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Volumn 68, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 394-417

Fostering a Catholic commitment to the common good: An approach rooted in virtue ethics

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EID: 46449125851     PISSN: 00405639     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1177/004056390706800208     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (17)

References (58)
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    • For a persuasive argument in favor of the possibility of a culturally situated universalisai, see Martha Nussbaum, "Non-Relative Virtues: An Aristotelian Approach," in The Quality of Life, ed. Martha Nussbaum and Amartya Sen (New York: Oxford University, 1993) 242-76
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    • David Baily Harned provides a helpful discussion of this point within the specific context of the virtue of patience. See "The Unity of Virtue," the final chapter of Harned's Patience: How We Wait upon the World (Cambridge, Mass.: Cowley, 1997) 155-78
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    • Jean Porter, "The Virtue of Justice," in The Ethics of Aquinas, ed. Stephen Pope (Washington: Georgetown University, 2002) 272-86, at 273. Porter explains that cardinal virtues such as justice can be understood as distinct because they have distinctive spheres of operation - right relations between persons in the case of justice - but can also be understood as general virtues in that they are present and play a role in the exercise of many other virtues
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    • To my knowledge, the best example of the single virtue approach can be found in the work of Martha Nussbaum, who describes compassion (which she also calls pity) as a virtue that perfects one's thoughts, affections, and actions toward others. Her argument for why compassion and many other emotions should be understood in cognitive terms is a strong aspect of her work. For a concise treatment of her approach see her "Compassion: The Basic Social Emotion," Social Philosophy and Policy 13 (1996) 27-58
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    • James F. Keenan, "Proposing Cardinal Virtues," Theological Studies 56 (1995) 709-29, develops this issue more fully than I do here. He proposes that justice is insufficient on its own to govern a person's right relationships with others because the right treatment of a stranger would be quite different from the right treatment of a person close to us (our own child, for example). Keenan notes that our obligation to the stranger in society can conflict with what we owe those we love (including ourselves). He argues that the virtue of justice should be understood more narrowly as pertaining only to our relationships with strangers. Interactions with friends and family would be governed by the virtue of fidelity instead of justice. It falls to the virtue of prudence to discern which virtue should be given priority when a conflict arises among justice, fidelity, and self-care
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    • Sobrino argues that we can really know Christ and the shape of liberation only by following Christ. Sobrino envisions a hermeneutical circle of mutually informative praxis and reflection. Liberative praxis leads to a more liberative way of knowing; contemplation and reflection in turn help one to know how to witness or act more effectively and authentically ("Systematic Christology: Jesus Christ, the Absolute Mediator of the Reign of God," in Mysterium Liberationis: Fundamental Concepts of Liberation Theology, ed. Ignacio Ellacuría and Jon Sobrino [Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis, 1993] 440-61, at 448-52)
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