Transmission System Application Planning Requirements for FACTS Controllers
A Special Publication for System Planners" IEEE WG15.05.13, "Transmission System Application Planning Requirements for FACTS Controllers", 2006
P. K. Wong et. al., Demand Response Programs and their Integration into the ISO New England Energy Markets X Simposium of Specialists in Electric Operational and Expansion Planning, Florianoplis, SC, Brasil, J. May 21-25, 2005
P. K. Wong et. al., "Demand Response Programs and their Integration into the ISO New England Energy Markets" X Simposium of Specialists in Electric Operational and Expansion Planning, Florianoplis, SC, Brasil, J. May 21-25, 2005
New Constraints in Planning New England's Generation Resources
Florianoplis, SC, Brasil, May 21-25
E. Platts et. al., "New Constraints in Planning New England's Generation Resources", X Simposium of Specialists in Electric Operational and Expansion Planning, Florianoplis, SC, Brasil, May 21-25, 2005
X Simposium of Specialists in Electric Operational and Expansion Planning
Platts, E.1
et., al.2
Planning in a Deregulated Environment
Florianoplis, SC, Brasil, May 21-25
M. I. Henderson, et al, "Planning in a Deregulated Environment" X Simposium of Specialists in Electric Operational and Expansion Planning, Florianoplis, SC, Brasil, May 21-25, 2005
X Simposium of Specialists in Electric Operational and Expansion Planning
Henderson, M.I.1
The following reports provide additional information on the New England system
The following reports provide additional information on the New England system:
Regional System Plan 2007 - Public version of the RSP07 Plan. http://www.isone.com/trans/rsp/2007/rsp07_final_101907_public_version.pd f
Regional System Plan 2007 - Public version of the RSP07 Plan. http://www.isone.com/trans/rsp/2007/rsp07_final_101907_public_version.pdf
A detailed version of the report can be obtained by contacting ISO New England customer service 413-540-4330
A detailed version of the report can be obtained by contacting ISO New England customer service (413-540-4330)
New England Scenario Analysis - Summary of some of the economic, reliability, and environmental impacts of various technologies on the New England power system. http://www.isone.com/committees/comm_wkgrps/othr/sas/ mtrls/elec_rep ort/scenario_analysis_final.pdf
New England Scenario Analysis - Summary of some of the economic, reliability, and environmental impacts of various technologies on the New England power system. http://www.isone.com/committees/comm_wkgrps/othr/sas/ mtrls/elec_rep ort/scenario_analysis_final.pdf
A Scenario Analysis spreadsheet tool was also developed so that stakeholders can explore information, make their own investigations, and asses the impacts of different assumptions_wkgrps/othr/sas/mtrls/sprdshee t/index.html
A Scenario Analysis spreadsheet tool was also developed so that stakeholders can explore information, make their own investigations, and asses the impacts of different assumptions. http://www.isone.com/committees/comm.
Provides a comprehensive course on ISO New England's Wholesale Electricity Markets for participants who have not been previously exposed to the ISO New England Wholesale Electricity Markets or who need a refresher. (See Module 15 for an introduction to FCM.)
Provides a comprehensive course on ISO New England's Wholesale Electricity Markets for participants who have not been previously exposed to the ISO New England Wholesale Electricity Markets or who need a refresher. (See Module 15 for an introduction to FCM.)
Provides intermediate level information on ISO New England's Wholesale Energy Market, specifically Unit Commitment & Dispatch, Net Commitment Compensation Period, Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP), Energy Reserve Co-optimization, and market tools.
Provides intermediate level information on ISO New England's Wholesale Energy Market, specifically Unit Commitment & Dispatch, Net Commitment Compensation Period, Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP), Energy Reserve Co-optimization, and market tools.
Provides detailed information on ISO New England's Wholesale Electricity Markets, specifically Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP), Energy Reserve Co-optimization in the Real-Time Energy Market, and Financial Transmission Rights (FTRs).
Provides detailed information on ISO New England's Wholesale Electricity Markets, specifically Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP), Energy Reserve Co-optimization in the Real-Time Energy Market, and Financial Transmission Rights (FTRs).
The following link gives more details concerning FCM
The following link gives more details concerning FCM: http://www.isone.com/support/training/courses/fcm/index.html
2007 CELT Report-Statistics of capacity, energy, load, and transmission, available at: http://www.isone.com/trans/celt/index.html
2007 CELT Report-Statistics of capacity, energy, load, and transmission, available at: http://www.isone.com/trans/celt/index.html
2007 Load Forecast-Peak and energy load forecasts and supporting documentation, available at: http://www.iso-ne.com/trans/celt/fsct_detail/index. html
2007 Load Forecast-Peak and energy load forecasts and supporting documentation, available at: http://www.iso-ne.com/trans/celt/fsct_detail/index. html
Draft 2005 Resource Adequacy Analysis-Resource adequacy report issued to the Power Supply Planning Committee for review and comment. This report does not reflect the latest comments received from the PAC on RSP05. Available at: http://www.isone.com/committees/comm_wkgrps/relblty_comm/pwrsuppl n_comm/mtrls/2005/aug 182005/Draft_ResAdqcy_Aug 10.pdf
Draft 2005 Resource Adequacy Analysis-Resource adequacy report issued to the Power Supply Planning Committee for review and comment. This report does not reflect the latest comments received from the PAC on RSP05. Available at: http://www.isone.com/committees/comm_wkgrps/relblty_comm/pwrsuppl n_comm/mtrls/2005/aug 182005/Draft_ResAdqcy_Aug 10.pdf
Transmission planning studies-Transmission planning and tariff reports, which can be accessed by calling ISO New England customer service (413-540-4220) ISO New England Project Listing Update-List of ISO-approved transmission system improvements, available at: http://www.isone.com/trans/rsp/2005/ july05_update_final_redacted_0721_05.ppt
Transmission planning studies-Transmission planning and tariff reports, which can be accessed by calling ISO New England customer service (413-540-4220) ISO New England Project Listing Update-List of ISO-approved transmission system improvements, available at: http://www.isone.com/trans/rsp/2005/ july05_update_final_redacted_0721_05.ppt