A General Approach to Control a Positive Buck-Boost Converter to Achieve Robustness against Input Voltage Fluctuations and Load Changes Arash A Boora, Student member, IEEE, Firuz Zare, Senior member, IEEE, Gerard Ledwich, Senior member, IEEE, Arindam Ghosh, Fellow, IEEE , PESC 2008 (unpublished)
"A General Approach to Control a Positive Buck-Boost Converter to Achieve Robustness against Input Voltage Fluctuations and Load Changes" Arash A Boora, Student member, IEEE, Firuz Zare, Senior member, IEEE, Gerard Ledwich, Senior member, IEEE, Arindam Ghosh, Fellow, IEEE , PESC 2008 (unpublished)
Combination of Buck and Boost Modes to Minimize Transients in the Output of a Positive Buck-Boost Converter Chakraborty, Arindam; Khaligh, Alireza; Emadi, Ali; IEEE Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conferene on Nov. 2006 Page(s):2372-2377
"Combination of Buck and Boost Modes to Minimize Transients in the Output of a Positive Buck-Boost Converter" Chakraborty, Arindam; Khaligh, Alireza; Emadi, Ali; IEEE Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conferene on Nov. 2006 Page(s):2372-2377
Digital Combination of Buck and Boost Converters to Control a Positive Buck-Boost Converter Chakraborty, A.; Khaligh, A.; Emadi, A.; Pfaelzer, A.; Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2006. PESC '06. 37th IEEE 18-22 June 2006 Page(s):1-6
Digital Combination of Buck and Boost Converters to Control a Positive Buck-Boost Converter" Chakraborty, A.; Khaligh, A.; Emadi, A.; Pfaelzer, A.; Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2006. PESC '06. 37th IEEE 18-22 June 2006 Page(s):1-6
A simple structure of LLC resonant DC-DC converter for multi-output applications Yilei Gu; Lijun Hang; Huiming Chen; Zhengyu Lu; Zhaoming Qian; Jun Li; Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2005. APEC 2005. Twentieth Annual IEEE 3, 6-10 March 2005 Page(s):1485-1490 3
"A simple structure of LLC resonant DC-DC converter for multi-output applications" Yilei Gu; Lijun Hang; Huiming Chen; Zhengyu Lu; Zhaoming Qian; Jun Li; Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2005. APEC 2005. Twentieth Annual IEEE Volume 3, 6-10 March 2005 Page(s):1485-1490 Vol. 3
Multi-output SC type DC-DC converter using a flexible capacitor ring operation Harada, I.; Hara, N.; Ueno, F.; Oota, I.; Telecommunications Energy Conference, 1999. INTELEC '99. The 21st International 6-9 June 1999 Page(s):4 pp.
"Multi-output SC type DC-DC converter using a flexible capacitor ring operation" Harada, I.; Hara, N.; Ueno, F.; Oota, I.; Telecommunications Energy Conference, 1999. INTELEC '99. The 21st International 6-9 June 1999 Page(s):4 pp.
Programmable Digital Controller for Multi-Output DC-DC Converters with a Time-Shared Inductor Parayandeh, A.; Stupar, A.; Prodic, A.; Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2006. PESC '06. 37th IEEE 18-22 June 2006 Page(s):1-6
"Programmable Digital Controller for Multi-Output DC-DC Converters with a Time-Shared Inductor" Parayandeh, A.; Stupar, A.; Prodic, A.; Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2006. PESC '06. 37th IEEE 18-22 June 2006 Page(s):1-6
Behavioral Modeling of Multi-Output DC-DC Converters for Large-Signal Simulation of Distributed Power Systems Oliver, J.A.; Prieto, R.; Romero, V.; Cobos, J.A.; Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2006. PESC '06. 37th IEEE 18-22 June 2006 Page(s):1-6
"Behavioral Modeling of Multi-Output DC-DC Converters for Large-Signal Simulation of Distributed Power Systems" Oliver, J.A.; Prieto, R.; Romero, V.; Cobos, J.A.; Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2006. PESC '06. 37th IEEE 18-22 June 2006 Page(s):1-6
A New Configuration for Multi level converters with diode clamp topology A. Nami, F. Zare, G. Ledwich, A. Ghosh, IPEC 2007, page. 661-665
"A New Configuration for Multi level converters with diode clamp topology" A. Nami, F. Zare, G. Ledwich, A. Ghosh, IPEC 2007, page. 661-665