From the poem 'A Calm Day' by Basil Dowling; reprinted in V. Strauss and I. Jasch (eds.), Basil Dowling: Selected Poems (Vienna: Global Vision, 2004).
From the poem 'A Calm Day' by Basil Dowling; reprinted in V. Strauss and I. Jasch (eds.), Basil Dowling: Selected Poems (Vienna: Global Vision, 2004).
Ministry for the Environment, 'Coastal Hazards and Climate Change: A guidance manual for local government in New Zealand' (online version 2008) http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/climate/coastal-hazards-may04/html/p age4. html (18 May 2008).
Ministry for the Environment, 'Coastal Hazards and Climate Change: A guidance manual for local government in New Zealand' (online version 2008) http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/climate/coastal-hazards-may04/html/page4. html (18 May 2008).
How Vulnerable is New Zealand to the Impacts of Climate Change?
Blair Fitzharris, 'How Vulnerable is New Zealand to the Impacts of Climate Change?', New Zealand Geographer, No. 6, 2007, pp. 160-168.
New Zealand Geographer
, Issue.6
, pp. 160-168
Fitzharris, B.1
K.B. Hennessy and B.C. Fitzharris, et.al., 'Australia and New Zealand Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment', in M.C. Parry et.al. (eds.), Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 515-516.
K.B. Hennessy and B.C. Fitzharris, et.al., 'Australia and New Zealand Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment', in M.C. Parry et.al. (eds.), Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 515-516.
Hennessy and Fitzharris et al., 'Australia and New Zealand 2007', p. 528.
Hennessy and Fitzharris et al., 'Australia and New Zealand 2007', p. 528.
Hennessy and Fitzharris et al., 'Australia and New Zealand 2007', p. 511.
Hennessy and Fitzharris et al., 'Australia and New Zealand 2007', p. 511.
One hundred and fifty homes were evacuated following the July 2007 floods in Northland, many uninsured. See the Civil Defense Advisory for the Far North District Council, 19 July 2007 http://www.fndc.govt.nz/mediareleases/2007/ imr070719civildefencemediaadvisory.asp (20 May 2008).
One hundred and fifty homes were evacuated following the July 2007 floods in Northland, many uninsured. See the Civil Defense Advisory for the Far North District Council, 19 July 2007 http://www.fndc.govt.nz/mediareleases/2007/ imr070719civildefencemediaadvisory.asp (20 May 2008).
Hennessy and Fitzharris et al., 'Australia and New Zealand 2007', p. 523.
Hennessy and Fitzharris et al., 'Australia and New Zealand 2007', p. 523.
Wellington; The Portrayal of Maori and te Ao Maori in Broadcasting; the Foreshore and Sea Bed Issue (Wellington: Broadcasting Standards Authority 2005) and see Catherine Lane West-Newman
See for example: Media Research Team, University of Victoria
See for example: Media Research Team, University of Victoria, Wellington; The Portrayal of Maori and te Ao Maori in Broadcasting; the Foreshore and Sea Bed Issue (Wellington: Broadcasting Standards Authority 2005) and see Catherine Lane West-Newman, 'Beach Crisis: Law and Love of Place' Space and Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 (2008), pp. 160-175.
Beach Crisis: Law and Love of Place' Space and Culture
, vol.11
, Issue.2
, pp. 160-175
On the Rocks: New Zealand Coastal Bach Landscape and the Case of Rangitoto Island
Robin Keans and Damian Collins 'On the Rocks: New Zealand Coastal Bach Landscape and the Case of Rangitoto Island', New Zealand Geographer, Vol. 3, No. 62 (2006), pp. 227-235.
New Zealand Geographer
, vol.3
, Issue.62
, pp. 227-235
Keans, R.1
Collins, D.2
New Zealand Climate Change
New Zealand Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Wellington: Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
New Zealand Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, New Zealand Climate Change: Maori Issues Report. (Wellington: Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet 2001),
Maori Issues Report
see also Ministry for the Environment, 'Coastal Hazards and Climate Change: A Guidance Manual for Local Government in New Zealand' (online version 2008) http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/climate/coastal-hazards-may04/html/ page4.html 18 May 2008;
see also Ministry for the Environment, 'Coastal Hazards and Climate Change: A Guidance Manual for Local Government in New Zealand' (online version 2008) http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/climate/coastal-hazards-may04/html/ page4.html 18 May 2008;
Snatching Knowledge from the Sea
May, 18 May
and Chris Jacomb and Rachel Darmody, 'Snatching Knowledge from the Sea', Heritage New Zealand (May 2002) http://www.historic.org.nz/ magazinefeatures/2002may/2002-05b-single.htm (18 May 2008).
Heritage New Zealand
Jacomb, C.1
Darmody, R.2
Auckland Regional Council
Auckland Regional Council, 'Coastal Management Manual' (2001), p. 3.
Coastal Management Manual
, pp. 3
Wellington, 20 May 2008
NIWA First Maori Climate Forum, Wellington 2003 http://www.niwa.cri.nz/ ncc/maori/forum/2003-02 (20 May 2008).
NIWA First Maori Climate Forum
This depends on wave patterns and river sand deposition. See K.B. Hennessy, B.C. Fitzharris, et.al, Australia and New Zealand Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment, in M.C. Parry et.al, eds, Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 520
This depends on wave patterns and river sand deposition. See K.B. Hennessy, B.C. Fitzharris, et.al., 'Australia and New Zealand Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment', in M.C. Parry et.al. (eds.), Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), p. 520.
Hennessy and Fitzharris et al., 'Australia and New Zealand Cliamte Change 2007', pp. 515-516.
Hennessy and Fitzharris et al., 'Australia and New Zealand Cliamte Change 2007', pp. 515-516.
Hennessy and Fitzharris et al., 'Australia and New Zealand Climate Change 2007', p. 509.
Hennessy and Fitzharris et al., 'Australia and New Zealand Climate Change 2007', p. 509.
Hennessy and Fitzharris et al., 'Australia and New Zealand Climate Change 2007', p. 509.
Hennessy and Fitzharris et al., 'Australia and New Zealand Climate Change 2007', p. 509.
Hennessy and Fitzharris et al, 'Australia and New Zealand Climate Change 2007', p. 520.
Hennessy and Fitzharris et al, 'Australia and New Zealand Climate Change 2007', p. 520.
R.G. Bell, T. Hume and D. Hicks, 'Planning for Climate Change: Effects on Coastal Margins' (Wellington: Ministry for the Environment, 2001), p. viii http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/climate/effect-coastal-sep01/part1.p df (21 May 2008).
R.G. Bell, T. Hume and D. Hicks, 'Planning for Climate Change: Effects on Coastal Margins' (Wellington: Ministry for the Environment, 2001), p. viii http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/climate/effect-coastal-sep01/part1.pdf (21 May 2008).
For an extended discussion of the market and non market values at risk, see W.N. Adger, J. Barnett and H. Ellemor, 'Unique and Valued Places at Risk', in Schneider and Rosencranz, A. and Mastrandrea, M (eds.), Climate Change Science and Policy (Washington, D.C.: Island Press, forthcoming).
For an extended discussion of the market and non market values at risk, see W.N. Adger, J. Barnett and H. Ellemor, 'Unique and Valued Places at Risk', in Schneider and Rosencranz, A. and Mastrandrea, M (eds.), Climate Change Science and Policy (Washington, D.C.: Island Press, forthcoming).
Ministry for the Environment, 'Coastal Hazards and Climate: A Guidance Manual for Local Governments in New Zealand' (Wellington: New Zealand Climate Change Office, Ministry for the Environment, 2004), http://www.mfe.govt.nz/ publications/climate/coastal-hazards-may04/coastal-hazards-may04.pdfand Adger, Barnet and Ellmore, 'Unique and Valued Places at Risk'.
Ministry for the Environment, 'Coastal Hazards and Climate: A Guidance Manual for Local Governments in New Zealand' (Wellington: New Zealand Climate Change Office, Ministry for the Environment, 2004), http://www.mfe.govt.nz/ publications/climate/coastal-hazards-may04/coastal-hazards-may04.pdfand Adger, Barnet and Ellmore, 'Unique and Valued Places at Risk'.
Ministry for the Environment, 'Coastal Hazards and Climate Change: A Guidance Manual for Local Government in New Zealand' (online version 2008) http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/climate/coastal-hazards-may04/html/p age4. html (18 May 2008).
Ministry for the Environment, 'Coastal Hazards and Climate Change: A Guidance Manual for Local Government in New Zealand' (online version 2008) http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/climate/coastal-hazards-may04/html/page4. html (18 May 2008).
Hennessey and Fitzharris, 'Australia and New Zealand', p. 514.
Hennessey and Fitzharris, 'Australia and New Zealand', p. 514.
A. Dolan and I.J. Walker, 'Understanding Vulnerability of Coastal Communities to Climate Change Related Risks 'Journal Of Coastal Research Special Issue, Special Issue 39, (2004). http://www.geog.uvic.ca/blast/ Publication%20PDFs/Dolan&Walker-ICS042.pdf(20 May 2008)
A. Dolan and I.J. Walker, 'Understanding Vulnerability of Coastal Communities to Climate Change Related Risks 'Journal Of Coastal Research Special Issue, Special Issue 39, (2004). http://www.geog.uvic.ca/blast/ Publication%20PDFs/Dolan&Walker-ICS042.pdf(20 May 2008)
Dolan and Walker, 'Understanding Vulnerability of Coastal Communities to Climate Change,
Dolan and Walker, 'Understanding Vulnerability of Coastal Communities to Climate Change,
Towns repeatedly hit by extreme weather may have to move
11 July
Angel Gregory, 'Towns repeatedly hit by extreme weather may have to move', New Zealand Herald, 11 July 2007.
New Zealand Herald
Gregory, A.1
Chris Ryan, Chief Executive Report, Annual Insurance Industry Review 2007-2008 (Wellington: NZ Insurance Industry Council) and Ann Sullivan, 'Maori Politics and Policy', in Raymond Miller (ed.), New Zealand Government and Politics, 4th ed. (Auckland: Oxford University Press, 2007).
Chris Ryan, Chief Executive Report, Annual Insurance Industry Review 2007-2008 (Wellington: NZ Insurance Industry Council) and Ann Sullivan, 'Maori Politics and Policy', in Raymond Miller (ed.), New Zealand Government and Politics, 4th ed. (Auckland: Oxford University Press, 2007).
For an extended discussion of the debate about adaptation as defined by UNFCCC and wider vulnerability researchers, see R. Pieke, G. Prins, S. Rayner and D. Sarewitz, Lifting the Taboo on Adaptation, Nature, 445 8 February 2007, pp. 597-598
For an extended discussion of the debate about adaptation as defined by UNFCCC and wider vulnerability researchers, see R. Pieke, G. Prins, S. Rayner and D. Sarewitz, 'Lifting the Taboo on Adaptation', Nature, Vol 445 (8 February 2007), pp. 597-598.
Adaptive Governance of Social-Ecologial Systems
C. Folke, T. Hahn, P Olsson and J. Norberg, 'Adaptive Governance of Social-Ecologial Systems', Annual Review of Environmental Resources, Vol. 30 (2005), pp. 441-473.
Annual Review of Environmental Resources
, vol.30
, pp. 441-473
Folke, C.1
Hahn, T.2
Olsson, P.3
Norberg, J.4
Adaptation to Environmental Change: Contributions of a Resilience Framework
Donald R. Nelson, W. Neil Adger, and Katrina Brown, 'Adaptation to Environmental Change: Contributions of a Resilience Framework', Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Vol. 32 (November 2007), pp. 395-419
Annual Review of Environment and Resources
, vol.32
, pp. 395-419
Nelson, D.R.1
Neil Adger, W.2
Brown, K.3
F. Berkes et. al., 'Globalization, Roving Bandits, and Marine Resources', Science 17 March 2006: 311. no. 5767, pp. 1557-1558.
F. Berkes et. al., 'Globalization, Roving Bandits, and Marine Resources', Science 17 March 2006: Vol. 311. no. 5767, pp. 1557-1558.
Hennessy and Fitzharris, 'Australia and New Zealand'.
Hennessy and Fitzharris, 'Australia and New Zealand'.
How Vulnerable is New Zealand to the Impacts of Climate Change?
Blair Fitzharris, 'How Vulnerable is New Zealand to the Impacts of Climate Change?', New Zealand Geographer, Vol. 63 (2007), pp. 160-168.
New Zealand Geographer
, vol.63
, pp. 160-168
Fitzharris, B.1
New Zealand Ministry of Conservation Policy Group, Wellington: Department of Conservation
New Zealand Ministry of Conservation Policy Group, 'Proposed Coastal Policy Statement' (Wellington: Department of Conservation, 2008).
Proposed Coastal Policy Statement
Environment Waikato Technical Report 2006
emphasis in original
Christopher Turbott and Andrew Stewart, 'Managed Retreat From Coastal Hazards: Options for Implementation', Environment Waikato Technical Report 2006, pp. 1-40 (emphasis in original).
Turbott, C.1
Stewart, A.2
Turbott and Stewart, 'Managed Retreat from Coastal Hazards: Options for Implementation'.
Turbott and Stewart, 'Managed Retreat from Coastal Hazards: Options for Implementation'.
Turbott and Stewart, 'Managed Retreat from Coastal Hazards: Options for Implementation'.
Turbott and Stewart, 'Managed Retreat from Coastal Hazards: Options for Implementation'.
Our Eroding Nation: We Shall not be Moved
31 December
Simon Collins, 'Our Eroding Nation: We Shall not be Moved' The New Zealand Herald (31 December 2002).
The New Zealand Herald
Collins, S.1
Turbott and Stewart, 'Managed Retreat from Coastal Hazards: Options for Implementation'.
Turbott and Stewart, 'Managed Retreat from Coastal Hazards: Options for Implementation'.
D. Johnson et al., cited in Paula Blackett and Terry Hume, 'Community Involvement in Coastal Hazard Mitigation: 'Some insights into Process and Pitfalls', NZ Planning Institute Politics of Planning Conference, 28-30 March 2007.
D. Johnson et al., cited in Paula Blackett and Terry Hume, 'Community Involvement in Coastal Hazard Mitigation: 'Some insights into Process and Pitfalls', NZ Planning Institute Politics of Planning Conference, 28-30 March 2007.
NIWA, 'IPCC identifies climate change impacts & vulnerability for New Zealand', media release 10 April 2007. http://www.niwa.cri.nz/news/mr/2007/ 2007-04-10-2 (19 May2008).
NIWA, 'IPCC identifies climate change impacts & vulnerability for New Zealand', media release 10 April 2007. http://www.niwa.cri.nz/news/mr/2007/ 2007-04-10-2 (19 May2008).
Local Government New Zealand, Submission to the Board of Inquiry on review of New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement Wellington:, May
Local Government New Zealand, Submission to the Board of Inquiry on review of New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement (Wellington: Local Government New Zealand, May 2008).
Local Government New Zealand
For example the Hauraki District council noted market valuation rose by 70% in Waihi Beach in one 12 month period: Hauraki District Council Planning and Finance Committee, minutes 11 September 2003.
For example the Hauraki District council noted market valuation rose by 70% in Waihi Beach in one 12 month period: Hauraki District Council Planning and Finance Committee, minutes 11 September 2003.
Beach Erosion: Erosion at Waihi Beach
K. G. Harray and T. Healey, 'Beach Erosion: Erosion at Waihi Beach', New Zealand Journal of Maritime and Fresh Water Research, Vol. 12, No. 2 (1978), pp. 99-107.
New Zealand Journal of Maritime and Fresh Water Research
, vol.12
, Issue.2
, pp. 99-107
Harray, K.G.1
Healey, T.2
Harray and Healey, 'Beach Erosion: Erosion at Waihi Beach', pp. 99-107.
Harray and Healey, 'Beach Erosion: Erosion at Waihi Beach', pp. 99-107.
Western Bay of Plenty District Council, press release June, 21 May 2008
Western Bay of Plenty District Council, press release June 2004, http://www.wbopdc.govt.nz/Notices/MediaReleases/ Council+to+progress+coastal+protection+work+at+Waihi+Beach.htm (21 May 2008).
A 27/02 cited in Ministry for the Environment
Bay of Plenty Regional Council v Western Bay of Plenty District Council, html 19 May
Bay of Plenty Regional Council v Western Bay of Plenty District Council A 27/02 cited in Ministry for the Environment Coastal Hazards and Climate Change: A guidance manual for local government in New Zealand http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/climate/coastal-hazards-may04/html/page12. html (19 May 2008).
Coastal Hazards and Climate Change: A guidance manual for local government in New Zealand
Coastal Hazards and Climate Change: A guidance manual for local government in New Zealand
Coastal Hazards and Climate Change: A guidance manual for local government in New Zealand
Ministry for the Environment, 'Climate Change Case Study: Local Government Adaptation to Climate Change', Environment Bay of Plenty http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/climate/ebop-coastal-hazards-jul03/ ebop-coastal-hazards-jul03.pdf (22 May 2008).
Ministry for the Environment, 'Climate Change Case Study: Local Government Adaptation to Climate Change', Environment Bay of Plenty http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/climate/ebop-coastal-hazards-jul03/ ebop-coastal-hazards-jul03.pdf (22 May 2008).
Environment Waikato, 'Managing Our Coast: the Tabulated Results of Two Community Surveys Undertaken at Tairua and Waihi beach', J.S. Becker et al. (eds.) (Hamilton: GNS Science and Environment Waikato, 2007).
Environment Waikato, 'Managing Our Coast: the Tabulated Results of Two Community Surveys Undertaken at Tairua and Waihi beach', J.S. Becker et al. (eds.) (Hamilton: GNS Science and Environment Waikato, 2007).
Environment Waikato, 'Managing Our Coast: the Tabulated Results of Two Community Surveys Undertaken at Tairua and Waihi beach'.
Environment Waikato, 'Managing Our Coast: the Tabulated Results of Two Community Surveys Undertaken at Tairua and Waihi beach'.
Western Bay of Plenty Waihi Beach Ward Community Forum, minutes, 3 March 2007 http://forums.westernbay.govt.nz/custom/docs/MINUTES-CF1-Combined-notes- for-Internet-Forum.doc (20 May 2008).
Western Bay of Plenty Waihi Beach Ward Community Forum, minutes, 3 March 2007 http://forums.westernbay.govt.nz/custom/docs/MINUTES-CF1-Combined-notes- for-Internet-Forum.doc (20 May 2008).
Western Bay of Plenty Waihi Beach Ward Community Forum, minutes, 3 March 2007.
Western Bay of Plenty Waihi Beach Ward Community Forum, minutes, 3 March 2007.
Waihi beach plan costs to be split three ways
7 June
Lauren Owens, 'Waihi beach plan costs to be split three ways', Bay of Plenty Times, 7 June 2008, p. 2.
Bay of Plenty Times
, pp. 2
Owens, L.1
Minister of Conservation, Steve Chadwick, ' Consent to construct a rock seawall at Waihi Beach, press release, 5 May 2008.
Minister of Conservation, Steve Chadwick, ' Consent to construct a rock seawall at Waihi Beach, press release, 5 May 2008.
Scales of Governance and Environmental Justice for Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change
Neil Adger, 'Scales of Governance and Environmental Justice for Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change', Journal of International Development, Vol. 13 (2001), pp. 921-931.
Journal of International Development
, vol.13
, pp. 921-931
Adger, N.1
For discussion of democratic obligations to distant, unknown communities, see, Cambridge, MA: MIT
For discussion of democratic obligations to distant, unknown communities, see James Bohman, Democracy across Borders: From Dêmos to Dêmoi (Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2007).
Democracy across Borders: From Dêmos to Dêmoi
Bohman, J.1
Kapiti District Council, Kapiti: Kapiti District Council Environment and Community Development Committee, 1 May
Kapiti District Council, 'Submission on the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement, (Kapiti: Kapiti District Council Environment and Community Development Committee, 1 May 2008).
Submission on the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement
Local Government New Zealand, pdf 18 May
Local Government New Zealand, 'Submission to the Board of Inquiry http://www.lgnz.co.nz/projects/NZCPS/LGNZ-Submission-on-the-Proposed-NZCPS-2008. pdf (18 May 2008).
Submission to the Board of Inquiry
Climate Change and Coastal Management Decisions: Insights from Christchurch Bay
Roger Few and Katrina Brown, 'Climate Change and Coastal Management Decisions: Insights from Christchurch Bay', UK Coastal Management, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 255-270.
UK Coastal Management
, vol.35
, pp. 255-270
Few, R.1
Brown, K.2
Public Participation and Climate Change Adaptation : Avoiding the Illusion of Inclusion
Roger Few, Katrina Brown and Emma Tompkins, 'Public Participation and Climate Change Adaptation : Avoiding the Illusion of Inclusion', Climate Policy, Vol. 7 (2007), p. 54.
Climate Policy
, vol.7
, pp. 54
Few, R.1
Brown, K.2
Tompkins, E.3
Few and Brown 'Public Participation and Climate Change Adaptation
Few and Brown 'Public Participation and Climate Change Adaptation: Avoiding the Illusion of Inclusion'.
Avoiding the Illusion of Inclusion
Let's talk about the weather. De-centering Democratic Debate about Climate Change: A response to Iris Young'
forthcoming, Summer
Bronwyn Hayward, 'Let's talk about the weather. De-centering Democratic Debate about Climate Change: A response to Iris Young', Hypatia, Special Issue Summer 2008 (forthcoming).
Hayward, B.1
De-centering Deliberative Democracy
For an extended discussion see, Fall
For an extended discussion see Iris Marion Young, 'De-centering Deliberative Democracy' Kettering Review (Fall 2006), pp. 43-53;
Kettering Review
, pp. 43-53
Marion Young, I.1
and Bronwyn Hayward's response: 'Let's talk about the weather. De-centering Democratic Debate about Climate Change: A Response to Iris Young', Hypatia Special Issue Summer 2008 (forthcoming).
and Bronwyn Hayward's response: 'Let's talk about the weather. De-centering Democratic Debate about Climate Change: A Response to Iris Young', Hypatia Special Issue Summer 2008 (forthcoming).
Coastal Management in the Waikato Region: A Study of the Views of Coromandel Beach Goers and Residents on Coastal Rrosion
Environment Waikato
C. Stewart et al., 'Coastal Management in the Waikato Region: A Study of the Views of Coromandel Beach Goers and Residents on Coastal Rrosion', GNS Report (Environment Waikato 2007).
GNS Report
Stewart, C.1
Coastal News: The Newsletter of the new Zealand Coastal Society (Wellington, IPENZ June 2006)
See, for example, 20 May
See, for example, Coastal News: the Newsletter of the new Zealand Coastal Society (Wellington, IPENZ June 2006) http://www.coastalsociety.org.nz/back/ NZCS32.pdf (20 May 2008).
Western Bay of Plenty Waihi Beach Ward Community Forum, minutes, 3 March 2007 http://forums.westernbay.govt.nz/custom/docs/MINUTES-CFl-Combined-notes- for-Internet-Forum.doc (20 May 2008).
Western Bay of Plenty Waihi Beach Ward Community Forum, minutes, 3 March 2007 http://forums.westernbay.govt.nz/custom/docs/MINUTES-CFl-Combined-notes- for-Internet-Forum.doc (20 May 2008).