Australian Bureau of StatisticsAustralian Year Book, Available from URL, Accessed 21 February 2006
Australian Bureau of StatisticsAustralian Year Book. 2006. Available from URL: Accessed 21 February 2006.
The casualisation of nursing jobs: A management response to having to do more with less
Bradley C. The casualisation of nursing jobs: A management response to having to do more with less. Contemporary Nurse 2000; 9: 26-39.
Casualisation of the nursing workforce in Australia: Driving forces and implications
Creegan R, Duffield C, Forrester K. Casualisation of the nursing workforce in Australia: Driving forces and implications. Australian Health Review 2003; 26: 201-208.
The causes and consequences of nursing shortages: A helicopter view of the research
Duffield C, O'Brien-Pallas L. The causes and consequences of nursing shortages: A helicopter view of the research. Australian Health Review 2003; 26: 186-193.
Agencynursing work: Perceptions and experiences of agency nurses
Manias E, Aitken R, Peerson A, Parker J, Wong K. Agencynursing work: Perceptions and experiences of agency nurses. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2003a; 40(3): 269-279.
Agency nursing work in acute care settings: Perceptions of hospital nursing managers and agency nurse providers
Manias E, Aitken R, Peerson A, Parker J, Wong K. Agency nursing work in acute care settings: Perceptions of hospital nursing managers and agency nurse providers. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2003b; 12(4): 457-466.
Agency nursing in Melbourne, Australia: A telephone survey of hospital and agency managers
Peerson A, Aitken R, Manias E, Parker J, Wong K. Agency nursing in Melbourne, Australia: A telephone survey of hospital and agency managers. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2002; 40: 504-512.