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Volumn 26, Issue 2-3, 2007, Pages 91-122

Why is music so ideological, and why do totalitarian states take it so seriously? A personal view from history and the social sciences

(1)  Keller, Marcello Sorce a  


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EID: 43249142235     PISSN: 01411896     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1080/01411890701361086     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (24)

References (73)
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    • The proliferation of musical genres and styles we are experiencing (Bruno Nettl is surely right in maintaining that there never was so much musical diversity on our planet as there is today) may be taken as a significant indicator of how common it is to feel "locally." See Bruno Nettl, The Western Impact on World Music: Change, Adaptation, and Survival (New York: Schirmer Books, 1985)
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    • The idea that music is made up of discrete pieces, each one of them "works" to be revived in performance and appreciated as "monuments" to be handed down to posterity is of Romantic coinage. It reveals itself as inapplicable to most cultures, and has been effectively challenged over the past few decades even in the realm of Western art-music: Patricia Carpenter, "The Musical Object," Current Musicology 5 (1967), 56-87
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    • One good example is represented by those narrative songs called "ballads" (like "Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight" or "The Two Sisters") that are shared across the Western world, although melodies associated with their narratives may change considerably. See Marcello Sorce Keller, "Sul castel di mirabel: Life of a Ballad in Oral Tradition and Choral Practice," Ethnomusicology 30/3 (1986), 449-69
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    • So, for example, across the Mediterranean countries (and indeed across the world), local genres thrive under a more or less substantial layer of Anglo-American rock. See Marcello Sorce Keller, "La popular music come riflesso dei contatti culturali nell'area mediterranea. Un'occasione per riconsiderare la definizione corrente di cultura," in Antropologia della musica e culture mediterranee, ed. Tullia Magrini (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1993), 133-46
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    • Keller, M.S.1
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    • He added that the noble person plays sweetly and gently, keeps an equable disposition, enlivens and stimulates, and will not nourish in his heart moods of pain and mourning, defiant or violent. The playing of the common man, on the contrary, is quite different: loud and fast, then again moribund and vague, the reflection of a spirit that is not tempered and balanced. That there should be a similarity between harmony in music and harmony in society was considered so important in ancient China that a department of music was established in the government over two thousand years ago. See Lawrence Picken, "The Music of Far Eastern Asia," in New Oxford History of Music: Ancient and Oriental Music, vol. 1, ed. Egon Wellesz (London: Oxford University Press, 1957), 86-8. In Japan, the traditional musician strives to reproduce secular musical gestures and forms of expression as faithfully as possible, so as to attune himself to the cosmic and social order that depends for its support on the music so faithfully handed down from one generation to the next
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    • Even on the level of taste and preference, someone who maintained that listening to Beethoven's quartets or U2 is not the same thing at all would risk being considered "politically incorrect" at the time of this writing. That is probably because ethnomusicologists had to fight a long battle to convince society that Western art-music is not per se better than other musics. See, for instance, Judith Becker, "Is Western Art Music Superior?" Musical Quarterly 72 (1986), 341-59
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    • That is precisely Milton Babbit's position, an important representative of the American avant-garde, grown up in a democratic society, who expressed this in a famous article "Who Cares If You Listen?," in Elliott Schwartz & Barney Childs, Contemporary Composers on Contemporary Music (New York: Da Capo Press, 1978), 243-50
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    • Melbourne: Pluto Press
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