It is necessary to choose a definition of ξ that makes sense in a fully finite system. We use the second-moment correlation length defined by Eqs. (4.11)–(4.13) of Ref. [c6].
This form of finite-size scaling assumes hyperscaling, and thus is expected to hold only below the upper critical dimension of the model. See, e.g., Ref. [c1], Chap. I, Sec. 2.7.
Our method has many features in common with those of Lüscher, Weisz, and Wolff [c9] and Kim [c10]. In particular, all these methods share the property of working only with observable quantities ( ξ,O, and L) and not with bare quantities (β). Therefore, they rely on “scaling” and not on “asymptotic scaling;” they differ from other FSS-based methods such as phenomenological renormalization.
In principle, ξ and O should be generated from a joint Gaussian with the correct covariance. We ignored this subtlety and simply generated independent fluctuations on ξ and O.
Errors of types (i) and (ii) can be exactly computed in terms of fξ and fO. For ξ we have Δξ∞/ξ∞=Kξ(ξ∞/L)ΔξL/ξL, where ΔξL ( Δξ∞) is the standard deviation on the raw (extrapolated) value, and Kξ(z)=fξ(z)/[ fξ(z)+zfξ′(z)]. For a deviation, see Ref. [c4].
The extrapolated estimates from different (β,L) are correlated. In setting the error bars we have kept account of the full covariance matrix between extrapolations at the same β but different L, but we have ignored correlations between extrapolations at different values of β.
This variance-time product tends to a constant as the CPU time tends to infinity. However, if the CPU time used is too small, then the variance-time product can be significantly larger than its asymptotic value, due to nonlinear cross terms between error sources (i) and (ii).
The exponent p, which does not depend on s, can be computed in terms of Fξ. Define an exponent h by assuming that ΔξL/ξL≈ξ∞zH(ξ∞/L)/Niter∼ξ∞z+h/Niter, where ΔξL is the error on ξL for a run of length Niter. If ξL/L→x*<∞, when ξ∞/L→∞ (this is the case for models with critical exponent η>0) and R≡1+x*Fξ′(x*)/s>1, then p=-d+2 logR/logs+2h. If R=1, logarithmic terms appear and Gξ(z)∼z-d+2h(logz)q, with q>0. If instead ξL/L→∞, when ξ∞/L→∞ (this is the case for asymptotically free theories), then Gξ(z)∼z-d+2h(logz)2.
In our three examples, the total error (i) + (ii) + (iii) is never more than twice the error (i) + (ii), and is usually much less.