To be implemented by the Member States by February 2005, although Eurlex (http://eurlex.europa.eu.) cites no implementing measures for several Member States.
To be implemented by the Member States by February 2005, although Eurlex (http://eurlex.europa.eu.) cites no implementing measures for several Member States.
To be implemented by April 2006; at the date of writing Eurlex cites implementing measures for only two Member States.
To be implemented by April 2006; at the date of writing Eurlex cites implementing measures for only two Member States.
in each particular case, whether the waiting time exceeds a medically acceptable period, Case C-372/04
The question of what is 'undue delay' in this context has not been specified by the European Court of Justice, save that it is for national courts to determine
The question of what is 'undue delay' in this context has not been specified by the European Court of Justice, save that it is for national courts to determine, in each particular case, whether the waiting time exceeds a medically acceptable period, Case C-372/04 Watts.
In Albany, the funds operated according to capitalization rather than cross-generational solidarity and set their own contribution and benefit levels subject, of course, to regulation applicable also to private insurers
In Albany, the funds operated according to capitalization rather than cross-generational solidarity and set their own contribution and benefit levels (subject, of course, to regulation applicable also to private insurers).
Advocate General Poiares Maduro proposed remission to the Court of First Instance to determine whether the Spanish national health system meets its obligations to provide free universal health care entirely through public bodies, or whether private actors also play a part
Advocate General Poiares Maduro proposed remission to the Court of First Instance to determine whether the Spanish national health system meets its obligations to provide free universal health care entirely through public bodies, or whether private actors also play a part.
The EC Treaty, Article 86 (2), does provide an exemption for 'services of general interest' which may preclude the application of EC competition law where a monopoly position is necessary to achieve the tasks assigned to the body concerned.
The EC Treaty, Article 86 (2), does provide an exemption for 'services of general interest' which may preclude the application of EC competition law where a monopoly position is necessary to achieve the tasks assigned to the body concerned.
Final report: High Level Reflection Group, High Level Reflection Process on Patient Mobility and Healthcare Developments in the European Union HLPR/2003/16, 9 December 2003. Former Commissioner Byrne also launched an electronic reflection process, see D Byrne, 'Enabling Good Health for all: A reflection process for a new EU Health Strategy' 15 July 2004, http://europa.eu.int/comm/health/ph_overview/strategy/ health_strategy_en.htm.
Final report: High Level Reflection Group, High Level Reflection Process on Patient Mobility and Healthcare Developments in the European Union HLPR/2003/16, 9 December 2003. Former Commissioner Byrne also launched an electronic reflection process, see D Byrne, 'Enabling Good Health for all: A reflection process for a new EU Health Strategy' 15 July 2004, http://europa.eu.int/comm/health/ph_overview/strategy/ health_strategy_en.htm.
Made up of senior officials from Member States and chaired by the Director General of the European Commission's DG SANCO
Made up of senior officials from Member States and chaired by the Director General of the European Commission's DG SANCO.