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Griessbach, R.; Berwanger, J.; Peller, M.: byteflight - neues Hochlei stungs-Datenbussy stem fuer sicherheitsrelevante Anwendungen. Special issue of Automotive Electronics for ATZ/MTZ, January 2000.
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Seoul, Juni
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byteflight - A New Protocol for Safety Critical Applications. Proceedings FISITA 2000, F2000G316
Berwanger, J.1
Peller, M.2
Griessbach, R.3
Heinecke, H.; Schedl, A.; Berwanger, J.; Peller, M.: Nieten, V.; Belschner, R.; Hedenetz, B.; Lohrmann, P.; Bracklo, C.: FlexRay - ein Kommunikationssystem für das Automobil der Zukunft. In: Elektronik Automotive September 2002.
Heinecke, H.; Schedl, A.; Berwanger, J.; Peller, M.: Nieten, V.; Belschner, R.; Hedenetz, B.; Lohrmann, P.; Bracklo, C.: FlexRay - ein Kommunikationssystem für das Automobil der Zukunft. In: Elektronik Automotive September 2002.
eBrake - the mechatronic wedge brake
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20th Annual Brake Colloquium And Exhibition, October 2002, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Session: Electronics
Hartmann, H.1
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Pascucci, A.3
Gombert, B.4
SPARC - Secure Propulsion using Advanced Redundant Control. European commission funded project (1ST-507859, http://www.sparc-eu.net/)
SPARC - Secure Propulsion using Advanced Redundant Control. European commission funded project (1ST-507859, http://www.sparc-eu.net/)
EASIS, Electronic Architecture and System Engineering for Integrated Safety for Integrated Safety Systems. European commission funded project .org
EASIS - Electronic Architecture and System Engineering for Integrated Safety for Integrated Safety Systems. European commission funded project (http://www.easis-online.org/)