Hierarchical cluster analysis of broad band measured PDs as part of a modular structured monitoring system for transformers. 11th ISH, Int.Symposium HVE, London UK, 1999 Aug
Hierarchical cluster analysis of broad band measured PDs as part of a modular structured monitoring system for transformers. 11th ISH, Int.Symposium HVE, London UK, 1999 Aug.
Assessment of insulation condition of large proves transformers by on-site electrical (diagnostic methods). 13th ISEI, Int. Symposium on electrical insulation L.A, USA, 2000 April.
Assessment of insulation condition of large proves transformers by on-site electrical (diagnostic methods). 13th ISEI, Int. Symposium on electrical insulation L.A, USA, 2000 April.
On-line partial discharge detection in transformer. N.H. Ahmed and N.N.Srinicas, Detroit Edison company. Conference record 1998 Intl. Symp. On EI, USA, June 7-10.
On-line partial discharge detection in transformer. N.H. Ahmed and N.N.Srinicas, Detroit Edison company. Conference record 1998 Intl. Symp. On EI, USA, June 7-10.
Monitoring and diagnostic systems for dry type transformers. E.Gockenbach, P. Werle, H.Borsi
Monitoring and diagnostic systems for dry type transformers. E.Gockenbach, P. Werle, H.Borsi.
Location of partial discharges in transformers, M. Gopalakrishnan,M.A. Panneerselvam, R. B. Sreeshankar, S. Jayalalitha and V. Jayashankar .2003 Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation And Dielectric Phenomena.
Location of partial discharges in transformers, M. Gopalakrishnan,M.A. Panneerselvam, R. B. Sreeshankar, S. Jayalalitha and V. Jayashankar .2003 Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation And Dielectric Phenomena.
A new method for PD location on power transformer based on a system theoretical approach, Werle.P, Borsi.H, Gockenback.E
A new method for PD location on power transformer based on a system theoretical approach, Werle.P, Borsi.H, Gockenback.E.
Partial discharges in transformer insulation, CIGRE WG 15-302, Session 2002
Partial discharges in transformer insulation, CIGRE WG 15-302, Session 2002
Various Partial Discharge measurement and evaluation techniques Adaptedto different transformer types. H. Borsi, P. Werle, E. Gockenbach
Various Partial Discharge measurement and evaluation techniques Adaptedto different transformer types. H. Borsi, P. Werle, E. Gockenbach
An enhanced system for partial discharge diagnosis on power transformers.P.Werle, A.Akbari, E.Gockenbach, and H.Borsi
An enhanced system for partial discharge diagnosis on power transformers.P.Werle, A.Akbari, E.Gockenbach, and H.Borsi.
Partial discharge propagation model and location estimate. Conference record of the 1994 IEEE Intl. Symposium on EI, June 5-8.
Partial discharge propagation model and location estimate. Conference record of the 1994 IEEE Intl. Symposium on EI, June 5-8.
D. konig and Y. N.Rao. Partial discharges in electrical power apparatus, VDE-Verlag GmbH, Berlin and Offenbach
D. konig and Y. N.Rao. Partial discharges in electrical power apparatus, VDE-Verlag GmbH, Berlin and Offenbach.
Partial discharge localization for a transformer based on frequency spectrum analysis. Schuzhen Xu, Steven D.Mitchell and Richard H.Middleton
Partial discharge localization for a transformer based on frequency spectrum analysis. Schuzhen Xu, Steven D.Mitchell and Richard H.Middleton.
Frequency response analysis of a power transformer. Muhammad Azizi Abdul Rahman, Halimatun Hashim, P.S.Ghosh
Frequency response analysis of a power transformer. Muhammad Azizi Abdul Rahman, Halimatun Hashim, P.S.Ghosh.
Some problems with partial discharge measurement in on-line mode. K. Zalis, L. Beranova, L. Prskavec, R. Teminova
Some problems with partial discharge measurement in on-line mode. K. Zalis, L. Beranova, L. Prskavec, R. Teminova.
Analysis and location of partial discharges in power transformers by means of electrical methods. H. Tatizawa, G.F. Burani
Analysis and location of partial discharges in power transformers by means of electrical methods. H. Tatizawa, G.F. Burani
RFI measurement as a diagnostic technique for medium voltage transformers. P. Pakonen, A. Lehtio, K. Kannus, E. Lakervi Distortion of phase resolved partial discharge pattern due to harmonics andsaturation. Detlev W. Gross, and Beruhard A. Fruth, Power diagnostix systems GmbH
RFI measurement as a diagnostic technique for medium voltage transformers. P. Pakonen, A. Lehtio, K. Kannus, E. Lakervi Distortion of phase resolved partial discharge pattern due to harmonics andsaturation. Detlev W. Gross, and Beruhard A. Fruth, Power diagnostix systems GmbH.
On-site application of advanced diagnosis methods for quality assessment of insulation of power transformers. M. Hassig, R. Braunlich, R. Gysi, J.J.Alff, V.Der Honhanessian, W.S. Zaengl. CEIDP-2001, IEEE conf. on EIOct 14-17
On-site application of advanced diagnosis methods for quality assessment of insulation of power transformers. M. Hassig, R. Braunlich, R. Gysi, J.J.Alff, V.Der Honhanessian, W.S. Zaengl. CEIDP-2001, IEEE conf. on EIOct 14-17.
Measuring system for Phase resolved partial discharge detection at low frequencies. Juleigh Giddens, Hans Edin, Uno Gafvert ABB corporate research
Measuring system for Phase resolved partial discharge detection at low frequencies. Juleigh Giddens, Hans Edin, Uno Gafvert (ABB corporate research)
High voltage techniques - Partial discharge measurements, IEC standard 60270, Third edition 2000-12
High voltage techniques - Partial discharge measurements, IEC standard 60270, Third edition 2000-12
IEEE guide for the detection and location of acoustic emissions from partial discharges in oil immersed power transformers and reactors, IEEEC57.127-2007 Revision of IEEE Std C57.127-2000
IEEE guide for the detection and location of acoustic emissions from partial discharges in oil immersed power transformers and reactors, IEEEC57.127-2007 (Revision of IEEE Std C57.127-2000)
High frequency transformer model for computation of sectionalwinding function used for PD localization. A.Akbari, P.Werle, H.Borsi,E.Gorkenbach. Verfahen Zurortung von teilenthadungen an transformatoren and ahnlichen hochspannungsgeraten. German patentregistration, 1999
High frequency transformer model for computation of sectionalwinding function used for PD localization. A.Akbari, P.Werle, H.Borsi,E.Gorkenbach. Verfahen Zurortung von teilenthadungen an transformatoren and ahnlichen hochspannungsgeraten. German patentregistration, 1999.