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Volumn 60, Issue 5, 2008, Pages 1-19

The U.S. imperial triangle and military spending

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EID: 54849412161     PISSN: 00270520     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.14452/MR-060-05-2008-09_1     Document Type: Review
Times cited : (48)

References (54)
  • 1
    • 54849438647 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Office of Management and Budget, Historical Tables, Table 3.2;
    • Office of Management and Budget, Budget for Fiscal Year, 2009, Historical Tables, Table 3.2;
    • (2009) Budget for Fiscal Year
  • 2
    • 54849408050 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI Yearbook 2008: Summary, http://yearbook2008.sipri.org/files/SIPRIYB08summary.pdf, 10-11;
    • Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI Yearbook 2008: Summary, http://yearbook2008.sipri.org/files/SIPRIYB08summary.pdf, 10-11;
  • 3
    • 54849412370 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • SIPRI, Military Expenditure Database (United States, drawn on here for estimates of increases in real military spending and for international comparison) are only marginally (about 5 percent) higher than the acknowledged national defense figures contained in the Office of Management and Budget Historical Tables, and are clearly based on these. While the Office of Management and Budget lists $552.6 billion in total national defense for the United States spending in 2007, SIPRI provides a figure of $578.3 billion. It should be noted that SIPRI data, athough based on the same or similar nominal figures as the acknowledged U.S. national defense spending, registers a higher rate of increase in U.S. military expenditures than reported in official U.S. data because of the method of conversion into constant dollars. While SIPRI uses the consumer price index (CPI) for price conversion for all
    • SIPRI, Military Expenditure Database (United States), http://milexdata.sipri.org/result.php4. SIPRI data on U.S. military expenditures (drawn on here for estimates of increases in real military spending and for international comparison) are only marginally (about 5 percent) higher than the acknowledged national defense figures contained in the Office of Management and Budget Historical Tables, and are clearly based on these. While the Office of Management and Budget lists $552.6 billion in total national defense for the United States spending in 2007, SIPRI provides a figure of $578.3 billion. It should be noted that SIPRI data, athough based on the same or similar nominal figures as the acknowledged U.S. national defense spending, registers a higher rate of increase in U.S. military expenditures than "reported in official U.S. data because of the method of conversion into constant dollars. While SIPRI uses the consumer price index (CPI) for price conversion for all countries, the US official figures are converted using military-specific deflators. Thus, the SIPRI data show the trend in the purchasing power of the military budget had it instead been spent on typical consumer goods and services, while the US official data show the trend in its purchasing power for military goods and services. The nominal change is the same for the two series." SIPRI Yearbook, 2007, 275.
  • 4
    • 54849409574 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Michal Kalecki, The Last Phase in the Transformation of Capitalism (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1972), 96.
    • Michal Kalecki, The Last Phase in the Transformation of Capitalism (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1972), 96.
  • 6
    • 54849422905 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • C. Wright Mills, The Power Elite (New York: Oxford University Press, 1956), 198. It should be noted that Hobsbawm is not alone in promoting what can be called the cabal theory.
    • C. Wright Mills, The Power Elite (New York: Oxford University Press, 1956), 198. It should be noted that Hobsbawm is not alone in promoting what can be called the "cabal theory."
  • 7
    • 54849425228 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See the discussion of this in John Bellamy Foster, Naked Imperialism (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2006), 13, 18, 107-08, 117-20.
    • See the discussion of this in John Bellamy Foster, Naked Imperialism (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2006), 13, 18, 107-08, 117-20.
  • 8
    • 54849430807 scopus 로고
    • Urges U.S. to Keep War Set-Up
    • January 20
    • "WPB Aide Urges U.S. to Keep War Set-Up," New York Times; January 20, 1944;
    • (1944) New York Times
    • Aide, W.P.B.1
  • 9
    • 54849412371 scopus 로고
    • For the Common Defense
    • March-April
    • Charles E. Wilson, "For the Common Defense," Army Ordnance 26, no. 143 (March-April 1944): 285-88;
    • (1944) Army Ordnance , vol.26 , Issue.143 , pp. 285-288
    • Wilson, C.E.1
  • 10
    • 54849420178 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Fred J. Cook, Juggernaut: The Warfare State, special issue, The Nation, October 28, 1961, 285;
    • Fred J. Cook, "Juggernaut: The Warfare State," special issue, The Nation, October 28, 1961, 285;
  • 12
    • 54849432085 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Charles E. (General Electric) Wilson did not literally use the term permanent war economy, widely attributed to his January 19, 1944, speech. Rather, he spoke, of a program of industrial preparedness for war that would be permanent and continuing. On the end of the Second World War and military spending
    • Charles E. (General Electric) Wilson did not literally use the term "permanent war economy," widely attributed to his January 19, 1944, speech. Rather, he spoke, of a "program of industrial preparedness" for war that would be "permanent and continuing." On the end of the Second World War and military spending
  • 15
    • 29244472166 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For an account of the role of military Keynesianism in successive U.S. administrations see, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press
    • For an account of the role of military Keynesianism in successive U.S. administrations see Lynn Turgeon, Bastard Keynesianism (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996).
    • (1996) Bastard Keynesianism
    • Turgeon, L.1
  • 16
  • 17
    • 54849441103 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Kalecki's analysis of military spending derived originally from his analysis of the importance of armament expenditures in Nazi Germany's economy and then the basic argument was extended to the role military spending was to play in post-Second World War capitalist economies.
    • Kalecki's analysis of military spending derived originally from his analysis of the importance of armament expenditures in Nazi Germany's economy and then the basic argument was extended to the role military spending was to play in post-Second World War capitalist economies.
  • 18
    • 54849440017 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ibid.; Cook, Juggernaut, 292.
    • Ibid.; Cook, "Juggernaut," 292.
  • 20
    • 54849430808 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Harry Magdoff, The Age of Imperialism (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1969), 185.
    • Harry Magdoff, The Age of Imperialism (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1969), 185.
  • 21
    • 54849418969 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • These five reasons, presented in essentially this order, were provided by Baran and Sweezy to account for the growth of militarism in their classic chapter on Militarism and Imperialism in Monopoly Capital (New York Monthly Review Press, 1966, 178-217. It is worth noting that their argument was geared primarily to military spending for empire and turned to its macroeconomic benefits in absorbing surplus and staving off long-run stagnation only at the end. The same structure to the argument on military spending (empire first, economy second) can be seen in Harry Magdoff, Imperialism: From the Colonial Age to the Present New York: Monthly Review Press, 1978, 198-212. Hence, critics, such as Larry Griffin, Joel Devine, and Michael Wallace, who later attempted empirically to test the Monopoly Capital argument, which they characterized as a 'naive' model, which suggests that the degree to which national output is absorbed by military
    • These five reasons, presented in essentially this order, were provided by Baran and Sweezy to account for the growth of militarism in their classic chapter on "Militarism and Imperialism" in Monopoly Capital (New York Monthly Review Press, 1966), 178-217. It is worth noting that their argument was geared primarily to military spending for empire and turned to its macroeconomic benefits in absorbing surplus and staving off long-run stagnation only at the end. The same structure to the argument on military spending (empire first, economy second) can be seen in Harry Magdoff, Imperialism: From the Colonial Age to the Present (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1978), 198-212. Hence, critics, such as Larry Griffin, Joel Devine, and Michael Wallace, who later attempted empirically to test the Monopoly Capital argument, which they characterized as a "'naive' model...which suggests that the degree to which national output is absorbed by military spending should be dependent on aggregate economic conditions such as unemployment," were clearly attacking a "naive model" of their own devising. Ironically, after rejecting this naive model, these same authors ended up concluding that in the face of declining monopoly profits the U.S. state intervenes to absorb surplus through increases in military expenditures - a view much closer to Baran and Sweezy's own argument, but lacking its emphasis on empire over macro-economics.
  • 22
    • 0037595932 scopus 로고
    • Monopoly Capital, Organized Labor, and Military Expenditures in the United States, 1949-1976
    • See
    • See Larry J. Griffin, Joel A. Devine, and Michael Wallace, "Monopoly Capital, Organized Labor, and Military Expenditures in the United States, 1949-1976," American Journal of Sociology 88 supplement (1982): S113-S153.
    • (1982) American Journal of Sociology , vol.88 , Issue.SUPPL.EMENT
    • Griffin, L.J.1    Devine, J.A.2    Wallace, M.3
  • 23
    • 54849442779 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Baran and Sweezy, Monopoly Capital, 159, 161, 177, 208-11. Baran and Sweezy's contention more than four decades ago that civilian government purchases had about reached their outer limit as a percentage of GDP by 1939 was to be borne out in subsequent developments. In 1939 civilian government purchases were B percent of GDP; from 1960 to the present they have averaged 14 percent of GDP (and were also 14 percent in 2006). Economic Report of the President, 2008, 224, 250.
    • Baran and Sweezy, Monopoly Capital, 159, 161, 177, 208-11. Baran and Sweezy's contention more than four decades ago that civilian government purchases had about reached their outer limit as a percentage of GDP by 1939 was to be borne out in subsequent developments. In 1939 civilian government purchases were B percent of GDP; from 1960 to the present they have averaged 14 percent of GDP (and were also 14 percent in 2006). Economic Report of the President, 2008, 224, 250.
  • 24
    • 54849427797 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The foregoing quotes from Slichter, Luce, U.S. News and World Report, Lawrence, and Harris are all taken from Cook, Juggernaut, 285, 300-01.
    • The foregoing quotes from Slichter, Luce, U.S. News and World Report, Lawrence, and Harris are all taken from Cook, "Juggernaut, " 285, 300-01.
  • 25
    • 0004023585 scopus 로고
    • See also, New York: Collier Books
    • See also Fred H. Cook, The Warfare State (New York: Collier Books, 1962);
    • (1962) The Warfare State
    • Cook, F.H.1
  • 26
    • 54849403964 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Baran and Sweezy, Monopoly Capital, 207-13
    • Baran and Sweezy, Monopoly Capital, 207-13
  • 27
    • 54849413257 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • U.S. National Security Council, NSC-68, April 1950, Section D: The Remaining Course of Action, http://www.fas.org/irp/offdocs/nsc-hst/nsc-68. htm;
    • U.S. National Security Council, NSC-68, April 1950, "Section D: The Remaining Course of Action," http://www.fas.org/irp/offdocs/nsc-hst/nsc-68. htm;
  • 28
    • 0010144529 scopus 로고
    • The Basic Economics of 'Rearming America,'
    • November
    • James M. Cypher, "The Basic Economics of 'Rearming America,'" Monthly Review 33, no. 6 (November 1981): 12-13;
    • (1981) Monthly Review , vol.33 , Issue.6 , pp. 12-13
    • Cypher, J.M.1
  • 29
    • 31944450516 scopus 로고
    • The Cold War and the Superpowers
    • November
    • Noam Chomsky, "The Cold War and the Superpowers," Monthly Review 33, no. 5 (November 1981): 4-5.
    • (1981) Monthly Review , vol.33 , Issue.5 , pp. 4-5
    • Chomsky, N.1
  • 30
    • 54849405021 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Charles Erwin Wilson quoted in Cook, Juggernaut, 277, 299.
    • Charles Erwin Wilson quoted in Cook, "Juggernaut," 277, 299.
  • 31
    • 54849407435 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Eisenhower, quoted in Cook, Juggernaut, 276-79.
    • Eisenhower, quoted in Cook, "Juggernaut," 276-79.
  • 32
    • 54849431872 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Baran and Sweezy, Monopoly Capital, 205.
    • Baran and Sweezy, Monopoly Capital, 205.
  • 33
    • 54849413675 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The classic argument on how nuclear weapons were continually used by the United States as direct threats to achieve its ends was made by Daniel Ellsberg, Call to Mutiny, in E. P. Thompson and Dan Smith, ed., Protest and Survive (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1981), i-xxviii.
    • The classic argument on how nuclear weapons were continually used by the United States as direct threats to achieve its ends was made by Daniel Ellsberg, "Call to Mutiny," in E. P. Thompson and Dan Smith, ed., Protest and Survive (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1981), i-xxviii.
  • 34
    • 23944484179 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • New York Random House
    • Robert Kaplan, Imperial Grunts (New York Random House, 2005), 3.
    • (2005) Imperial Grunts , pp. 3
    • Kaplan, R.1
  • 35
    • 54849415336 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • United States Military Expenditure
    • Wolfram Elsner, ed, Hamburg: LIT Verlag
    • Jurgen Brauer, "United States Military Expenditure," in Wolfram Elsner, ed., Arms, War, and Terrorism in the Global Economy Today (Hamburg: LIT Verlag, 2007), 61-66.
    • (2007) Arms, War, and Terrorism in the Global Economy Today , pp. 61-66
    • Brauer, J.1
  • 36
    • 54849430809 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The design format of this table was adapted from Cypher, Basic Economics of 'Rearming America.'
    • The design format of this table was adapted from Cypher, "Basic Economics of 'Rearming America.'"
  • 37
    • 54849429651 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Federal Budget Estimates for Fiscal Year 2007
    • Bureau of Economic Analysis, March
    • Benjamin A. Mandel and Mary L. Roy, "Federal Budget Estimates for Fiscal Year 2007," Survey of Current Business (Bureau of Economic Analysis), March 2006, 13.
    • (2006) Survey of Current Business , pp. 13
    • Mandel, B.A.1    Roy, M.L.2
  • 38
    • 33847164943 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Data, Models, Coefficients: The Case of United States Military Expenditure
    • Jurgen Brauer, "Data, Models, Coefficients: The Case of United States Military Expenditure," Conflict Management and Peace Science 24 (2007), 58;
    • (2007) Conflict Management and Peace Science , vol.24 , pp. 58
    • Brauer, J.1
  • 39
    • 54849420998 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • also Brauer, United States Military Expenditures, 67.
    • also Brauer, "United States Military Expenditures," 67.
  • 40
    • 1542365682 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Oxford: Oxford University Press
    • Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI Yearbook, 2003 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), 365;
    • (2003) SIPRI Yearbook, 2003 , pp. 365
  • 41
    • 54849434923 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Brauer, United States Military Expenditure, 66, and Data, Models, Coefficients, 56. Note: We have not included Homeland Security in our figures, in line with SIPRI and NATO's exclusion of civil defense programs.
    • Brauer, "United States Military Expenditure," 66, and "Data, Models, Coefficients," 56. Note: We have not included Homeland Security in our figures, in line with SIPRI and NATO's exclusion of civil defense programs.
  • 43
    • 34250795581 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • From Military Keynesianism to Global Neoliberal Militarism
    • June
    • James Cypher, "From Military Keynesianism to Global Neoliberal Militarism," Monthly Review 59, no. 2 (June 2007): 45-48;
    • (2007) Monthly Review , vol.59 , Issue.2 , pp. 45-48
    • Cypher, J.1
  • 44
    • 84889681370 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Why the U.S. Has Really Gone Broke
    • February
    • Chalmers Johnson, "Why the U.S. Has Really Gone Broke," Le Monde Diplomatique, February 2008.
    • (2008) Le Monde Diplomatique
    • Johnson, C.1
  • 45
    • 54849420776 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The complete set of data is not provided in this article, but follows the above method throughout
    • The complete set of data is not provided in this article, but follows the above method throughout.
  • 46
    • 54849442128 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For this general argument see Foster, Naked Imperialism (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2006), especially 107-20.
    • For this general argument see Foster, Naked Imperialism (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2006), especially 107-20.
  • 48
  • 49
    • 54849417055 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The military resurgence after periods of relative decline arose in both cases at the tail end of Democratic administrations: Carter in the late 1970s and Clinton in the late 1990s, and gathered momentum in the Republican administrations that followed: Reagan in the 1980s and George W. Bush at the beginning of the 2000s
    • The military resurgence after periods of relative decline arose in both cases at the tail end of Democratic administrations: Carter in the late 1970s and Clinton in the late 1990s, and gathered momentum in the Republican administrations that followed: Reagan in the 1980s and George W. Bush at the beginning of the 2000s.
  • 50
    • 54849414727 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Robert W. McChesney, The Political Economy of the Media (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2008), 105, 108.
    • Robert W. McChesney, The Political Economy of the Media (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2008), 105, 108.
  • 52
    • 54849412372 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Baran and Sweezy, Monopoly Capital, 213-17.
    • Baran and Sweezy, Monopoly Capital, 213-17.
  • 53
    • 54849442778 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See John Bellamy Foster and Robert W. McChesney, Preface, in Foster and McChesney, ed., Pox Americana: Exposing the American Empire (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2004), 7-10;
    • See John Bellamy Foster and Robert W. McChesney, "Preface," in Foster and McChesney, ed., Pox Americana: Exposing the American Empire (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2004), 7-10;

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