Paraphrased from Klaus J. Bade, Europa in Bewegung: Migration vom späten 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart (Munich, 2000), 14.
Paraphrased from Klaus J. Bade, Europa in Bewegung: Migration vom späten 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart (Munich, 2000), 14.
Historical research of the last fifteen years has shown that society was far more mobile than French historiography on migration has traditionally assumed. See Leslie Page Moch, Moving Europeans: Migration in Western Europe since 1650 Bloomington, 1992
Historical research of the last fifteen years has shown that society was far more mobile than French historiography on migration has traditionally assumed. See Leslie Page Moch, Moving Europeans: Migration in Western Europe since 1650 (Bloomington, 1992)
Gli studi sulla mobilità in Europa nell'età moderna: Problemi e prospettive di ricerca'
Laurence Fontaine, 'Gli studi sulla mobilità in Europa nell'età moderna: Problemi e prospettive di ricerca', Quaderni storici, xxxi (1996).
Quaderni storici
, vol.31
Fontaine, L.1
The Geography of Religious Conversion
New York Univ. Ph.D. thesis
Duane Corpis, "The Geography of Religious Conversion: Crossing the Boundaries of Belief in Southern Germany, 1648-1800' (New York Univ. Ph.D. thesis, 2001)
Crossing the Boundaries of Belief in Southern Germany
, pp. 1648-1800
Corpis, D.1
Viaggio in Italia e conversioni: Analisi di un binomio
For Protestant Catholic border-crossing in Italy, see
For Protestant Catholic border-crossing in Italy, see Irene Fosi, 'Viaggio in Italia e conversioni: Analisi di un binomio', Römische historische Mitteilungen, xxx (1988)
Römische historische Mitteilungen
, vol.30
Fosi, I.1
Irene Fosi,'Roma e gli Ultramontani: Conversioni, viaggi, identità, Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken, 1xxxi (2001)
Irene Fosi,'Roma e gli "Ultramontani": Conversioni, viaggi, identità, Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken, 1xxxi (2001)
Fernhandel und römische Inquisition: "interkulturelles Management" im konfessionellen Zeitalter
Hubert Wolf ed, Paderborn
Peter Schmidt, 'Fernhandel und römische Inquisition: "interkulturelles Management" im konfessionellen Zeitalter', in Hubert Wolf (ed.), Inquisition, Index, Zensur: Wissenskulturen der Neuzeit im Widerstreit (Paderborn, 2001).
Inquisition, Index, Zensur: Wissenskulturen der Neuzeit im Widerstreit
Schmidt, P.1
e siècles (Paris, 1989)
e siècles (Paris, 1989)
On Jewish religious border-crossing, see Yosef H. Yerushalmi, From Spanish Court to Italian Ghetto: Isaac Cardoso. A Study in Seventeenth-Century Marranism and Jewish Apologetics (New York and London, 1971)
On Jewish religious border-crossing, see Yosef H. Yerushalmi, From Spanish Court to Italian Ghetto: Isaac Cardoso. A Study in Seventeenth-Century Marranism and Jewish Apologetics (New York and London, 1971)
Portuguese Conversos on the Upper Rhine and the Converso Community of Sixteenth-Century Europe
Kaspar von Greyerz, 'Portuguese Conversos on the Upper Rhine and the Converso Community of Sixteenth-Century Europe", Social Hist., xiv (1989)
Social Hist
, vol.14
Kaspar von Greyerz1
The dossier of the case is kept in the Archivio della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede, Vatican City (hereafter ACDF, stanza storica, M 5-m, fasc. Roma 1624. The relevant decrees are in ACDF, stanza storica, Decreta 1624. The trial in Rome was preceded by interrogations at the Venetian Sant'Ufficio. Thanks to Pier Cesare Ioly Zorattini's work, this part ofthe trial is available in a critical edition: See Processidel S. Uffizio di Venezia contro ebrei e giudaizzanti (hereafter Processi, ed. Pier Cesare Ioly Zorattini, 14 vols, Florence, 1980-99, ix, 1608-1632, 85-94, Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Sant'Uffizio, Processi, b. 79, fos. 1r-12v, and xiii, Appendici 137-8. Ioly Zorattini discusses Mariana's case in the introduction to ix see 'Introduzione, 26-8
v], and xiii, Appendici 137-8. Ioly Zorattini discusses Mariana's case in the introduction to vol. ix (see 'Introduzione', 26-8).
The case is also mentioned by Maddalena del Bianco Cotrozzi in 'O Señor guardara miña alma: Aspetti della religiosità femminile nei processi del S. Uffizio veneziano', in Pier Cesare Ioly Zorattini (ed.), L'identità dissimulata: Giudaizzanti iberici nell'Europa cristiana dell'età moderna (Florence, 2000), 263. However, neither Ioly Zorattini nor Cotrozzi was aware of the Roman part of the trial. The discovery of these documents makes possible a new reconstruction of the case. Some questions remain open, though, and I hope to present the findings of further research at a later stage.
The case is also mentioned by Maddalena del Bianco Cotrozzi in '"O Señor guardara miña alma": Aspetti della religiosità femminile nei processi del S. Uffizio veneziano', in Pier Cesare Ioly Zorattini (ed.), L'identità dissimulata: Giudaizzanti iberici nell'Europa cristiana dell'età moderna (Florence, 2000), 263. However, neither Ioly Zorattini nor Cotrozzi was aware of the Roman part of the trial. The discovery of these documents makes possible a new reconstruction of the case. Some questions remain open, though, and I hope to present the findings of further research at a later stage.
The Politics of Protestant Conversion to Catholicism in Seventeenth-Century France
Peter van der Veer ed, New York and London
Keith Luria, "The Politics of Protestant Conversion to Catholicism in Seventeenth-Century France', in Peter van der Veer (ed.), Conversion to Modernities: The Globalization of Christianity (New York and London, 1996).
Conversion to Modernities: The Globalization of Christianity
Luria, K.1
See Bennassar and Bennassar, Les Chrétiens d'Allah
See Bennassar and Bennassar, Les Chrétiens d'Allah
Kenneth Mills and Anthony Grafton eds, Rochester, NY
Kenneth Mills and Anthony Grafton (eds.), Conversion: Old Worlds and New (Rochester, NY, 2003)
Conversion: Old Worlds and New
Corpis, 'Geography of Religious Conversion'; see also Beat Hodler, 'Konversionen und der Handlungsspielraum der Untertanen in der Eidgenossenschaft im Zeitalter der reformierten Orthodoxie', in Heinrich R. Schmidt, André Holenstein and Andreas Würgler (eds.), Gemeinde, Reformation und Widerstand: Festschrift für Peter Blickle zum 60. Geburtstag (Tübingen, 1998), esp. 290-1.
Corpis, 'Geography of Religious Conversion'; see also Beat Hodler, 'Konversionen und der Handlungsspielraum der Untertanen in der Eidgenossenschaft im Zeitalter der reformierten Orthodoxie', in Heinrich R. Schmidt, André Holenstein and Andreas Würgler (eds.), Gemeinde, Reformation und Widerstand: Festschrift für Peter Blickle zum 60. Geburtstag (Tübingen, 1998), esp. 290-1.
Roma c gli "Ultramontani"', and, most recently, Ricarda Matheus, 'Mobilität und Konversion: Überlegungen aus römischer Perspektive'
For Italy, see
For Italy, see Fosi, 'Roma c gli "Ultramontani"', and, most recently, Ricarda Matheus, 'Mobilität und Konversion: Überlegungen aus römischer Perspektive', Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken, lxxxv (2005).
Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken
, vol.85
Confessional Migration as a Distinct Type of Old European Long-Distance Migration
More research has been carried out on confessional migration. See, for example, Cavaciocchi ed
More research has been carried out on confessional migration. See, for example, Heinz Schilling, 'Confessional Migration as a Distinct Type of Old European Long-Distance Migration', in Cavaciocchi (ed.), Le migrazioni in Europa
Le migrazioni in Europa
Schilling, H.1
Exulanten, Konvertiten, Arme und Fremde: Zuwanderer aus der Habsburgermonarchie in Kursachsen im 17. Jahrhundert
Alexander Schunka, 'Exulanten, Konvertiten, Arme und Fremde: Zuwanderer aus der Habsburgermonarchie in Kursachsen im 17. Jahrhundert', Frühneuzeit-Info, xiv (2003).
Schunka, A.1
Migration and Religious Identity: The Portuguese of Seventeenth-Century Rouen
On the relationship between mobility and conversion in the context of Jewish history, see, vii
On the relationship between mobility and conversion in the context of Jewish history, see Gayle K. Brunelle, 'Migration and Religious Identity: The Portuguese of Seventeenth-Century Rouen', Jl Early Mod. Hist., vii (2003)
Jl Early Mod. Hist
Brunelle, G.K.1
e siècles (Paris, 1968),
e siècles (Paris, 1968),
Within this tradition, see also, Jerusalem, esp
Within this tradition, see also Haim Beinart, Conversos on Trial: The Inquisition in Ciudad Real (Jerusalem, 1981), esp. 23,242.
Conversos on Trial: The Inquisition in Ciudad Real
, pp. 23-242
Beinart, H.1
António José Saraiva, The Marrano Factory: The Portuguese Inquisition and its New Christians, 1536-1765, ed. and trans. H. P. Salomon and I. S. D. Sassoon (Leiden, 2001), first published as Inquisição e Cristãos-Novos (Lisbon, 1969).
António José Saraiva, The Marrano Factory: The Portuguese Inquisition and its New Christians, 1536-1765, ed. and trans. H. P. Salomon and I. S. D. Sassoon (Leiden, 2001), first published as Inquisição e Cristãos-Novos (Lisbon, 1969).
Processi; Ioly Zorattini (ed.), L'identità dissimulata.
Processi; Ioly Zorattini (ed.), L'identità dissimulata.
For the history of the Roman Inquisition, see, Turin
For the history of the Roman Inquisition, see Adriano Prosperi, Tribunali della coscienza: Inquisitori, confessori, missionari (Turin, 1996)
Tribunali della coscienza: Inquisitori, confessori, missionari
Prosperi, A.1
Franceso Albizzi, De inconstantia in iure admittenda vel non (Amsterdam, 1683), cap. 11, nos. 4 and 24
Franceso Albizzi, De inconstantia in iure admittenda vel non (Amsterdam, 1683), cap. 11, nos. 4 and 24
L'Inquisizione romana e gli ebrei
Michele Luzzati ed, Rome and Bari
Adriano Prosperi, 'L'Inquisizione romana e gli ebrei', in Michele Luzzati (ed.), L'Inquisizione e gli ebrei in Italia (Rome and Bari, 1994)
L'Inquisizione e gli ebrei in Italia
Prosperi, A.1
The Inquisition and the Italian Jews
Stephen Haliczer ed, London and Sydney
Nicholas Davidson, 'The Inquisition and the Italian Jews', in Stephen Haliczer (ed.), Inquisition and Society in Early Modern Europe (London and Sydney, 1987).
Inquisition and Society in Early Modern Europe
Davidson, N.1
Prattica per procedere nelle cause del S. Offizio, ed. Alfonso Mirto in 'Un inedito del Scicento sull'Inquisizione', Nouvelles de la république des lettres, i (1986), 128-32.
Prattica per procedere nelle cause del S. Offizio, ed. Alfonso Mirto in 'Un inedito del Scicento sull'Inquisizione', Nouvelles de la république des lettres, i (1986), 128-32.
Toward a Statistical Profile of the Italian Inquisitions: Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries', in Tedeschi
See John Tedeschi and William Monter,'Toward a Statistical Profile of the Italian Inquisitions: Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries', in Tedeschi, Prosecution of Heresy.
Prosecution of Heresy
Tedeschi, J.1
Monter, W.2
The Marrani in Italy, the Greek Lands and the Ottoman Near East', in his
Jonathan I. Israel, 'The Marrani in Italy, the Greek Lands and the Ottoman Near East', in his Diasporas within a Diaspora
Diasporas within a Diaspora
Israel, J.I.1
Sephardic Settlements in Sixteenth-Century Italy: A Historical and Geographical Survey
Alisa Meyuhas Ginio ed, London
Renata Segre, 'Sephardic Settlements in Sixteenth-Century Italy: A Historical and Geographical Survey', in Alisa Meyuhas Ginio (ed.), Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Mediterranean World after 1492 (London, 1992).
Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Mediterranean World after 1492
Segre, R.1
For an overview of the history of Jews in Italy, see Corrado Vivanti (ed.), Gli ebrei in Italia, 2vols. (Turin, 1996-7)
For an overview of the history of Jews in Italy, see Corrado Vivanti (ed.), Gli ebrei in Italia, 2vols. (Turin, 1996-7)
Raymond B. Waddington and Arthur H. Williamson eds, New York and London
Raymond B. Waddington and Arthur H. Williamson (eds.), The Expulsion of the Jews: 1492 and After (New York and London, 1994).
The Expulsion of the Jews: 1492 and After
A Tale of Three Cities and their Raison d'État: Ancona, Venice, Livorno, and the Competition for Jewish Merchants in the Sixteenth Century
Ginio ed
Benjamin Ravid, 'A Tale of Three Cities and their Raison d'État: Ancona, Venice, Livorno, and the Competition for Jewish Merchants in the Sixteenth Century', in Ginio (ed.), Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
Jews, Christians, and Muslims
Ravid, B.1
Aron di Leone Leoni, 'Per una storia della nazione portoghese ad Ancona e a Pesaro', in Ioly Zorattini (ed.), L'identità dissimulata
Aron di Leone Leoni, 'Per una storia della nazione portoghese ad Ancona e a Pesaro', in Ioly Zorattini (ed.), L'identità dissimulata
The Apostolic See and the Jews, vii
Shlomo Simonsohn, The Apostolic See and the Jews, vii, History (Toronto, 1991), 448-50.
, pp. 448-450
Simonsohn, S.1
Cristiani Nuovi e Nuovi Ebrei in Toscana fra Cinque e Scicento: Legittimazioni c percorsi individuali
On Tuscany, see, Ioly Zorattini ed
On Tuscany, see Lucia Frattarelli Fischer, 'Cristiani Nuovi e Nuovi Ebrei in Toscana fra Cinque e Scicento: Legittimazioni c percorsi individuali', in Ioly Zorattini (ed.), Eidentità dissimulata
Eidentità dissimulata
Frattarelli Fischer, L.1
on Ferrara, see Renata Segre, 'La formazione di una comunità marrana: i portoghesi a Ferrara', in Vivanti (ed.), Gli Ebrei in Italia.
on Ferrara, see Renata Segre, 'La formazione di una comunità marrana: i portoghesi a Ferrara', in Vivanti (ed.), Gli Ebrei in Italia.
Other states granted similar privileges, such as Milan in 1435, 1533 and 1580, Mantua in 1522 and Savoy in 1572: See Davidson, 'Inquisition and the Italian Jews', 31.
Other states granted similar privileges, such as Milan in 1435, 1533 and 1580, Mantua in 1522 and Savoy in 1572: See Davidson, 'Inquisition and the Italian Jews', 31.
The Papacy and the Jews: Catholic Reformation and Beyond
Kenneth R. Stow, 'The Papacy and the Jews: Catholic Reformation and Beyond', Jewish Hist., vi (1992)
Jewish Hist
, vol.6
Stow, K.R.1
Renata Segre, 'La Controriforma: Espulsioni, conversioni, isolamento', in Vivanti (ed.), Gli ebrei in Italia, i, as well as Jörg Deventer, 'Zwischen Ausweisung, Repression und Duldung: Die Judenpolitik der Reformpäpste im Kirchenstaat (ca. 1550-1605)', Aschkenas: Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der Juden, xiv (2004).
Renata Segre, 'La Controriforma: Espulsioni, conversioni, isolamento', in Vivanti (ed.), Gli ebrei in Italia, i, as well as Jörg Deventer, 'Zwischen Ausweisung, Repression und Duldung: Die Judenpolitik der "Reformpäpste" im Kirchenstaat (ca. 1550-1605)', Aschkenas: Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der Juden, xiv (2004).
Documenti sui catecumeni c neofiti a Roma nel Scicento e Settecento
esp. 393 4
Domenico Rocciolo, 'Documenti sui catecumeni c neofiti a Roma nel Scicento e Settecento', Ricerche per la storia religiosa di Roma, x (1998), esp. 393 4
Ricerche per la storia religiosa di Roma, x
Rocciolo, D.1
In the course of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, most of the Italian states established ghettos. See Bonfil, Jewish Life in Renaissance Italy, 71-2
In the course of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, most of the Italian states established ghettos. See Bonfil, Jewish Life in Renaissance Italy, 71-2
Avigdor Levy ed, Princeton, esp. 1-31
Avigdor Levy, 'Introduction', in Avigdor Levy (ed.), The Jews of the Ottoman Empire (Princeton, 1994), esp. 1-31
The Jews of the Ottoman Empire
Levy, A.1
Foundations of Ottoman-Jewish Cooperation
Avigdor Levy ed, Syracuse
Halil Inalcik, 'Foundations of Ottoman-Jewish Cooperation', in Avigdor Levy (ed.), Jews, Turks, Ottomans: A Shared History, Fifteenth through the Twentieth Century (Syracuse, 2002)
Jews, Turks, Ottomans: A Shared History, Fifteenth through the Twentieth Century
Inalcik, H.1
Venetian Policy towards Levantine Jews and its Broader Italian Context
Gaetano Cozzi ed, 5-10 giugno, Milan
Bernard D. Cooperman, 'Venetian Policy towards Levantine Jews and its Broader Italian Context', in Gaetano Cozzi (ed.), Gli ebrei e Venezia, secoli XIV-XVIII: Atti del Convegno internazionale organizzato dall'Istituto di storia della società e dello stato veneziano della Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venezia, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, 5-10 giugno 1983 (Milan, 1987)
Gli ebrei e Venezia, secoli XIV-XVIII: Atti del Convegno internazionale organizzato dall'Istituto di storia della società e dello stato veneziano della Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venezia, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore
Cooperman, B.D.1
Jews in International Trade: The Emergence of the Levantines and Ponentines
Robert C. Davis and Benjamin Ravid eds, Baltimore
Benjamin Arbel, 'Jews in International Trade: The Emergence of the Levantines and Ponentines', in Robert C. Davis and Benjamin Ravid (eds.), The Jews of Early Modern Venice (Baltimore, 2001).
The Jews of Early Modern Venice
Arbel, B.1
On the activities of Muslim and Christian pirates and corsairs in the Mediterranean, see Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, trans. Siân Reynolds, 2 vols. (London, 1972-3), esp. ii, 865-91
On the activities of Muslim and Christian pirates and corsairs in the Mediterranean, see Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, trans. Siân Reynolds, 2 vols. (London, 1972-3), esp. ii, 865-91
Basingstoke and New York
Robert C. Davis, Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800 (Basingstoke and New York, 2003).
Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800
Davis, R.C.1
Unlike pirates, corsairs worked for a sovereign power which on the one hand authorized them by formal licence to attack hostile ships, and on the other obliged them to hand over a portion of the booty. For those who were plundered or captured, though, it made little difference whether the attackers were pirates or corsairs. See
Unlike pirates, corsairs worked for a sovereign power which on the one hand authorized them by formal licence to attack hostile ships, and on the other obliged them to hand over a portion of the booty. For those who were plundered or captured, though, it made little difference whether the attackers were pirates or corsairs. See Bono, Corsari nel Mediterraneo, 9
Corsari nel Mediterraneo
, pp. 9
On the establishment of the Order in Malta, see Mario Monterisi, Storia politica e militare del sovrano ordine di S. Giovanni di Gerusalemme detto di Malta, ii, L'ordine a Malta, Tripoli e in Italia (Milan, 1940), 12-16.
On the establishment of the Order in Malta, see Mario Monterisi, Storia politica e militare del sovrano ordine di S. Giovanni di Gerusalemme detto di Malta, ii, L'ordine a Malta, Tripoli e in Italia (Milan, 1940), 12-16.
On Maltese 'piracy, see also, Paris
On Maltese 'piracy', see also Nicolas Vatin, L'Ordre de Saint-Jean-de-Jérusalem, l'Empire ottoman et la Méditerranée orientale entre les deux sièges de Rhodes, 1480-1522 (Paris, 1994), 81-129.
L'Ordre de Saint-Jean-de-Jérusalem, l'Empire ottoman et la Méditerranée orientale entre les deux sièges de Rhodes, 1480-1522
, pp. 81-129
Vatin, N.1
Il mercato maltese degli schiavi al tempo dei cavalieri di San Giovanni (1530-1798)
Michel Fontenay, 'Il mercato maltese degli schiavi al tempo dei cavalieri di San Giovanni (1530-1798)', Quaderni storici, cvii (2001)
Quaderni storici
, vol.107
Fontenay, M.1
The marchese di Vigliena and viceroy was Giovanni Fernandes Paceco. See Giovanni Evangelista di Blasi, Storia cronologica de' Viceré, Luogotenenti e Presidenti del Regno di Sicilia, 5 vols. (1790-1; Palermo, 1974-5), iii, 25-40.
The marchese di Vigliena and viceroy was Giovanni Fernandes Paceco. See Giovanni Evangelista di Blasi, Storia cronologica de' Viceré, Luogotenenti e Presidenti del Regno di Sicilia, 5 vols. (1790-1; Palermo, 1974-5), iii, 25-40.
v. According to the evidence Mariana gave in Venice, her dowry even amounted to 500 ducats. Pocessi, ix, 86.
v. According to the evidence Mariana gave in Venice, her dowry even amounted to 500 ducats. Pocessi, ix, 86.
Processi, ix, 88, 89.
Processi, ix, 88, 89.
Processi, ix, 87-8, 89.
Processi, ix, 87-8, 89.
An overview of the edicts of faith of the Roman Holy Office is provided in Inquisizione e indice nei secoli XV1-XVIII: Controversie teologiche dalle raccolte casanatensi, ed. Angela A. Cavarra Vigevano, 1998, 77-90
An overview of the edicts of faith of the Roman Holy Office is provided in Inquisizione e indice nei secoli XV1-XVIII: Controversie teologiche dalle raccolte casanatensi, ed. Angela A. Cavarra (Vigevano, 1998), 77-90.
Cesare Carena, Tractatus de Officio Sanctissimae Inquisitionis (1636; Cremona, 1655), pt 2, tit. 9, §§1 and 2 and 9§, no. 41.
Cesare Carena, Tractatus de Officio Sanctissimae Inquisitionis (1636; Cremona, 1655), pt 2, tit. 9, §§1 and 2 and 9§, no. 41.
For extensive research on the connection between the Inquisition and auricular confession, see
For extensive research on the connection between the Inquisition and auricular confession, see Prosperi, Tribunali della coscienza
Tribunali della coscienza
Ibid., no. 3.
Ibid., no. 3.
One Body, Two Confessions: Mixed Marriages in Germany
Dagmar Freist has analysed these problems for confessionally mixed marriages: See, Ulinka Rublack ed, Cambridge
Dagmar Freist has analysed these problems for confessionally mixed marriages: See Dagmar Freist, 'One Body, Two Confessions: Mixed Marriages in Germany', in Ulinka Rublack (ed.), Gender in Early Modern German History (Cambridge, 2002).
Gender in Early Modern German History
Freist, D.1
Il Mezzogiorno peninsulare dai bizantini all'espulsione
On the expulsion of the Jews from the Kingdom of Naples, see, Vivanti ed, esp
On the expulsion of the Jews from the Kingdom of Naples, see David Abulafia, 'Il Mezzogiorno peninsulare dai bizantini all'espulsione (1541)', in Vivanti (ed.), Gli ebrei in Italia, i, esp. 35-44
Gli ebrei in Italia, i
, pp. 35-44
Abulafia, D.1
Gli ebrei del Regno di Napoli all'epoca della loro espulsione, I parte: Il periodo aragonese (1456-1499)'
Viviana Bonazzoli, 'Gli ebrei del Regno di Napoli all'epoca della loro espulsione, I parte: Il periodo aragonese (1456-1499)', Archivio storico italiano, cxxxvii (1979),
Archivio storico italiano
, vol.137
Bonazzoli, V.1
and 'II parte: Il periodo spagnolo (1501-1541)', Archivio storico italiano, cxxxix (1981).
and 'II parte: Il periodo spagnolo (1501-1541)', Archivio storico italiano, cxxxix (1981).
La suggestione dell'ebraismo tra i napoletani del tardo Cinquecento
On the disappearance of Judaizers in Naples, see, Luzzati ed
On the disappearance of Judaizers in Naples, see Giovanni Romeo, 'La suggestione dell'ebraismo tra i napoletani del tardo Cinquecento', in Luzzati (ed.), L'Inquisizione e gli ebrei in Italia.
L'Inquisizione e gli ebrei in Italia
Romeo, G.1
On the campaigns against giudaizzanti during the second half of the sixteenth century, see Pierroberto Scaramella, 'La campagna contro i giudaizzanti nel Regno di Napoli (1569-1582): Antecedenti e risvolti diun'azione inquisitoriale', in his Inquisizioni, eresie, etnie, dissenso religioso e giustizia ecclesiastica in Italia (secc. XVI-XVIII) (Bari, 2005).
On the campaigns against giudaizzanti during the second half of the sixteenth century, see Pierroberto Scaramella, 'La campagna contro i giudaizzanti nel Regno di Napoli (1569-1582): Antecedenti e risvolti diun'azione inquisitoriale', in his Inquisizioni, eresie, etnie, dissenso religioso e giustizia ecclesiastica in Italia (secc. XVI-XVIII) (Bari, 2005).
Processi, ix, 86-7.
Processi, ix, 86-7.
v. The exact wording of the prayers was not recorded. While the Ten Commandments were a fundamental component of both the Jewish and the Christian religions, the Ave Maria and the Apostles' Creed were clearly Catholic prayers.
v. The exact wording of the prayers was not recorded. While the Ten Commandments were a fundamental component of both the Jewish and the Christian religions, the Ave Maria and the Apostles' Creed were clearly Catholic prayers.
Tortur als Routine
On the routine application of torture, see, Peter Burschel, Götz Distelrath and Sven Lembke eds, Cologne
On the routine application of torture, see Peter Schmidt, 'Tortur als Routine', in Peter Burschel, Götz Distelrath and Sven Lembke (eds.), Das Quälen des Körpers: Eine historische Anthropologie der Folter (Cologne, 2000).
Das Quälen des Körpers: Eine historische Anthropologie der Folter
Schmidt, P.1
See also John Tedeschi, The Organization and Procedures of the Roman Inquisition: A Sketch', in his Prosecution of Heresy, 141-6
See also John Tedeschi, "The Organization and Procedures of the Roman Inquisition: A Sketch', in his Prosecution of Heresy, 141-6
In the 1960s, António José Saraiva argued that the accusation of Judaizing was used as a pretext to proceed against the conversos, who were fast becoming a considerable economic force. The central arguments ofthe ensuing controversy are documented in Saraiva, Marrano Factory, appendices 1-2. Independently of this debate, Benzion Netanyahu has argued that crypto-judaism was essentially a creation of inquisitorial persecution: See Netanyahu, Marranos of Spain
In the 1960s, António José Saraiva argued that the accusation of Judaizing was used as a pretext to proceed against the conversos, who were fast becoming a considerable economic force. The central arguments ofthe ensuing controversy are documented in Saraiva, Marrano Factory, appendices 1-2. Independently of this debate, Benzion Netanyahu has argued that crypto-judaism was essentially a creation of inquisitorial persecution: See Netanyahu, Marranos of Spain.
The Archives of the Holy Office of Toledo as a Source for Historical Anthropology
See, for example, Gustav Henningsen and John Tedeschi with, eds, DeKalb
See, for example, Jean-Pierre Dedieu, 'The Archives of the Holy Office of Toledo as a Source for Historical Anthropology', in Gustav Henningsen and John Tedeschi with Charles Amiel (eds.), The Inquisition in Early Modern Europe: Studies on Sources and Methods (DeKalb, 1986), 168-9
The Inquisition in Early Modern Europe: Studies on Sources and Methods
, pp. 168-169
Dedieu, J.-P.1
John Edwards, 'Was the Spanish Inquisition Truthful?', Jewish Quart. Rev., lxxxvii (1997), 365
John Edwards, 'Was the Spanish Inquisition Truthful?', Jewish Quart. Rev., lxxxvii (1997), 365
Il prezzo della cittadinanza: Strategic di integrazione nella Roma pontificia
Angiolina Arru, 'Il prezzo della cittadinanza: Strategic di integrazione nella Roma pontificia', Quaderni storici, xci (1996), 166.
Quaderni storici
, vol.91
, pp. 166
Arru, A.1
Processi, ix, 87.
Processi, ix, 87.
Mass Conversion and Genealogical Mentalities: Jews and Christians in Fifteenth-Century Spain
David Nirenberg, 'Mass Conversion and Genealogical Mentalities: Jews and Christians in Fifteenth-Century Spain', Past and Present, no. 174 (Feb. 2002), 20-1.
Past and Present
, Issue.174
, pp. 20-21
Nirenberg, D.1
In converso families, it often was the woman's role to pass on the religion. See Renée Levine Melammed, 'Sephardi Women in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods', in Judith R. Baskin (ed.), Jewish Women in Historical Perspective (Detroit, 1991), esp. 126-7
In converso families, it often was the woman's role to pass on the religion. See Renée Levine Melammed, 'Sephardi Women in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods', in Judith R. Baskin (ed.), Jewish Women in Historical Perspective (Detroit, 1991), esp. 126-7
Processi, ix, 89-90.
Processi, ix, 89-90.
Angelo Balbi quondam Salomonis de Castrofranco converted to Catholicism in 1611. Processi, ix, 89.
"Angelo Balbi quondam Salomonis de Castrofranco converted to Catholicism in 1611. Processi, ix, 89.
Ibid., 90.
In this regard, see also
In this regard, see also Révah, 'Les Marranes', 53, 58
Les Marranes
, vol.53
, pp. 58
A similar interpretation has been suggested by David Graizbord for the case of Antonio Rodriguez de Amézquita: See Graizbord, Souls in Dispute, 160, 167
A similar interpretation has been suggested by David Graizbord for the case of Antonio Rodriguez de Amézquita: See Graizbord, Souls in Dispute, 160, 167.
Mariana's son worked as a water-bearer in the ghetto. Processi, ix, 89.
Mariana's son worked as a water-bearer in the ghetto. Processi, ix, 89.
The Best of Both Faiths: The Boundaries of Religious Allegiance and Opportunism in Early Eighteenth-Century Cuenca
Nicholas Griffiths, 'The Best of Both Faiths: The Boundaries of Religious Allegiance and Opportunism in Early Eighteenth-Century Cuenca', Bull. Hispanic Studies, lxxvii (2000).
Bull. Hispanic Studies
, vol.77
Griffiths, N.1
Monika Wohlrab-Sahr, Volkhard. Krech and Hubert Knoblauch, 'Religiöse Bekehrung in soziologischer Perspektive: Themen, Schwerpunkte und Fragestellungen der gegenwärtigen religionssoziologischen Konversionsforschung', in Hubert Knoblauch, Volkhard Krech and Monika Wohlrab-Sahr (eds.), Religiöse Konversion: Systematische und fallorientierte Konversions forschung (Konstanz, 1998).
Monika Wohlrab-Sahr, Volkhard. Krech and Hubert Knoblauch, 'Religiöse Bekehrung in soziologischer Perspektive: Themen, Schwerpunkte und Fragestellungen der gegenwärtigen religionssoziologischen Konversionsforschung', in Hubert Knoblauch, Volkhard Krech and Monika Wohlrab-Sahr (eds.), Religiöse Konversion: Systematische und fallorientierte Konversions forschung (Konstanz, 1998).
On the concept of conversion, see also Eckhart Friedrich, Klaus Hartmann and Detlef Pollack, Kircheneintritt und Konversion: Kircheneintritte in einer ostdeutschen Großstadt - betrachtet aus der Perspektive der Konversionsforschung', ibid., esp. 93-100.
On the concept of conversion, see also Eckhart Friedrich, Klaus Hartmann and Detlef Pollack, Kircheneintritt und Konversion: Kircheneintritte in einer ostdeutschen Großstadt - betrachtet aus der Perspektive der Konversionsforschung', ibid., esp. 93-100.
Converting: Stages of Religious Change
Ultimately, even models that conceptualize conversion as a process presume a clear change of religion. See, Christopher Lamb and M. Darrol Bryant eds, London and New York
Ultimately, even models that conceptualize conversion as a process presume a clear change of religion. See Lewis R. Rambo and Charles E. Farhadian, 'Converting: Stages of Religious Change', in Christopher Lamb and M. Darrol Bryant (eds.), Religious Conversion: Contemporary Practices and Controversies (London and New York, 1999).
Religious Conversion: Contemporary Practices and Controversies
Rambo, L.R.1
Farhadian, C.E.2
Massimo Leone describes the process of conversion in a similar way, but from an anthropological and semiotic point of view. A phase of the destabilization and crisis of the 'I' is followed by a phase of restabilization in which a new religious identity is constructed. See, London and New York
Massimo Leone describes the process of conversion in a similar way, but from an anthropological and semiotic point of view. A phase of the destabilization and crisis of the 'I' is followed by a phase of restabilization in which a new religious identity is constructed. See Massimo Leone, Religious Conversion and Identity: The Semiotic Analysis of Texts (London and New York, 2004).
Religious Conversion and Identity: The Semiotic Analysis of Texts
Leone, M.1
Paul and Augustine: Conversion Narratives, Orthodox Traditions and the Retrospective Self
Paula Fredriksen, 'Paul and Augustine: Conversion Narratives, Orthodox Traditions and the Retrospective Self', Jl Theol. Studies, xxxvii (1986).
Jl Theol. Studies
Fredriksen, P.1
My Chains Fell Off, My Heart Was Free: Early Methodist Conversion Narrative in England
see also
see also D. Bruce Hindmarsh, '"My Chains Fell Off, My Heart Was Free": Early Methodist Conversion Narrative in England', Church Hist., lxviii (1999).
Church Hist
, vol.68
Bruce Hindmarsh, D.1
Konversion, Karriere und Elitekultur. Profile kirchlicher Konvertitenfürsorge: Ludolf Klencke und Barthold Nihus
For example, some German Protestants who converted to Catholicism in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries took on missionary functions. See, Friedrich Niewöhner and Fidel Rädle eds, Hildesheim
For example, some German Protestants who converted to Catholicism in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries took on missionary functions. See Jürgen Stillig, 'Konversion, Karriere und Elitekultur. Profile kirchlicher Konvertitenfürsorge: Ludolf Klencke und Barthold Nihus', in Friedrich Niewöhner and Fidel Rädle (eds.), Konversionen im Mittelalter und in der Frühneuzeit (Hildesheim, 1999).
Konversionen im Mittelalter und in der Frühneuzeit
Stillig, J.1
In addition, a few prominent Jewish converts wrote sharp polemics against their former religion. See Carlebach, Divided Souls, 52-6
In addition, a few prominent Jewish converts wrote sharp polemics against their former religion. See Carlebach, Divided Souls, 52-6
Kenneth Mills and Anthony Grafton, 'Introduction', in Mills and Grafton (eds.), Conversion, p. x.
Kenneth Mills and Anthony Grafton, 'Introduction', in Mills and Grafton (eds.), Conversion, p. x.
Conversion and Identity: Iroquois Christianity in Seventeenth-Century New France
Mills and Grafton eds
Allan Greer, 'Conversion and Identity: Iroquois Christianity in Seventeenth-Century New France', in Mills and Grafton (eds.), Conversion.
Greer, A.1
Converting the Ancestors: Indirect Rule, Settlement Consolidation, and the Struggle over Burial in Colonial Peru 1532-1614
Mills and Grafton eds
Peter Gose, 'Converting the Ancestors: Indirect Rule, Settlement Consolidation, and the Struggle over Burial in Colonial Peru, 1532-1614', in Mills and Grafton (eds.), Conversion.
Gose, P.1
Converts and Apostates: The Competition for Souls in Early Modern Holland
Griffiths, Best of Both Faiths, For similar cases of confessional mixture in the Netherlands, see
Griffiths, 'Best of Both Faiths'. For similar cases of confessional mixture in the Netherlands, see Christine Kooi, 'Converts and Apostates: The Competition for Souls in Early Modern Holland', Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte, xcii (2001).
Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte
, vol.92
Kooi, C.1
In the context of confessional plurality and freedom of religion, some converts played down confessional differences: See Judith Pollmann, A Different Road to God: The Protestant Experience of Conversion in the Sixteenth Century, in van derVeer ed, Conversion to Modernities esp. 56-7
In the context of confessional plurality and freedom of religion, some converts played down confessional differences: See Judith Pollmann, 'A Different Road to God: The Protestant Experience of Conversion in the Sixteenth Century', in van derVeer (ed.), Conversion to Modernities esp. 56-7.
Crypto-Catholicism, Anti-Calvinism and Conversion at the Jacobean Court: The Enigma of Benjamin Carier
Converting from the Anglican to the Roman Church could be a tiny step, as Michael Questier shows for Reformation England: See, xlvii
Converting from the Anglican to the Roman Church could be a tiny step, as Michael Questier shows for Reformation England: See Michael Questier, 'Crypto-Catholicism, Anti-Calvinism and Conversion at the Jacobean Court: The Enigma of Benjamin Carier', Jl Eccles. Hist., xlvii (1996).
Jl Eccles. Hist
Questier, M.1
See, for example, the case of, Judith Pollmann, Manchester and New York
See, for example, the case of Arnoldus Buchelius, in Judith Pollmann, Religious Choice in the Dutch Republic: The Reformation of Arnoldus Buchelius (1565-1641) (Manchester and New York, 1998).
Religious Choice in the Dutch Republic: The Reformation of Arnoldus Buchelius
Buchelius, A.1
Konfession, Konversion und soziales Drama: Ein Plädoyer für die Ablösung des Paradigmas der "konfessionellen Identität
Greyerz et al, eds
Frauke Volkland, 'Konfession, Konversion und soziales Drama: Ein Plädoyer für die Ablösung des Paradigmas der "konfessionellen Identität"', in Greyerz et al. (eds.), Interkonfessionalität - Transkonfessionalität - binnenkonfessionelle Pluralität.
Interkonfessionalität - Transkonfessionalität - binnenkonfessionelle Pluralität
Volkland, F.1
Geography of Religious Conversion
esp. ch. 2
Corpis, 'Geography of Religious Conversion', esp. ch. 2.
Results of the Reformation: Ritual, Doctrine and Religious Conversion
xviii 2003
Jane Wickersham, 'Results of the Reformation: Ritual, Doctrine and Religious Conversion', Seventeenth Century, xviii (2003), 271, 273, 279
Seventeenth Century
, vol.271
, Issue.273
, pp. 279
Wickersham, J.1
Rodríguez later reconverted to Catholicism, a choice that was partly motivated by economic misfortunes and his experience of Catholic piety in Zaragoza
Graizbord, Souls in Dispute, 87-8, 143-67. Rodríguez later reconverted to Catholicism - a choice that was partly motivated by economic misfortunes and his experience of Catholic piety in Zaragoza.
Souls in Dispute
, vol.87 -8
, pp. 143-167
On the Casa dei catecumeni, see Caffiero, Battesimi forzati, as well as Rocciolo, 'Documenti sui catecumeni e neofiti a Roma nel Seicento e Settecento'; on the Congregatio de iis qui sponte veniunt ad fidem, established in the early seventeenth century, see Fosi, 'Roma c gli Ultramontani'; on the Ospizio, founded in 1673, see Sergio Pagano, 'L'Ospizio dei Convertendi di Roma fra carisma missionario e regolamemazione ecclesiastica (1671-1700)', Ricerche per la storia religiosa di Roma, x (1998), esp. 313-44, as well as Matheus, 'Mobilität und Konversion'.
On the Casa dei catecumeni, see Caffiero, Battesimi forzati, as well as Rocciolo, 'Documenti sui catecumeni e neofiti a Roma nel Seicento e Settecento'; on the Congregatio de iis qui sponte veniunt ad fidem, established in the early seventeenth century, see Fosi, 'Roma c gli "Ultramontani"'; on the Ospizio, founded in 1673, see Sergio Pagano, 'L'Ospizio dei Convertendi di Roma fra carisma missionario e regolamemazione ecclesiastica (1671-1700)', Ricerche per la storia religiosa di Roma, x (1998), esp. 313-44, as well as Matheus, 'Mobilität und Konversion'.
See, for example, ACDF, stanza storica, M 5-m, Ease. Roma 1691, fasc. Livorno 1705, fasc. Venezia 1721, fasc. Venezia 1678. The basis for legitimizing the second marriage and the praxis of invocation were the Privilegium Paulinum and a papal decree of 1585 by Gregory XIII. See Gaudemet, Le Mariage en occident, 311
See, for example, ACDF, stanza storica, M 5-m, Ease. Roma 1691, fasc. Livorno 1705, fasc. Venezia 1721, fasc. Venezia 1678. The basis for legitimizing the second marriage and the praxis of invocation were the Privilegium Paulinum and a papal decree of 1585 by Gregory XIII. See Gaudemet, Le Mariage en occident, 311