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Volumn 112, Issue 50, 2008, Pages 13066-13079

Silabutadienes. Internal Rotations and π-Conjugation. A Density Functional Theory Study

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EID: 58149173948     PISSN: 10895639     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1021/jp803837h     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (19)

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    • The significantly larger radial extension of 3p(Si) orbital relative to that of 2p(C) orbital1i, 31b leads to the following trend in p-orbital overlap (S, 3p(Si)-3p(Si) > 3p(Si)-2p(C) > 2p(C)-2p(C, at the same bond distances, e.g, the 3p(Si)-3p(Si) atomic orbital overlap (S(AO, in 6 and the 2p(C)-2p(C) S(AO) in 5 are 0.380 and 0.203, respectively (at B3LYP/STO-3G, constraining the Si-Si bond length in 6 to 1.427 Å, which is the optimized C-C bond length in 5, However, in optimized 6, r(Si-Si, 2.298 Å, and the 3p(Si)-3p(Si) S(AO) drops significantly to 0.102, leading to a smaller internal rotation barrier in 6 in comparison to 5, The above mentioned trend in S(AO) is also obtained in the calculated p(M1)-p(M2) S(AO) in H 2M1=M2H2 (C2h symmetry, at rM1=M2, 2.14 Á, Thus, for M 1=M
    • 1g The conclusion from these data is that the central dienic single bond length is the major factor that controls the internal rotation barrier. The inherent trend of S(AO) at a particular bond distance is actually opposite to the observed trend in the internal rotation barriers, and the conclusion therefore is that it is overridden by other factors, (b) Kutzelnigg, W. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl. 1984, 23, 272.
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    • ab* in 6 at r(Si-Si) constrained to 1.427 Å are 46.8 kcal/mol and 0.089 hartree, respectively (B3LYP/6-311+G(d, p)), significantly larger than the values for 5 at rC-C) = 1.427 Å and in marked contrast to the trend calculated bv using the longer optimized r(Si-Si) of 2.298 Å in 6 (Table 4).
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    • π-Conjugation energy of 8.6 kcal/mol was measured experimentally4011 for 1, 3-butadiene from the difference between the experimental heat of hydrogenation of 1, 3-butadiene of-57.1 kcal/mol 39 and that of two molecules of ethylene which lack resonance stabilization (ΔHexp, 65.739, Taking into account the two protobranching 1-3-interactions of ca. 2.8 kcal/mol each, 38 which stabilizes n-butane, the hydrogenation product of 1.3-butadiene, leads to a π-conjugation energy of 14.2 kcal/mol. This value is in good agreement with the resonance energy calculated by bond separation energies (BSE, see also ref 38) and with the VRE (14.4 kcal/mol, Table 6, but it is significantly smaller than that calculated by using the NBO method (27.5 kcal/mol, The π-conjugation energies calculated for 1, 3-butadiene by using the energy decomposition analysis (EDA) is 19.5 kcal/mol.11 (b)Mo, Y J. Chem. Phys
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