Council Framework Decision of June 13, 2002 on the European Arrest Warrant and the Surrender Procedures between Member States, 2002 O.J. (L 190) 1 (July 18, 2002).
Council Framework Decision of June 13, 2002 on the European Arrest Warrant and the Surrender Procedures between Member States, 2002 O.J. (L 190) 1 (July 18, 2002).
Wyrok Trybunala Konstytucyjnego [Judgement of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal] P 1/05 - Europejski Nakaz Aresztowania [European Arrest Warrant], OTK ZU [Jurisdiction of the Constitutional Tribunal. Official Collection] No 4/A/2005, poz. [item] 42, available at http://www.trybunal.gov.pl/eng/summaries/wstep_gb.htm (last accessed Dec. 11, 2007) [hereinafter Judgment of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal].
Wyrok Trybunala Konstytucyjnego [Judgement of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal] P 1/05 - Europejski Nakaz Aresztowania [European Arrest Warrant], OTK ZU [Jurisdiction of the Constitutional Tribunal. Official Collection] No 4/A/2005, poz. [item] 42, available at http://www.trybunal.gov.pl/eng/summaries/wstep_gb.htm (last accessed Dec. 11, 2007) [hereinafter Judgment of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal].
Ustawa z dnia 8 września 2006 r. o zmianie Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej [Law of Sept. 8, 2006 on the Change of the Polish Constitution], Dziennik Ustaw 2006 Nr 200 poz. 1471 [Polish Law Gazette 2006 No 200 item 1471].
Ustawa z dnia 8 września 2006 r. o zmianie Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej [Law of Sept. 8, 2006 on the Change of the Polish Constitution], Dziennik Ustaw 2006 Nr 200 poz. 1471 [Polish Law Gazette 2006 No 200 item 1471].
At Maastricht, the EU was structured along three separate pillars. The first regards the European Communities as they evolved from a single market into an economic and monetary union. The second pillar comprises common foreign and security policy, and the third, judicial and police cooperation in criminal matters
At Maastricht, the EU was structured along three separate "pillars." The first regards the European Communities as they evolved from a single market into an economic and monetary union. The second pillar comprises common foreign and security policy, and the third, judicial and police cooperation in criminal matters.
Article 55 §1 clearly stipulated: Extradition of a Polish citizen is prohibited.
Article 55 §1 clearly stipulated: "Extradition of a Polish citizen is prohibited."
On the necessity of the amendment, see Pawel Sarnecki, Opinia na temat konstytucyjności projektu ustawy w sprawie nowelizacji kodeksu karnego, kodeksu postepowania karnego i kodeksu wykroczeń [Opinion on the Constitutionality of the Bill on the Amendment of the Penal Code, the Penal Procedural Code and the Administrative Offence Code], druk sejmowy 2031 [printed matter no 2031 of the 4th Sejm];
On the necessity of the amendment, see Pawel Sarnecki, Opinia na temat konstytucyjności projektu ustawy w sprawie nowelizacji kodeksu karnego, kodeksu postepowania karnego i kodeksu wykroczeń [Opinion on the Constitutionality of the Bill on the Amendment of the Penal Code, the Penal Procedural Code and the Administrative Offence Code], druk sejmowy 2031 [printed matter no 2031 of the 4th Sejm];
for the opposing view, see Rudolf Ostrihansky, Nakazaé zakazane. Europejski nakaz aresztowania a konstytucja [Commanding Prohibited. The European Arrest Warrant versus the Constitution], Rzeczpospolita no 262 of Oct. 10, 2003
for the opposing view, see Rudolf Ostrihansky, Nakazaé zakazane. Europejski nakaz aresztowania a konstytucja [Commanding Prohibited. The European Arrest Warrant versus the Constitution], "Rzeczpospolita" no 262 of Oct. 10, 2003
Europejski nakaz aresztowania (wydania): Kłopotlirva "rewolucja" w ekstradycji [The European Arrest (Transfer) Warrant: Troublesome "Revolution" of Extradition]
Michal Plachta, Europejski nakaz aresztowania (wydania): kłopotlirva "rewolucja" w ekstradycji [The European Arrest (Transfer) Warrant: Troublesome "Revolution" of Extradition], "Studia Europejskie" no. 3/2002, 51-72.
Studia Europejskie
, Issue.3
, pp. 51-72
Plachta, M.1
Judgment of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, part III 3.1.
Judgment of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, part III 3.1.
Judgment of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, part III 3.3.
Judgment of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, part III 3.3.
Judgment of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, part III 3.4.
Judgment of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, part III 3.4.
note 17
See infra note 17.
See infra
Judgment of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, part III 3.1.
Judgment of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, part III 3.1.
Case C-105/03, The Judge in Charge of Preliminary Inquiries at the Tribunale di Firenze (Italy) v. Maria Pupino, 2005 E.C.R.I-5285 opinion of Advocate General Juliane Kokott, Nov. 11, 2004, confirming the obligation of national courts to interpret their state codes in line with EU framework decisions, and the binding indirect effect of third pillar legislation
Case C-105/03, The Judge in Charge of Preliminary Inquiries at the Tribunale di Firenze (Italy) v. Maria Pupino, 2005 E.C.R.I-5285 (opinion of Advocate General Juliane Kokott, Nov. 11, 2004) (confirming the obligation of national courts to interpret their state codes in line with EU framework decisions, and the binding indirect effect of third pillar legislation).
Opinion of Advocate General Kokott delivered on November 11, 2004 in Case C-105/03, Criminal Proceedings against Maria Pupino
Opinion of Advocate General Kokott delivered on November 11, 2004 in Case C-105/03, Criminal Proceedings against Maria Pupino.
Judgment of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, part III 5.9.
Judgment of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, part III 5.9.
Cf. the decisions of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal: Wyrok Trybunała Konstytucyjnego K 33/03, konstytucyjnośé niektórych przepisów ustawy o biopaliwach [Bio-components in Gasoline and Diesel, Dziennik Ustaw 2004, Nr. 109, poz. 1160 [Polish Law Gazette 2004, no. 109, item 1160, Wyrok Trybunała Konstytucyjnego K 15/04, konstytucyjnośé Ordynacji wyborczej do Parlamentu Europejskiego z art. 4 ust. 1 Konstytucji [Participation of Foreigners in European Parliamentary Elections, Dziennik Ustaw 2004, Nr. 130, poz. 1400 [Polish Law Gazette 2004, no. 130, item 1400, and Wyrok Trybunała Konstytucyjnego K 24/04- konstytucyjnośé ustawy o współpracy Rady Ministrów z Sejmem i Senatem w sprawach zwiazanych z członkostwem Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Unii Europejskiej [Inequality in Competences of Sejm and Senate Commitees in Respect of European Union Legislative Proposals, Dziennik
Cf. the decisions of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal: Wyrok Trybunała Konstytucyjnego K 33/03 - konstytucyjnośé niektórych przepisów ustawy o biopaliwach [Bio-components in Gasoline and Diesel], Dziennik Ustaw 2004, Nr. 109, poz. 1160 [Polish Law Gazette 2004, no. 109, item 1160]; Wyrok Trybunała Konstytucyjnego K 15/04 - konstytucyjnośé Ordynacji wyborczej do Parlamentu Europejskiego z art. 4 ust. 1 Konstytucji [Participation of Foreigners in European Parliamentary Elections], Dziennik Ustaw 2004, Nr. 130, poz. 1400 [Polish Law Gazette 2004, no. 130, item 1400]; and Wyrok Trybunała Konstytucyjnego K 24/04- konstytucyjnośé ustawy o współpracy Rady Ministrów z Sejmem i Senatem w sprawach zwiazanych z członkostwem Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Unii Europejskiej [Inequality in Competences of Sejm and Senate Commitees in Respect of European Union Legislative Proposals], Dziennik Ustaw 2005, Nr. 11, poz. 89 [Polish Law Gazette 2004, no. 11, item 89]; summaries at http://www.trybunal.gov.pl/eng/summaries/wstep_gb.htm (last visited Dec. 11, 2007).
Wyrok Trybunała Konstytucyjnego K18/04 - Traktat akcesyjny [Poland's Membership in the European Union (the Accession Treaty)], Dziennik Ustaw 2005, Nr. 86, poz. 744 [Polish Law Gazette 2005, no. 86, item 744], summary at http://www.trybunal.gov.pl/eng/summaries/ wstep_gb.htm (last visited Dec. 11, 2007).
Wyrok Trybunała Konstytucyjnego K18/04 - Traktat akcesyjny [Poland's Membership in the European Union (the Accession Treaty)], Dziennik Ustaw 2005, Nr. 86, poz. 744 [Polish Law Gazette 2005, no. 86, item 744], summary at http://www.trybunal.gov.pl/eng/summaries/ wstep_gb.htm (last visited Dec. 11, 2007).
Cf. Krystyna Kowalik-Bańczyk, Should We Polish It Up? The Polish Constitutional Tribunal and the Idea of Supremacy of EU Law, 6 GERMAN L.J. 1355 (2005).
Cf. Krystyna Kowalik-Bańczyk, Should We Polish It Up? The Polish Constitutional Tribunal and the Idea of Supremacy of EU Law, 6 GERMAN L.J. 1355 (2005).
Art. 55 §2
Law of Sept. 8, on the change of the Polish Constitution, Art. 1, lines 18-19
POLAND CONST., Art. 55 §2, no 1; Law of Sept. 8, 2006, on the change of the Polish Constitution, Art. 1, lines 18-19.
, Issue.1
Art. 55 §2
Law of Sept. 8, on the change of the Polish Constitution, Art. 1, lines 20-26
POLAND CONST., Art. 55 §2, no. 2; Law of Sept. 8, 2006, on the change of the Polish Constitution, Art. 1, lines 20-26.
, Issue.2
Art. 55, §3; Law of
Sept. 8, on the change of the Polish Constitution, Art. 1, lines 27-36
POLAND CONST., Art. 55, §3; Law of Sept. 8, 2006, on the change of the Polish Constitution, Art. 1, lines 27-36.
Projekt ustawy o zmianie Konstytucji Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej [Bill on the Amendment of the Consitution of the Republic of Poland], Druk nr 580 [printed matter no. 580 of the 5th Sejm], May 12, 2006.
Projekt ustawy o zmianie Konstytucji Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej [Bill on the Amendment of the Consitution of the Republic of Poland], Druk nr 580 [printed matter no. 580 of the 5th Sejm], May 12, 2006.