See 'Symposium: Europe and International Law', 16 EJIL (2005) 124.
See 'Symposium: Europe and International Law', 16 EJIL (2005) 124.
Simmel, 'Conflict', in G. Simmel, Conflict and the Web of Group Affiliations (1955), at 46.
Simmel, 'Conflict', in G. Simmel, Conflict and the Web of Group Affiliations (1955), at 46.
For an illuminating account of the domination of the European model of international law during this period, despite the existence of other models developed by other civilisations, see Onuma, When was the Law of International Society Born? An Inquiry of the History of International Law from an Intercivilisational Perspective, 2 Journal of the History of International Law (2000) 1
For an illuminating account of the domination of the European model of international law during this period, despite the existence of other models developed by other civilisations, see Onuma, 'When was the Law of International Society Born? An Inquiry of the History of International Law from an Intercivilisational Perspective', 2 Journal of the History of International Law (2000) 1.
E. de Vattel, The Law of Nations, or Principles of the Law of Nature applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns (trans. B. Chitty, 1883), Bk.II, ch. XII, 1§62.
E. de Vattel, The Law of Nations, or Principles of the Law of Nature applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns (trans. B. Chitty, 1883), Bk.II, ch. XII, 1§62.
For the legal definition of colonialism and neo-colonialism see J. Salmon (ed.), Dictionnaire de droit international (2001), at 193-194.
For the legal definition of colonialism and neo-colonialism see J. Salmon (ed.), Dictionnaire de droit international (2001), at 193-194.
For a broader definition see, S. Rials and D. Alland eds, at
For a broader definition see Le Roy, 'Colonies', in S. Rials and D. Alland (eds.), Dictionnaire de la culture juridique (2003), at 231.
Dictionnaire de la culture juridique
, pp. 231
Roy, L.1
For definitions of imperialism and of forms of domination the reader is referred to the distinctions drawn by S. Sur, Relations Internationales 2004, at 140 ff
For definitions of imperialism and of forms of domination the reader is referred to the distinctions drawn by S. Sur, Relations Internationales (2004), at 140 ff.
Francisco de Vitoria and the Colonial Origins of International Law', 5
On all of these issues see
On all of these issues see Anghie, 'Francisco de Vitoria and the Colonial Origins of International Law', 5 Social and Legal Studies (1996) 321
Social and Legal Studies
, pp. 321
quoted in E. Saïd, Culture and Imperialism (reprint 1994), at 69.
quoted in E. Saïd, Culture and Imperialism (reprint 1994), at 69.
PCIJ, Advisory Opinion, Nationality Decrees Issued in Tunis and Morocco (French Zone) on November 8th, 1921, PCIJ, Ser. B., No. 4, 1923, at para. 7.
PCIJ, Advisory Opinion, Nationality Decrees Issued in Tunis and Morocco (French Zone) on November 8th, 1921, PCIJ, Ser. B., No. 4, 1923, at para. 7.
Hornung, 'Civilisés et barbares', XVII Revue de droit international et de législation comparée, 1904, 552 [les civilisés doivent donner l'exemple d'une justice supérieure ... les nations civilisées doivent aider les races inférieures à entrer dans le système politique des Etats].
Hornung, 'Civilisés et barbares', XVII Revue de droit international et de législation comparée, 1904, 552 [les civilisés doivent donner l'exemple d'une justice supérieure ... les nations civilisées doivent aider les "races inférieures" à entrer dans le système politique des Etats].
J. Lorimer, The Institutes of Law of Nations, a Treatise of the Jural Relations of Separate nPolitical Communities (1883, reprinted 1980), i at 101-103;
J. Lorimer, The Institutes of Law of Nations, a Treatise of the Jural Relations of Separate nPolitical Communities (1883, reprinted 1980), i at 101-103;
quoted in Xifaras, 'Commentaire', in E. Jouannet and H. Ruiz-Fabri (eds.), Droit international et impérialisme en Europe et aux Etats-Unis, Société de législation comparée (2007).
quoted in Xifaras, 'Commentaire', in E. Jouannet and H. Ruiz-Fabri (eds.), Droit international et impérialisme en Europe et aux Etats-Unis, Société de législation comparée (2007).
See alsoby the same author, 'Nationalism, Universalism, Empire: International Law in 1871 and 1919', Paper presented at the Conference on Whose International Community? Universalism and the Legacies of Empire, Columbia University Department of History, 19-20 April 2005;
See alsoby the same author, 'Nationalism, Universalism, Empire: International Law in 1871 and 1919', Paper presented at the Conference on Whose International Community? Universalism and the Legacies of Empire, Columbia University Department of History, 19-20 April 2005;
and 'International Law and Imperialism', in D. Freestone, S. Subedi, and S. Davidson (eds.), Contemporary Issues in International Law: A Collection of the Josephine Onoh Memorial Lectures (2002), at 197-218.
and 'International Law and Imperialism', in D. Freestone, S. Subedi, and S. Davidson (eds.), Contemporary Issues in International Law: A Collection of the Josephine Onoh Memorial Lectures (2002), at 197-218.
Dictionnaire Petit Robert 1 (4th edn., 1980), at 2050 [s'étendre à toute la planète] [à tous les individus d'une meême classe].
Dictionnaire Petit Robert 1 (4th edn., 1980), at 2050 [s'étendre à toute la planète] [à tous les individus d'une meême classe].
trans. K. Blamey, at
P. Ricoeur, Oneself as Another (trans. K. Blamey, 1992), at 262-263.
Oneself as Another
, pp. 262-263
Ricoeur, P.1
This was analysed by Koskenniemi as the transposition of political liberalism into international law, largely through the principle of the formal primacy of law over the substantive conceptions of states. See Koskenniemi,'The Politics of International Law, 1 EJIL (1990) 1
This was analysed by Koskenniemi as the transposition of political liberalism into international law, largely through the principle of the formal primacy of law over the substantive conceptions of states. See Koskenniemi,'The Politics of International Law', 1 EJIL (1990) 1.
Dupuy, 'Préface: Fragmentation du droit international on des perceptions que l'on en a?', in R. Huesa Vinaixa and K. Wellens (eds.), L'influence des sources sur l'unité et la fragmentation du droit international (2006), at 20 [s'assignent d'atteindre à l'universel ].
Dupuy, 'Préface: Fragmentation du droit international on des perceptions que l'on en a?', in R. Huesa Vinaixa and K. Wellens (eds.), L'influence des sources sur l'unité et la fragmentation du droit international (2006), at 20 [s'assignent d'atteindre à l'universel ].
Although, of course, this ideal of liberal neutrality has been seriously disputed. See, in terms of domestic societies and from a communitarian or moralistic point of view, M. Sandel, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice (2nd edn., 1998),
Although, of course, this ideal of liberal neutrality has been seriously disputed. See, in terms of domestic societies and from a communitarian or moralistic point of view, M. Sandel, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice (2nd edn., 1998),
For a critical perspective on international society see Koskenniemi, supra note 20
For a critical perspective on international society see Koskenniemi, supra note 20.
The Lady Both Protest too Much. Kosovo, and the Turn to Ethics in International Law', 65
Koskenniemi, '"The Lady Both Protest too Much". Kosovo, and the Turn to Ethics in International Law', 65 MLR (2002) 159.
, pp. 159
La guerres d'Irak
See also, among an important body of literature, the contributions to B. Delcourt, D. Duez, and E. Remacle eds, international
See also, among an important body of literature, the contributions to B. Delcourt, D. Duez, and E. Remacle (eds.), La guerres d'Irak. Prélude d'un nouvel ordre international? (2004)
Prélude d'un nouvel ordre
See Walzer, supra note 26
See Walzer, supra note 26.
Ricoeur, supra note 19
Ricoeur, supra note 19.
23-24 Mar
Schmitt, Le Monde, 23-24 Mar. 2003.
Le Monde
As emphasised recently by Dupuy in 'Some Reflections on Contemporary International Law and the Appeal to the Universal Values: A Response to Martti Koskenniemi', 16 EJIL (2005) 131.
As emphasised recently by Dupuy in 'Some Reflections on Contemporary International Law and the Appeal to the Universal Values: A Response to Martti Koskenniemi', 16 EJIL (2005) 131.
See Koskenniemi, The Gentle Civilizer, supra note 14
See Koskenniemi, The Gentle Civilizer, supra note 14.
C. Delsol, La grande méprise (2004), at 150 i Les signataires américains concentrent leur attention sur la nécessité de séparer l'Eglise et l'Etat, et ils voient là une valeur universelle que devraient adopter toutes les nations de la terre. Nous autres, musulmans, nous voyons différemment les relations entre la religion et l'Etat ... Nous considérons que la sécularisation est inapplicable à une société musulmane, parce qu'elle dénie aux membres de cette société le droit d'appliquer les lois générales qui modèlent leurs vies, et viole leur volonté sous le prétexte de protéger les minorities.
C. Delsol, La grande méprise (2004), at 150 i Les signataires américains concentrent leur attention sur la nécessité de séparer l'Eglise et l'Etat, et ils voient là une valeur universelle que devraient adopter toutes les nations de la terre. Nous autres, musulmans, nous voyons différemment les relations entre la religion et l'Etat ... Nous considérons que la sécularisation est inapplicable à une société musulmane, parce qu'elle dénie aux membres de cette société le droit d'appliquer les lois générales qui modèlent leurs vies, et viole leur volonté sous le prétexte de protéger les minorities.
Béji, 'La culture del'inhumain', in J. Bindé(ed.), Où vont les valeurs?(2004), at 55.
Béji, 'La culture del'inhumain', in J. Bindé(ed.), Où vont les valeurs?(2004), at 55.
See Arendt, supra note 36, at 46 ff
See Arendt, supra note 36, at 46 ff.
Lorite Escorihuela, 'L'impérialisme comme produit dérivé: La doctrine internationaliste contemporaine aux Etats-Unis', in Jouannet and Ruiz-Fabri (eds.), supra note 11.
Lorite Escorihuela, 'L'impérialisme comme produit dérivé: La doctrine internationaliste contemporaine aux Etats-Unis', in Jouannet and Ruiz-Fabri (eds.), supra note 11.
See also, by the same author, the more in-depth 'Cultural Relativism the American Way: The Nationalist School of International Law in the United States', 5 Global Jurist Frontiers (2005) 1, available at: www.bepress.com/gj/frontiers/vol5/issl/art2.
See also, by the same author, the more in-depth 'Cultural Relativism the American Way: The Nationalist School of International Law in the United States', 5 Global Jurist Frontiers (2005) 1, available at: www.bepress.com/gj/frontiers/vol5/issl/art2.
Delcourt, 'La séduction du concept d'impérialisme libéral auprès des éliles europȩnnes: Vers une redéfnition de la politique étrangère de l'Union Européenne?', in Jouannet and Ruiz-Fabri (eds.), supra note 11.
Delcourt, 'La séduction du concept d'impérialisme libéral auprès des éliles europȩnnes: Vers une redéfnition de la politique étrangère de l'Union Européenne?', in Jouannet and Ruiz-Fabri (eds.), supra note 11.
Cooper, 'Military Occupation is Not the Road to Democracy'(3 May 2004), available at: www.looksmart.com; quoted in Delacourt, supra note 39.
Cooper, 'Military Occupation is Not the Road to Democracy'(3 May 2004), available at: www.looksmart.com; quoted in Delacourt, supra note 39.
7 Oct
Le Monde, 7 Oct. 2005;
Monde, L.1
cited in ibid.
cited in ibid.
Dans le passsé, nous avions des empires. Cette fois, nous avons, s i j'ose dire, un empire anti-impérial, qui va nous permettre de gérer la mondialisation dans le respect de nos valeurs].
Dans le passsé, nous avions des empires. Cette fois, nous avons, s i j'ose dire, un empire anti-impérial, qui va nous permettre de gérer la mondialisation dans le respect de nos valeurs].
and, eds, note 11
Sur, 'Conclusions', in Jouannet and Ruiz-Fabre (eds.), supra note 11.
He is, however, only speaking in terms of Europeans. See, at
He is, however, only speaking in terms of Europeans. See A Gauchet, Un monde désenchanté? (2004), at 13-14.
Un monde désenchanté
, pp. 13-14
Gauchet, A.1
See, on this point, my own study entitled'French and American Perspectives on International Law: Legal Cultures and International Law', 58 Maine L Rev (2006) 292.
See, on this point, my own study entitled'French and American Perspectives on International Law: Legal Cultures and International Law', 58 Maine L Rev (2006) 292.
Comparative Law and International Law: Methods for Ordering Pluralism', 3
Delmas-Marty, 'Comparative Law and International Law: Methods for Ordering Pluralism', 3 University of Tokyo J Law and Politics (2006) at 44 ff.
University of Tokyo J Law and Politics
The Myopia of the Handmaidens: International Lawyers and Globalization, 8
See, e.g
See, e.g., Alston, 'The Myopia of the Handmaidens: International Lawyers and Globalization, 8 EJIL (1997) 435.
, pp. 435
Global Bukovina: Legal Pluralism in the World Society
See also, G. Teubner ed, at
See also Teubner, 'Global Bukovina: Legal Pluralism in the World Society', in G. Teubner (ed.), Global Law Without a State (1997), at 3-28;
Global Law Without a State
, pp. 3-28
Normative Creativity and Global Legal Pluralism: Reflections on the Democratic Critique of Transnational Law', 10
Perez, 'Normative Creativity and Global Legal Pluralism: Reflections on the Democratic Critique of Transnational Law', 10 Indiana J Global Legal Studies (2003) at 25 ff.
Indiana J Global Legal Studies
As, e.g., in the notion of'global empire' in E. Balibar and 1. Wallerstein, Race, nation, classe. Les identités ambiguës (1998).
As, e.g., in the notion of'global empire' in E. Balibar and 1. Wallerstein, Race, nation, classe. Les identités ambiguës (1998).
From the Universal to the Singular: The Violence of the Global
J. Bindé ed, at
Baudrillard, 'From the Universal to the Singular: The Violence of the Global', in J. Bindé (ed.), The Future of Values: 21st Century Talks (2004), at 20.
The Future of Values: 21st Century Talks
, pp. 20
Many other civilizations have made claims of universality, as well illustrated by A. Toynbee, in his L'Histoire (1978).
Many other civilizations have made claims of universality, as well illustrated by A. Toynbee, in his L'Histoire (1978).
See Dupuy, supra note 33, and his discussion with P. Alston in 'The Effects of Rights on Political Culture', in P. Alston (ed.), The European Union and Hurnan Rights (1999), at 96-116.
See Dupuy, supra note 33, and his discussion with P. Alston in 'The Effects of Rights on Political Culture', in P. Alston (ed.), The European Union and Hurnan Rights (1999), at 96-116.
Ricoeur, supra note 19, at 289
Ricoeur, supra note 19, at 289.
On this point see also the work of M. Delmas-Marty and M.L. Izorche on fuzzy logic and the national margin of appreciation doctrine, in 'Marge nationale d'appréciation et internationalisation du droit: Réflexions sur la validité formelle d'un droit commun en gestation', in UMR, Variations autour d'un droit commun, Premières rencontres de l'UMR de droit comparé de Paris (2002), at 88.
On this point see also the work of M. Delmas-Marty and M.L. Izorche on fuzzy logic and the national margin of appreciation doctrine, in 'Marge nationale d'appréciation et internationalisation du droit: Réflexions sur la validité formelle d'un droit commun en gestation', in UMR, Variations autour d'un droit commun, Premières rencontres de l'UMR de droit comparé de Paris (2002), at 88.
For the current debate surrounding decisionism and the misunderstandings that it creates today, I refer the reader to my article, 'Présentation critique de la pensée de M. Koskenniemi', in M. Koskenniemi, La politique du droit international (2007).
For the current debate surrounding decisionism and the misunderstandings that it creates today, I refer the reader to my article, 'Présentation critique de la pensée de M. Koskenniemi', in M. Koskenniemi, La politique du droit international (2007).
The Place of Law in Collective Security', 17
In English, see
In English, see Koskenniemi, 'The Place of Law in Collective Security', 17 Michigan J Int'l L (1996) 455.
Michigan J Int'l L
, pp. 455
Ibid. [en ayant à l'esprit deux objectifs: 1) d'abord que le résultat n'aboutisse pas à empêcher son Etat de conduire une action pour défendre ses intérêts essentiels. 2ensuite tenter de prévenir toute action qui serait préjudiciable aux intéréts de son Etat].
Ibid. [en ayant à l'esprit deux objectifs: 1) d'abord que le résultat n'aboutisse pas à empêcher son Etat de conduire une action pour défendre ses intérêts essentiels. 2)ensuite tenter de prévenir toute action qui serait préjudiciable aux intéréts de son Etat].
Naissance d'une convention
Ruiz-Fabri, 'Naissance d'une convention', in Mélanges J. Salmon (2006).
Mélanges J. Salmon
Here again, however, the argument cuts both ways, as, even if these approaches can lead to the promotion of common values, as in the case of the adoption of the Statute of the International Criminal Court, it can also impede the adoption of an agreement based upon universal values, as occurred during the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002. See the Report on the World Summit on Sustainable Development, UN Doc. A/CONF.199/20.
Here again, however, the argument cuts both ways, as, even if these approaches can lead to the promotion of common values, as in the case of the adoption of the Statute of the International Criminal Court, it can also impede the adoption of an agreement based upon universal values, as occurred during the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002. See the Report on the World Summit on Sustainable Development, UN Doc. A/CONF.199/20.
Notably, of course, by Morgenthau, 'Positivism, Functionalism, and International Law', 34 AJIL (1940) 261.
Notably, of course, by Morgenthau, 'Positivism, Functionalism, and International Law', 34 AJIL (1940) 261.
Koskenniemi, supra note 60, at 295 ff
Koskenniemi, supra note 60, at 295 ff.
On this point from a perspective that, although theoretical, has a genuine explanatory power in terms of current international practice see ibid., at 384 ff.
On this point from a perspective that, although theoretical, has a genuine explanatory power in terms of current international practice see ibid., at 384 ff.
There are, of course, exceptions to this. In France, e.g, see, I am only dealing here with what seems to me to remain the majority view within the entire internationalist discipline
There are, of course, exceptions to this. In France, e.g., see O. de Frouville, L'intangibilité des droits de l'homme. Régime conventionnel des droits de l'homme et droit des traits (2004); I am only dealing here with what seems to me to remain the majority view within the entire internationalist discipline.
L'intangibilité des droits de l'homme. Régime conventionnel des droits de l'homme et droit des traits
de Frouville, O.1
Ibid., at 218, 225 [appropriation reæfléchie].
Ibid., at 218, 225 [appropriation reæfléchie].
Quoted (in French), e.g., in Canto-Sperber, supra note 27, at 63, n. 2.
Quoted (in French), e.g., in Canto-Sperber, supra note 27, at 63, n. 2.
Les amibvalences impériales
and, eds, note 11;
Berman, 'Les amibvalences impériales', in Jouannet and Ruiz-Fabri (eds.), supra note 11;
But the Alternative is Despair: European Nationalism, and the Rhetoric of Reconstruction', 106
Berman, '"But the Alternative is Despair": European Nationalism, and the Rhetoric of Reconstruction', 106 Harvard L Rev (1993) 1792;
Harvard L Rev
, pp. 1792
Modernism, Nationalism, and the Rhetoric of Reconstruction', 4
Berman, 'Modernism, Nationalism, and the Rhetoric of Reconstruction', 4 Yale J L & Humanities (1992) 351;
Yale J L & Humanities
, pp. 351
A Perilous Ambivalence: Nationalist Desire, Legal Autonomy, and the Limits of the Interwar Framework', 33
and Berman, 'A Perilous Ambivalence: Nationalist Desire, Legal Autonomy, and the Limits of the Interwar Framework', 33 Harvard Int'l LJ (1992) 353.
Harvard Int'l LJ
, pp. 353
Béchillon, 'Porter atteinte aux catégories anthropologiques fondamentales?', 50 Revue trimestrielle de droit
On these issues see de
On these issues see de Béchillon, 'Porter atteinte aux catégories anthropologiques fondamentales?', 50 Revue trimestrielle de droit civil (2002) 47.
, vol.153
, pp. 47
and Développements de la psychanalyse (1981).
and Développements de la psychanalyse (1981).
Canto-Sperberg, supra note 27, at 140
Canto-Sperberg, supra note 27, at 140.
Canto-Sperber, supra note 27, at 13 [est faite de ce qui est com mun aux valeurs incarnées dans chaque culture
Canto-Sperber, supra note 27, at 13 [est faite de ce qui est com mun aux valeurs incarnées dans chaque culture].
To borrow the title from P. Raynaut's book on Weber, Max Weber et les dilemmes de la raison moderne (1996).
To borrow the title from P. Raynaut's book on Weber, Max Weber et les dilemmes de la raison moderne (1996).
Bouretz, 'La preuve, rationalisation et désenchantement: Autour de Max Weber', 23 Droits (1996) 99.
Bouretz, 'La preuve, rationalisation et désenchantement: Autour de Max Weber', 23 Droits (1996) 99.
Xifaras, 'Commentaire', in E. Jouannet and H. Ruiz-Fabri (eds.), Le droit international et l'impérialisme en Europe et en Amérique (2006) [la justification du droit international doit prendre en charge la signification historique du droit international pour les peuples non occidentaux et ne saurait se contenter d'affirmer sa légitimité par le constat de sa conformité à des principes qui trouvent leur origine dans la pensée occidentale].
Xifaras, 'Commentaire', in E. Jouannet and H. Ruiz-Fabri (eds.), Le droit international et l'impérialisme en Europe et en Amérique (2006) [la justification du droit international doit prendre en charge la signification historique du droit international pour les peuples non occidentaux et ne saurait se contenter d'affirmer sa légitimité par le constat de sa conformité à des principes qui trouvent leur origine dans la pensée occidentale].
Ibid. [le droit international est toujours simultanément et indissociablement la forme juridique dans laquelle se déposent les promesses d'une unification politique de l'humanité et celle de la plus infinie et la plus violente des conquêtes, puisqu'elle a pour objet les termes mêmes dans lesquels se dit l'identité des conquis].
Ibid. [le droit international est toujours simultanément et indissociablement la forme juridique dans laquelle se déposent les promesses d'une unification politique de l'humanité et celle de la plus infinie et la plus violente des conquêtes, puisqu'elle a pour objet les termes mêmes dans lesquels se dit l'identité des conquis].
Delsol, supra note 35, at 96
Delsol, supra note 35, at 96.