O. Greene, 'Examining International Responses to Illicit Arms Trafficking', 33 Crime, Law & Social Change (2000) pp. 151-190, p. 171. It concerns, for example, the EU Programme for Combating and Preventing Illicit Trafficking in Conventional Arms (1997) and the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports (1998), Joint Action on the European Union's Contribution to Combating the Destabilising Accumulation and Spread of Small Arms and Light Weapons (1998).
O. Greene, 'Examining International Responses to Illicit Arms Trafficking', 33 Crime, Law & Social Change (2000) pp. 151-190, p. 171. It concerns, for example, the EU Programme for Combating and Preventing Illicit Trafficking in Conventional Arms (1997) and the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports (1998), Joint Action on the European Union's Contribution to Combating the Destabilising Accumulation and Spread of Small Arms and Light Weapons (1998).
In the United Kingdom, a restrictive weapons law already went into force in 1997 after sixteen children and a teacher were shot dead in a school in Dunblane in Scotland. Germany tightened its law after a comparable event in April 2002 in Erfurt, where a student killed a teacher and two fellow students. In Belgium, a new weapons law was quickly passed in 2006 after a young man, at random, shot dead a child of two-and-a-half years old and her baby-sitter in Antwerp
In the United Kingdom, a restrictive weapons law already went into force in 1997 after sixteen children and a teacher were shot dead in a school in Dunblane in Scotland. Germany tightened its law after a comparable event in April 2002 in Erfurt, where a student killed a teacher and two fellow students. In Belgium, a new weapons law was quickly passed in 2006 after a young man, at random, shot dead a child of two-and-a-half years old and her baby-sitter in Antwerp.
Private individuals can obtain a license for a lethal barrelled firearm, including hunting rifles, only under strict conditions. Moreover, the possession of non-lethal firearms and even imitation weapons is also forbidden
Private individuals can obtain a license for a lethal barrelled firearm, including hunting rifles, only under strict conditions. Moreover, the possession of non-lethal firearms and even imitation weapons is also forbidden.
A.C. Spapens and M.Y. Bruinsma, Illegale vuurwapens in Nederland: smokkel en handel (Zeist 2004), Politiewetenschap no. 26 Uitgeverij Kerckebosch;
A.C. Spapens and M.Y. Bruinsma, Illegale vuurwapens in Nederland: smokkel en handel (Zeist 2004), Politiewetenschap no. 26 Uitgeverij Kerckebosch;
Centre for Defence Studies, Working Paper 3;
Centre for Defence Studies, Illegal Firearms in the United Kingdom (2001), Working Paper 3;
Illegal Firearms in the United Kingdom
G. Hales, C. Lewis and D. Silverstone, Gun Crime: the Market in and Use of Illegal Firearms (London 2006), Home Office Research Study 298, Home Office, as well as Sagramoso, 2001.
G. Hales, C. Lewis and D. Silverstone, Gun Crime: the Market in and Use of Illegal Firearms (London 2006), Home Office Research Study 298, Home Office, as well as Sagramoso, 2001.
A.C. Spapens, Illegal firearms in a European perspective, An Overview of the Problems (Zoetermeer 2003), Working Group Dutch Presidency EU 2004, National Firearms Platform.
A.C. Spapens, Illegal firearms in a European perspective, An Overview of the Problems (Zoetermeer 2003), Working Group Dutch Presidency EU 2004, National Firearms Platform.
Small Arms Survey
Small Arms Survey, 2001.
The category of small arms includes by definition of the United Nations: revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, assault rifles, sub-machine guns and light machine guns. Light weapons include heavy machine guns, hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers, portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft guns, recoilless rifles, portable launchers of anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles and mortars of calibres less than 100mm.
The category of small arms includes by definition of the United Nations: revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, assault rifles, sub-machine guns and light machine guns. Light weapons include heavy machine guns, hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers, portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft guns, recoilless rifles, portable launchers of anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles and mortars of calibres less than 100mm.
See, for example, VU Amsterdam/Politie Amsterdam-Amstelland;
See, for example, W. Huisman, H. Huikeshoven, H. van de Bunt, J. Van Wijk, A. Meijer, G. Boelens, M. Jagt and J. Spijkerman, De zwakste schakel (2003) VU Amsterdam/Politie Amsterdam-Amstelland;
De zwakste schakel
Huisman, W.1
Huikeshoven, H.2
van de Bunt, H.3
Van Wijk, J.4
Meijer, A.5
Boelens, G.6
Jagt, M.7
Spijkerman, J.8
R. Kuijper and S. van der Leest, Vuurwapencriminaliteit op basis van het Vuurwapendatasysteem in 2001 (Zoetermeer 2002), Korps Landelijke Politiediensten, Landelijk Bureau Wapens en Munitie, p. 11.
R. Kuijper and S. van der Leest, Vuurwapencriminaliteit op basis van het Vuurwapendatasysteem in 2001 (Zoetermeer 2002), Korps Landelijke Politiediensten, Landelijk Bureau Wapens en Munitie, p. 11.
Korps Landelijke Politiediensten, Recherche-informatie vuurwapens (June 2000), katern no. 15.
Korps Landelijke Politiediensten, Recherche-informatie vuurwapens (June 2000), katern no. 15.
Alongside die ordinary UZI size, mini- and microversions are also made
variant was not the same of either of these versions
Ibid. Alongside die ordinary UZI size, mini- and microversions are also made. The Croatian variant was not the same of either of these versions.
The Croatian
Krause, K.1
Korps Landelijke Politiediensten (KLPD), De aard en omvang van vuurwapencriminaltiteit in Nederland, periode 1991-1995 (Zoetermeer 1997).
Korps Landelijke Politiediensten (KLPD), De aard en omvang van vuurwapencriminaltiteit in Nederland, periode 1991-1995 (Zoetermeer 1997).
Korps Landelijke Politiediensten, Recherche-informatie vuurwapens (June 2000), katern no. 15.
Korps Landelijke Politiediensten, Recherche-informatie vuurwapens (June 2000), katern no. 15.
Information provided by the Bundeskriminalamt during the European Firearms Experts Meeting, Noordwijk, 7 and 8 December 2004.
Information provided by the Bundeskriminalamt during the European Firearms Experts Meeting, Noordwijk, 7 and 8 December 2004.
Korps Landelijke Politiediensten (KLPD), De aard en omvang van vuurwapencriminaltiteit in Nederland, periode 1991-1995 (Zoetermeer 1997).
Korps Landelijke Politiediensten (KLPD), De aard en omvang van vuurwapencriminaltiteit in Nederland, periode 1991-1995 (Zoetermeer 1997).
A.C. Spapens and M.Y. Bruinsma, Illegale vuurwapens in Nederland: smokkel en handel (Zeist 2004), Politiewetenschap no. 26 Uitgeverij Kerckebosch, pp. 71-73.
A.C. Spapens and M.Y. Bruinsma, Illegale vuurwapens in Nederland: smokkel en handel (Zeist 2004), Politiewetenschap no. 26 Uitgeverij Kerckebosch, pp. 71-73.
This same evolution is apparent in the smuggling of narcotics from the Netherlands to other EU countries on the continent; See, for example, A.C. Spapens and C. Fijnaut, 2005, L. Paoli, The Paradoxes of Organised Crime, 37 Crime, Law & Social Change, 2002 p. 51-97
This same evolution is apparent in the smuggling of narcotics from the Netherlands to other EU countries on the continent; See, for example, A.C. Spapens and C. Fijnaut, 2005, L. Paoli, 'The Paradoxes of Organised Crime', 37 Crime, Law & Social Change, (2002) p. 51-97.
Tilburg, IVA, pp
A.C. Spapens and M.Y. Bruinsma, Vuurwapens gezocht: vuurwapengebruik, -bezit en -handel in Nederland 1998-2000 (Tilburg 2002b), IVA, pp . 80-84.
Vuurwapens gezocht: Vuurwapengebruik, -bezit en -handel in Nederland 1998-2000
, pp. 80-84
Spapens, A.C.1
Bruinsma, M.Y.2
A.C. Spapens and M.Y. Bruinsma, Illegale vuurwapens in Nederland: smokkel en handel (Zeist 2004), Politiewetenschap no. 26 Uitgeverij Kerckebosch, p. 49.
A.C. Spapens and M.Y. Bruinsma, Illegale vuurwapens in Nederland: smokkel en handel (Zeist 2004), Politiewetenschap no. 26 Uitgeverij Kerckebosch, p. 49.
COM (1987) 383 def
COM (1987) 383 def.
COM (2000) 837 def
COM (2000) 837 def.
COM (2000) 837 def: p. 12
COM (2000) 837 def: p. 12
Second Chamber, Vergaderjaar 1993-1994, 23028, no. 10: p. 2.
Second Chamber, Vergaderjaar 1993-1994, 23028, no. 10: p. 2.
COM (2000) 837 def
COM (2000) 837 def.
COM (2006) 93 def
COM (2006) 93 def.
Korps Landelijke Politiediensten (Zoetermeer 2001), Operation Arrow, Vuurwapencriminaliteit, Dienst NRI, p. 8.
Korps Landelijke Politiediensten (Zoetermeer 2001), Operation Arrow, Vuurwapencriminaliteit, Dienst NRI, p. 8.
Second Annual Report on the implementation of the EU Joint Action of 12 July 2002 on the European Union's contribution to combating the destabilising accumulation and spread of small arms and light weapons (2002/589/CFSP) and repealing Joint Action 1999/34/CFSP and the EU Programme on illicit trafficking in conventional arms of June 1997.
Second Annual Report on the implementation of the EU Joint Action of 12 July 2002 on the European Union's contribution to combating the destabilising accumulation and spread of small arms and light weapons (2002/589/CFSP) and repealing Joint Action 1999/34/CFSP and the EU Programme on illicit trafficking in conventional arms of June 1997.