Spectrum Occupancy Measurements, Location 1 of 6: Riverbend Park, Great Falls, Virginia, M. A. McHenry, K. Steadman, Shared Spectrum Company Report, Aug. 2005.
"Spectrum Occupancy Measurements, Location 1 of 6: Riverbend Park, Great Falls, Virginia", M. A. McHenry, K. Steadman, Shared Spectrum Company Report, Aug. 2005.
Spectrum Occupancy Measurements, Location 2 of 6: Tyson's Square Center, Vienna, Virginia, April 9, 2004, M. A. McHenry, K. Steadman, Shared Spectrum Company Report, Aug. 2005.
"Spectrum Occupancy Measurements, Location 2 of 6: Tyson's Square Center, Vienna, Virginia, April 9, 2004", M. A. McHenry, K. Steadman, Shared Spectrum Company Report, Aug. 2005.
Spectrum Occupancy Measurements, Location 3 of 6: National Science Foundation Building Roof, April 16, 2004, Revision 2, M. A. McHenry, S. Chunduri, Shared Spectrum Co. Report, Aug. 2005.
"Spectrum Occupancy Measurements, Location 3 of 6: National Science Foundation Building Roof, April 16, 2004, Revision 2", M. A. McHenry, S. Chunduri, Shared Spectrum Co. Report, Aug. 2005.
Spectrum Occupancy Measurements, Location 4 of 6: Republican National Convention, New York City, New York, August 30, 2004 - September 3, 2004, Revision 2, M. A. McHenry, D. McCloskey, G. Lane-Roberts, Shared Spectrum Company Report, Aug. 2005.
"Spectrum Occupancy Measurements, Location 4 of 6: Republican National Convention, New York City, New York, August 30, 2004 - September 3, 2004, Revision 2", M. A. McHenry, D. McCloskey, G. Lane-Roberts, Shared Spectrum Company Report, Aug. 2005.
Spectrum Occupancy Measurements, Location 5 of 6: National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), Green Bank, West Virginia, October 10-11, 2004, Revision 3 M. A. McHenry K. Steadman, Shared Spectrum Company Report, Aug. 2005.
"Spectrum Occupancy Measurements, Location 5 of 6: National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), Green Bank, West Virginia, October 10-11, 2004, Revision 3" M. A. McHenry K. Steadman, Shared Spectrum Company Report, Aug. 2005.
Spectrum Occupancy Measurements, Location 6 of 6: Shared Spectrum Building Roof, Vienna, Virginia, December 15-16, 2004, M. A. McHenry, D. McCloskey, J. Bates, Shared Spectrum Company Report, Aug. 2005.
"Spectrum Occupancy Measurements, Location 6 of 6: Shared Spectrum Building Roof, Vienna, Virginia, December 15-16, 2004", M. A. McHenry, D. McCloskey, J. Bates, Shared Spectrum Company Report, Aug. 2005.
Chicago Spectrum Occupancy Measurements & Analysis and a Long-term Studies Proposal, M. A. McHenry, P. A. Tenhula, D. McCloskey, D. A. Roberson, and C. S. Hood, in Proc. of TAPAS Conference, Aug. 2006
"Chicago Spectrum Occupancy Measurements & Analysis and a Long-term Studies Proposal", M. A. McHenry, P. A. Tenhula, D. McCloskey, D. A. Roberson, and C. S. Hood, in Proc. of TAPAS Conference, Aug. 2006
Experimental Evaluation of Wireless Simulation Assumptions, D. Kotz, C. Newport, R.S. Gray, J. Liu, Y. Yuan, C. Elliot, in Proc. of MSWim'04, pp. 78-82, Oct. 2004.
"Experimental Evaluation of Wireless Simulation Assumptions," D. Kotz, C. Newport, R.S. Gray, J. Liu, Y. Yuan, C. Elliot, in Proc. of MSWim'04, pp. 78-82, Oct. 2004.
On Credibility of Simulation Studies of Telecommunication Networks, K. Pawlikowski, H.-D. Jeong, and J.-S. Lee, IEEE Communications Magazine, 40, no. 1, pp. 132-139, Jan. 2002.
"On Credibility of Simulation Studies of Telecommunication Networks," K. Pawlikowski, H.-D. Jeong, and J.-S. Lee, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 132-139, Jan. 2002.
Federal Communications Commission, P. Kolodzy, Chair, Rep. ET Docket no. 02-135, Nov
Federal Communications Commission, "Spectrum Policy Task Force", P. Kolodzy, Chair, Rep. ET Docket no. 02-135, Nov. 2002
Spectrum Policy Task Force
Spectral Signatures and Interference in 802.11 Wi-Fi Signals with Barker Code Spreading, T. R. Lee, A. Z. Al-Banna, X. L. Zhou, and J. L. LoCicero, and D. R. Ucci, in Proc. IEEE Dynamic Spectrum. Access Networks Conference (DySPAN), Nov. 2005.
"Spectral Signatures and Interference in 802.11 Wi-Fi Signals with Barker Code Spreading," T. R. Lee, A. Z. Al-Banna, X. L. Zhou, and J. L. LoCicero, and D. R. Ucci, in Proc. IEEE Dynamic Spectrum. Access Networks Conference (DySPAN), Nov. 2005.
Spectral Signatures and Interference of Wi-Fi Signals in the 2.4 GHz, ISM Band, X. L. Zhou, Master's Thesis, Chicago, IL, ECE Department, Illinois Institute of Technology, Dec. 2005
"Spectral Signatures and Interference of Wi-Fi Signals in the 2.4 GHz, ISM Band", X. L. Zhou, Master's Thesis, Chicago, IL, ECE Department, Illinois Institute of Technology, Dec. 2005
11 Mbps CCK - Modulated 802.11b Wi-Fi: Spectral Signature and Interference, A. Z. Al-Banna, T. R. Lee, J. L. LoCicero, and D. R. Ucci, in Proc. Sixth IEEE International Conf. on Electro/Information Technology (EIT'06), May 2006.
"11 Mbps CCK - Modulated 802.11b Wi-Fi: Spectral Signature and Interference," A. Z. Al-Banna, T. R. Lee, J. L. LoCicero, and D. R. Ucci, in Proc. Sixth IEEE International Conf. on Electro/Information Technology (EIT'06), May 2006.
Effect of Cyclic Prefix and Symbol Shaping on InterCarrier and Inter-Channel Interference in OFDM Systems, A. Z. Al-Banna, J. L. LoCicero, and D. R. Ucci, in Proc. World Wireless Congress (WWC), May 2006.
"Effect of Cyclic Prefix and Symbol Shaping on InterCarrier and Inter-Channel Interference in OFDM Systems," A. Z. Al-Banna, J. L. LoCicero, and D. R. Ucci, in Proc. World Wireless Congress (WWC), May 2006.
Characteristics of an Unintentional Wi-Fi Interference Device - The Residential Microwave Oven, T. M. Taher, A. Z. Al-Banna, J. L. LoCicero, and D. R. Ucci, in Proc. IEEE Military Communications Conference. Oct. 2006.
"Characteristics of an Unintentional Wi-Fi Interference Device - The Residential Microwave Oven," T. M. Taher, A. Z. Al-Banna, J. L. LoCicero, and D. R. Ucci, in Proc. IEEE Military Communications Conference. Oct. 2006.