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LIU Lanhui and GUAN Hongzhi, "Mixed traffic flow model and its application", Journal of Beijing Polytechnic University, Beijing Polytechnic University, Beijing, 2000.12, pp. 46-49
GUAN Hongzhi and CHEN Yanyan, An analysis model for mixed traffic flow on street, Journal of Beijing Polytechnic University, Beijing Polytechnic University, Beijing, 2001.3, pp. 12-15
GUAN Hongzhi and CHEN Yanyan, "An analysis model for mixed traffic flow on street", Journal of Beijing Polytechnic University, Beijing Polytechnic University, Beijing, 2001.3, pp. 12-15
GUAN Hongzhi and WANG Mingwen, Study on road traffic delay caused by bicycle for mixed traffic stream, Journal of Beijing Polytechnic University, Beijing Polytechnic University, Beijing, 2005.5, pp. 281-283
GUAN Hongzhi and WANG Mingwen, "Study on road traffic delay caused by bicycle for mixed traffic stream", Journal of Beijing Polytechnic University, Beijing Polytechnic University, Beijing, 2005.5, pp. 281-283
YANG Xiaoguang and SUN Mingzheng, Research on the Theory of Traffic Design for Intersection of Mixed Traffic, Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, Research Institute of Highway, Beijing, 2004.8, pp. 82-86
YANG Xiaoguang and SUN Mingzheng, "Research on the Theory of Traffic Design for Intersection of Mixed Traffic", Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, Research Institute of Highway, Beijing, 2004.8, pp. 82-86
Ling Lei and Wang Wei, Analysis of Traffic Characteristics of Mixed Traffic Flow of Automobile and Motorcycle in Signalized Intersection, Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, Research Institute of Highway, Beijing, 2004.5, pp. 113-116
Ling Lei and Wang Wei, "Analysis of Traffic Characteristics of Mixed Traffic Flow of Automobile and Motorcycle in Signalized Intersection", Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, Research Institute of Highway, Beijing, 2004.5, pp. 113-116
XU Liangjie and Wang Wei, Analysis model of influence of left-turn bicycle on passage of straight to through vehicles, Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition), Southeast University, Nanjing, 2005.9, pp. 805-809
XU Liangjie and Wang Wei, "Analysis model of influence of left-turn bicycle on passage of straight to through vehicles", Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition), Southeast University, Nanjing, 2005.9, pp. 805-809
XU Liangjie and Wang Wei, Study on the Control of the Non-mobile and the Pedestrian at Signalized Intersection, Journal of Transportation Engineering and Information, Southwest Jiaotong University, Changdu, 2004.6, pp. 102-114
XU Liangjie and Wang Wei, "Study on the Control of the Non-mobile and the Pedestrian at Signalized Intersection", Journal of Transportation Engineering and Information, Southwest Jiaotong University, Changdu, 2004.6, pp. 102-114
XU Liangjie and Wang Wei, Model of pedestrians crossing time at signalized intersection, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Chang'an University, Xi'an, 2005.3, pp. 111-115
XU Liangjie and Wang Wei, "Model of pedestrians crossing time at signalized intersection", Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Chang'an University, Xi'an, 2005.3, pp. 111-115
QU Shaowei and Wang Dianhai, Bicycle and Pedestrians' Arrival and Departure Characteristics at Signalized Intersection, Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, Research Institute of Highway, Beijing, 2004.8, pp. 91-94
QU Shaowei and Wang Dianhai, "Bicycle and Pedestrians' Arrival and Departure Characteristics at Signalized Intersection", Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, Research Institute of Highway, Beijing, 2004.8, pp. 91-94
LI Jianxin and MAO Baohua, Capacity Analysis to Signalized Intersections under Mixed Traffic Environment, Journal of Communication and Transportation Systems Engineering and Information, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, 2001.5, pp. 120-123
LI Jianxin and MAO Baohua, "Capacity Analysis to Signalized Intersections under Mixed Traffic Environment", Journal of Communication and Transportation Systems Engineering and Information, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, 2001.5, pp. 120-123
The Transportation Research Boards, National Research Council, Washington, D. C
The Transportation Research Boards, Highway Capacity Manual 2000, National Research Council, Washington, D. C. 2000
Highway Capacity Manual 2000