Cf. Günter Moltmann, Atlantische Blockpolitik im 19. Jahrhundert (Düsseldorf: Droste, 1973) 357: "Wer kannte in den Vereinigten Staaten - außer den Deutschamerikanern - wirklich Deutschland, und wer kannte in Deutschland - außer den Rückwanderern - wirklich Amerika?"
Atlantische Blockpolitik im 19. Jahrhundert
, pp. 357
Moltmann, G.1
Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P
Reinhard R. Doerries, Imperial Challenge (Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1989)
Imperial Challenge
Doerries, R.R.1
Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P
Sigmund Skard, American Studies in Europe, vol. I (Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1958) 210-11
American Studies in Europe
, vol.1
, pp. 210-211
Skard, S.1
Berlin: Grote'sche Skard, American Studies in Europe
Ernst Otto Hopp, Bundesstaat und Bundeskrieg in Nordamerika (Berlin: Grote'sche, 1886). Cf. Skard, American Studies in Europe vol. 1: 243
Bundesstaat und Bundeskrieg in Nordamerika
, vol.1
, pp. 243
Hopp, E.O.1
Der Kampf um den Bundesstaat in Nordamerika
Berlin: Grote'sche Wilhelm Oncken was Professor of History at the University of Giessen
Wilhelm Oncken, "Der Kampf um den Bundesstaat in Nordamerika," Das Zeitalter der Revolution des Kaiserreiches und der Befreiungskriege (Berlin: Grote'sche, 1884) 743-68. Wilhelm Oncken was Professor of History at the University of Giessen
Das Zeitalter der Revolution des Kaiserreiches und der Befreiungskriege
, pp. 743-768
Oncken, W.1
München: Beck
Eugen Kühnemann from the University of Breslau published a report about his work in the U.S. entitled Deutschland und Amerika (München: Beck, 1917)
Deutschland und Amerika
Friedrich Schönemann, German Americanist Historian
Cf. the informative though somewhat generous appraisal by Earl R. Beck, "Friedrich Schönemann, German Americanist Historian," The Historian 26.3 (1964): 381-404
The Historian
, pp. 381-404
Beck, E.R.1
Berlin: Curtius
Thomas Cuming Hall was Professor of Christian Ethics at Union Theological Seminary in New York when he came to Germany as an exchange professor in 1915. He decided to stay and died in Göttingen in 1936. As an example of his political views, see "The English Yellow Press," New York Sun 17 Jan. 1915: off-print, 8 unnumbered pp. Repr. as "Eine amerikanische Charakteristik der englischen Presse" in Eduard Meyer, Nordamerika und Deutschland (Berlin: Curtius, 1915) 71-88
Nordamerika und Deutschland
, pp. 71-88
Meyer, E.1
Adolf Rein, Professor for "Colonial and Overseas History" since 1927 (in 1933 changed to "Overseas and Colonial History and the History of German Overseas Culture") had visited the U.S. and obtained his Habilitation in 1914 at the University of Strasbourg with a study of the origins of the American constitution. His activities in Hamburg during the Nazi years rather tar-nished his reputation
Professor for Colonial and Overseas History since 1927
Rein, A.1
Die 'Übersee- und Kolonialkunde' als besondere Aufgabe der Universiẗt
Eckart Krause, Ludwig Huber, Holger Fischer Berlin: Reimer
See Günter Moltmann, "Die 'Übersee- und Kolonialkunde' als besondere Aufgabe der Universiẗt," Hochschulalltag im 'Dritten Reich': Die Hamburger Universität 1933-1945, ed. Eckart Krause, Ludwig Huber, Holger Fischer (Berlin: Reimer, 1991) 149-78
Hochschulalltag im 'Dritten Reich': Die Hamburger Universität 1933-1945
, pp. 149-178
Moltmann, G.1
Berlin: Junker und Dünnhaupt ch. VII, VIII
The handling of President Wilson by the German media appears, in retrospect, to be similar to the treatment of, for instance, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, George Bush or George W. Bush. Cf. also Friedrich Schönemann's appraisal of Woodrow Wilson in England gegen Amerika (Berlin: Junker und Dünnhaupt, 1940) ch. VII, VIII
Friedrich Schönemann's appraisal of Woodrow Wilson in England gegen Amerika
Roosevelt, F.D.1
Reagan, R.2
Bush, G.3
Bush, G.W.4
Much of this information can be gathered from Skard, American Studies in Europe 1
Much of this information can be gathered from Skard, American Studies in Europe vol. 1
Bonn: Deutscher Akademi-scher Austauschdienst
Qtd. from Ulrich Littmann, Gute Partner - Schwierige Partner (Bonn: Deutscher Akademi-scher Austauschdienst, 1996) 76
Gute Partner - Schwierige Partner
, pp. 76
Littmann, U.1
Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2002, 213
Regarding Förster's dismissal in Munich cf. Christoph Bode, "Anglia 1933-45," Anglistentag 2001 Wien, ed. Dieter Kastovsky, Günther Kaltenböck, Susanne Reichl (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2002) 213
Anglia 1933-45
Bode, C.1
Betwewen Political Reconnaissance Work and Democratizing Science: American Studies in Germany, 1917-1953
Philipp Gassert, "Betwewen Political Reconnaissance Work and Democratizing Science: American Studies in Germany, 1917-1953," Bulletin of the German Historical Insitute 32 (2003) 35-36
Bulletin of the German Historical Insitute
, vol.32
, pp. 35-36
Gassert, P.1
2 vols. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt as a standard work (149, my transi.)
ch. Amerikanistik I. One might, however, be inclined to disagree with Finkenstaedt's 1983 appraisal of Friedrich Scḧnemann, Die Verei- ' nigten Staaten von Amerika, 2 vols. (Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1932) as a "standard work" (149, my transi.). On Scḧnemann, cf. OSS file, National Achives; RG 226, E 161 A, Box 2, containing among other documents a stupidly written, bitterly anti-Semitic article showing the level to which Scḧnemann had descended as a Nazi
Die Verei- ' nigten Staaten von Amerika
Scḧnemann, F.1
50 Jahre Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien
Hans-Jürgen Grabbe, "50 Jahre Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien," Amerikastudien I American Studies 48.2 (2003): 162
Amerikastudien I American Studies
, pp. 162
Grabbe, H.-J.1
Grabbe, 50 Jahre Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien 165-166
Egmont Zechlin who did his doctorate with Hermann Oncken at Heidelberg certainly was compromised due to his activities in the Nazi years. In contrast to the case of Friedrich Scḧnemann, circumstances in the case of Zechlin seem somewhat less obvious. Cf. Gassert, "Between Political Reconnaissance Work and Democratizing Science" 34-35. Grabbe, "50 Jahre Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien" 165-66
Between Political Reconnaissance Work and Democratizing Science
, pp. 34-35
Günter Moltmann, "Julius John Oppenheimer und die Gründung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien: Nachruf und Dokumentation," typescript received from G. Moltmann, 28. Dec. 1983. Moltmann cites personal papers of Oppenheimer, deposited in the archive of the German Association for American Studies. Selke is likely to be George A. Selke, Chancellor of the University of Montana. Henry J. Kellermann, Cultural Relations as an Instrument of U.S. Foreign Policy (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1978) 125
Julius John Oppenheimer und die Gründung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien: Nachruf und Dokumentation
Moltmann, G.1
Stuttgart: Steiner In 1946 Fischer changed to the University of Marburg
Philipp Gassen, Amerika im Dritten Reich (Stuttgart: Steiner, 1997) 127-28. In 1946 Fischer changed to the University of Marburg
Amerika im Dritten Reich
, pp. 127-128
Gassen, P.1
Vor der DGfA: Deutsche Amerikaforschung zwischen Erstem Weltkrieg und früher Bundesrepublik
Cf. Philipp Gassert, "Vor der DGfA: Deutsche Amerikaforschung zwischen Erstem Weltkrieg und früher Bundesrepublik," Amerikaforschung in Deutschland 17. Hans-Joachim Lang, who later in the German Association for American Studies was to become an important mediator between historians and philologists, did his doctorate with Fischer
Amerikaforschung in Deutschland
, pp. 17
Gassert, P.1
Deutsche Anglistik im Dritten Reich: Meine Studienzeit 1939 / 46
Cf. Hans-Joachim Lang, "Deutsche Anglistik im Dritten Reich: Meine Studienzeit 1939 / 46," Anglistentag 2001 Wien 233, 236
Anglistentag 2001 Wien
, pp. 233
Lang, H.-J.1
Meinecke had been in the U.S. as a prisoner-of-war and during his stay there completed a degree in American Civilization from Harvard University. Grabbe, "50 Jahre Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien" 169
50 Jahre Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien
, pp. 169
Politikwissenschaft und Auslandswissenschaft im 'Dritten Reich' - (Deutsche) Hochschule für Politik 1933-1939 und Auslandswissenschaftliche Fakulẗt der Berliner Universiẗt 1940-1945
Baden-Baden: Nomos
Several of them had held positions with or published under the auspices of the Deutsches Auslandswissenschaftliches Institut. Others had held positions in Nazi organizations or participated in the Nazi takeover of universities and other educational institutions. Some of them had published their anti-Semitic views. Regarding the institute and its political context, cf. also Ernst Haiger, "Politikwissenschaft und Auslandswissenschaft im 'Dritten Reich' - (Deutsche) Hochschule für Politik 1933-1939 und Auslandswissenschaftliche Fakulẗt der Berliner Universiẗt 1940-1945," Kontinuiẗten und Brüche in der deutschen Politikwissenschaft, ed. Gerhard G̈hler and Bodo Zeuner (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 1991)
Kontinuiẗten und Brüche in der deutschen Politikwissenschaft, ed. Gerhard G̈hler and Bodo Zeuner
Haiger, E.1
Amerikastudien als Problem der Forschung und Lehre
Arnold Bergstr̈sser [sic], "Amerikastudien als Problem der Forschung und Lehre," Jahrbuch für Amerikastudien 1 (1956): 8-14. Bergstraesser's last chair was at the University of Freiburg and was called Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliche Politik
Jahrbuch für Amerikastudien
, vol.1
, pp. 8-14
Bergstr̈sser, A.1
Krakau's chair in Berlin officially was called "New History with Special Emphasis on American History." That chair was held by Hans-Ulrich Wehler from 1971 to 1972. His predecessor, from 1964 to 1969, had been Gerald Stourzh, who left Berlin for Vienna. Adams, Die Geschichte Nordamerikas und Berliner Historiker 1
New History with Special Emphasis on American History
Adams was in Frankfurt from 1972 to 1977 and had several extended stays in the U.S
Adams, Die Geschichte Nordamerikas und Berliner Historiker 1. Adams was in Frankfurt from 1972 to 1977 and had several extended stays in the U.S
Die Geschichte Nordamerikas und Berliner Historiker
, vol.1
Schwabe's most important early contribution in the field of American History was Deutsche Revolution and Wilson-Frieden (Düsseldorf: Droste, 1971), published in a revised and translated edition as Woodrow Wilson, Revolutionary Germany, and Peacemaking, 1918-1919 (Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1985)
American History was Deutsche Revolution and Wilson-Frieden
Imanuel Geiss was already engaged in the political conflicts at the University of Hamburg before becoming a Professor of New History there. Most of his publications concerned modern European history, but see Die Afro-Amerikaner (Frankfurt: Europ̈ische Verlagsanstalt, 1969)
Frankfurt: Europ̈ische Verlagsanstalt
Afro-Amerikaner, D.1
Hans-Joachim Lang, Günter Moltmann, In memoriam Dietrich Gerhard, 7. Juli 1896-31. Juli 1985
Dietrich Gerhard, "From European to American History: A Comparative View"; letters from Dietrich Gerhard to the author; "Curriculum Vitae"; all typescripts from Dietrich Gerhard to the author. See also Reinhard. R. Doerries, Hans-Joachim Lang, Günter Moltmann, "In memoriam Dietrich Gerhard, 7. Juli 1896-31. Juli 1985," Amerikastudien / American Studies 32.1 (1987): 5-7. Laudation for Dietrich Gerhard by the author on the occasion of awarding him the Honorary Membership of the German Association for American Studies at its annual convention in Berlin in 1984, typescript
Amerikastudien / American Studies
, pp. 5-7
R.. R. Doerries1
Garden City, NY: Doubleday
Hajo Holborn completed his Habilitation at Heidelberg and taught both in Heidelberg and Berlin. After the Nazi takeover he left for the U.S. and became a member of the Department of History at Yale University. His activities included, as in most emigre cases, a period of service with the OSS. Though spending less time in postwar Germany than some of the other exiles, Holborn - was an important teacher and transatlantic mediator for a generation of historians. Cf. Leonard Krieger and Fritz Stern, eds., The Responsibility of Power: Historical Essays in Honor of Hajo Holborn (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1969)
The Responsibility of Power: Historical Essays in Honor of Hajo Holborn
Krieger, L.1
Stern, F.2
For several decades the United States Information Service / USIS (or United States Information Agency/USIA) through the U.S. Embassy, then in Bonn, assisted in the financing of conferences, speakers, travel expenses, and the like in all fields of American Studies. The American government thereby supported the Americanists in Germany and their scholarly activities. For organizational detail relating to the USIS / USIA, see Littmann, Gute Partner-Schwierige Partner 195-98
Gute Partner-Schwierige Partner
, pp. 195-198
United States History in the Federal Republic of Germany: Teaching and Research
ed. Lewis Hanke, White Plains, NY: Kraus International Publications
For more detail, see Wolfgang J. Helbich, "United States History in the Federal Republic of Germany: Teaching and Research," Guide to the Study of United States History Outside the U.S. 1945-1980, ed. Lewis Hanke, vol. II (White Plains, NY: Kraus International Publications, 1985) 39-121
Guide to the Study of United States History Outside the U.S. 1945-1980
, vol.2
, pp. 39-121
Helbich, W.J.1
Helbich, "United States History in the Federal Republic of Germany: Teaching and Research" 47-48. The recent decision of the University of Munich to move the American Studies center from the social science environment of the Geschwister Scholl Institut to the philologists does not suggest improved conditions for the development of American History in Munich
United States History in the Federal Republic of Germany: Teaching and Research
, pp. 47-48
Dietrich Gerhard, letter to the author, 25 June
Conversations with Dietrich Gerhard in St. Louis and G̈ttingen. Gerhard later disagreed with Wehler's critique of Otto Brunner, whom he regarded as "the most important and most penetrating German historian." Dietrich Gerhard, letter to the author, 25 June 1979
The most important and most penetrating German historian
Brunner, O.1
One of the products of these efforts is Hartmut Keil and John B. Jentz, eds., German Workers in Chicago (Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1988). The "Preface" allows an insight into the network of academic cooperation in and institutional support for the Munich project
German Workers in Chicago
Keil, H.1
Jentz, J.B.2
G̈ttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Had Wehler come to the University of Bochum or stayed at the John F. Kennedy Institute in Berlin, he might have become a full-time historian of the United States. See his comment on an originally planned Habilitation topic in Hans-Ulrich Wehler, Der Aufstieg des amerikanischen Imperialismus (G̈ttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1974) 279
Der Aufstieg des amerikanischen Imperialismus
, pp. 279
Wehler, H.-U.1
The "umstrittene Wahl von 1976" (controversial election of 1976) has been mentioned without names by Anke Hildebrandt-Mirtschink, "Politikwissenschaftler und das 'kooperative Experiment' Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien (DGfA)," Amerikaforschung in Deutschland 41-51
Umstrittene Wahl von 1976
, pp. 41-51
See "Protokoll der Mitgliederversammlung am 9. Juni 1976" (minutes of the meeting) containing details of the event. For the later discussion of the problem of proportional representation, see "Protokoll der 51. Beiratssitzung [. . .] am [. . .] 17. November 1976 [. . .] Mainz" (minutes of the Advisory Council meeting). To prevent a repeat of the embarrassment at the Annual Meeting, other formal changes of the election procedure were proposed
Protokoll der Mitgliederversammlung am 9. Juni 1976
To Germans, U.S. Past Is Mostly Blank
2 Feb
Ferdinand Protzman, "To Germans, U.S. Past Is Mostly Blank," International Herald Tribune 2 Feb. 1989: 6
International Herald Tribune
, pp. 6
Protzman, F.1
12 Professors in West Germany Deplore Lack of Courses on U.S. History in Their Country
Washington, D.C. 22 March
See also Wanda Menke-Glückert, "12 Professors in West Germany Deplore Lack of Courses on U.S. History in Their Country," The Chronicle of Higher Education (Washington, D.C.) 22 March 1989: A 37-38
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Menke-Glückert, W.1
Amerika-Terra incognita
19 May
including comments from Wolfgang J. Helbich. Shortly thereafter Reinhard R. Doerries, "Amerika-Terra incognita," Die Zeit 19 May 1989:49
Die Zeit
, pp. 49
Helbich, W.J.1
America, the unknown continent
28 May
English version Reinhard R. Doerries, "America, the unknown continent," The German Tribune 28 May 1989: 5
The German Tribune
, pp. 5
Doerries, R.R.1
Geh ins Kino, deutscher Geist!
9 Apr
Peter Demetz, "Geh ins Kino, deutscher Geist!" Die Zeit 9 Apr. 1976: 35
Die Zeit
, pp. 35
Demetz, P.1
The Test of Comparison
ed. C. Vann Woodward New York: Basic Books
C. Vann Woodward, "The Test of Comparison," The Comparative Approach to American History, ed. C. Vann Woodward (New York: Basic Books, 1968) 350
The Comparative Approach to American History
, pp. 350
Woodward, V.1