State of the Environment Committee, Australia State of the Environment 2006 (Department of Environment and Heritage, 2006). paia 52, available online at http://www.deh.gov.au/soc/2006/publications/ report/index.html (viewed 8 January 2007).
State of the Environment Committee, Australia State of the Environment 2006 (Department of Environment and Heritage, 2006). paia 52, available online at http://www.deh.gov.au/soc/2006/publications/ report/index.html (viewed 8 January 2007).
Land Clearing: A Social History
See, generally. Australian Greenhouse Office, No 4, September 2000, available online at, viewed 31 May
See, generally. Australian Greenhouse Office, Land Clearing: A Social History (National Carbon Accounting System - Technical Report No 4, September 2000). available online at http://www.greenhouse.gov.au/ncas/ reports/tr04final.html (viewed 31 May 2007).
National Carbon Accounting System - Technical Report
State Environmental Planning Policy No 46, Protection and Management of Native Vegetation
State Environmental Planning Policy No 46 - Protection and Management of Native Vegetation, cl 7.
, vol.150
, Issue.7
State Environmental Planning Policy No 46, Protection and Management of Native Vegetation Amendment No 1
State Environmental Planning Policy No 46 - Protection and Management of Native Vegetation (Amendment No 1), cl 7(c), inserting new cl 7.
cl 7(c), inserting new cl
, vol.7
Only two plans got beyond the draft stage: The Mid-Lachlan Regional Vegetation Management Plan 2001 and the Riverina Highlands Regional Vegeiation Management Plan 2003. see http://www.austlii.edu/au/ legis.nsw/repealed_reg (viewed 21 June 2007).
Only two plans got beyond the draft stage: The Mid-Lachlan Regional Vegetation Management Plan 2001 and the Riverina Highlands Regional Vegeiation Management Plan 2003. see http://www.austlii.edu/au/ legis.nsw/repealed_reg (viewed 21 June 2007).
For the latest version of the Assessment Methodology, following amendments in 2006 and 2007. see Government Gazette (NSW) (No 36, 2 March 2007) pp 1520-1617. The Assessment Methodology is also available at http://www.nativevegeetation.nsw.gov.au/methodology/ index-shtml (viewed 31 May 2007).
For the latest version of the Assessment Methodology, following amendments in 2006 and 2007. see Government Gazette (NSW) (No 36, 2 March 2007) pp 1520-1617. The Assessment Methodology is also available at http://www.nativevegeetation.nsw.gov.au/methodology/ index-shtml (viewed 31 May 2007).
Although assented to at the end of 2003, the Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW) was not proclaimed to commence until 1 December 2005, see Government Gazette (NSW, No 140. 18 November 2005) p 9404, after detailed provision had been made for operationalising the improve or maintain test in the Native Vegetation Regulation 2005 (NSW) and the Asessment Methodology
Although assented to at the end of 2003, the Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW) was not proclaimed to commence until 1 December 2005, see Government Gazette (NSW) (No 140. 18 November 2005) p 9404, after detailed provision had been made for operationalising the "improve or maintain" test in the Native Vegetation Regulation 2005 (NSW) and the Asessment Methodology.
NSW, s (1)(c) and Sch 1, Pt 3
Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW), s 5(1)(c) and Sch 1, Pt 3.
Native Vegetation Act 2003
, pp. 5
Personal correspondence, Tim Holden. Corporate Counsel, New South Wales Department of Water and Energy, 12 June 2007. The Director-General has tho power to determine whethor a zone has the substantial character of one of the lisied zones: Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW), Sch 1. Pt 3, cl 15.
Personal correspondence, Tim Holden. Corporate Counsel, New South Wales Department of Water and Energy, 12 June 2007. The Director-General has tho power to determine whethor a zone has the "substantial character" of one of the lisied zones: Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW), Sch 1. Pt 3, cl 15.
Some local environmental plans specifically attempt to avoid duplication by providing that consent to clear under the plan is not required where clearing is authorised under native vegetation legislation. See, eg Weddin Local Environmental Plan 2002, cl 29(6)(b);
Some local environmental plans specifically attempt to avoid duplication by providing that consent to clear under the plan is not required where clearing is authorised under native vegetation legislation. See, eg Weddin Local Environmental Plan 2002, cl 29(6)(b);
Wyong Iocal Environmental Plan 1991, cl 28(3)(f), all available online at http://www.austlii.edu.au/legis/nsw/consol_rer reviewed 31 May 2007).
Wyong Iocal Environmental Plan 1991, cl 28(3)(f), all available online at http://www.austlii.edu.au/legis/nsw/consol_rer reviewed 31 May 2007).
For exemptions, see Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW). Pt 3, Div 2 (Permitted Clearing) and Div 3 (Permitted Activities: Routine Agricultural Management Activities, Continuation of Existing Farming Activities and Sustainable Grazing);
For exemptions, see Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW). Pt 3, Div 2 (Permitted Clearing) and Div 3 (Permitted Activities: Routine Agricultural Management Activities, Continuation of Existing Farming Activities and Sustainable Grazing);
and Native Vegetation Regulation 2005 (NSW), Pt 4 (Routine Agricultural Management Activities).
and Native Vegetation Regulation 2005 (NSW), Pt 4 (Routine Agricultural Management Activities).
Note also Native Vegetation Regulation 2005 (NSW), cl 4(1).
Note also Native Vegetation Regulation 2005 (NSW), cl 4(1).
Native Vegetation Regulation 2005 (NSW), cl 4 makes it clear that Environmental Planning and Assesment Act 1979 (NSW), s 79C does not apply where development consent is sought to cairy out clearing under the Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW).
Native Vegetation Regulation 2005 (NSW), cl 4 makes it clear that Environmental Planning and Assesment Act 1979 (NSW), s 79C does not apply where development consent is sought to cairy out clearing under the Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW).
Under. eg a property vegetation plan or an environmental planning instrument: Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW), s 10.
Under. eg a property vegetation plan or an environmental planning instrument: Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW), s 10.
Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, WWF Australia, available online at, viewed 21 June
Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, A New Model for Landscape Conservation in New South Wales (WWF Australia, 2003). available online at http://wwf.org.au/publications/ new_model_report_to_catt (viewed 21 June 2007).
A New Model for Landscape Conservation in New South Wales
New South Wales, Legislative Assembly, Debates (12 November 2003) pp 4896-4899 (per Craig Knowles, Minister for Infrastructure and Planning, and Minister for Natural Resources);
New South Wales, Legislative Assembly, Debates (12 November 2003) pp 4896-4899 (per Craig Knowles, Minister for Infrastructure and Planning, and Minister for Natural Resources);
New South Wales, Legislative Council, Debates (4 December 2003) pp 5902-5905 (per Michael Costa, Minister lot Transport Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Minister assisting the Minister for Natural Resources (Forests)).
New South Wales, Legislative Council, Debates (4 December 2003) pp 5902-5905 (per Michael Costa, Minister lot Transport Services, Minister for the Hunter, and Minister assisting the Minister for Natural Resources (Forests)).
Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW), ss 15(c), 32(b). In light of this, there could be an argument that the Native Vegetation Regulation 2005, insofar as it relies on offsets, is ultra vires. The argument would be that the circumstances specified must relate directly to the clearing itself, not the broader context in which it is set (ie the provision of offsets).
Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW), ss 15(c), 32(b). In light of this, there could be an argument that the Native Vegetation Regulation 2005, insofar as it relies on offsets, is ultra vires. The argument would be that the "circumstances" specified must relate directly to the clearing itself, not the broader context in which it is set (ie the provision of offsets).
Assessment Methodology, n 5, para 5.2.1.
Assessment Methodology, n 5, para 5.2.1.
Measuring Success: Evaluating, the Restoration of a Grassy Eucalypt Woodland on the Cumberland Plain, Sydney. Australia
Wilkins S, Keith DA and Adam P, "Measuring Success: Evaluating, the Restoration of a Grassy Eucalypt Woodland on the Cumberland Plain, Sydney. Australia" (2003) 11(4) Restoration Ecology 489.
11(4) Restoration Ecology 489
Wilkins, S.1
Keith, D.A.2
Adam, P.3
Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2002 (SA). amending the Native Vegetation Act 1991 (SA).
Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2002 (SA). amending the Native Vegetation Act 1991 (SA).
The formal position is that the Minister responsible for administering the Act (currently, the Minister for Climate Change, Environment and Water) decides whether or not to approve a PVP (Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW), s 27(1)). In practice, the Minister has delegated this power to the Boards of Catchment Management Authorities, as well as their general managers (Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSWI, s 48(2)).
The formal position is that the Minister responsible for administering the Act (currently, the Minister for Climate Change, Environment and Water) decides whether or not to approve a PVP (Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW), s 27(1)). In practice, the Minister has delegated this power to the Boards of Catchment Management Authorities, as well as their general managers (Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSWI, s 48(2)).
As an alternative to entering into a PVP, landholders ran simply apply for development consent to clear (Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW), ss, 12, 14(1)), but the Assessment Methodology provides that offset arrangements unrelated to the actual clearing cannot be annexed to consents because their long-term security cannot be guaranteed under the legislation where the land changes hands (para 2.3). However, because Environmental Plannng and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), P1 4 applies to the grant of development consent under the NVA, there is an argument that an offset could be provided through a planning agreement under EP.AA, s 93F.
As an alternative to entering into a PVP, landholders ran simply apply for development consent to clear (Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW), ss, 12, 14(1)), but the Assessment Methodology provides that offset arrangements unrelated to the actual clearing cannot be annexed to consents because their long-term security cannot be guaranteed under the legislation where the land changes hands (para 2.3). However, because Environmental Plannng and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), P1 4 applies to the grant of development consent under the NVA, there is an argument that an offset could be provided through a planning agreement under EP.AA, s 93F.
See the discussion below, Once registered, planning agreements do run with the land (EPAA, s 93H). While this would be inconsistent with the Native Vegetation Regulation 2005, cl 26(1), which requires a positive assessment under the Assessment Methodology, it is likely that EPAA, s 93F, would prevail. This approach would still, however, require a conclusion. independent of the assessment under the Assesment Methodology, that the proposal, incorporating the planning agreement, would improve or maintain environmental outcomes. as required by NVA, s 14(3).
See the discussion below, Once registered, planning agreements do run with the land (EPAA, s 93H). While this would be inconsistent with the Native Vegetation Regulation 2005, cl 26(1), which requires a positive assessment under the Assessment Methodology, it is likely that EPAA, s 93F, would prevail. This approach would still, however, require a conclusion. independent of the assessment under the Assesment Methodology, that the proposal, incorporating the planning agreement, would improve or maintain environmental outcomes. as required by NVA, s 14(3).
Gibbons P, Ayers D, Seddon J, Doyle S and Brigg S, Biometric Version 1.8(2): A Terrestrial Biodiversity Assessment Tool for the NSW Property Vegetation Plan Developer: Operations Manual (April 2005, updated 4 August 2006), Appendix 4. Table 1, available online at http://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/npw.nsf/content/ biometric_tool (viewed 31 May 2007).
Gibbons P, Ayers D, Seddon J, Doyle S and Brigg S, Biometric Version 1.8(2): A Terrestrial Biodiversity Assessment Tool for the NSW Property Vegetation Plan Developer: Operations Manual (April 2005, updated 4 August 2006), Appendix 4. Table 1, available online at http://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/npw.nsf/content/ biometric_tool (viewed 31 May 2007).
Compare this with the proposed position in relation to offsets in areas not covered by the Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW). where legal protection of land to ensure security of management actions and remove threats can in itself amount to an offset: New South Wales, Department of Environment and Climate Change, Guidelines for Biodiversity Certification of Environmental Planning Instruments: Working Draft (April 2007), Appendix IL available online at http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/threatspec/biocertepis.htm (viewed 21 June 2007).
Compare this with the proposed position in relation to offsets in areas not covered by the Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW). where "legal protection of land to ensure security of management actions and remove threats" can in itself amount to an offset: New South Wales, Department of Environment and Climate Change, Guidelines for Biodiversity Certification of Environmental Planning Instruments: Working Draft (April 2007), Appendix IL available online at http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/threatspec/biocertepis.htm (viewed 21 June 2007).
Assessment Methodology, n 5, para 5.2.1.
Assessment Methodology, n 5, para 5.2.1.
Amendments to the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW) by the Threatened Species Amendment (Biodiversity Banking) Act 2006 (NSW), discussed below, do not currently apply to native vegetation clearance under the Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW) (TSCA. s 127J), but a Joint Select Committee of both Houses of parliament is charged with the task of examining options for applying the scheme in this context (TSCA, s 127A(3)).
Amendments to the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW) by the Threatened Species Amendment (Biodiversity Banking) Act 2006 (NSW), discussed below, do not currently apply to native vegetation clearance under the Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NSW) (TSCA. s 127J), but a Joint Select Committee of both Houses of parliament is charged with the task of examining options for applying the scheme in this context (TSCA, s 127A(3)).
Briggs J, Threatened Species Assessment Tool Version 1.7: Operational Munual (New South Wales Department of Environment and Conservation, November 2005) pp 5, 24-25
Briggs J, Threatened Species Assessment Tool Version 1.7: Operational Munual (New South Wales Department of Environment and Conservation, November 2005) pp 5, 24-25.
In the future, all LEPs will have to follow the Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Order (commonly known as the LEP template, Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 NSW, s 33A, Whilst, however, the template contains some mandatory provisions, it largely provides a very basic framework for revised LEPs, Consequently, it is quite unlikely to ensure consistency in terms of native vegetation clearance controls across LEPs
In the future, all LEPs will have to follow the Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Order (commonly known as the "LEP template") (Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), s 33A). Whilst, however, the template contains some mandatory provisions, it largely provides a very basic framework for revised LEPs, Consequently, it is quite unlikely to ensure consistency in terms of native vegetation clearance controls across LEPs.
See, eg Nambucca Local Environmental Plan
See, eg Nambucca Local Environmental Plan 1995. cl 18;
, vol.150
, Issue.18
Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan
Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 1995, cl 22;
, vol.150
, Issue.22
Tweed Local Environmental Plan, available online at, viewed 31 May 2007
Tweed Local Environmental Plan 2000. cl 26. available online at http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_reg (viewed 31 May 2007).
, vol.150
, Issue.26
See, eg Maclean local Environmental Plan, available online at, viewed 31 May 2007
See, eg Maclean local Environmental Plan 2001, cl 40, available online at http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_reg (viewed 31 May 2007).
, vol.150
, Issue.40
See, eg Blue Mountains Local Environmental Plan 2005, cl 32(4);
See, eg Blue Mountains Local Environmental Plan 2005, cl 32(4);
Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan
Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2004, cl 34;
, vol.150
, Issue.34
Wollongong Local Environmental Plan
Wollongong Local Environmental Plan 1990, cl 10(n);
cl 10(n)
Yarrowlumla Local Environmental Plan, available online at, viewed 31 May 2007
Yarrowlumla Local Environmental Plan 2002, cll 35-37, available online at http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_reg (viewed 31 May 2007).
, vol.35-37
, Issue.CLL
Terrace Tower Holdings Pty Ltd v Sutherland Shire Council (2003) 129 LGERA 195 at 210 [81]; [2003] NSWCA 289.
Terrace Tower Holdings Pty Ltd v Sutherland Shire Council (2003) 129 LGERA 195 at 210 [81]; [2003] NSWCA 289.
Carstens v Pittwater Council (1999) 111 LGERA 1 at 25, para [74]; [1999] NSWLEC. 249;
Carstens v Pittwater Council (1999) 111 LGERA 1 at 25, para [74]; [1999] NSWLEC. 249;
BGP Properties Pty Ltd v Lake Macquarie City Council (2004) 138 LGERA 237 at 257, paras [100]-[102]: [2004] NSWLEC 399;
BGP Properties Pty Ltd v Lake Macquarie City Council (2004) 138 LGERA 237 at 257, paras [100]-[102]: [2004] NSWLEC 399;
Patrick Autocare Pty Ltd v The Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources [2005] NSWLEC 277 at [11].
Patrick Autocare Pty Ltd v The Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources [2005] NSWLEC 277 at [11].
111 LGFRA 181;, NSWCA 88;
Weal v Bothurst City Council (2000) 111 LGFRA 181; [2000] NSWCA 88;
Weal v Bothurst City Council
Parramatta City Council v Hale (1982) 47 LGRA 319;
Parramatta City Council v Hale (1982) 47 LGRA 319;
Centro Properties v Hurstville City Council (2004) 135 LGERA 257; [2004] NSWLEC 401;
Centro Properties v Hurstville City Council (2004) 135 LGERA 257; [2004] NSWLEC 401;
Nobie v Cowra Shire Council (2003) 129 LGERA 120: [2003] NSWLEC 178;
Nobie v Cowra Shire Council (2003) 129 LGERA 120: [2003] NSWLEC 178;
See the discussion in, 3rd ed, Lawbook Co
See the discussion in Aronson M, Dyer B and Groves M. Judicial Review of Administrative Action (3rd ed, Lawbook Co., 2004), pp 258-260.
Judicial Review of Administrative Action
, pp. 258-260
Aronson, M.1
Dyer, B.2
Groves, M.3
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), s 78A(8)(a). Development can be designated in an environmental planning instrument, which is unusual, or alternatively, identified in regulations (EPAA, ss 29, 77A). See the list of designated development in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (NSW), cl 4 and Sch 3.
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), s 78A(8)(a). Development can be designated in an environmental planning instrument, which is unusual, or alternatively, identified in regulations (EPAA, ss 29, 77A). See the list of designated development in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (NSW), cl 4 and Sch 3.
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), ss 78A(N)(b), 79B(3).
(NSW), ss 78A(N)(b)
, vol.79 B
, Issue.3
Commentators who have pointed to the developmentalist orientation of the planning system include Gleeson B, Introduction: Australian Planning - New Challenges, New Agendas in Gleeson B and Hanley P (eds) Renewing Australian Planning? New Challenges, New Agendas (Canberra, Urban Research Program, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, 1998) pp 5-6;
Commentators who have pointed to the "developmentalist" orientation of the planning system include Gleeson B, "Introduction: Australian Planning - New Challenges, New Agendas" in Gleeson B and Hanley P (eds) Renewing Australian Planning? New Challenges, New Agendas (Canberra, Urban Research Program, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, 1998) pp 5-6;
21st Century Challenges for Urban Planning - The Demise of Environmental Planning m New South Wales
Gleeson B and Hanley P eds, Canberra. Urban Research Program. Research School of Social Sciences. Australian National University
Stein P, "21st Century Challenges for Urban Planning - The Demise of Environmental Planning m New South Wales" in Gleeson B and Hanley P (eds), Renewing Australian Planning? New Challenges, New Agendas (Canberra. Urban Research Program. Research School of Social Sciences. Australian National University, 1998) p 75.
Renewing Australian Planning? New Challenges, New Agendas
, pp. 75
Stein, P.1
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs v Peko-Wallsend Ltd (1986) [62 CLR 24 at 41, per Mason J; 66 ALR 299; (1986) 60 ALJR 560; [1986] IICA 40;
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs v Peko-Wallsend Ltd (1986) [62 CLR 24 at 41, per Mason J; 66 ALR 299; (1986) 60 ALJR 560; [1986] IICA 40;
Bruce v Cole (1998) 45 NSWLR 163 at 186;
Bruce v Cole (1998) 45 NSWLR 163 at 186;
Kindimindi Investments v Lane Cove Council (2006) 143 LGERA 277 at 297-298. paras [74]-[79]; [2006] NSWCA 23.
Kindimindi Investments v Lane Cove Council (2006) 143 LGERA 277 at 297-298. paras [74]-[79]; [2006] NSWCA 23.
On manifest unreasonableness, see Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation [1948] 1 KB 223; [1947] 2 AII ER 680;
On "manifest unreasonableness", see Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation [1948] 1 KB 223; [1947] 2 AII ER 680;
111 LGERA 181 at 188. para [27
Weal v Bathurst City Council (2000) 111 LGERA 181 at 188. para [27];
Weal v Bathurst City Council
Murrumbidgee Groundwater Preservation Association Inc v Minister for Natural Resources (2005) 138 LGERA 11 at 45, para [129]; [2005] NSWCA 10.
Murrumbidgee Groundwater Preservation Association Inc v Minister for Natural Resources (2005) 138 LGERA 11 at 45, para [129]; [2005] NSWCA 10.
Mobil Oil Australia Ltd v Baulkham Hills Shire Council [No 2] (1971) 28 LGRA 374 at 379.
Mobil Oil Australia Ltd v Baulkham Hills Shire Council [No 2] (1971) 28 LGRA 374 at 379.
BGP Properties Pty Ltd v Lake Macquarie City Council (2004) 138 LGERA 237 at 262-263. para. [117]: [2004] NSWLEC 399.
BGP Properties Pty Ltd v Lake Macquarie City Council (2004) 138 LGERA 237 at 262-263. para. [117]: [2004] NSWLEC 399.
BGP Properties Pty Ltd v Lake Macquarie City Council
BGP Properties Pty Ltd v Lake Macquarie City Council (2004) 138 LGERA 237 at 263, para [119].
138 LGERA 237 at 263, para [119]
Kelly A and Farrier D, Local Government and Biodiversity Conservation in New South Wales (1996) 13 EPLJ 374 at 385.
Kelly A and Farrier D, "Local Government and Biodiversity Conservation in New South Wales" (1996) 13 EPLJ 374 at 385.
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), s 75B. The discussion in this section does not address the special provisions that apply to major projects which have also been identified as a critical infrastructure project on the grounds that they are essential for the State for economic, environmental or social reasons (EPAA, s 75C).
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), s 75B. The discussion in this section does not address the special provisions that apply to major projects which have also been identified as a "critical infrastructure project" on the grounds that they are "essential for the State for economic, environmental or social reasons" (EPAA, s 75C).
See, New South Wales, Department of Planning, Regisier of Major Projects, available online at http://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/asp/ register.asp (viewed 10 January 2007).
See, New South Wales, Department of Planning, Regisier of Major Projects, available online at http://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/asp/ register.asp (viewed 10 January 2007).
Environmental Planning and Assessment Art, 75K
Environmental Planning and Assessment Art 1979 (NSW), ss 75G, 75K, 75L.
(NSW), ss
, vol.75 G
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), s 75R(1); and cf s 75J(2)).
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), s 75R(1); and cf s 75J(2)).
In Drake-Brockman v Minister for Planning [2007] NSWLEC 490, the proponent of the development argued that there was no requirement to consider ESD at all under Pt 3A (at para [122]). Jagot J did not have to determine this issue because she held that even if there was such a requirement, on the facts the Minister had satisfied it (at para [132]-[133]).
In Drake-Brockman v Minister for Planning [2007] NSWLEC 490, the proponent of the development argued that there was no requirement to consider ESD at all under Pt 3A (at para [122]). Jagot J did not have to determine this issue because she held that even if there was such a requirement, on the facts the Minister had satisfied it (at para [132]-[133]).
Compare Gray v The Minister for Planning (2006) 152 LGERA 258; [2006] NSVVLEC 720.
Compare Gray v The Minister for Planning (2006) 152 LGERA 258; [2006] NSVVLEC 720.
Its origins go back to 1985
The Minister's power to call-in and approve prohibited development is not a new one, NSW, s
The Minister's power to call-in and approve prohibited development is not a new one. Its origins go back to 1985. It was previously contained in Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), s 89.
It was previously contained in Environmental Planning and Assessment Act
, pp. 89
See, 3rd ed, Redfern Legal Centre Publishing
See Farrier D, Lyster R, Pearson L and Lipman Z, The Environmental Law Handbook: Planning and Land Use in New South Wales (3rd ed, Redfern Legal Centre Publishing, 1999) pp 190-191.
The Environmental Law Handbook: Planning and Land Use in New South Wales
, pp. 190-191
Farrier, D.1
Lyster, R.2
Pearson, L.3
Lipman, Z.4
replacing Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), s 75J(3) and Sch 1[23], inserting s 75R(3A).
replacing Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), s 75J(3) and Sch 1[23], inserting s 75R(3A).
NSW, No, 20 July
Government Gazette (NSW) (No 92, 20 July 2007) p 4680.
Government Gazette
, vol.92
, pp. 4680
Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation
Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (NSW), c1 8N.
(NSW), c1 8N
For definitions, see State Environmental Planning Policy (Major Projects) 2005, cl 3(1) and Sch 2, cl 1(4).
For definitions, see State Environmental Planning Policy (Major Projects) 2005, cl 3(1) and Sch 2, cl 1(4).
Threatened ecological communities and overcleard areas are only isolated from the Minister's override power to the extent to which they fall within other designations, eg land within 100m above mean high water mark of the sea, a bay or an estuary (Sch 2, cl 1(4)(a)), and land identified in a planning instrument as being of high biodiversity significance (cl 3(1)(e)). It is quite unclear what provisions in planning instruments this refers to.
Threatened ecological communities and overcleard areas are only isolated from the Minister's override power to the extent to which they fall within other designations, eg "land within 100m above mean high water mark of the sea, a bay or an estuary" (Sch 2, cl 1(4)(a)), and land identified in a planning instrument as being of "high biodiversity significance" (cl 3(1)(e)). It is quite unclear what provisions in planning instruments this refers to.
Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation
Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 cl 80;
, vol.150
, Issue.80
(NSW), ss 75O
Environmental Planning and Asspssment Act
Environmental Planning and Asspssment Act 1979 (NSW), ss 75O(3), 75P(2)(cl).
Department of Planning
available online at, viewed 17 September 2007
New South Wales, Department of Planning, A Community Guide: NSW Major Projects Assessment System (2006), p 5, available online at http://www.planing.nsw.gov.au/assesingdev/duapsrole.asp (viewed 17 September 2007).
A Community Guide: NSW Major Projects Assessment System
, pp. 5
South Wales, N.1
Challenges in Adaptive Management of Riparian and Coastal Ecosystems
Walters C, "Challenges in Adaptive Management of Riparian and Coastal Ecosystems" (1997) 1 Conservation Ecology 1;
Conservation Ecology
, vol.1
, pp. 1
Walters, C.1
Iles A, Adaptive Management: Making Enviromnental Law and Policy More Dynamic, Experimentalist and Learning (1996) 13 EPLJ 288.
Iles A, "Adaptive Management: Making Enviromnental Law and Policy More Dynamic, Experimentalist and Learning" (1996) 13 EPLJ 288.
Adaptive Policy. Institutions and Management: Challenges for Lawyers and Others
374 at
Dovers S, "Adaptive Policy. Institutions and Management: Challenges for Lawyers and Others" (1999) 8 Griffith LR 374 at 378.
Griffith LR
, vol.8
, pp. 378
Dovers, S.1
Sanctuary Investments Pty Ltd v Baulkham Hills Shire Council
Sanctuary Investments Pty Ltd v Baulkham Hills Shire Council [2006] NSWLEC 733 at [45].
NSWLEC 733 at [45]
Lake Macquarie City Council v Hammersmith Management Pty Ltd (2003) 132 LGERA 225 at 240, para [59]; [2003] NSWCA 313.
Lake Macquarie City Council v Hammersmith Management Pty Ltd (2003) 132 LGERA 225 at 240, para [59]; [2003] NSWCA 313.
Environmental Planning and Assesment Act
Environmental Planning and Assesment Act 1979 (NSW), ss 94(11), 94B(1);
(NSW), ss
, vol.94
, Issue.11
Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation
Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, cl 27.
, vol.150
, Issue.27
Hammersmith Management Pty Ltd v Lake Macquarie City Council (2001) 124 LGERA 63 at 71, para [30]; [2003] NSWLEC 20.
Hammersmith Management Pty Ltd v Lake Macquarie City Council (2001) 124 LGERA 63 at 71, para [30]; [2003] NSWLEC 20.
Lake Macquarie City Council v Hammersmith Management Pty Ltd , NSWCA 313
Lake Macquarie City Council v Hammersmith Management Pty Ltd (2003) 132 LGERA 225 at 237, para [44] [2003] NSWCA 313.
132 LGERA 225 at 237, para [44]
Hammersmith Management Pty Ltd v Lake Macquarie City Council (2003) 124 LGERA 63 at 69, para [24]; [2003] NSWLEC 20.
Hammersmith Management Pty Ltd v Lake Macquarie City Council (2003) 124 LGERA 63 at 69, para [24]; [2003] NSWLEC 20.
Hammersmith Management Pty Ltd v Lake Macquarie City Council (2003) 124 LGERA 63 at 70, pars [26]; [2003] NSWLEC 20.
Hammersmith Management Pty Ltd v Lake Macquarie City Council (2003) 124 LGERA 63 at 70, pars [26]; [2003] NSWLEC 20.
Hammersmith Management Pty Ltd v Lake Macquarie City Council (2003) 124 LGERA 63 at 70, para [26]; [2003] NSWLEC 20.
Hammersmith Management Pty Ltd v Lake Macquarie City Council (2003) 124 LGERA 63 at 70, para [26]; [2003] NSWLEC 20.
There is also a question whether land clearing is development for which development consent is sought within the words of s 94 where it is, eg a proposed subdivision that formally attracts the consent requirement
There is also a question whether land clearing is "development for which development consent is sought" within the words of s 94 where it is, eg a proposed subdivision that formally attracts the consent requirement.
The traditional and most common use of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), s 94 has been to provide for active and passive open space: Toon J, Loges D, Phibbs P and Payne M, Review of Contribution Plans (Planning Research Centre, University of Sydney, 1994).
The traditional and most common use of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), s 94 has been to provide for active and passive open space: Toon J, Loges D, Phibbs P and Payne M, Review of Contribution Plans (Planning Research Centre, University of Sydney, 1994).
While the nexus required by s 94 can often be readily established between development and vegetated open space for passive recreation, the interests of biodiversity conservation may often fail to coincide with community perceptions of the nature and appropriate use of these areas. See Kelly A, Facilitating Picnics and Nature Rambles: Conserving Nature for Recreation on Local Government Open Space, A Viable Option, 2005 11 LGLJ 109
While the nexus required by s 94 can often be readily established between development and vegetated open space for passive recreation, the interests of biodiversity conservation may often fail to coincide with community perceptions of the nature and appropriate use of these areas. See Kelly A, "Facilitating Picnics and Nature Rambles: Conserving Nature for Recreation on Local Government Open Space - A Viable Option?," (2005) 11 LGLJ 109.
Lake Macquarie City Council v Hammersmith Management Pty Ltd (20103) 132 LGERA 225 at 239, para [55]; [2003] NSWCA 313;
Lake Macquarie City Council v Hammersmith Management Pty Ltd (20103) 132 LGERA 225 at 239, para [55]; [2003] NSWCA 313;
Newbury District Council v Secretary of State for the Environment [1981] AC 578; [1980] 1 All ER 731; [1980] 2 WLR 379.
Newbury District Council v Secretary of State for the Environment [1981] AC 578; [1980] 1 All ER 731; [1980] 2 WLR 379.
Compare Lloyd J in Hammersmith Management Pty Ltd v Lake Macquarie City Council (2003) 124 LGERA 63 at 70, para, [26]; [2003] NSWLEC 20.
Compare Lloyd J in Hammersmith Management Pty Ltd v Lake Macquarie City Council (2003) 124 LGERA 63 at 70, para, [26]; [2003] NSWLEC 20.
The suggestion is based on Fairfield City Council v N and S Olivieri Pty Ltd [2003] NSWCA 41.
The suggestion is based on Fairfield City Council v N and S Olivieri Pty Ltd [2003] NSWCA 41.
This follows doubts expressed by Pain J in Friends of South West Rocks Inc v Machro Pty Ltd (2004) 136 LGERA 198.at 231, para [134, 2004] NSWLEC 721 about the power to attach a condition requiring the provision of compensatory habitat to a concurrence
This follows doubts expressed by Pain J in Friends of South West Rocks Inc v Machro Pty Ltd (2004) 136 LGERA 198.at 231, para [134]; [2004] NSWLEC 721 about the power to attach a condition requiring the provision of compensatory habitat to a concurrence.
Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW), s 127A(3). Both reports must be tabled in each House of Parliament. If the committee's report does not meet the six-month deadline, the biobanking scheme may be implemented (TSCA s 127(4)).
Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW), s 127A(3). Both reports must be tabled in each House of Parliament. If the committee's report does not meet the six-month deadline, the biobanking scheme "may" be implemented (TSCA s 127(4)).
There is, however, nothing to prevent the Director-General from creating a credit before required management actions are in place: Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW), s 127W(5).
There is, however, nothing to prevent the Director-General from creating a credit before required management actions are in place: Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW), s 127W(5).
Note that the biobanking legislation envisages that even where an application for a biobanking statement is made, a planning agreement or a s 94 condition may also require the developer to make a contribution for the conservation or enhancement of the natural environment (an environmental contribution, In these circumstances, the biobanking Assessment Methodology must provide for this environmental contribution to be taken into account as an offset by reducing the number of biodiversity credits which would otherwise have been required, Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW, s 127B7, 10
Note that the biobanking legislation envisages that even where an application for a biobanking statement is made, a planning agreement or a s 94 condition may also require the developer to make a contribution for the "conservation or enhancement of the natural environment" (an "environmental contribution"). In these circumstances, the biobanking Assessment Methodology must provide for this environmental contribution to be taken into account as an offset by reducing the number of biodiversity credits which would otherwise have been required ( Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW), s 127B(7), (10)).
See above at Biodiversity offsets in urban areas: Concurrence conditions
See above at "Biodiversity offsets in urban areas: Concurrence conditions"
The original Bill made this clearer by including the words but may.
The original Bill made this clearer by including the words "but may".
Smyth v Nambucco Shire Council (1999) 105 LGERA 65; [1999] NSWLEC 226;
Smyth v Nambucco Shire Council (1999) 105 LGERA 65; [1999] NSWLEC 226;
Biobanking statements can also be sought for development under Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), Pt 3A ( Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW), s 127ZJ), in which case the Minister for Planning will be the consent authority. However, even where a biobanking statement has not been obtained, that Minister can require the proponent to retire specified biodiveisity credits as a condition of approval (EPAA, s 75JA; TSCA, s 127ZR(3)(a)).
Biobanking statements can also be sought for development under Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), Pt 3A ( Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW), s 127ZJ), in which case the Minister for Planning will be the consent authority. However, even where a biobanking statement has not been obtained, that Minister can require the proponent to retire specified biodiveisity credits as a condition of approval (EPAA, s 75JA; TSCA, s 127ZR(3)(a)).
See generally, New South Wales, Department of Environment and Climate Change, Guidelines for Biodiversity Certification of Environmental Planning Instruments: Working Draft (April 2007), available online at http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/threatspec/biocertepis.htm (viewed 21 June 2007).
See generally, New South Wales, Department of Environment and Climate Change, Guidelines for Biodiversity Certification of Environmental Planning Instruments: Working Draft (April 2007), available online at http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/threatspec/biocertepis.htm (viewed 21 June 2007).
Farrier D, Fragmented Law in Fragmented Landscapes: The Slow Evolution of Integrated Natural Resource Management in NSW (2002) 19 EPLJ 89;
Farrier D, "Fragmented Law in Fragmented Landscapes: The Slow Evolution of Integrated Natural Resource Management in NSW" (2002) 19 EPLJ 89;
Farrier D, Kelly AHH, Comino M and Bond M, Integrated Land and Water Management in New South Wales: Plans, Problems and Possibilities (1998) 5 AJNRLP 153.
Farrier D, Kelly AHH, Comino M and Bond M, "Integrated Land and Water Management in New South Wales: Plans, Problems and Possibilities" (1998) 5 AJNRLP 153.
See New South Wales. Department of Environment and Conservation, Draft Lower Hunter Regional Conservation Plan (October 2006), para 2.2, available online at http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/resources/ 20060538hunter.pdf (viewed 2 February 2007).
See New South Wales. Department of Environment and Conservation, Draft Lower Hunter Regional Conservation Plan (October 2006), para 2.2, available online at http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/resources/ 20060538hunter.pdf (viewed 2 February 2007).
Department of Environment and Climate Change
April, available online at, viewed 21 June 2007
New South Wales, Department of Environment and Climate Change, Questions and Answers: Biodiversity Certification (April 2007), pp 3-4, available online at http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/threatspec/ biocertepis.htm (viewed 21 June 2007).
Questions and Answers: Biodiversity Certification
, pp. 3-4
South Wales, N.1
On the information required, see New South Wales, Department of Environment and Climate Change, n 132, pp 10-12, and Appendices III-V.
On the information required, see New South Wales, Department of Environment and Climate Change, n 132, pp 10-12, and Appendices III-V.
New South Wales, Department of Planning, Standard LEP and Planning Reform: Questions and Answers, p 3, available online at http://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/planning_reforms/p/q_and_a.rtf (viewed 29 May 2007):
New South Wales, Department of Planning, Standard LEP and Planning Reform: Questions and Answers, p 3, available online at http://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/planning_reforms/p/q_and_a.rtf (viewed 29 May 2007):
Department of Planning
October, available online at, viewed 29 May 2007
New South Wales, Department of Planning, Lower Hunter Regional Strategy 2006-31 (October 2006), p 25, available online at http://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/regional/hunter.asp. (viewed 29 May 2007).
Lower Hunter Regional Strategy
, vol.2006 -31
, pp. 25
South Wales, N.1
The indication is that this is to be achieved through the use of directions under Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), s 117.
The indication is that this is to be achieved through the use of directions under Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW), s 117.
See New South Wales Department of Planning
See New South Wales Department of Planning, Lower Hunter Regional Strategy 2006-31, n 136;
Lower Hunter Regional Strategy
, vol.2006 -31
, Issue.136
Draft Central Coast Regional Strategy 2006-31
December, available online at, viewed 29 May 2007
Draft Central Coast Regional Strategy 2006-31 (2006): Draft Mid North Coast Regional Strategy 2006-31 (December 2006). available online at http://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/plansforaction/ whatshappening.asp (viewed 29 May 2007).
Draft Mid North Coast Regional Strategy
, vol.2006 -31
For example, New South Wales, Department of Planning, Draft Central Coast Regional Strategy, n 137. p 27.
For example, New South Wales, Department of Planning, Draft Central Coast Regional Strategy, n 137. p 27.
New South Wales, Department of Planning, Lower Hunter Regional Strategy, n 136, p 14.
New South Wales, Department of Planning, Lower Hunter Regional Strategy, n 136, p 14.
See New South Wales, Department of Environment and Conservation, Draft Lower Hunter Regional Conservation Plan, n 134. Other plans are Currently in preparation, but this is the first released publicly in draft form.
See New South Wales, Department of Environment and Conservation, Draft Lower Hunter Regional Conservation Plan, n 134. Other plans are Currently in preparation, but this is the first released publicly in draft form.
Department of Environment and Conservation
August, available online at, viewed 2 February 2007
New South Wales, Department of Environment and Conservation, Biodiversity Certification and Banking in Coastal and Growth Areas (August 2005). p 4. available online at http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/threatspec/backgroundpubs.htm (viewed 2 February 2007).
Biodiversity Certification and Banking in Coastal and Growth Areas
, pp. 4
South Wales, N.1
An early suggestion was that regional conservation plaits would be developed for inclusion in regional strategies. New South Wales, Department of Environment and Conservation, n 141, p 4
An early suggestion was that regional conservation plaits would be developed for "inclusion" in regional strategies. New South Wales, Department of Environment and Conservation, n 141, p 4.
New South Wales, Department of Environment and Conservation. n 141, p 5.
New South Wales, Department of Environment and Conservation. n 141, p 5.
Draft Lower Hunter Regional Conservation Plan. n 134. s 2.5.
Draft Lower Hunter Regional Conservation Plan. n 134. s 2.5.
The plan concludes that proposed reserves will not fully offset the biodiversity impact of the development allowed by the Lower Hunter Regional Strategy, and discusses in very general terms mechanisms, such as offsets and voluntary conservation agreements, that will need to be put in place to satisfy the improve or maintain test. These are to be further investigated as new local environmental plans are developed (s 7.4.2). See also New South Wales, Department of Environment and Climate Change, n 132, p 2, which refers to regional conservation plans as providing the anchor-point for preparation of environmental planning instruments for certification.
The plan concludes that proposed reserves will not fully offset the biodiversity impact of the development allowed by the Lower Hunter Regional Strategy, and discusses in very general terms mechanisms, such as offsets and voluntary conservation agreements, that will need to be put in place to satisfy the "improve or maintain" test. These are to be further investigated as new local environmental plans are developed (s 7.4.2). See also New South Wales, Department of Environment and Climate Change, n 132, p 2, which refers to regional conservation plans as providing the "anchor-point" for preparation of environmental planning instruments for certification.
New South Wales, Department of Environment and Conservation, n 141, p 4.
New South Wales, Department of Environment and Conservation, n 141, p 4.
Draft Lower Hunter Regional Conservation Plan, n 34. s 5.1.
Draft Lower Hunter Regional Conservation Plan, n 34. s 5.1.
See above at Environmental Outcomes Assessment Methodology.
See above at "Environmental Outcomes Assessment Methodology".
New South Wales, Department of Environment and Climate Chang. n 132, Appendix 1.
New South Wales, Department of Environment and Climate Chang. n 132, Appendix 1.
Growth Centres Commission, February, available online at, viewed 2 July
Growth Centres Commission. Grovth Centres Conservation Plan: Exhibition Draft (February 2007), available online at http://www.gee.nsw.go.au/information/draft-conservation-plan.aspx (viewed 2 July 2007).
Grovth Centres Conservation Plan: Exhibition Draft
Growth Centres Commission, n 152, p 11.
Growth Centres Commission, n 152, p 11.
Growth Centres Commission, n 152, pp 2, 23. Another 1.999 ha are to be specifically protected.
Growth Centres Commission, n 152, pp 2, 23. Another 1.999 ha are to be specifically protected.
Growth Centres Commission, n 152, pp 25, 40-41.
Growth Centres Commission, n 152, pp 25, 40-41.
See, eg Nature Conservation Council, available online at, viewed 3 July
See, eg Nature Conservation Council, Submission on Growth, Centres Conservation Plan, available online at http://www.nccnsw.org.au/ index.php?option=com_content&task=category§ionid= 36&id=440&Itemid=950 (viewed 3 July 2007).
Submission on Growth, Centres Conservation Plan
Growth Centres Commission, n 152, p 23.
Growth Centres Commission, n 152, p 23.
Growth Centres Commission, n 152, pp 23-24.
Growth Centres Commission, n 152, pp 23-24.
National Strategy for Ecologicaly Sustainable Development , available online at, viewed 26 June 2007
National Strategy for Ecologicaly Sustainable Development (1992), available online at http://www.environment.gov.au/esd/national/nsesd/ strategy/index.html (viewed 26 June 2007).