Fibrinogen Leipzig II (γ351Gly→Ser and γ82Ala→Gly): Hypodysfibrinogenaemia due to two independent amino acid substitutions within the same polypeptide chain
Hypofibrinogenemia in an individual with two coding (γ82 A→G and BβP→L) and two noncoding mutations
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γAla82Gly represents a common fibrinogen γ-chain variant in Caucasians
Ivaskievicius V, Jusciute E, Steffens M, et al. γAla82Gly represents a common fibrinogen γ-chain variant in Caucasians. Blood Coagul Fibrinol 2005; 16: 205-208.
Hypofibrinogenaemia with compound heterozygosity for two γ chain mutations - γ82 Ala→Gly and an intron two GT→AT splice site mutation
Wyatt J, Brennan SO, May S, et al. Hypofibrinogenaemia with compound heterozygosity for two γ chain mutations - γ82 Ala→Gly and an intron two GT→AT splice site mutation. Thromb Haemost 2000; 84: 449-452.
New molecular defects in the γ subdomain of fibrinogen D-domain in four cases of (hypo)dysfibrinogenemia: Fibrinogen variants Hannover VI, Homburg VII, Stuttgart and Subl
Meyer M, Franke K, Richter W, et al. New molecular defects in the γ subdomain of fibrinogen D-domain in four cases of (hypo)dysfibrinogenemia: fibrinogen variants Hannover VI, Homburg VII, Stuttgart and Subl. Thromb Haemost 2003; 89: 637-646.
A new substitution, γ358 Ser→Cys, in fibrinogen Milano VII causes defective fibrin polymerisation
Steinmann C, Boegli C, Jungo M, et al. A new substitution, γ358 Ser→Cys, in fibrinogen Milano VII causes defective fibrin polymerisation. Blood 1994; 84:1874-1880.
Fibrinogen Poissy II (gammaN361K): A novel dysfibrinogenemia associated with defective polymerisation and peptide B release
Mathonnet F, Guillon L, Detruit H, et al. Fibrinogen Poissy II (gammaN361K): a novel dysfibrinogenemia associated with defective polymerisation and peptide B release. Blood Coagul Fibrinol 2003; 14: 293-298.