Preference for gel over suppository as delivery vehicle for a rectal microbicide: Results of a randomised, crossover acceptability trial among men who have sex with men
Frequent use of lubricants for anal sex among men who have sex with men: The HIV prevention potential of a microbicidal gel
Carballo-Diéguez A, Stein Z, Saez H, et al. Frequent use of lubricants for anal sex among men who have sex with men: the HIV prevention potential of a microbicidal gel. Am J Public Health 2000;90:1117-21.
Future HIV prevention options for men who have sex with men: Intention to use a potential microbicide during anal intercourse
Marks G, Mansergh G, Crepaz N, et al. Future HIV prevention options for men who have sex with men: intention to use a potential microbicide during anal intercourse. AIDS Behav 2000;4:279-87.
Rectal microbicides for U.S. gay men. Are clinical trials needed? Are they feasible? HIVNET Vaccine Preparedness Study Protocol Team
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Recruitment and retention strategies utilized in a rectal microbicide study enrolling men who have sex with men MSM, New Delhi, India, 24-27 February, TC-305
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The use of rectal douches among HIV-uninfected and infected men who have unprotected receptive anal intercourse: Implications for rectal microbicides
Published Online First: 18 August, doi: 10.1007/s10461-007-9301-0
Carballo-Diéguez A, Bauermeister JA, Ventuneac A, et al. The use of rectal douches among HIV-uninfected and infected men who have unprotected receptive anal intercourse: implications for rectal microbicides. AIDS Behav. Published Online First: 18 August 2007. doi: 10.1007/s10461-007-9301-0.