Ekspertiniu̧ vertinimu̧ taikymas rengiant miesto bendra̧ji̧ plana̧ [The expert's estimates application the preparation of city general plan]
Bardauskienė, D. 2007. Ekspertiniu̧ vertinimu̧ taikymas rengiant miesto bendra̧ji̧ plana̧ [The expert's estimates application the preparation of city general plan], Ūkio technologinis ir ekonominis vystymas [Technological and Economic Development of Economy] 13(3): 223-236.
Ūkio technologinis ir ekonominis vystymas [Technological and Economic Development of Economy]
, vol.13
, Issue.3
, pp. 223-236
Bardauskienė, D.1
Istoriniu̧ miestu̧ vizualinio i̧vaizdžio plėtojimo klausimu [Issues of Visual Image Development in Historical Cities]
Daunora, Z. J. 2004. Istoriniu̧ miestu̧ vizualinio i̧vaizdžio plėtojimo klausimu [Issues of Visual Image Development in Historical Cities], Urbanistika ir architektūra [Town Planning and Architecture] 28(4): 144-150.
Urbanistika ir architektūra [Town Planning and Architecture]
, vol.28
, Issue.4
, pp. 144-150
Daunora, Z.J.1
Miesto viešosios erdvės: Pokyv̌iu̧ tendencijos ir savitumo išsaugojimas [Public urban areas: trends of changes and preservation of peculiar features]
Dringelis, L. 2005. Miesto viešosios erdvės: pokyv̌iu̧ tendencijos ir savitumo išsaugojimas [Public urban areas: trends of changes and preservation of peculiar features], Urbanistika ir architektura [Town Planning and Architecture] 29(1): 50-53.
Urbanistika ir architektura [Town Planning and Architecture]
, vol.29
, Issue.1
, pp. 50-53
Dringelis, L.1
Neformalaus veikimo veiksniu̧ i̧taka urbanistinei raidai [Influence of factors of informal activities on urban development]
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Urbanistika ir architektūra [Town Planning and Architecture]
, vol.18
, Issue.3
, pp. 132-143
Jakaitis, J.1
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Lietuvos Respublikos administraciniu̧ bylu̧ teisenos i̧statymas [The Law on administrative proceedings of the Republic of Lithuania], Valstybės žnios, 2000 10 11, Nr. 85-2566.
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Lietuvos Respublikos teritoriju̧ planavimo i̧statymas [The law on territorial planning of the Republic of Lithuania], Valstybės žinios, 2004 02 07, Nr. 21-617.
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Statybos dalyviu̧ rizika ir atsakomybė už statybos produktu̧ defektus [Risk and liability of parties in the construction process for defects of construction products]
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Ūkio technologinis ir ekonominis vystymas [Technological and Economic Development of Economy]
, vol.10
, Issue.3
, pp. 109-115
Mitkus, S.1
Rizikos dėl papildomu̧ nenumatytu̧ darbu̧ atsiradimo paskirstymas statybos rangos sutartyse [Allocation of risk of additional unforeseen tasks in construction contracts]
Mitkus, S. 2004b. Rizikos dėl papildomu̧ nenumatytu̧ darbu̧ atsiradimo paskirstymas statybos rangos sutartyse [Allocation of risk of additional unforeseen tasks in construction contracts], Business, Management and Education, 108-118.
Business, Management and Education
, pp. 108-118
Mitkus, S.1
Graphical risk and liability allocation models in construction contracts
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Foundations of Civil and Environmental Engineering
, vol.6
, pp. 129-144
Mitkus, S.1
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Aukštybinės statybos reguliavimas mieste [Regulation of High-rise Building in Urban Areas]
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Urbanistika ir architektura [Town Planning and Architecture]
, vol.29
, Issue.1
, pp. 74-81
Petrušonis, V.1
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Teritoriju̧ planavimo ir statybos valstybinės priežiūros bei statiniu̧ naudojimo priežiūros nuostatai [Regulations for state supervision of territorial planning and construction and for supervision of use of buildings, Valstybės žnios, 2004 07 12, Nr. 867
Teritoriju̧ planavimo ir statybos valstybinės priežiūros bei statiniu̧ naudojimo priežiūros nuostatai [Regulations for state supervision of territorial planning and construction and for supervision of use of buildings], Valstybės žnios, 2004 07 12, Nr. 867.
Sustainable city compactness evaluation on the basis of gis and bayes rule
Turskis, Z.; Zavadskas, E. K.; Zagorskas, J. 2006. Sustainable city compactness evaluation on the basis of gis and bayes rule, International Journal of Strategic Property Management 10(3): 185-207.
International Journal of Strategic Property Management
, vol.10
, Issue.3
, pp. 185-207
Turskis, Z.1
Zavadskas, E.K.2
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Visuomenės dalyvavimo teritoriju̧ planavimo procese nuostatai [The regulations on participation of the society in the territorial planning process], Valstybės žnios, 2007 03 20, Nr. 33-1190.
Visuomenės dalyvavimo teritoriju̧ planavimo procese nuostatai [The regulations on participation of the society in the territorial planning process], Valstybės žnios, 2007 03 20, Nr. 33-1190.
Miesto bendruomeniu̧ vaidmuo tausojant istorinės aplinkos savituma̧ [The role of urban communities in preservation of distinctive features of historical environment]
Vrubliauskas, D. 2005. Miesto bendruomeniu̧ vaidmuo tausojant istorinės aplinkos savituma̧ [The role of urban communities in preservation of distinctive features of historical environment], Urbanistika ir architektura [Town Planning and Architecture] 29(1): 33-36.
Urbanistika ir architektura [Town Planning and Architecture]
, vol.29
, Issue.1
, pp. 33-36
Vrubliauskas, D.1
A model of sustainable urban development formation
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International Journal of Strategic Property Management
, vol.8
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, pp. 219-229
Zavadskas, E.K.1
Kaklauskas, A.2
Vainiūnas, P.3
Šaparauskas, J.A.4
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