For 20th-century changes in a wider economic context, see, 4th ed, London: Edward Arnold, passim
For 20th-century changes in a wider economic context, see Sidney Pollard, The Development of the British Economy, 1914-1990, 4th ed. (London: Edward Arnold, 1992), passim.
The Development of the British Economy, 1914-1990
Pollard, S.1
This paragraph draws on Lowe, et al, Countryside Conflicts, 1986, cited in Tracey Clunies-Ross and Nicholas Hildyard, The Politics of Industrial Agriculture London: Earthscan, 1992, p. 44
This paragraph draws on Lowe, et al., "Countryside Conflicts," 1986, cited in Tracey Clunies-Ross and Nicholas Hildyard, The Politics of Industrial Agriculture (London: Earthscan, 1992), p. 44.
Originally called the European Economic Community (EEC), it was transformed first into the European Community (EC), and then, following the 1992 Maastricht Treaty, into the European Union (EU). It is now generally referred to as the EU with a number after, signifying the number of member states at the time of reference, e.g. the EU-6 at the time of its foundation, the EU-9 after the first enlargement in 1973, etc.
Originally called the European Economic Community (EEC), it was transformed first into the European Community (EC), and then, following the 1992 Maastricht Treaty, into the European Union (EU). It is now generally referred to as the EU with a number after, signifying the number of member states at the time of reference, e.g. the EU-6 at the time of its foundation, the EU-9 after the first enlargement in 1973, etc.
See http://www.euractiv.com/en/cap/3-euro-farm-subsidies-misspent/ article-129612 or Wyn Grant's CAP page, t3.1bn Fraud Bill, September 26, 2004, online at: http://wyngrant.tripod.com/WynGrant CAPpage.html.
See http://www.euractiv.com/en/cap/3-euro-farm-subsidies-misspent/ article-129612 or Wyn Grant's CAP page, "t3.1bn Fraud Bill," September 26, 2004, online at: http://wyngrant.tripod.com/WynGrant CAPpage.html.
CAP Reform - A Long-term Perspective for Sustainable Agriculture, European Commission website, June 26, 2003, see: http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/capreform/index_en.htm.
"CAP Reform - A Long-term Perspective for Sustainable Agriculture," European Commission website, June 26, 2003, see: http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/capreform/index_en.htm.
For details of this second revolution in agriculture, see Ted Benton's contribution in this issue, Ted Benton, The Rural-Urban Division in U.K. Politics, Capitalism Nature Socialism, 18, No. 3, September 2007, pp. 20-43.
For details of this "second revolution in agriculture," see Ted Benton's contribution in this issue, Ted Benton, "The Rural-Urban Division in U.K. Politics, Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 18, No. 3, September 2007, pp. 20-43.
See, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, April, online at
See Sophia Murphy, "Managing the Invisible Hand: Markets, Farmers and International Trade," Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, April 2002, online at: http://www.tradeobservatory.org/ library.cfm?RefID=25497.
Managing the Invisible Hand: Markets, Farmers and International Trade
Murphy, S.1
See the Oxfam report Spotlight on Subsidies, January 2004, online at: http://www.maketradefair.com/assets/english/ bp55_subsidies.pdf.
See the Oxfam report "Spotlight on Subsidies," January 2004, online at: http://www.maketradefair.com/assets/english/ bp55_subsidies.pdf.
Wyn Grant's CAP page, To Those that Have Shall be Given, n.d., online at: http://wyngrant.tripod.com/WynGrantCAPpage.html (about three-quarters of the way down).
Wyn Grant's CAP page, "To Those that Have Shall be Given," n.d., online at: http://wyngrant.tripod.com/WynGrantCAPpage.html (about three-quarters of the way down).
See Patrick Herman and Richard Kuper, for the Confédération Paysanne, Food for Thought: Towards a Future for Farming (London: Pluto Press, 2003).
See Patrick Herman and Richard Kuper, for the Confédération Paysanne, Food for Thought: Towards a Future for Farming (London: Pluto Press, 2003).
The analysis in this book and that of the Confederation generally draws heavily on the work of French agronomist Jacques Berthelot. See his L'Agriculture: Talon d'Achilles de la mondialisation. Clés pour un accord agricole solidaire à l'OMC Paris: L'Harmattan, 2001
The analysis in this book and that of the Confederation generally draws heavily on the work of French agronomist Jacques Berthelot. See his L'Agriculture: Talon d'Achilles de la mondialisation. Clés pour un accord agricole solidaire à l'OMC (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2001)
and more generally his ongoing commentary on WTO and CAP negotiations, in French and English, online at http://solidarite.asso.fr/home/ Agriculture06.php.
and more generally his ongoing commentary on WTO and CAP negotiations, in French and English, online at http://solidarite.asso.fr/home/ Agriculture06.php.
See Wyn Grant's musing on his blog, under the heading Is Multifunctionality for Real? June 6, 2004, online at: http://wyngrant.tripod.com/WynGrantCAPpage.html. He writes: Last week I was involved in the examination of a very interesting PhD at the University of Southern Denmark concerned with the institutionalization of the discourse of organic farming in the EU. This led me to think about how far multifunctionality in general, and organic farming in particular, is a form of window dressing that promotes an acceptable face for the CAP while intensive forms of farming continue in the background ⋯
See Wyn Grant's musing on his blog, under the heading "Is Multifunctionality for Real?" June 6, 2004, online at: http://wyngrant.tripod.com/WynGrantCAPpage.html. He writes: "Last week I was involved in the examination of a very interesting PhD at the University of Southern Denmark concerned with the institutionalization of the discourse of organic farming in the EU. This led me to think about how far multifunctionality in general, and organic farming in particular, is a form of window dressing that promotes an acceptable face for the CAP while intensive forms of farming continue in the background ⋯"
European Union Adopts Significant Farm Reform
September, online at
David Kelch & Mary Anne Normile, "European Union Adopts Significant Farm Reform," Amber Waves, September 2004, online at: http://www.ers.usda.gov/Amberwaves/september04/Features/ europeanunion.htm.
Amber Waves
Kelch, D.1
Anne Normile, M.2
See Dan Rigby and Sophie Bown's contribution in this issue. Rigby and Bown, Whatever Happened to Organic? Food, Nature and the Market for 'Sustainable' Food, Capitalism Nature Socialism, 18, No. 3, September 2007, pp. 81-102.
See Dan Rigby and Sophie Bown's contribution in this issue. Rigby and Bown, "Whatever Happened to Organic? Food, Nature and the Market for 'Sustainable' Food," Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 18, No. 3, September 2007, pp. 81-102.
Once again, the French Confé dération Paysanne has been in the forefront of this. See especially Appendix I: l'Agriculture Paysanne: A Charter for Small Farming in Herman and Kuper, op. cit.
Once again, the French Confé dération Paysanne has been in the forefront of this. See especially Appendix I: l'Agriculture Paysanne: A Charter for Small Farming in Herman and Kuper, op. cit.