Act No. 15/2005 Coll. on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein and on amending and complementing certain acts [Zákon č. 15/2005 Z. z. o ochrane druhov ne _ijú cich _ivoc̃íchov a ne rastúcich rastlín reguláciou obchodu s nimi a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov]. Zbierka zákonov, čiastka 10/2005: 182 -203. (in Slovak).
Act No. 15/2005 Coll. on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein and on amending and complementing certain acts [Zákon č. 15/2005 Z. z. o ochrane druhov vol'ne _ijú cich _ivoc̃íchov a vol'ne rastúcich rastlín reguláciou obchodu s nimi a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov]. Zbierka zákonov, čiastka 10/2005: 182 -203. (in Slovak).
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Act No. 543/2002 Coll. on Nature and Landscape Protection, as amended [Zákon č. 543/2002 Z. z. o ochrane prírody a krajiny v znení neskorších predpisov]. Zbierka zákonov, čiastka 212/2002: 5410 - 5465 (in Slovak). Further amendments: http://jaspi.justice.gov.sk/jaspiw1/htm_zak/jaspiw_maxi_zak_fr0.htm
Act No. 543/2002 Coll. on Nature and Landscape Protection, as amended [Zákon č. 543/2002 Z. z. o ochrane prírody a krajiny v znení neskorších predpisov]. Zbierka zákonov, čiastka 212/2002: 5410 - 5465 (in Slovak). Further amendments: http://jaspi.justice.gov.sk/jaspiw1/htm_zak/jaspiw_maxi_zak_fr0.htm
Veslonos americký (Polyodon spathula) -prvý zdokumentovaný nález na slovenskom u̇seku Dunaja
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Gabčíkovo river barrage system: Ecological disaster and economic calamity for the inland delta of the middle Danube
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Action Plan for the conservation of sturgeons (Acipenseridae) in the Danube River Basin
121 pp
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Nature and environment
, vol.144
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Council Regulation (EC) No. 338/97 of 9 December 1996 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein [Nariadenie Rady (ES) č. 338/97 338/97. decembre 1996 o ochrane druhov ne _ijúcich _ivočíchov a rastlín reguláciou obchodu s nimi]. Official Journal L 061, 03/03/1997. p. 1-69. Further amendments: http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex/en/search/search_lif. html
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Past and current status of sturgeons in the Upper and Middle Danube River
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, pp. 185-200
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Hensel, K.; Mu_ík, V., 2001: Červený (ekosozologický) zoznam mihúl' (Petromyzontes) a rýb (Osteichtyes) Slovenska [Red (ecosozological) list of lampreys (Petromyzontes) and fishes (Osteichtyes) of Slovakia]. In: Ochrana prírody Supplement -Červený zoznam rastlín a _ivočíchov Slovenska [Nature Conservation Supplement - Red list of Plants and Animals of Slovakia] 20, 143-145 (in Slovak with English summary).
The sturgeons and paddlefishes of the world. Biology and Aquaculture
Austria, 204 pp
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Hydrobiology and ichthyology of the Czechoslovak Danube in relation to predicted changes after the construction of the Gabčíkovo- Nagymaros River Barrage System
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Age and growth of the sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758) in the Czechoslovak stretch of the Danube
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in Slovak with English summary
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Postupy hormonálnej stimulácie reprodukcie jesetera malého [Hormonal stimulation process of the sterlet reproduction]. Research report. Research Institute of Animal Production, Nitra, 9 pp. (in Slovak
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Masár, J.; Turanský, R., 2004: Ascertaining the Danubian sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758) sexual maturity in the spawning period. Abstracts proceedings of the 10. conference Ferianc Days. Natural History Museum of the Slovak National Museum, Bratislava, pp. 19-20.
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Umelý odchov plôdika jesetera malého [Artificial rearing of the sterlet juveniles]
in Slovak
Mészáros, J.; Kohút, J.; Janoušová, M.; Vitek, J.; Huszár, R., 2005: Umelý odchov plôdika jesetera malého [Artificial rearing of the sterlet juveniles]. Pol'ovníctvo a rybárstvo 57(5), 38-39. (in Slovak).
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, Issue.5
, pp. 38-39
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The food of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) in the Czechoslovak-Hungarian section of the Danube
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Folia Zoologica
, vol.36
, pp. 281-287
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Order of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic No. 24/2003 Coll. which implements the Act No. 543/2002 Coll. on Nature and Landscape Protection [Vyhláška Ministerstva _ivotného prostredia Slovenskej republiky č. 24/2003 Z. z. ktorou sa vykonáva zákon č. 543/2002 Z. z. o ochrane prírody a krajiny]. Zbierka zákonov, čiastka 13/2002, 162-346.
Order of the Ministry of Land Management of the Slovak Republic No. 238/2002 Coll. which implements the Act on Fisheries [Vyhláška Ministerstva pôdohospodárstva Slovenskej republiky č. 238/2002 Z. z., ktorou sa vykonávajú niektoré ustanovenia zákona o rybárstve]. Zbierka zákonov, čiastka 103/2002: 2338-2359.
Order of the Ministry of Land Management of the Slovak Republic No. 238/2002 Coll. which implements the Act on Fisheries [Vyhláška Ministerstva pôdohospodárstva Slovenskej republiky č. 238/2002 Z. z., ktorou sa vykonávajú niektoré ustanovenia zákona o rybárstve]. Zbierka zákonov, čiastka 103/2002: 2338-2359.
Meristic and mensural morfological characters of juvenile sterlet reared in the Czech republic
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Folia Zoologica
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, pp. 149-164
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Sokolov, L.I.; Vasil'ev, V.P., 1989: Acipenser ruthenus (Linnaeus, 1758). In: The Freshwater Fishes of Europe. 1/II, General introduction to Fishes. Acipenseriformes. Ed. J. Holčik, AULA-Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp. 227-262.
Turanský, R.; Masár, J., 2000: Zis_ovanie stavu vývoja gonád umelo odchovávaných jeseterov malých vo veku 1+ a_ 4+. [Ascertaining of the gonads development conditions of the artificially reared sterlet in the age from 1+ to 4+]. Report on the special activity in 2000. Research Institute of Animal Production, Nitra - Institute of Fishery Research and Aquaculture, Častá, 10 pp. (in Slovak, unpublished).
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Umelý chov jesetera malého [Artificial rearing of the sterlet]. Final Report for stage 27-22-03-01. Research Institute of Animal Production, Nitra, 20. pp. (in Slovak
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unpublished internal report
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