Volumn , Issue , 2006, Pages 285-311
The prosecution service function within the swedish criminal justice system
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EID: 51349111491
Source Type: Book
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-33963-2_9
Document Type: Chapter
The list of the laws and other official materials used in the Report Rättegångsbalken,(1942:740)(The Code of Judicial Procedure) Förundersökningskungörelse (1947:948) (The Regulation on Preliminary Investigation) Lag (1964:167) med särskilda bestämmelser om unga lagöverträdare (The Law with special provisions concerning prosecution of young offenders)
The list of the laws and other official materials used in the Report Rättegångsbalken (1942:740) (The Code of Judicial Procedure) Förundersökningskungörelse (1947:948) (The Regulation on Preliminary Investigation) Lag (1964:167) med särskilda bestämmelser om unga lagöverträdare (The Law with special provisions concerning prosecution of young offenders)
Polislagen (1984:387)(The Police Act) Riksåklagarens föreskrifter (1999:178) om ordningsbot för vissa brott (The Regulation of the Prosecutor General determining which offences may be punished by the police by means of the summary fines) Åklagarmyndighetens föreskrifter och allmänna råd om ledning av förundersö kning i brottmål. Åklagarmyndighetens författningssamling 2005:9. (The Instructions of the Public Prosecution Service concerning the leadership of the preliminary investigation in criminal procedure. PPS Collection of Regulations 2005:9. ) Åklagarmyndighetens utvecklingsplan 2005-2007 (Public Prosecution Service Development Plan 2005-2007) Åklagarmyndighetens årsredovisning 2002, 2003
Polislagen (1984:387) (The Police Act) Riksåklagarens föreskrifter (1999:178) om ordningsbot för vissa brott (The Regulation of the Prosecutor General determining which offences may be punished by the police by means of the summary fines) Åklagarmyndighetens föreskrifter och allmänna råd om ledning av förundersö kning i brottmål. Åklagarmyndighetens författningssamling 2005:9. (The Instructions of the Public Prosecution Service concerning the leadership of the preliminary investigation in criminal procedure. PPS Collection of Regulations 2005:9. ) Åklagarmyndighetens utvecklingsplan 2005-2007 (Public Prosecution Service Development Plan 2005-2007) Åklagarmyndighetens årsredovisning 2002, 2003, 2004.
(Public Prosecution Service Annual Reports 2002, 2003, 2004. ) The internal statistics of the PPS 2002 Domstolstatistik 2002 (The Official Statistics of the National Court Administration)
(Public Prosecution Service Annual Reports 2002, 2003, 2004. ) The internal statistics of the PPS 2002 Domstolstatistik 2002 (The Official Statistics of the National Court Administration)
Kriminalstatistik 2002 (The Swedish Official Criminal Statistics) En ny uppgifts-och ansvarsfördelning mellan polis och åklagare. Statens offentliga utredningar 2005:84. (A New Allocation of Tasks and Responsibility between the Police and Public Prosecution Service. Swedish Public Reports (SOU) 2005:84)
Kriminalstatistik 2002 (The Swedish Official Criminal Statistics) En ny uppgifts-och ansvarsfördelning mellan polis och åklagare. Statens offentliga utredningar 2005:84. (A New Allocation of Tasks and Responsibility between the Police and Public Prosecution Service. Swedish Public Reports (SOU) 2005:84).