques
, vol.3
, pp. 275-278
Kant, E.1
JQ 166
"The political révolution thereby abolished [hob ...auf] the political character of civil society [bürgerliche Gesellschaft]. It broke up civil society into its simple component parts; on the one hand, the individuals; on the other hand, the material and spiritual elements constituting the content of the life and civil position of these individuals." JQ 166, MEW 1.368.
Paris: Galilée
J. Rancière suggestively renders this dialectic of the universal by defining the political as an "institution on behalf of those with no share" [institution de la part des sans part], whose irruption reveals the contingency of any social order (the management, the counting, of which defines the "police" for Rancière) that affirms itself as the all, the singular universal that is born, in the polemical mode, of the fundamental wrong, the exclusion ofz the "uncounted." Cf. Rancière, La mésentente (Paris: Galilée, 1995). No doubt, but on the condition that we not oppose (as Rancière does) symbolic exclusion and social determinations - or, in other words, "politics" and "police" - in order to illuminate the "politicity" of the "police" itself.
La Mésentente
The German Ideology
Karl Marx, New York: International Publishers
K. Marx and F. Engels, The German Ideology, in Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works, vol. 5 (New York: International Publishers, 1975), 320.
Frederick Engels: Collected Works
, vol.5
, pp. 320
Marx, K.1
Engels, F.2
The Class Struggles in France, 1848-1850
Karl Marx, (New York: International Publishers)
Cf. K. Marx, The Class Struggles in France, 1848-1850, in Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works, vol. 10 (New York: International Publishers, 1975), 77-78. "Behind the right to work stands power over capital; behind the power over capital, the appropriation of the means of production, their subordination to the associated working class and, therefore, the elimination of wage labor, of capital and of their mutual relations. Behind the 'right to work' stood the June insurrection" (78).
Frederick Engels: Collected Works
, vol.10
, pp. 77-78
Marx, K.1
Contrary to what is often claimed, it is under this formulation that the right to work figures in the preamble to the French constitution of 1946, confirmed in 1958, where it appears, furthermore, not as an unconditional right but as counterweight to the duty to work
Contrary to what is often claimed, it is under this formulation that the right to work figures in the preamble to the French constitution of 1946, confirmed in 1958, where it appears, furthermore, not as an unconditional right but as counterweight to the "duty" to work.
Objection in his stimulating study Marx et la critique de l'égalité politique
This is S. Petrucciani's objection in his stimulating study "Marx et la critique de l'égalité politique," Actuel Marx, no. 8 (1990): 67-86.
Actuel Marx
, Issue.8
, pp. 67-86
Petrucciani, S.1