Laparoscopically assisted anorectal pull-through for high imperforate anus - a new technique
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Intraoperative endosonography enhances laparoscopy-assisted colon pull-through for high imperforate anus
Yamataka A, Yoshida R, Kobayashi H, et al. Intraoperative endosonography enhances laparoscopy-assisted colon pull-through for high imperforate anus. J Pediatr Surg 2002;37:1657-1660.
Intraoperative endosonographic assessment of pelvic floor muscles during laparoscopy-assisted colon pull-through for high imperforate anus
Yamataka A, Yoshida R, Koga H, et al. Intraoperative endosonographic assessment of pelvic floor muscles during laparoscopy-assisted colon pull-through for high imperforate anus. Pediatr Endosurg Innov Techn 2003;7:249-253.
Earlier appearance and higher incidence of the rectoanal relaxation reflex in patients with imperforate anus repaired with laparoscopically assisted anorectoplasty
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Findings of pelvic musculature and efficacy of laparoscopic muscle stimulator in laparoscopy-assisted anorectal pull-through for high imperforate anus
Iwanaka T, Arai M, Kawashima H, et al. Findings of pelvic musculature and efficacy of laparoscopic muscle stimulator in laparoscopy-assisted anorectal pull-through for high imperforate anus. Surg Endosc 2003;17:278-281.