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Volumn 70, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 17-

Relic neutrino absorption spectroscopy

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EID: 37649027160     PISSN: 15507998     EISSN: 15502368     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.70.023007     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (76)

References (128)
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    • In fact, the depths of the absorption dips are inversely proportional to the expansion rate, leading, for fixed (Formula presented) to a significant increase in the depth by a factor of (Formula presented) at large redshift, when compared to the old cold dark matter (CDM) estimate based on (Formula presented) 12 (see Sec. II A for details). This is equivalent to an improvement in statistics by a factor of (Formula presented)
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    • We will label neutrino masses in the order (Formula presented) regardless of the type of neutrino mass spectrum (“normal” or “inverted”). In this convention, (Formula presented) (Formula presented) in a “normal” scheme, and (Formula presented) (Formula presented) in an “inverted” one, respectively. (We are using the obvious notation (Formula presented)) Another convention is often used in the literature: (Formula presented) in “normal” schemes, and (Formula presented) in “inverted” schemes; this has the feature that, in either scheme, (Formula presented) and (Formula presented)
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    • The convenience of using (Formula presented) as the measure of distance, with t being the look-back time, is that it is easily translated into redshift. An alternate, but equivalent, derivation of the relation between source luminosity and differential flux at Earth, using not t but rather the comoving distance, is given in Ref. 2. Note that, in this original work, the source luminosity is defined per physical volume, so there is an additional redshift dependence there, traceable to (Formula presented) (per comoving (Formula presented) (per physical volume)
    • The convenience of using (Formula presented) as the measure of distance, with t being the look-back time, is that it is easily translated into redshift. An alternate, but equivalent, derivation of the relation between source luminosity and differential flux at Earth, using not t but rather the comoving distance, is given in Ref. 2. Note that, in this original work, the source luminosity is defined per physical volume, so there is an additional redshift dependence there, traceable to (Formula presented) (per comoving (Formula presented) (per physical volume).
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    • Both approximations, (i) and (ii), are very well satisfied in the energy regions of the absorption dips, i.e. the energy decade below the resonance energy, on which our analysis mainly concentrates. At energies well above the Z-resonant values, t-channel W and Z exchange becomes a dominant energy loss mechanism. These t-channel reactions are the focus of Ref. 22
    • Both approximations, (i) and (ii), are very well satisfied in the energy regions of the absorption dips, i.e. the energy decade below the resonance energy, on which our analysis mainly concentrates. At energies well above the Z-resonant values, t-channel W and Z exchange becomes a dominant energy loss mechanism. These t-channel reactions are the focus of Ref. 22.
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    • If the neutrinos are Dirac particles rather than Majorana particles, then their transition from relativistic, single-helicity particles to non-relativistic unpolarized particles populates the sterile spin states. If such is the case, then the depolarization of the Dirac states halves the unpolarized cross section, which in turn halves the annihilation rates compared to the rates for Majorana neutrinos 221. We present results only for the Majorana case, since the theoretical models for neutrino-mass generation favor Majorana neutrinos (two light spin-states per flavor).
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    • Any realistic injection spectrum (Formula presented) falls off rapidly with very large energy. Consequently, the contribution of large z is heavily suppressed in the relevant z integration (21), because the integrand is proportional to (Formula presented) Thus, the dependence on (Formula presented) is weak for very large (Formula presented)
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    • The contribution from small z in Eq. (21) is negligible, for any reasonable activity. We note that a “cosmological” distance of 50 Mpc corresponds to the small value (Formula presented) for our default cosmological parameters.
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    • For the case of small, i.e., nondegenerate or “hierarchical,” neutrino masses (cf. Fig. 33), the respective resonance energies given in Eq. (1) may possibly spread over three orders of magnitude. In this case, it might be appropriate to consider also broken power-law injection spectra. We will not pursue this because, as will be shown below, a significant detection of absorption dips in the foreseeable future seems to be possible only if neutrino masses are quasidegenerate.
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    • U. Keshet, E. Waxman, and A. Loeb, J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 4, 006 (2004). The cascade limit may therefore be stronger by a corresponding factor. Also, in the next few years the GLAST experimentGamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope, http://glast.gsfc.nasa.gov/, and eventually its successors, e.g. Constellation-XConstellation-X, http://constellation.gsfc.nasa.gov/, may resolve some of the diffuse flux, thereby lowering the cascade limit even further.
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    • Possible astrophysical hidden sources have been discussed in the textbook V. S. Berezinsky, S. V. Bulanov, V. A. Dogiel, V. L. Ginzburg, and V. S. Ptuskin, Astrophysics of Cosmic Rays (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1990) and by
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    • Even if Z dips cannot be measured, it may still be possible to infer the (Formula presented) from Z-burst data. The statistics of “emission” spectroscopy are not as formidable as those of absorption spectroscopy. In emission spectroscopy well above (Formula presented) each event is background free, and therefore statistically significant. Finally, let us comment on a possible loophole to greater event rates than those expressed so far. We have worked in the context of the concordance model of cosmology. There are some chinks in the armor. It has been known for some time that simulations with concordance parameters overproduce small-scale objects (dwarf galaxies and satellites) compared to observation. (For a recent overview, see S. Kazantzidis, L. Mayer, C. Mastropietro, J. Diemand, J. Stadel, and B. Moore, Astrophys. J. 608, 663 (2004). More recent observational evidence suggests that the largest scales may also conflict with the concordance model. There is some evidence that elliptical galaxies, galactic clusters, and even vast filaments and walls delimiting huge voids may have formed very early in the Universe (Formula presented)
    • (2004) Astrophys. J. , vol.608 , pp. 663
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    • Gemini Deep Deep Survey Collaboration, P. Palunas, H.I. Teplitz, P.J. Francis, G.M. Williger, and B.E. Woodgate, Astrophys. J. 602, 545 (2004);Gemini Deep Deep Survey Collaboration, K. Glazebrook, Nature (in press). Such a precocious structure suggests top-down hierarchical development rather than bottom-up as predicted by the concordance model. The parameters of the concordance cosmology may give way to something new. All of this encourages an open mind. If large structures did form early, then more neutrino sources and strong source evolution may be the reality. With precocious clustering of matter, precocious clustering of neutrinos also becomes possible. Neutrino clustering in our Galactic Supercluster would enhance “local” absorption, and thereby create narrower and deeper Z dips (it would also greatly enhance the local Z-burst rate).
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    • There is also a quantum mechanical spreading of the wave packet, governed by the phase velocity (Formula presented) This spreading is smaller than the eigenstate separation by the tiny factor (Formula presented) 84, and therefore negligible
    • There is also a quantum mechanical spreading of the wave packet, governed by the phase velocity (Formula presented) This spreading is smaller than the eigenstate separation by the tiny factor (Formula presented) 84, and therefore negligible.

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