We see a corresponding concern over American children and youth in the United States during the Cold War
We see a corresponding concern over American children and youth in the United States during the Cold War.
Women Workers at Play: The Portrayal of Leisure in the Magazine Rabotnitsa in the First Two Decades of Soviet Power
ed. M. Ilich Palgrave
L. Attwood, "Women Workers at Play: the Portrayal of Leisure in the Magazine Rabotnitsa in the First Two Decades of Soviet Power," in Women in the Stalin Era, ed. M. Ilich (Palgrave, 2001), 40-43.
Women in the Stalin Era
, pp. 40-43
Attwood, L.1
Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Sotsial'no-Politicheskoi Istorii (RGASPI), f. M-1, op. 23, d. 443, l. 35.
Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Sotsial'no-Politicheskoi Istorii (RGASPI), f. M-1, op. 23, d. 443, l. 35.
RGASPI, f. 17, op. 114, d. 346, l. 196.
RGASPI, f. 17, op. 114, d. 346, l. 196.
Tsentral'nyi Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Sankt-Peterburga (TsGA SPb), f. 5039, op. 1, d. 15, l. 26. The idea of a successful marriage as a way to escape joining the labor force was seen as dangerously contrary to the proper outlook of a builder of socialism.
Tsentral'nyi Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Sankt-Peterburga (TsGA SPb), f. 5039, op. 1, d. 15, l. 26. The idea of a "successful marriage" as a way to escape joining the labor force was seen as dangerously contrary to the proper outlook of a builder of socialism.
See, for example, Seksual'naia revoliutsiia 20-kh godov, in S. I. Golod, XX vek I tendentsii seksual'nykh otnoshenli v Rossii (St. Petersburg, 1996);
See, for example, "Seksual'naia revoliutsiia 20-kh godov," in S. I. Golod, XX vek I tendentsii seksual'nykh otnoshenli v Rossii (St. Petersburg, 1996);
E. Naiman, Sex in Public: The incarnation of Early Soviet Ideology (Princeton UP, 1997);
E. Naiman, Sex in Public: The incarnation of Early Soviet Ideology (Princeton UP, 1997);
Sex and Revolution: An Examination of Literary and Statistical Data on the Mores of Soviet Students in the 1920s
S. Fitzpatrick, "Sex and Revolution: An Examination of Literary and Statistical Data on the Mores of Soviet Students in the 1920s," JMH, Vol. 50, no. 2 (June 1978), pp. 252-278;
, vol.50
, Issue.2
, pp. 252-278
Fitzpatrick, S.1
Komsomol - Communist Youth League - an organization entrusted by the Communist party in 1922 with supervision over the Young Pioneers.
Komsomol - Communist Youth League - an organization entrusted by the Communist party in 1922 with supervision over the Young Pioneers.
RGASPI, f. M-1, op. 23, d. 454, ll. 24-25.
RGASPI, f. M-1, op. 23, d. 454, ll. 24-25.
RGASPI, f. M-1, op. 23, d. 882, l. 73.
RGASPI, f. M-1, op. 23, d. 882, l. 73.
Teenage Sexuality in Nazi Germany
Similarly, parents blamed youth organizations in Nazi Germany for corrupting their children and providing them with an opportunity to defy their parents, stay out late, and mix with members of the opposite sex. See, January
Similarly, parents blamed youth organizations in Nazi Germany for corrupting their children and providing them with an opportunity to defy their parents, stay out late, and mix with members of the opposite sex. See R. Waite, "Teenage Sexuality in Nazi Germany," in Journal of the History of Sexuality, Vol. 8, no. 3 (January 1998), 447;
Journal of the History of Sexuality
, vol.8
, Issue.3
, pp. 447
Waite, R.1
RGASPI, f. M-1, op. 23, d. 446.
RGASPI, f. M-1, op. 23, d. 446.
Lebina, 275
Lebina, 275.
See also, Cambridge University Press
See also, W. Goldman, Women, the State, and Revolution: Soviet Family Policy and Social Life, 1917-1936 (Cambridge University Press, 1993).
Women, the State, and Revolution: Soviet Family Policy and Social Life, 1917-1936
Goldman, W.1
Moscow, 29. The idea of abstinence and of channeling sexual energy into political work was also heavily promoted in the
T. G. Kiseleva, Zhenshchina i sem'ia v posleoktiabr'skii period (Moscow, 1995), 29. The idea of abstinence and of channeling sexual energy into political work was also heavily promoted in the 1920s.
Zhenshchina i sem'ia v posleoktiabr'skii period
Kiseleva, T.G.1
K voprosu o polovom vospitanii
Shul'gin, "K voprosu o polovom vospitanii," in Na putiakh k novoi shkole (1928), no. 12: 39;
Na putiakh k novoi shkole
, Issue.12
, pp. 39
5039, op. 3, d. 27
TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 3, d. 27.
TsGA SPb, F.1
Recent scholarship points to the fact that perception of child sexuality as normal and healthy was a relatively new concept in the United States in the 1920s-1930s, although this normalization was conditional and limited, Hawkes and Egan, Developing the Sexual Child, 1, 25
Recent scholarship points to the fact that perception of child sexuality as normal and healthy was a relatively new concept in the United States in the 1920s-1930s, although this normalization was "conditional and limited." (Hawkes and Egan, "Developing the Sexual Child," 1, 25)
At the same time, anxieties over sexualization of children were clearly articulated in the first decades of the twentieth century, Hawkes and Egan, Developing the Sexual Child, 7, 30n10
At the same time, anxieties over sexualization of children were "clearly articulated in the first decades of the twentieth century." (Hawkes and Egan, "Developing the Sexual Child," 7, 30n10)
5039, op. 3, d. 1
TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 3, d. 1.
TsGA SPb, F.1
The Soviets were not unique in viewing sexual and moral concerns in political terms. Nazi Germany makes for a good comparison (Waite, 474), but even in non-authoritarian regimes, the moral panic over the perceived or actual sexual practices of young people had important political and policy consequences.
The Soviets were not unique in viewing sexual and moral concerns in political terms. Nazi Germany makes for a good comparison (Waite, 474), but even in non-authoritarian regimes, the moral panic over the perceived or actual sexual practices of young people had important political and policy consequences.
TsGA IPD SPb, f. 24, op. 11, d. 20.
TsGA IPD SPb, f. 24, op. 11, d. 20.
5039, op. 3, d. 410, l. 63
TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 3, d. 410, l. 63.
TsGA SPb, F.1
TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 1, d. 15, ll. 48-51, 57-58.
TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 1, d. 15, ll. 48-51, 57-58.
TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 1, d. 21, l. 56ob. The standardization of the formulation in the different reports is also striking. From what we can gather from diaries of young people, notice from school officials would be the kiss of death for any budding relationship.
TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 1, d. 21, l. 56ob. The standardization of the formulation in the different reports is also striking. From what we can gather from diaries of young people, notice from school officials would be the "kiss of death" for any budding relationship.
RGASPI, f. 77, op. 1, d. 583,
RGASPI, f. 77, op. 1, d. 583,
TsGA SPb, f. 7384, op. 18, d. 863,
TsGA SPb, f. 7384, op. 18, d. 863,
RGASPI, f. 17, op. 120, d. 237.
RGASPI, f. 17, op. 120, d. 237.
5039, op. 1, d. 15, l. 238
TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 1, d. 15, l. 238.
TsGA SPb, F.1
TsGA SPb, f. 7384, op. 18, d. 863, l. 14.
TsGA SPb, f. 7384, op. 18, d. 863, l. 14.
I discuss the problems with the Soviet educational system in my dissertation Growing Up Soviet: Childhood in the Soviet Union, 1918-1958.
I discuss the problems with the Soviet educational system in my dissertation "Growing Up Soviet: Childhood in the Soviet Union, 1918-1958."
Part of History: The Oral Record and Moscow's Model School no. 25, 1931-1937
See, for example, Summer
See, for example, L. Holmes, "Part of History: The Oral Record and Moscow's Model School no. 25, 1931-1937," Slavic Review, Volume 56, Issue 2, Summer 1997: 294.
Slavic Review
, vol.56
, Issue.2
, pp. 294
Holmes, L.1
5039, op. 1, d. 15, l. 40
TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 1, d. 15, l. 40.
TsGA SPb, F.1
TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 3, d. 77, ll. 61ob-63ob.
TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 3, d. 77, ll. 61ob-63ob.
Lebina, 275
Lebina, 275.
Sexual education and information on such things as birth control was not available for Soviet adults either. (Lebina, 285) A rare attempt to make information about menstruation available to girls was cut from the original manuscript. See RGALI, f. 630, op. l, d. 1878, ll. 98-99.
Sexual education and information on such things as birth control was not available for Soviet adults either. (Lebina, 285) A rare attempt to make information about menstruation available to girls was cut from the original manuscript. See RGALI, f. 630, op. l, d. 1878, ll. 98-99.
In studies conducted during the late 1920s, one frequently encounters triumphant statements about children and young people expressing no interest in sexual and erotic matters as a sign of progress. R. G. Vilenkina, K kharakteristike nastroenii rabochego podrostka, in Pedologiia (1930), no. 1: 95-97;
In studies conducted during the late 1920s, one frequently encounters triumphant statements about children and young people expressing no interest in sexual and erotic matters as a sign of progress. R. G. Vilenkina, "K kharakteristike nastroenii rabochego podrostka," in Pedologiia (1930), no. 1: 95-97;
Razvedka v oblast' interesov shkol'nikov vtoroi stupeni
A. K. Montelli, "Razvedka v oblast' interesov shkol'nikov vtoroi stupeni," in Pedologiia (1930), no. 1: 111, 117-118.
, vol.111
, Issue.1
, pp. 117-118
Montelli, A.K.1
Original article - Soviet Pedagogy (1939), no. 6;
Original article - Soviet Pedagogy (1939), no. 6;
Material dlia besed s uchashchimlsla o llchnoi gigiene i vzalmootnoshenilakh polov
L. V. Plsareva, "Material dlia besed s uchashchimlsla o llchnoi gigiene i vzalmootnoshenilakh polov," Soviet Pedagogy (1941), no. 1: 65-77.
Soviet Pedagogy
, Issue.1
, pp. 65-77
Plsareva, L.V.1
The emphasis on the moral dimension of sex education in the Soviet Union was similar to projects regarding sex instruction in the United States during this time, Hawkes and Egan, Childhood Sexuality, 15
The emphasis on the moral dimension of sex education in the Soviet Union was similar to projects regarding sex instruction in the United States during this time. (Hawkes and Egan, "Childhood Sexuality," 15)
Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Rossiiskoi Federatsii (GARF), f. A-2306, op. 69, d. 2673, ll. 84-87.
Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Rossiiskoi Federatsii (GARF), f. A-2306, op. 69, d. 2673, ll. 84-87.
RGASPI, f. M-1, op. 23, d. 1473, l. 4.
RGASPI, f. M-1, op. 23, d. 1473, l. 4.
Though the decree was passed in 1943 and has been viewed as a wartime measure, its passing was actually delayed by Germany's invasion in June 1941. The implementation of this decree and its significance is discussed in greater detail in my dissertation
Though the decree was passed in 1943 and has been viewed as a wartime measure, its passing was actually delayed by Germany's invasion in June 1941. The implementation of this decree and its significance is discussed in greater detail in my dissertation.
Gorsuch, 185
Gorsuch, 185.
The shift from a sociological to a biological discourse occurred not only with gender, but with ethnicity during the same period. For the significance of the shift from sociological to biological, see A. Weiner, Nature, Nurture, and Memory in a Socialist Utopia: Delineating the Soviet Socio-Ethnic Body in the Age of Socialism. AHR, 104, No. 4 (October, 1999): 1114-1155.
The shift from a sociological to a biological discourse occurred not only with gender, but with ethnicity during the same period. For the significance of the shift from sociological to biological, see A. Weiner, "Nature, Nurture, and Memory in a Socialist Utopia: Delineating the Soviet Socio-Ethnic Body in the Age of Socialism." AHR, Vol. 104, No. 4 (October, 1999): 1114-1155.
Soviet Pedagogy (1943), no. 5-6: 6; (1944), no. 4: 10-11. Sexual hygiene appeared to be the purview of young women only.
Soviet Pedagogy (1943), no. 5-6: 6; (1944), no. 4: 10-11. Sexual hygiene appeared to be the purview of young women only.
GARF, f. 5446, op. 44, d. 1088, l. 28.
GARF, f. 5446, op. 44, d. 1088, l. 28.
Once it was deemed improper to have boys and girls mixing in the classroom of major urban areas, the implementation reports proved to be at times tragicomical. For example, the 1943 report on the Leningrad (a city under siege by the German Army since 1941 and recovering from a siege-related famine that wiped out almost a million inhabitants of the city) school network, admitted that severe artillery bombardment forced officials to reunite a boys' and girls' school in one building. The report hastened to add, however, that the premises of each school are totally isolated, they have separate entrances, so that the boys and girls do not come into contact with each other. (TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 3, d. 594, l. 93.)
Once it was deemed improper to have boys and girls mixing in the classroom of major urban areas, the implementation reports proved to be at times tragicomical. For example, the 1943 report on the Leningrad (a city under siege by the German Army since 1941 and recovering from a siege-related famine that wiped out almost a million inhabitants of the city) school network, admitted that severe artillery bombardment forced officials to reunite a boys' and girls' school in one building. The report hastened to add, however, that "the premises of each school are totally isolated, they have separate entrances, so that the boys and girls do not come into contact with each other." (TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 3, d. 594, l. 93.)
GARF, f. 5446, op. 44, d. 1088, l. 24.
GARF, f. 5446, op. 44, d. 1088, l. 24.
Ibid., l. 23.
, vol.50
, pp. 23
Ibid., ll. 29-28.
, vol.100
, pp. 29-28
Ibid., ll. 25-24.
, vol.100
, pp. 25-24
GARF, f. A-2306, op. 69, d. 2954, l. 24.
GARF, f. A-2306, op. 69, d. 2954, l. 24.
RGASPI, f. 17, op. 125, d. 181, l. 52;
RGASPI, f. 17, op. 125, d. 181, l. 52;
GARF, f. A-2306, op. 69, d. 2952, l. 66.
GARF, f. A-2306, op. 69, d. 2952, l. 66.
GARF, f. A-2306, op. 69, d. 2957, l. 7;
GARF, f. A-2306, op. 69, d. 2957, l. 7;
5039, op. 3, d. 594, l. 94
TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 3, d. 594, l. 94.
TsGA SPb, F.1
TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 3, d. 594, ll. 94ob-96.
TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 3, d. 594, ll. 94ob-96.
Such extracurricular projects seemed to have been the norm in the early post-decree period. See, also Moskva poslevoennaia, 1945-1947. Arkhivnye dokumenty i materialy (Moscow: Mosgorarkhiv, 2000), 602.
Such extracurricular projects seemed to have been the norm in the early post-decree period. See, also Moskva poslevoennaia, 1945-1947. Arkhivnye dokumenty i materialy (Moscow: "Mosgorarkhiv," 2000), 602.
TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 3, d. 594, ll. 96-97. The obsession with female modesty is also an important component of many religious models of proper femininity. But even in a non-religious model of proper female sexual behavior, the emphasis on modesty is present.
TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 3, d. 594, ll. 96-97. The obsession with female modesty is also an important component of many religious models of proper femininity. But even in a non-religious model of proper female sexual behavior, the emphasis on modesty is present.
It is important to note that a number of additional variables contributed to the violent and unstable environment in the boys' schools overcrowding, high student-teacher ratio, and the score of health and development problems that were not being addressed
It is important to note that a number of additional variables contributed to the violent and unstable environment in the boys' schools (overcrowding, high student-teacher ratio, and the score of health and development problems that were not being addressed).
5039, op. 3, d. 815
TsGA SPb, f. 5039, op. 3, d. 815.
TsGA SPb, F.1
TsGA IPD SPb, f. K-598, op. 11, d. 301.
TsGA IPD SPb, f. K-598, op. 11, d. 301.
Poverty and attractive appearance were also seen as having potential to lead a girl into trouble. (RGASPI, f. M-1, op. 5, d. 349).
Poverty and attractive appearance were also seen as having potential to lead a girl into trouble. (RGASPI, f. M-1, op. 5, d. 349).
RGASPI, f. M-1, op. 32, d. 704.
RGASPI, f. M-1, op. 32, d. 704.
RGASPI, f. M-1, op. 5, d. 481.
RGASPI, f. M-1, op. 5, d. 481.
For descriptions of improper boy-girl relationships, see TsGA IPD SPb, f. 24, op. 46, d. 39, ll. 2-3.
For descriptions of improper boy-girl relationships, see TsGA IPD SPb, f. 24, op. 46, d. 39, ll. 2-3.
GARF, f. A-2306, op. 71, d. 721, l. 20.
GARF, f. A-2306, op. 71, d. 721, l. 20.
It appears that pornography referred to dirty notes and dirty pictures, whether hand-drawn or procured on the street
It appears that "pornography" referred to "dirty" notes and "dirty" pictures, whether hand-drawn or "procured" on the "street."
Ibid., l. 43.
, vol.50
, pp. 43
Ibid., ll. 50-51.
, vol.100
, pp. 50-51
For example, the publication of Alfred Kinsey's Sexual Behavior in the Human Female in September 1953 in the United States, with its assertion that women were no less sexual than men, evoked a great deal of concern.
For example, the publication of Alfred Kinsey's "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female" in September 1953 in the United States, with its assertion that women were no less sexual than men, evoked a great deal of concern.
One could not expect a Stalinist policy to be reversed as long as he was alive, even if he lost interest in it. The process and its significance is discussed in my dissertation
One could not expect a Stalinist policy to be reversed as long as he was alive, even if he lost interest in it. The process and its significance is discussed in my dissertation.
GARF, f. A-2306, op. 72, d. 3680, ll. 37-43.
GARF, f. A-2306, op. 72, d. 3680, ll. 37-43.
6 August
Literary Gazette, 6 August 1953, p. 4.
Literary Gazette
, pp. 4
RGASPI, f. M-1, op. 5, d. 559, l. 5
RGASPI, f. M-1, op. 5, d. 559, l. 5.
GARF, f. A-2306, op. 72, d. 3680, ll. 7-9.
GARF, f. A-2306, op. 72, d. 3680, ll. 7-9.
RGASPI, f. M-1, op. 5, d. 559, l. 39. Similar sentiments were expressed on the eve of the war as well. Kon notes that after Stalin's death, the official attitude towards sexuality went from brutal suppression to awkward taming.
RGASPI, f. M-1, op. 5, d. 559, l. 39. Similar sentiments were expressed on the eve of the war as well. Kon notes that after Stalin's death, the official attitude towards sexuality went from "brutal suppression" to "awkward taming."
For an example of improper attitude by teachers towards boy-girl friendships in Literary Gazette, 21 October 1954, p. 1.
For an example of improper attitude by teachers towards boy-girl friendships in Literary Gazette, 21 October 1954, p. 1.
Cultural Codes of the Thaw
For a discussion of the thaw, see, Ed. W. Taubman, S. Khrushchev and A. Gleason Yale University Press, The critical approach to certain aspects of Soviet life did not end the desire to control and root out manifestations of youth sexuality by most of the educators
For a discussion of the thaw, see N. Condee, "Cultural Codes of the Thaw," in Nikita Khrushchev. Ed. W. Taubman, S. Khrushchev and A. Gleason (Yale University Press, 2000). The critical approach to certain aspects of Soviet life did not end the desire to control and root out manifestations of youth sexuality by most of the educators.
Nikita Khrushchev
Condee, N.1
We end up with a somewhat paradoxical situation, whereas in the West there existed a sexual discourse about shaping the future (Hawkes and Egan, Childhood Sexuality, 3), the Soviet Union managed to conceptualize the future without sex.
We end up with a somewhat paradoxical situation, whereas in the West there existed a sexual discourse about shaping the future (Hawkes and Egan, "Childhood Sexuality," 3), the Soviet Union managed to conceptualize the future without sex.
Lebina, 288
Lebina, 288.
One interesting consequences of the de-sexualizing of Soviet girls is the introduction of school uniforms that remained the say through the Soviet period. It becomes quite noticeable when one looks at photographs of schoolgirls over time. A photograph in 1951 in magazine Rabotnitsa depicting a group of girls at a museum outing, could have just as well been taken in 1981, the uniform styles and hair styles remained frozen in time. One contemporary artist (Dasha Fursey) appears to be dealing with the desexualization of the Pioneer girl figure. In her works, she takes the standard images of Pioneer girls and fills them with sexual Images
One interesting consequences of the de-sexualizing of Soviet girls is the introduction of school uniforms that remained the say through the Soviet period. It becomes quite noticeable when one looks at photographs of schoolgirls over time. A photograph in 1951 in magazine Rabotnitsa depicting a group of girls at a museum outing, could have just as well been taken in 1981 - the uniform styles and hair styles remained frozen in time. One contemporary artist (Dasha Fursey) appears to be dealing with the desexualization of the Pioneer girl figure. In her works, she takes the standard images of Pioneer girls and fills them with sexual Images.
Lebina, 276
Lebina, 276.
E. Weil, Teaching Boys and Girls Separately, NYT March 2, 2008.
E. Weil, "Teaching Boys and Girls Separately," NYT March 2, 2008.
While the 1960s saw the publication of the first serious article about sexuality in Soviet Pedagogy, sex education did not appear in the Soviet Union until the 1980s, Kon, Polovala moral' v svete sotsiologii, Soviet Pedagogy, 1966, no. 12: 64-77
While the 1960s saw the publication of the first serious article about sexuality in Soviet Pedagogy, sex education did not appear in the Soviet Union until the 1980s. (Kon, "Polovala moral' v svete sotsiologii," Soviet Pedagogy, 1966, no. 12: 64-77).