The story of the W. Bush administration's selection of judges and the accompanying confirmation politics during the two previous sessions of Congress is recounted in Sheldon Goldman, Elliot Slotnick, Gerard Gryski, Garry Zuk, and Sara Schiavoni, W. Bush Remaking the Judiciary: Like Father Like Son? 86 JUDICATURE 282 (2003) and Sheldon Goldman, Elliot Slotnick, Gerard Gryski, and Sara Schiavoni, W. Bush's Judiciary: The First Term Record, 88 JUDICATURE 244 (2005).
The story of the W. Bush administration's selection of judges and the accompanying confirmation politics during the two previous sessions of Congress is recounted in Sheldon Goldman, Elliot Slotnick, Gerard Gryski, Garry Zuk, and Sara Schiavoni, W. Bush Remaking the Judiciary: Like Father Like Son? 86 JUDICATURE 282 (2003) and Sheldon Goldman, Elliot Slotnick, Gerard Gryski, and Sara Schiavoni, W. Bush's Judiciary: The First Term Record, 88 JUDICATURE 244 (2005).
O'Connor to Retire, Touching Off Battle over Court
July 2, at
Richard W. Stevenson, O'Connor to Retire, Touching Off Battle over Court, New York Times, July 2, 2005, at 1.
New York Times
, pp. 1
Stevenson, R.W.1
Interview with Rachel Brand, Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Policy on December 6, 2006. Other quotes from Ms. Brand are drawn from this interview
Interview with Rachel Brand, Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Policy on December 6, 2006. Other quotes from Ms. Brand are drawn from this interview.
David Kirkpatrick and Kirk Rutenberg, E-Mail Shows Rove's Role In Fate of Prosecutors, New York Times, March 29, 2007, at A 14.
David Kirkpatrick and Kirk Rutenberg, E-Mail Shows Rove's Role In Fate of Prosecutors, New York Times, March 29, 2007, at A 14.
Interview with Jay Sekulow, American Center for Law and Justice, December 6, 2006. Other quotes from Mr. Sekulow are drawn from this interview
Interview with Jay Sekulow, American Center for Law and Justice, December 6, 2006. Other quotes from Mr. Sekulow are drawn from this interview.
Interview with Michael O'Neill, Majority Counsel, Senate Judiciary Committee, on December 8, 2006. Other quotes from Mr. O'Neill are drawn from this interview
Interview with Michael O'Neill, Majority Counsel, Senate Judiciary Committee, on December 8, 2006. Other quotes from Mr. O'Neill are drawn from this interview.
Interview with Nan Aron, President of the Alliance for Justice, on December 4, 2006. Other quotes from Ms. Aron are drawn from this interview
Interview with Nan Aron, President of the Alliance for Justice, on December 4, 2006. Other quotes from Ms. Aron are drawn from this interview.
Interview with Elliot Mincberg, Vice President, General Counsel and Legal and Education Director of People for the American Way, on December 5, 2006. Other quotes from Mr. Mincberg are drawn from this interview
Interview with Elliot Mincberg, Vice President, General Counsel and Legal and Education Director of People for the American Way, on December 5, 2006. Other quotes from Mr. Mincberg are drawn from this interview.
Interview with Paul Edenfield, Senior Counsel of the Alliance for Justice, on December 4, 2006. Other quotes from Mr. Edenfield are drawn from this interview
Interview with Paul Edenfield, Senior Counsel of the Alliance for Justice, on December 4, 2006. Other quotes from Mr. Edenfield are drawn from this interview.
In general see Brannon Denning, The judicial confirmation process and the blue slip, 85 JUDICATURE 218 (2002) and Sheldon Goldman, PICKING FEDERAL JUDGES: LOWER COURT SELECTION FROM ROOSEVELT THROUGH REAGAN 45-48, 89, 136-137, 177, 319-323 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997).
In general see Brannon Denning, The judicial confirmation process and the blue slip, 85 JUDICATURE 218 (2002) and Sheldon Goldman, PICKING FEDERAL JUDGES: LOWER COURT SELECTION FROM ROOSEVELT THROUGH REAGAN 45-48, 89, 136-137, 177, 319-323 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997).
The high number of those not confirmed, particularly for the district courts, can be traced to Kansas Republican Senator Sam Brownback's hold on Janet Neff, as discussed earlier.
The high number of those not confirmed, particularly for the district courts, can be traced to Kansas Republican Senator Sam Brownback's hold on Janet Neff, as discussed earlier.
Note that the proportion of Franklin Roosevelt's appointees who were on the bench at the time of appointment was about 20 percent, Harry Truman's proportion was about 19 percent, Dwight Eisenhower's was about 21 percent, Kennedy-Johnson and Nixon-Ford each about 31 percent. See Goldman, supra n. 12, at 348.
Note that the proportion of Franklin Roosevelt's appointees who were on the bench at the time of appointment was about 20 percent, Harry Truman's proportion was about 19 percent, Dwight Eisenhower's was about 21 percent, Kennedy-Johnson and Nixon-Ford each about 31 percent. See Goldman, supra n. 12, at 348.
It should be acknowledged that the ratings may have been somewhat inflated because the surveys of the legal communities upon which the ratings were based were taken AFTER the nominations had been made. Once an individual has been nominated, those surveyed in the nominee's legal community may be reluctant to express negative views as there may be a fear that somehow a negative appraisal might get back to the future judge before whom those surveyed might appear. Before the administration of George W. Bush, the ABA conducted its surveys and submitted its ratings BEFORE nominations were finalized thus leaving open the possibility that the ratings could influence whether or not a nomination would be made.
It should be acknowledged that the ratings may have been somewhat inflated because the surveys of the legal communities upon which the ratings were based were taken AFTER the nominations had been made. Once an individual has been nominated, those surveyed in the nominee's legal community may be reluctant to express negative views as there may be a fear that somehow a negative appraisal might get back to the future judge before whom those surveyed might appear. Before the administration of George W. Bush, the ABA conducted its surveys and submitted its ratings BEFORE nominations were finalized thus leaving open the possibility that the ratings could influence whether or not a nomination would be made.
Goldman, supra n. 12, at 349.
Goldman, supra n. 12, at 349.
The report is printed in 39 THE THIRD BRANCH 1 (January, 2007).
The report is printed in 39 THE THIRD BRANCH 1 (January, 2007).
See Editorial, Better Pay for Judges, New York Times, February 24, 2007, at A 26.
See Editorial, Better Pay for Judges, New York Times, February 24, 2007, at A 26.
Goldman, supra n. 12, at 354.
Goldman, supra n. 12, at 354.
Interview with Jennifer Brosnahan on December 6, 2006
Interview with Jennifer Brosnahan on December 6, 2006.