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Volumn 66, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 7-34

Citizenship and state-sponsored physical education: Ancient Greece and ancient China

(2)  Wooyeal, Paik a   Bell, Daniel A a  


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EID: 43249185648     PISSN: 00346705     EISSN: 17486858     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1017/S0034670500042455     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (4)

References (112)
  • 1
    • 77954072557 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Our main concern is the period characterized by small, autonomous and politically dynamic city-states in ancient Greece. This period ends roughly with Alexander the Great's victory over the Greek city-states [c. 335 B.C.E.]
    • Our main concern is the period characterized by small, autonomous and politically dynamic city-states in ancient Greece. This period ends roughly with Alexander the Great's victory over the Greek city-states [c. 335 B.C.E.].
  • 2
    • 77954072117 scopus 로고
    • We use quotes because the pre-Qin states cannot be described as the culturally unified state of "China" (zhongguo). The "cultural unity" of China owes much to the destruction of local records by the first emperor in 213 B.C. E., a deliberate act of policy aimed at extinguishing local loyalties, Stanford: Stanford University Press, though the process of cultural assimilation of non-Sinitic peoples via war and conquest had begun earlier, as far back as the Spring and Autumn period. For stylistic reasons, we drop the quotes around "China" from hereon
    • We use quotes because the pre-Qin states cannot be described as the culturally unified state of "China" (zhongguo). The "cultural unity" of China owes much to the destruction of local records by the first emperor in 213 B.C. E., a deliberate act of policy aimed at extinguishing local loyalties (Mark Elvin, The Pattern of the Chinese Past [Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1973], pp. 21-22), though the process of cultural assimilation of non-Sinitic peoples via war and conquest had begun earlier, as far back as the Spring and Autumn period. For stylistic reasons, we drop the quotes around "China" from hereon.
    • (1973) The Pattern of the Chinese Past , pp. 21-22
    • Elvin, M.1
  • 3
    • 77954059480 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The point at which Chinese states clearly existed and functioned as an interstate system, begins with the effective elimination of Zhou power in 771 B.C.E. The date for the transition between the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period is a matter of controversy. 403 B.C.E. is the officially recognized date for the tripartite division of Jin, although this had taken effect much earlier. We rely on a very rough starting date of 500 B.C.E
    • The point at which Chinese states clearly existed and functioned as an interstate system, begins with the effective elimination of Zhou power in 771 B.C.E. The date for the transition between the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period is a matter of controversy. 403 B.C.E. is the officially recognized date for the tripartite division of Jin, although this had taken effect much earlier. We rely on a very rough starting date of 500 B.C.E.
  • 4
    • 77954076569 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • While small by today's standards, states in ancient China were larger than Greek city-states
    • While small by today's standards, states in ancient China were larger than Greek city-states.
  • 5
    • 77954039506 scopus 로고
    • ed. and trans. Ernest Barker, London: Oxford University Press
    • Aristotle Politics 1337b 1, ed. and trans. Ernest Barker (London: Oxford University Press, 1946), p. 335.
    • (1946) Aristotle Politics 1337b 1 , pp. 335
  • 6
    • 77954044025 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • In the case of ancient China, unfortunately, the historical record is relatively limited. Most of it comes from an elite theoretical stratum (court advice and its dissents) and there are few private documents, secular state papers, and ritual texts
    • In the case of ancient China, unfortunately, the historical record is relatively limited. Most of it comes from an elite theoretical stratum (court advice and its dissents) and there are few private documents, secular state papers, and ritual texts.
  • 7
    • 0003916713 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Greek practice of citizenship may also have helped to generate other innovations. G. E. R. Lloyd argues that the development of generalized skepticism and of critical inquiry directed at fundamental issues in science (and philosophy) can most likely be explained by the social and political context of ancient Greece, namely, the experience of radical debate and confrontation in small-scale, face-toface societies, London: Gerald Duckworth and Co., Ltd.
    • The Greek practice of citizenship may also have helped to generate other innovations. G. E. R. Lloyd argues that the development of generalized skepticism and of critical inquiry directed at fundamental issues in science (and philosophy) can most likely be explained by the social and political context of ancient Greece, namely, the experience of radical debate and confrontation in small-scale, face-toface societies (Lloyd, Magic, Reason and Experience: Studies in the Origin and Development of Greek Science [London: Gerald Duckworth and Co., Ltd., 1999], p. 232).
    • (1999) Magic, Reason and Experience: Studies in the Origin and Development of Greek Science , pp. 232
    • Lloyd1
  • 8
    • 77954051731 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Britannica CD 2000 Deluxe Edition, Entry "Physical Education.
    • Britannica CD 2000 Deluxe Edition, Entry "Physical Education.
  • 12
    • 0347854089 scopus 로고
    • London: Penguin Books. chaps. 4, 8, trans. Martin Hammond
    • See Homer, The Iliad, trans. Martin Hammond (London: Penguin Books, 1987), chaps. 4, 8
    • (1987) The Iliad
    • Homer1
  • 13
    • 0004322721 scopus 로고
    • trans. E. V. Rieu, London: Penguin Books Ltd, chap. 23
    • and Homer, The Odyssey, trans. E. V. Rieu (London: Penguin Books Ltd, 1991), chap. 23.
    • (1991) The Odyssey
    • Homer1
  • 14
    • 0041391529 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • There were four major sporting competitions: the Olympic games, the Pythian games, the Isthmian games and the Nemean games, These competitions had diverse games that were identical with physical education subjects in the gymnasium
    • There were four major sporting competitions: the Olympic games, the Pythian games, the Isthmian games and the Nemean games (see Golden, Sport and Society in Ancient Greece, pp. 10-11). These competitions had diverse games that were identical with physical education subjects in the gymnasium.
    • Sport and Society in Ancient Greece , pp. 10-11
    • Golden1
  • 15
    • 0041391529 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Women were excluded from the Olympic games even as spectators (except for the priestess of Demeter). They could, however, take part in other sporting competition games, with the difference that female athletics had a unique ethos that stressed health and beauty rather than rivalry
    • Women were excluded from the Olympic games even as spectators (except for the priestess of Demeter). They could, however, take part in other sporting competition games, with the difference that female athletics had a unique ethos that stressed health and beauty rather than rivalry (see Golden, Sport and Society in Ancient Greece, pp. 125-30).
    • Sport and Society in Ancient Greece , pp. 125-130
    • Golden1
  • 16
    • 77954054622 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Even critics of Sparta's emphasis on physical fitness do not question the goal of Olympic glory. For example, Aristotle criticizes the Spartans for excessive early physical training on the grounds that this actually reduces, rather than increases, the likelihood of Olympic victories: "The bad effects of excessive early training are strikingly evident. In the lists of Olympic victors there are only two or three cases of the same person having won in the men's events who had previously won in the boys'; and the reason is that early training, and the compulsory exercises which it involved, had resulted in loss of energy" (Aristotle Politics 1339a 8)
    • Even critics of Sparta's emphasis on physical fitness do not question the goal of Olympic glory. For example, Aristotle criticizes the Spartans for excessive early physical training on the grounds that this actually reduces, rather than increases, the likelihood of Olympic victories: "The bad effects of excessive early training are strikingly evident. In the lists of Olympic victors there are only two or three cases of the same person having won in the men's events who had previously won in the boys'; and the reason is that early training, and the compulsory exercises which it involved, had resulted in loss of energy" (Aristotle Politics 1339a 8).
  • 17
    • 77954061654 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Plutarch Plutarch's Lives, Lycurgus 82
    • Plutarch Plutarch's Lives, Lycurgus 82.
  • 19
    • 77954051971 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Every important Greek city had at least one publicly funded gymnasium, which illustrates the significance of physical education in ancient Greece
    • Every important Greek city had at least one publicly funded gymnasium, which illustrates the significance of physical education in ancient Greece.
  • 20
    • 77954060665 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • A sport archeological study on the gymnasiarchal law of Beroea
    • The gymnasiarch was elected among men between thirty years old and sixty years old and was expected to carry out the gymnasiarchal law of Zeus, Ge, Helios, Apollo, Hercules, and Hermes
    • The gymnasiarch was elected among men between thirty years old and sixty years old and was expected to carry out the gymnasiarchal law of Zeus, Ge, Helios, Apollo, Hercules, and Hermes (Kim, Joo-Hwa. "A Sport Archeological Study on the Gymnasiarchal Law of Beroea," Korean Journal of Physical Education History 6 (2000).
    • (2000) Korean Journal of Physical Education History , vol.6
    • Joo-Hwa, K.1
  • 22
    • 0003414985 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The cultural context of deformity in the ancient greek world: 'Let there be a law that no deformed child shall be reared'
    • On the practice of infanticide in ancient Greece
    • On the practice of infanticide in ancient Greece, see Martha L. Edwards, "The Cultural Context of Deformity in the Ancient Greek World: 'Let There Be a Law That No Deformed Child Shall Be Reared,'" The Ancient History Bulletin 10.3-4 (1996): 79-92.
    • (1996) The Ancient History Bulletin , vol.103-104 , pp. 79-92
    • Edwards, M.L.1
  • 24
    • 77954059478 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • According to Plutarch, physical education for women in Sparta also was justified in terms of its benefits for childbearing: "He [Lycurgus] made the young women exercise their bodies by running and wrestling and throwing the discus and the javelin, so that their offspring would have a sound start by taking root in sound bodies and grow stronger, and the women themselves would be able to use their strength to withstand childbearing and wrestle with labor pains. He freed them from softness and sitting in the shade and all female habits, and made it customary for girls no less than boys to go naked in processions and to dance naked while young men were present and looking on
    • According to Plutarch, physical education for women in Sparta also was justified in terms of its benefits for childbearing: "He [Lycurgus] made the young women exercise their bodies by running and wrestling and throwing the discus and the javelin, so that their offspring would have a sound start by taking root in sound bodies and grow stronger, and the women themselves would be able to use their strength to withstand childbearing and wrestle with labor pains. He freed them from softness and sitting in the shade and all female habits, and made it customary for girls no less than boys to go naked in processions and to dance naked while young men were present and looking on" (see www.uky.edu/ArtsSciences/ Classics/wlgr/wlgr-greeklegal98.html).
  • 25
    • 77954067836 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Plato, however, argued (in apparent contrast to the dominant Athenian justification) that the point of physical education should not be to develop the body as an end in itself, but rather that the cultivation of the body should be seen as another means to develop the soul (Republic 410c)
    • Plato, however, argued (in apparent contrast to the dominant Athenian justification) that the point of physical education should not be to develop the body as an end in itself, but rather that the cultivation of the body should be seen as another means to develop the soul (Republic 410c).
  • 27
    • 77954070169 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Shiji is a "universal" history of the known world covering the period from the earliest times (the era of the mythical "Yellow Emperor") to the reign of Emperor Han Wudi (156-87 B.C.E.)
    • The Shiji is a "universal" history of the known world covering the period from the earliest times (the era of the mythical "Yellow Emperor") to the reign of Emperor Han Wudi (156-87 B.C.E.).
  • 28
    • 0004186418 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Sunzi bingfa is often regarded as the oldest military treatise in the world, but it was compiled over a long period of time and the exact dating of this work is a matter of great controversy, trans. Ralph D. Sawyer
    • The Sunzi bingfa is often regarded as the oldest military treatise in the world, but it was compiled over a long period of time and the exact dating of this work is a matter of great controversy (see The Art of War, trans. Ralph D. Sawyer, pp. 157-62).
    • The Art of War , pp. 157-162
  • 29
    • 77954081947 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See Shiji, King Wen section. The Shiji, however, presents a controversial account of history. The Shiji may be projecting later ideals into the early Zhou for the purpose of providing a linear account of Chinese history (with the ideal situation represented as the actual past situation)
    • See Shiji, King Wen section. The Shiji, however, presents a controversial account of history. The Shiji may be projecting later ideals into the early Zhou for the purpose of providing a linear account of Chinese history (with the ideal situation represented as the actual past situation).
  • 30
    • 77954069730 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See The Book of Rites (Liji)
    • See The Book of Rites (Liji).
  • 32
    • 0007192448 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 255. Creel contrasts the (less-than-positive) Chinese attitude toward military matters with the Western Roman's Empire glorification of warfare, but a similar contrast can be drawn with the ancient Greeks
    • H. G. Creel, The Origin of Statecraft in China (Chicago: University of Chicago Press), pp. 256-257, 255. Creel contrasts the (less-than-positive) Chinese attitude toward military matters with the Western Roman's Empire glorification of warfare, but a similar contrast can be drawn with the ancient Greeks.
    • The Origin of Statecraft in China , pp. 256-257
    • Creel, H.G.1
  • 33
    • 77954048426 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Commander in Chief of Wu executed two of the king's most beloved concubine-commanders that had disobeyed orders during military practice. The female soldiers were subsequently punctilious in following orders and this led to military victory
    • The Commander in Chief of Wu executed two of the king's most beloved concubine-commanders that had disobeyed orders during military practice. The female soldiers were subsequently punctilious in following orders and this led to military victory.
  • 34
    • 0345649918 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Confucius's father furthered his career by means of great individual feats since he was a great weightlifter as well as a military commander. New York: Columbia University Press, But by the mid-to-late Warring States period, individual prowess came into disrepute because mass coordination was the basis of the new army
    • Confucius's father furthered his career by means of great individual feats since he was a great weightlifter as well as a military commander (see E. Bruce Brooks and A. Taeko Brooks, The Original Analects [New York: Columbia University Press, 1998], p. 268). But by the mid-to-late Warring States period, individual prowess came into disrepute because mass coordination was the basis of the new army.
    • (1998) The Original Analects , pp. 268
    • Bruce Brooks, E.1    Taeko Brooks, A.2
  • 35
    • 77954046452 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • In Sunzi's The Art of War, the prowess ethic of the warrior had been completely replaced by the colder skills of the operations manager and intelligence chief (see E. Bruce Brooks' website)
    • In Sunzi's The Art of War, the prowess ethic of the warrior had been completely replaced by the colder skills of the operations manager and intelligence chief (see E. Bruce Brooks' website, http://www.umass.edu/wsp/ dummies/sundz/index.html).
  • 36
    • 77954055983 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • This period's intellectual legacy has dominated the philosophical, political, and social debates of East Asia to this day, much as ancient Greek philosophy has influenced Western thinking
    • This period's intellectual legacy has dominated the philosophical, political, and social debates of East Asia to this day, much as ancient Greek philosophy has influenced Western thinking.
  • 37
    • 0141729568 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • trans. Roger T. Ames and Henry Rosemont, Jr. New York: Ballantine Books, (modified). Here and elsewhere, the translations of classical Chinese have been modified to our own style and vocabulary
    • The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation, trans. Roger T. Ames and Henry Rosemont, Jr. (New York: Ballantine Books, 1998), 15.1 (modified). Here and elsewhere, the translations of classical Chinese have been modified to our own style and vocabulary.
    • (1998) The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation , pp. 151
  • 38
    • 77954056542 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • According to the periodization of The Analects in The Original Analects, this would not have been the historical Confucius because The Analects was written over a period of time and only the earliest layers come close to representing the historical Confucius. Brooks's theory about the transmission of The Analects remains controversial, however, as critics argue that it lacks support from historical and/or archaeological evidence
    • According to the periodization of The Analects in The Original Analects, this would not have been the historical Confucius because The Analects was written over a period of time and only the earliest layers come close to representing the historical Confucius. Brooks's theory about the transmission of The Analects remains controversial, however, as critics argue that it lacks support from historical and/or archaeological evidence.
  • 39
    • 77954061169 scopus 로고
    • trans. John Knoblock, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 15.Id
    • Xunzi, trans. John Knoblock, vol.II (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990), 15.Id, 222-223
    • (1990) Xunzi , vol.2 , pp. 222-223
  • 40
    • 77954048750 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • William James famously contrasted the "tough-minded" Xunzi with the "tender-minded" Mencius
    • William James famously contrasted the "tough-minded" Xunzi with the "tender-minded" Mencius.
  • 41
    • 77954065825 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Xunzi, 15.d, 223-224
    • Xunzi, 15.d, 223-224
  • 42
    • 77954052443 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Benny Josef Peiser reviews the evidence for competitive sporting competitions in early China, but he argues that it is difficult to establish the precise chronology because most modern publications which trace the origins of Chinese sports such as archery, wrestling, charioteering, and soccer rely on mythological traditions and legends that have been revealed as unhistorical fabrications
    • Benny Josef Peiser reviews the evidence for competitive sporting competitions in early China, but he argues that it is difficult to establish the precise chronology because most modern publications which trace the origins of Chinese sports such as archery, wrestling, charioteering, and soccer rely on mythological traditions and legends that have been revealed as unhistorical fabrications (Peiser, "Western Theories about the Origins of Sport in Ancient China," http:// www2.umist.ac.uk/sport/peiser2.html).
    • Western Theories about the Origins of Sport in Ancient China
    • Peiser1
  • 44
  • 45
    • 77954065126 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • (12th year), Hunan: Hunan Publishing House
    • Duke Zhao (12th year), Zuo's Commentary (Hunan: Hunan Publishing House, 1996), p 1159.
    • (1996) Zuo's Commentary , pp. 1159
    • Zhao, D.1
  • 47
    • 77954040951 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • We use quotes because classical Chinese philosophy did not distinguish between the private and the public. The "private" realm of the family, for Confucian thinkers, has political implications (see, e.g., The Analects, 1.2). The point here is that systematic physical education was not considered to be an important task of the state in ancient China, beyond training for soldiers
    • We use quotes because classical Chinese philosophy did not distinguish between the private and the public. The "private" realm of the family, for Confucian thinkers, has political implications (see, e.g., The Analects, 1.2). The point here is that systematic physical education was not considered to be an important task of the state in ancient China, beyond training for soldiers.
  • 48
    • 0003933722 scopus 로고
    • Note, however, that the use of the term "body" may be misleading in the ancient Chinese context, Albany: State University of New York Press
    • Note, however, that the use of the term "body" may be misleading in the ancient Chinese context (see David L. Hall and Roger T. Ames, Thinking Through Confucius [Albany: State University of New York Press, 1987], p. 20).
    • (1987) Thinking Through Confucius , pp. 20
    • Hall, D.L.1    Ames, R.T.2
  • 49
    • 0008258064 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Derk Bodde does draw an interesting comparison between organized sports in ancient Greece and ancient Rome: in Rome, the prime purpose of organized sports was the amusement of the spectator rather than the physical and moral wellbeing of the participant (as in Greece)
    • Derk Bodde does draw an interesting comparison between organized sports in ancient Greece and ancient Rome: in Rome, the prime purpose of organized sports was the amusement of the spectator rather than the physical and moral wellbeing of the participant (as in Greece) (Bodde, Chinese Thought, Society and Science, p. 301).
    • Chinese Thought, Society and Science , pp. 301
    • Bodde1
  • 50
    • 77954051656 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • But different regions spoke different dialects
    • But different regions spoke different dialects - see http://crystalinks. com/ greeklanguage.html.
  • 52
    • 0004302804 scopus 로고
    • For example, Plato argued that inter-Greek fighting should be regarded as "civil strife" rather than "warfare," with the implication that '"[O]ur citizens ought to behave in this [relatively humane] way to their enemies; though when they are fighting barbarians they should treat them as the Greeks now treat each other [i.e., brutal].' 'Then let us lay it down as a law for our Guardians, that they are neither to ravage land nor burn houses'" , 2nd ed., trans. Desmond Lee [London: Penguin Books], 471b-c). Of course, Plato was recommending rather than describing, and whether or not cultural commonality actually limited the conduct of intra-Greek warfare is a separate question
    • For example, Plato argued that inter-Greek fighting should be regarded as "civil strife" rather than "warfare," with the implication that '"[O]ur citizens ought to behave in this [relatively humane] way to their enemies; though when they are fighting barbarians they should treat them as the Greeks now treat each other [i.e., brutal].' 'Then let us lay it down as a law for our Guardians, that they are neither to ravage land nor burn houses'" (Plato Republic, 2nd ed., trans. Desmond Lee [London: Penguin Books, 1987], 471b-c). Of course, Plato was recommending rather than describing, and whether or not cultural commonality actually limited the conduct of intra-Greek warfare is a separate question.
    • (1987) Plato Republic
  • 53
    • 77954051655 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Pan-Hellenic league was more of a confederacy of independent states
    • The Pan-Hellenic league was more of a confederacy of independent states.
  • 54
    • 77954076079 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Aristotle Politics Ml5b
    • Aristotle Politics Ml5b.
  • 55
    • 77954054623 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ibid., 1275 a-b
    • Ibid., 1275 a-b.
  • 56
    • 77954070919 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Land became concentrated in fewer and fewer hands in Sparta, which led to a decline in the number of citizens. In 480 B.C.E., about 7000 Spartans owned enough land to qualify as citizens; by 371 B.C.E. it had fallen to a couple of thousand, and by the third century B.C.E. to just a few hundred (we are grateful to Ian Morris for this information). According to Aristotle, poor Spartan citizens who could not contribute their quota to common meals were debarred from sharing in constitutional rights {ibid., 1271a)
    • Land became concentrated in fewer and fewer hands in Sparta, which led to a decline in the number of citizens. In 480 B.C.E., about 7000 Spartans owned enough land to qualify as citizens; by 371 B.C.E. it had fallen to a couple of thousand, and by the third century B.C.E. to just a few hundred (we are grateful to Ian Morris for this information). According to Aristotle, poor Spartan citizens who could not contribute their quota to common meals were debarred from sharing in constitutional rights {ibid., 1271a).
  • 57
    • 0003916713 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • On the practice of deliberation in oligarchies
    • On the practice of deliberation in oligarchies, see G. E. R. Lloyd, Magic, Reason and Experience, p. 261.
    • Magic, Reason and Experience , pp. 261
    • Lloyd, G.E.R.1
  • 58
    • 77954051730 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Plato Republic 423b. In the Laws, Plato argued that the number of households in the state should be limited to 5040 households (737 e if). Aristotle argued that the state should not be too large because the citizens of a state must know one another's characters in order to give decisions in matters of disputed rights and to distribute the offices of government according to the merit of candidates (Politics 1326 b 13)
    • Plato Republic 423b. In the Laws, Plato argued that the number of households in the state should be limited to 5040 households (737 e if). Aristotle argued that the state should not be too large because the citizens of a state must know one another's characters in order to give decisions in matters of disputed rights and to distribute the offices of government according to the merit of candidates (Politics 1326 b 13).
  • 59
    • 77954038200 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Homer's The Iliad and The Odyssey show this military composition, with two great charioteering soldiers (Alexandros and Menalaos) engaging in a one-onone fight. (Homer, The Iliad, Book 3: pp. 325-370, 49-50.) These works are retrospective, however, and may not accurately reflect chariot warfare at the time
    • Homer's The Iliad and The Odyssey show this military composition, with two great charioteering soldiers (Alexandros and Menalaos) engaging in a one-onone fight. (Homer, The Iliad, Book 3: pp. 325-370, 49-50.) These works are retrospective, however, and may not accurately reflect chariot warfare at the time.
  • 60
    • 0142014306 scopus 로고
    • Creation and development of democratic institutions in Ancient Greece
    • ed. John Dunn, Oxford: Oxford University Press
    • Simon Hornblower, "Creation and Development of Democratic Institutions in Ancient Greece," in Democracy: The Unfinished Journey 508BC to ADI993, ed. John Dunn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 4.
    • (1993) Democracy: The Unfinished Journey 508BC to ADI993 , pp. 4
    • Hornblower, S.1
  • 61
    • 77954078918 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • This is not to deny that there were internal attempts at unification, but these did not succeed. Pericles famously summoned every city-state's delegate to Athens for the purpose of launching a Pan-Hellenic league based on the Athenian political system, but other city-states rejected this overture. "Unification" was only achieved by the force of an outside power, monarchical Macedonia
    • This is not to deny that there were internal attempts at unification, but these did not succeed. Pericles famously summoned every city-state's delegate to Athens for the purpose of launching a Pan-Hellenic league based on the Athenian political system, but other city-states rejected this overture. "Unification" was only achieved by the force of an outside power, monarchical Macedonia.
  • 64
    • 77954042852 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See Homer, The Odyssey, Book 8, pp. 145-150, 110. The Phaeacian people insulted Odysseus since he refrained from demonstrating his physical ability while young competitors were racing, wrestling, jumping, throwing, and boxing in front of him. But he eventually overwhelmed those people by throwing a discus far beyond anybody else
    • See Homer, The Odyssey, Book 8, pp. 145-150, 110. The Phaeacian people insulted Odysseus since he refrained from demonstrating his physical ability while young competitors were racing, wrestling, jumping, throwing, and boxing in front of him. But he eventually overwhelmed those people by throwing a discus far beyond anybody else.
  • 65
    • 77954078166 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • On the ancient Greek valuation of athletic glory, see also Homer, The Iliad, Book 23 (Funeral Games for Patroklos)
    • On the ancient Greek valuation of athletic glory, see also Homer, The Iliad, Book 23 (Funeral Games for Patroklos).
  • 66
    • 77954065594 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • These states may have been as culturally diverse in the Spring and Autumn era, but a process of cultural assimilation took place (including the suppression of non-Sinitic populations in the state of Lu). The increasing cultural homogeneity may partly explain (along with other factors, such as the massive resource expansion program) the growing commitment to the ideal of unification during the Warring States period
    • These states may have been as culturally diverse in the Spring and Autumn era, but a process of cultural assimilation took place (including the suppression of non-Sinitic populations in the state of Lu). The increasing cultural homogeneity may partly explain (along with other factors, such as the massive resource expansion program) the growing commitment to the ideal of unification during the Warring States period.
  • 67
    • 77954071629 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • We are using the term "monarch" in the Aristotelian sense. The formal title King was reserved for the successor Zhou rulers
    • We are using the term "monarch" in the Aristotelian sense. The formal title King was reserved for the successor Zhou rulers.
  • 68
    • 77954055004 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The independent Chinese states had a cultural memory of single overlordship, namely the Zhou situation, which could be invoked (and mythologized) as the Golden Age of peace and harmony. In contrast, the earlier unified Greek phase of history, namely Mycenaean history, has been effectively blotted out in subsequent Greek history
    • The independent Chinese states had a cultural memory of single overlordship, namely the Zhou situation, which could be invoked (and mythologized) as the Golden Age of peace and harmony. In contrast, the earlier unified Greek phase of history, namely Mycenaean history, has been effectively blotted out in subsequent Greek history.
  • 71
    • 77954064852 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See also Victoria Tin-Bor Hui's (unpublished) article, "Rethinking the Hobbesian Metaphor for International Politics: Comparing the Hobbesianess of the Ancient Chinese and Early Modern European Systems". Hui argues that Qin's eventual domination of other states can be explained by the relative strength of coercive mechanisms vis-a-vis countervailing mechanisms in the processes of international competition. Where coercive capabilities are more limited, as in Early Modern Europe, attempts at domination are less likely to be successful
    • See also Victoria Tin-Bor Hui's (unpublished) article, "Rethinking the Hobbesian Metaphor for International Politics: Comparing the Hobbesianess of the Ancient Chinese and Early Modern European Systems". Hui argues that Qin's eventual domination of other states can be explained by the relative strength of coercive mechanisms vis-a-vis countervailing mechanisms in the processes of international competition. Where coercive capabilities are more limited, as in Early Modern Europe, attempts at domination are less likely to be successful.
  • 72
    • 77954058794 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Note, however, that the dating of the Han Fei Zi is a matter of controversy, much of it may have been composed under the aegis of (later) Han political theorists
    • Note, however, that the dating of the Han Fei Zi is a matter of controversy, much of it may have been composed under the aegis of (later) Han political theorists.
  • 73
    • 77954066324 scopus 로고
    • trans. D. C. Lau, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 7B.1 (modified)
    • Mencius, trans. D. C. Lau (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1984), 7B.1 (modified).
    • (1984) Mencius
  • 74
    • 77953784896 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Territorial boundaries and confucianism
    • eds. David Miller and Sohail H. Hashmi, Princeton: Princeton University Press. This is not to deny, however, that classical Confucians also provided practical, morally-informed guidance in a non-ideal political world of competing states. Even Mencius - who is considered to be the most "tender- minded" of the Confucians - argued that it may be justifiable to fortify territorial boundaries between states, for example when a small state is attacked by a larger one (IB.13). 6, 4A.4, 4A.10. 4A.14
    • Joseph Chan, "Territorial Boundaries and Confucianism", in Boundaries, Ownership, and Autonomy, eds. David Miller and Sohail H. Hashmi (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001), p. 96. This is not to deny, however, that classical Confucians also provided practical, morally-informed guidance in a non-ideal political world of competing states. Even Mencius - who is considered to be the most "tender-minded" of the Confucians - argued that it may be justifiable to fortify territorial boundaries between states, for example when a small state is attacked by a larger one (IB.13). 6, 4A.4, 4A.10. 4A.14.
    • (2001) Boundaries, Ownership, and Autonomy , pp. 96
    • Chan, J.1
  • 75
    • 0010143408 scopus 로고
    • Lao Tzu's description of the ideal state - "Make your state small, make your people few" - is the obvious exception, Albany: State University of New York Press
    • Lao Tzu's description of the ideal state - "Make your state small, make your people few" - is the obvious exception (quoted in Roger T. Ames, The Art of Rulership: A Study of Chinese Political Thought [Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994], p. 6).
    • (1994) The Art of Rulership: A Study of Chinese Political Thought , pp. 6
    • Ames, R.T.1
  • 77
    • 0347667493 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The emergence and demise of nascent constitutional rights: Comparing Ancient China and Early Modern Europe
    • Some early Warring States societies, however, did have the functional equivalents of constraints on the power of the state. Moreover, some societies did allow for social mobility - e.g., low-ranking persons (other than slaves) could aspire to land ownership, through social merit rather than paterfamilial decree
    • Some early Warring States societies, however, did have the functional equivalents of constraints on the power of the state - see Victoria Tin-Bor Hui, "The Emergence and Demise of Nascent Constitutional Rights: Comparing Ancient China and Early Modern Europe," Journal of Political Philosophy 9, no.4 (2001). Moreover, some societies did allow for social mobility - e.g., low-ranking persons (other than slaves) could aspire to land ownership, through social merit rather than paterfamilial decree.
    • (2001) Journal of Political Philosophy , vol.9 , Issue.4
    • Tin-Bor Hui, V.1
  • 78
    • 84884066725 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Tianming yu Zhengdangxing
    • On the contrast between tianming and liberal-democratic values, eds. Joseph Chan and Lo Manto (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press)
    • On the contrast between tianming and liberal-democratic values, see Shi Yuankang, "Tianming yu Zhengdangxing" (The Mandate of Heaven and Political Legitimacy) in Zhengzhi Lilun Zai Zhongguo (Political Theory in China), eds. Joseph Chan and Lo Manto (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2001).
    • (2001) Zhengzhi Lilun Zai Zhongguo (Political Theory in China)
    • Yuankang, S.1
  • 79
    • 77954080920 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Note that there were also non-Confucian ideas regarding the workings of Heaven in the Warring States period. We chose to focus on the Mencian ideas of Heaven because they are closest - yet still far apart - from the Greek idea of democracy
    • Note that there were also non-Confucian ideas regarding the workings of Heaven in the Warring States period. We chose to focus on the Mencian ideas of Heaven because they are closest - yet still far apart - from the Greek idea of democracy.
  • 80
    • 77954066640 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Analects of Confucius, 13:19 (modified)
    • The Analects of Confucius, 13:19 (modified).
  • 81
    • 77954055982 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Even moral universalists such as Plato defended such ideas (see note 47
    • Even moral universalists such as Plato defended such ideas (see note 47).
  • 82
    • 77954046698 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Analects of Confucius, 14.2 (modified; Ames and Rosemont translate "ju" more controversially as "wordly comforts" rather than "settled home")
    • The Analects of Confucius, 14.2 (modified; Ames and Rosemont translate "ju" more controversially as "wordly comforts" rather than "settled home").
  • 83
    • 0007268880 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Reflections on civil society and civility in the Chinese intellectual tradition
    • See the discussion, ed. Tu Wei-ming, Cambridge: Harvard University Press
    • See the discussion in Edward Shils, "Reflections on Civil Society and Civility in the Chinese Intellectual Tradition", in Confucian Traditions in East Asian Modernity, ed. Tu Wei-ming (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996), p. 70.
    • (1996) Confucian Traditions in East Asian Modernity , pp. 70
    • Shils, E.1
  • 84
    • 77954064606 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Analects of Confucius, 4.11 (modified). See also 4.1, 15.10, 18.2
    • The Analects of Confucius, 4.11 (modified). See also 4.1, 15.10, 18.2.
  • 85
    • 77954039754 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Analects, 18.3, 18.4, see also Mencius, 7A.32
    • The Analects, 18.3, 18.4, see also Mencius, 7A.32.
  • 86
    • 77954037727 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Bruce Brooks has cast doubt on this standard account (see note 34), but whatever the historical facts this ideal served to inspire subsequent Confucians (including Mencius, who moved from state to state, looking for opportunities to put his political ideals into practice)
    • Bruce Brooks has cast doubt on this standard account (see note 34), but whatever the historical facts this ideal served to inspire subsequent Confucians (including Mencius, who moved from state to state, looking for opportunities to put his political ideals into practice).
  • 87
    • 77954074461 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The elite military class was most likely self-educated in these skills (as opposed to being educated by the state
    • The elite military class was most likely self-educated in these skills (as opposed to being educated by the state).
  • 88
    • 77954079174 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The chariot had many defects as a fighting machine, according to H. C. Creel (The Origin of Statecraft in China, 262-271) which may help to explain the transition to infantry
    • The chariot had many defects as a fighting machine, according to H. C. Creel (The Origin of Statecraft in China, 262-271) which may help to explain the transition to infantry.
  • 90
    • 77954077707 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • (Lewis actually dates the infantry army transition to the Spring and Autumn period). In the same vein, David A. Graff notes that "the aristocratic chariot warfare of the seventh century BC was profoundly different from the conflicts waged by disciplined mass armies of infantry four centuries later
    • Lewis, "Warring States Political History," p. 621 (Lewis actually dates the infantry army transition to the Spring and Autumn period). In the same vein, David A. Graff notes that "the aristocratic chariot warfare of the seventh century BC was profoundly different from the conflicts waged by disciplined mass armies of infantry four centuries later
    • Warring States Political History , pp. 621
    • Lewis1
  • 92
    • 77954074971 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • However, E. Bruce Brooks argues that we do not have enough evidence to speak of "the end of the dominance" of the warrior elite (more likely, the class or its social successors continued to provide the officer corps, and that the expansion of the army, not the totality of the army, was made up of infantry of lower social status)
    • However, E. Bruce Brooks argues that we do not have enough evidence to speak of "the end of the dominance" of the warrior elite (more likely, the class or its social successors continued to provide the officer corps, and that the expansion of the army, not the totality of the army, was made up of infantry of lower social status).
  • 94
    • 77954077227 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • While military service could lead to social advancement under certain states' rules, this would be an instrumental reason for valuing military service, which is not the same as being motivated by patriotism and civic pride (as in the Greek case)
    • While military service could lead to social advancement under certain states' rules, this would be an instrumental reason for valuing military service, which is not the same as being motivated by patriotism and civic pride (as in the Greek case).
  • 95
    • 77954056767 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • In the early Warring States period, military service did arguably lead to quasi-citizenship status for the lower social orders. By the mid-Warring States period, however, the growth of autocratic states meant that there was no need for social negotiation and states could simply compel obedience, with attendant (negative) implications for the "social benefits" of military service
    • In the early Warring States period, military service did arguably lead to quasi-citizenship status for the lower social orders. By the mid-Warring States period, however, the growth of autocratic states meant that there was no need for social negotiation and states could simply compel obedience, with attendant (negative) implications for the "social benefits" of military service.
  • 96
    • 84886142996 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The economy
    • ed. Robin Osborne, Oxford: Oxford University Press
    • Paul Millett, "The Economy" in Classical Greece, ed. Robin Osborne, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 39.
    • (2000) Classical Greece , pp. 39
    • Millett, P.1
  • 97
    • 62649168643 scopus 로고
    • Drowning by Nomes: The Greeks, swimming, and timotheus' Persians
    • Proximity to the sea also led to the development of marine warfare in ancient Greece (absent from ancient China), which in turn made the knowledge of swimming necessary for Athenians. The ability to swim well was a reason for ethnic pride and the image of drowning enemies recurs in celebrations of victory, ed. H. A. Khan [Nottingham: University of Nottingham, 1994], Greek literature, however, says very little about swimming as such, most likely because it was never formally performed at public games in ancient Greece (ibid, p. 52)
    • Proximity to the sea also led to the development of marine warfare in ancient Greece (absent from ancient China), which in turn made the knowledge of swimming necessary for Athenians. The ability to swim well was a reason for ethnic pride and the image of drowning enemies recurs in celebrations of victory (Edith Hall, "Drowning by Nomes: The Greeks, Swimming, and Timotheus' Persians" in The Birth of European Identity: The Europe-Asia Contrast in Greek Thought 490-322 B. C., ed. H. A. Khan [Nottingham: University of Nottingham, 1994], 2 (1993): 44). Greek literature, however, says very little about swimming as such, most likely because it was never formally performed at public games in ancient Greece (ibid, p. 52).
    • (1993) The Birth of European Identity: The Europe-Asia Contrast in Greek Thought 490-322 B. C. , vol.2 , pp. 44
    • Hall, E.1
  • 100
    • 77954037021 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Slaves from the hinterlands ensured that most Greek citizens did not have to do the hard labor themselves
    • Slaves from the hinterlands ensured that most Greek citizens did not have to do the hard labor themselves.
  • 101
    • 0004152399 scopus 로고
    • New York: Doubleday and Company
    • Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition (New York: Doubleday and Company, 1959), p. 27.
    • (1959) The Human Condition , pp. 27
    • Arendt, H.1
  • 103
    • 0004249644 scopus 로고
    • Capital
    • ed. Robert Tucker, New York: Norton
    • Karl Marx, Capital, Vol.3, in The Marx-Engels Reader, ed. Robert Tucker (New York: Norton, 1978), p. 441.
    • (1978) The Marx-Engels Reader , vol.3 , pp. 441
    • Marx, K.1
  • 105
    • 77954047902 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Once again, these sources are controversial and this particular story may be a myth
    • Once again, these sources are controversial and this particular story may be a myth.
  • 106
    • 77954059269 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • This was succeeded in Han dynasty (B.C.E. 202-A.D.E. 220), Qin's successor, as "a farm cultivated by the militia" [in Qin, when peasants were conscripted, they abandoned their farming activities and needed to obtain food from others, but under the new system, soldiers in remote areas also grew their own food]
    • See Victoria Tin-Bor Hui, "The Emergence and Demise of Nascent Constitutional Rights," p. 383. This was succeeded in Han dynasty (B.C.E. 202-A.D.E. 220), Qin's successor, as "a farm cultivated by the militia" [in Qin, when peasants were conscripted, they abandoned their farming activities and needed to obtain food from others, but under the new system, soldiers in remote areas also grew their own food].
    • The Emergence and Demise of Nascent Constitutional Rights , pp. 383
    • Tin-Bor Hui, V.1
  • 107
    • 77954073212 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Historical evidence for this claim is lacking, however
    • Historical evidence for this claim is lacking, however.
  • 108
    • 77954079173 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Mencius, Mencius, VIB.15. Mencius, however, opposed the idea that rulers were expected to continue to engage in production once they assumed their political posts ("There are those who use their minds and there are those who used their muscles. The former rule; the latter are ruled. Those who rule are supported by those who are ruled" [IIIA.4]). The context for this famous passage clearly shows that Mencius was trying to counter the view that "a good and wise ruler shares the work of tilling the land with his people" (Ibid), but unfortunately Mencius has been read to argue for a strict division of labor between intellectuals and peasants (a view that was explicitly challenged to disastrous effect during the Cultural Revolution)
    • Mencius, Mencius, VIB.15. Mencius, however, opposed the idea that rulers were expected to continue to engage in production once they assumed their political posts ("There are those who use their minds and there are those who used their muscles. The former rule; the latter are ruled. Those who rule are supported by those who are ruled" [IIIA.4]). The context for this famous passage clearly shows that Mencius was trying to counter the view that "a good and wise ruler shares the work of tilling the land with his people" (Ibid), but unfortunately Mencius has been read to argue for a strict division of labor between intellectuals and peasants (a view that was explicitly challenged to disastrous effect during the Cultural Revolution).
  • 109
    • 77954059479 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Analects of Confucius, 13.18 (modified). It could be argued Confucius' view is similar to that of Socrates in the Euthyphro (Socrates criticizes Euthyphro for prosecuting his own father on a charge of murder). The point of this dialogue, however, is not to affirm the value of filial piety, but rather to expose the moral/ intellectual vacuity of the socially-respectable theologians of his day (and perhaps to shed light on Socrates' state of mind just before his trial). In any case, Socrates' own personal life - i.e., neglecting his own family members for the sake of the pursuit of "truth" - seems rather far removed from the Confucian emphasis on care for family members
    • The Analects of Confucius, 13.18 (modified). It could be argued Confucius' view is similar to that of Socrates in the Euthyphro (Socrates criticizes Euthyphro for prosecuting his own father on a charge of murder). The point of this dialogue, however, is not to affirm the value of filial piety, but rather to expose the moral/ intellectual vacuity of the socially-respectable theologians of his day (and perhaps to shed light on Socrates' state of mind just before his trial). In any case, Socrates' own personal life - i.e., neglecting his own family members for the sake of the pursuit of "truth" - seems rather far removed from the Confucian emphasis on care for family members.
  • 110
    • 3543019598 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The family vs. The individual: The politics of marriage laws in Korea
    • paper, eds. Daniel A. Bell and Hahm Chaibong, New York: Cambridge University Press
    • See Hahm Chaibong's paper "The Family vs. the Individual: The Politics of Marriage Laws in Korea," in Confucianism for the Modern World, eds. Daniel A. Bell and Hahm Chaibong (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003), pp. 337-342
    • (2003) Confucianism for the Modern World , pp. 337-342
    • Chaibong, H.1
  • 111
    • 77954052677 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See Mencius's comparison of benevolence (yen) with archery: "an archer makes sure his stance is correct before letting fly the arrow, and if he fails to hit the mark, he does not hold it against the victor. He simply seeks the cause within himself (2A.7)
    • See Mencius's comparison of benevolence (yen) with archery: "an archer makes sure his stance is correct before letting fly the arrow, and if he fails to hit the mark, he does not hold it against the victor. He simply seeks the cause within himself (2A.7).
  • 112
    • 77954041204 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See also The Analects, 3.7
    • See also The Analects, 3.7.

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