The authors of the so-called Fiftieth Anniversary Report use the concept of consolidation rather than transition. By recommending that this phase not be referred to as a transition, they intend to highlight the irreversible character of the democratic choice and to avoid any allusion to the possibility of its failure (which they believe would serve the interest of opponents of reforms, But in fact this choice of terms only calls attention to the fragility of the process. The report has been published under the title Le Maroc possible: Une offre de débat pour une ambition collective Casablanca: Editions Maghrébines, 2006
The authors of the so-called Fiftieth Anniversary Report use the concept of consolidation rather than transition. By recommending that this phase not be referred to as a transition, they intend to highlight the irreversible character of the democratic choice and to avoid any allusion to the possibility of its failure (which they believe would serve the interest of opponents of reforms). But in fact this choice of terms only calls attention to the fragility of the process. The report has been published under the title Le Maroc possible: Une offre de débat pour une ambition collective (Casablanca: Editions Maghrébines, 2006).
The fever for reform affected many areas. The electoral code was rewritten and the electoral map redrawn; domestic and international observers were accepted; and the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication began closely overseeing how the various competing parties used their access to the media.
The fever for reform affected many areas. The electoral code was rewritten and the electoral map redrawn; domestic and international observers were accepted; and the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication began closely overseeing how the various competing parties used their access to the media.
Représentation/intercession: Les enjeux de pouvoir dans 'les champs politiques désamorcées' au Maroc
See, Michel Cameau, ed, Paris: CRNS
See Mohamed Tozy, "Représentation/intercession: Les enjeux de pouvoir dans 'les champs politiques désamorcées' au Maroc," in Michel Cameau, ed., Changement politique au Maghreb: Annuaire de l'Afrique du Nord XVIII, 1989 (Paris: CRNS, 1991), 153-68.
Changement politique au Maghreb: Annuaire de l'Afrique du Nord XVIII, 1989
, pp. 153-168
Tozy, M.1