Comparison of three disposable extraglottic airway devices in spontaneously breathing adults: The LMA-Unique, the Soft Seal laryngeal mask, and the Cobra perilaryngeal airway
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Video assessment of supraglottic airway orientation through the perilaryngeal airway in pediatric patients
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A multicenter study of the Ambu_ laryngeal mask in nonparalyzed, anesthetized patients
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Aspiration and the laryngeal mask airway: Three cases and a review of the literature
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A randomized crossover comparison of the size 21/2 Laryngeal Mask Airway Proseal versus Laryngeal Mask Airway Classic in pediatric patients
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Mucosal pressure and oropharyngeal leak pressure with the ProSeal versus laryngeal mask airway in anaesthetized paralysed patients
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The ProSeal laryngeal mask airway. a randomized crossover study with the standard laryngeal mask airway in paralyzed anesthetized patients
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Randomized crossover comparison of the ProSeal with the classic laryngeal mask airway in unparalysed anaesthetized patients
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Higher airway seal does not imply adequate positioning of laryngeal mask airways in paediatric patients
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