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Volumn 40, Issue 20, 2007, Pages 7393-7399

Conformational characteristics and configurational properties of polyethylene imine-alt-ethylene sulfide and the role of the secondary amine group as a junction of attractive interactions

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EID: 35348905757     PISSN: 00249297     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1021/ma071077b     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (9)

References (25)
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    • The probability Pαβγ,j,n2 that the n 2th polymeric chain adopts α, β, and γ conformations at bonds j, 1, j, and j, 1, respectively, is given by P αβγ,j,n2, Zn2-1J&z. ast;[Πh=2j-2 Uh]Uj-1(α) Uj(αβ)Uj+1(αβγ, Πh=j+2n-1 Uh]J where Zn2 is the partition function of the n2th chain, the U matrices are arranged according to the configurational sequence as determined by the Monte Carlo method, J*, 1 0 0, J is the 9 × 1 matrix whose elements are unity, and n is the number of skeletal bonds in the chain. In U j-1(α, the columns of the α state are equal to those of Uj-1, and the other elements are filled with zero. In U jαβ, the elements corresponding to the
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    • On the ground described in section 4.4 of ref 5, the attractive interactions should be designated as attractions or attractive forces rather than hydrogen bonds. For consistency with our previous papers, however, the term "hydrogen bond strengm" is used here.
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    • Strictly, the geometrical parameters are slightly changed with HBS. However, this effect has not been considered here. The molecular geometry at HBS = 100% was used in all the computations.

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