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Volumn 19, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 201-226

Reflections upon American environmental enforcement experience as it may relate to Post-Hampton developments in England and Wales

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EID: 34447538302     PISSN: 09528873     EISSN: 1464374X     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1093/jel/eqm008     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (4)

References (46)
  • 2
    • 34447543957 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See author affiliation
    • See author affiliation.
  • 3
    • 34447542372 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 33 USC s 401 ff, specifically, ss 13 (commonly known as the Refuse Act) and 16 of that law, 33 USC ss 407 and 411 and ss 10 and 12, 33 USC ss 403 and 406. Availabe at: , , >http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/33/ usc_sec_33_00000411-000-.html>, and , respectively. The first two prohibit the discharge of refuse into navigable waters without a permit, while the latter two ban the unpermitted alteration of the navigable capacity of waters under federal jurisdiction.
    • 33 USC s 401 ff, specifically, ss 13 (commonly known as the Refuse Act) and 16 of that law, 33 USC ss 407 and 411 and ss 10 and 12, 33 USC ss 403 and 406. Availabe at: , , >http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/33/ usc_sec_33_00000411-000-.html>, and , respectively. The first two prohibit the discharge of refuse into navigable waters without a permit, while the latter two ban the unpermitted alteration of the navigable capacity of waters under federal jurisdiction.
  • 4
    • 34447530250 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Note that the three-level approach of administrative-civil-criminal enforcement is replicated in the pollution enforcement programs of some of the individual states
    • Note that the three-level approach of administrative-civil-criminal enforcement is replicated in the pollution enforcement programs of some of the individual states.
  • 5
    • 34447503280 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Available at
    • Now 42 USC s 7401 ff. Available at:
    • USC s 7401 ff
  • 6
    • 34447498418 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 33 USC s 1319(a)-(g). Available at:
    • 33 USC s 1319(a)-(g). Available at:
  • 7
    • 34447557868 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 33 USC s 1319(a) and (g).
    • 33 USC s 1319(a) and (g).
  • 8
    • 34447559452 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 33 USC s 1319(b) and (d).
    • 33 USC s 1319(b) and (d).
  • 9
    • 34447513711 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 33 USC s 1319c
    • 33 USC s 1319(c).
  • 10
    • 34447512491 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • A major factor in the writer's own decision to move from the civil to the criminal program was the fact that civil enforcement did not have the impact upon polluters that is available in criminal prosecutions. Federal civil enforcement in the United States does not reach the people responsible for the decision making (or lack thereof) that results in violations of the law. When the only targets are corporations, impact too easily is dissipated within the organisation and absorbed as little more than a cost of doing business. The corporate attitude toward civil enforcement efforts was brought home to the writer in a case against a major steel company in the late 1970s when a senior representative of the company told him that the government should be happy with the settlement agreement that had just been reached because it gave EPA enforcement officials 'another piece of paper to wave around
    • A major factor in the writer's own decision to move from the civil to the criminal program was the fact that civil enforcement did not have the impact upon polluters that is available in criminal prosecutions. Federal civil enforcement in the United States does not reach the people responsible for the decision making (or lack thereof) that results in violations of the law. When the only targets are corporations, impact too easily is dissipated within the organisation and absorbed as little more than a cost of doing business. The corporate attitude toward civil enforcement efforts was brought home to the writer in a case against a major steel company in the late 1970s when a senior representative of the company told him that the government should be happy with the settlement agreement that had just been reached because it gave EPA enforcement officials 'another piece of paper to wave around'.
  • 11
    • 34447501769 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 33 USC s 1319(c) (1) and (2), respectively.
    • 33 USC s 1319(c) (1) and (2), respectively.
  • 12
    • 34447519898 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 33 USC s 1319c, 3
    • 33 USC s 1319(c) (3).
  • 13
    • 34447518559 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 42 USC a 6928(e) and 7413(c)(5). Available at: and .
    • 42 USC a 6928(e) and 7413(c)(5). Available at: and .
  • 14
    • 34447550101 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • http://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frcrmp/Rule6.htm.
  • 15
    • 34447501770 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See UK Environment Agency Enforcement and Prosecution Policy, para 23. at: .
    • See UK Environment Agency Enforcement and Prosecution Policy, para 23. at: .
  • 16
    • 34447526083 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • EPA is the largest contributor to the ECS case load, but it is only one of the federal agencies with which ECS deals. Other agencies that are involved in environmental crimes cases include the Coast Guard, the Army Corps of Engineers and the Fish and Wildlife Service
    • EPA is the largest contributor to the ECS case load, but it is only one of the federal agencies with which ECS deals. Other agencies that are involved in environmental crimes cases include the Coast Guard, the Army Corps of Engineers and the Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • 17
    • 34447537745 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Despite these efforts to screen cases and properly direct them, though, no doubt there still are some that remain in one track or another simply because that is where they began life. It happens, although the American defense bar exaggerates its frequency in criminal cases, at the same time ignoring the occasions when misdirection benefits their clients, that is, when a case appropriate for criminal prosecution slips through the screen and remains on a civil or administrative enforcement track
    • Despite these efforts to screen cases and properly direct them, though, no doubt there still are some that remain in one track or another simply because that is where they began life. It happens, although the American defense bar exaggerates its frequency in criminal cases - at the same time ignoring the occasions when misdirection benefits their clients, that is, when a case appropriate for criminal prosecution slips through the screen and remains on a civil or administrative enforcement track.
  • 18
    • 34447536164 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • RJ 2005 para 1.10
    • RJ 2005 para 1.10.
  • 20
    • 34447531771 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Criminal liability of responsible corporate officers is specifically provided in the major air and water pollution statutes, 42 USC s 7413(c)(6) and 33 USC s 1319(c)(6);
    • Criminal liability of responsible corporate officers is specifically provided in the major air and water pollution statutes, 42 USC s 7413(c)(6) and 33 USC s 1319(c)(6);
  • 21
    • 34447519897 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • however, it is a doctrine that can be drawn upon regardless of its articulation in a given statute. Under a 'knowing' mental state standard, it has three criteria: (1) the person knew of the violation; (2) he had the authority to stop it; and (3) he failed to exercise that authority. See United States v. Iverson, 162 F.3d 1015 (9th Cir. 1998) at: .
    • however, it is a doctrine that can be drawn upon regardless of its articulation in a given statute. Under a 'knowing' mental state standard, it has three criteria: (1) the person knew of the violation; (2) he had the authority to stop it; and (3) he failed to exercise that authority. See United States v. Iverson, 162 F.3d 1015 (9th Cir. 1998) at: .
  • 22
    • 34447548586 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The role of individual criminal liability in both individual and organisational deterrence does not receive specific attention in the Final Report. It merits special consideration if the UK decides to go forward with up-grading its regulatory enforcement effort
    • The role of individual criminal liability in both individual and organisational deterrence does not receive specific attention in the Final Report. It merits special consideration if the UK decides to go forward with up-grading its regulatory enforcement effort.
  • 23
    • 34447530251 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • RJ 2005 para 3.7
    • RJ 2005 para 3.7.
  • 24
    • 34447524884 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • USSG s 1A1.1.,3;
    • USSG s 1A1.1.,3;
  • 25
    • 34447521425 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • http://www.ussc.gov/2005guid/tabcono5_1.htm.
  • 26
    • 34447559451 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See, particularly, crimes guidelines for individual offenders
    • See, particularly, USSG Part 2Q for the environmental crimes guidelines for individual offenders.
    • 2Q for the environmental
    • Part, U.S.S.G.1
  • 27
    • 34447504404 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • USSG s 8C2.1
    • USSG s 8C2.1
  • 28
    • 34447498419 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • at
    • United States v. Booker, 543 US 220 (2005) at: .
    • (2005) United States v. Booker , vol.543 , Issue.US , pp. 220
  • 29
    • 34447527088 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • A clear position on the importance of punishment for criminal wrong-doing is missing from the Final Report's Six Penalties Principles, at 35
    • A clear position on the importance of punishment for criminal wrong-doing is missing from the Final Report's Six Penalties Principles, at 35.
  • 30
    • 34447531773 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Available at
    • USC s 3571. Available at: http://www.cornell.edu/uscode/18/ usc_sec_18_00003571-000-.html.
    • USC s 3571
  • 31
    • 34447557867 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • A major factor in the decision not to include environmental crimes within the operation of the organisational guideline fine provision was that the formula in the initial version of those guidelines would have severely undervalued crimes that posed substantial environmental threats, but that fortuitously did not ripen into actual harm
    • A major factor in the decision not to include environmental crimes within the operation of the organisational guideline fine provision was that the formula in the initial version of those guidelines would have severely undervalued crimes that posed substantial environmental threats, but that fortuitously did not ripen into actual harm.
  • 32
    • 34447531772 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See RJ 2005 para 3.33.
    • See RJ 2005 para 3.33.
  • 33
    • 34447528689 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • USSG s 8C2.9
    • USSG s 8C2.9.
  • 34
    • 34447499934 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Final Report, at 74-75.
    • Final Report, at 74-75.
  • 35
    • 34447503281 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Final Report, Box 4.1.
    • Final Report, Box 4.1.
  • 36
    • 34447542371 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See 18 USC ss 3563 (b) (2), 3663 and 3663A. Available at: , and , respectively.
    • See 18 USC ss 3563 (b) (2), 3663 and 3663A. Available at: , and , respectively.
  • 37
    • 34447516991 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • USSG ss 5E1.1 (c) and 8B1.1 (c).
    • USSG ss 5E1.1 (c) and 8B1.1 (c).
  • 38
    • 34447550093 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The United States Sentencing Guidelines provide for the monitoring of corporations that are on probation following sentencing, but the relevant provision, USSG s 8D1.4(c)(4, has a significant hole in it. It provides for the examination of books and records, and the interrogation of knowledgeable individuals in order to assess compliance, but those conditions would not be adequate for the effective monitoring of many environmental (and similar) criminals. Books, records and individuals will tell only part of the story of compliance or non-compliance, and they very easily can be made to be misleading. Absolutely critical for monitoring that is truly effective is the authority to go on the premises of the party, with or without prior notice, and inspect the physical property, taking appropriate samples, if necessary. In USSG s 8D1.3c, there is a general default provision for additional probation conditions, but prosecutors and regulators would be in a much stronger position if the insp
    • The United States Sentencing Guidelines provide for the monitoring of corporations that are on probation following sentencing, but the relevant provision, USSG s 8D1.4(c)(4), has a significant hole in it. It provides for the examination of books and records, and the interrogation of knowledgeable individuals in order to assess compliance, but those conditions would not be adequate for the effective monitoring of many environmental (and similar) criminals. Books, records and individuals will tell only part of the story of compliance or non-compliance, and they very easily can be made to be misleading. Absolutely critical for monitoring that is truly effective is the authority to go on the premises of the party, with or without prior notice, and inspect the physical property, taking appropriate samples, if necessary. In USSG s 8D1.3(c), there is a general default provision for additional probation conditions, but prosecutors and regulators would be in a much stronger position if the inspection and sampling authority were spelled out in specific terms.
  • 39
    • 34447507673 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • USSG s 8B1.3
    • USSG s 8B1.3.
  • 40
    • 34447539597 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Id, Commentary
    • Id., Commentary.
  • 41
    • 34447537746 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Final Report, at 80
    • Final Report, at 80.
  • 42
    • 34447542369 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See 42 USC s 10601. Available at: and www.ovc.gov. Except for several specifically identified situations in which fines are directed to oil spill cleanups, for example, all fines from federal crimes go to the Crime Victims Fund. Monies from that fund are applied to activities that include the Victim Witness Coordinator positions in USAOs and the FBI, victim notification, improving services for the benefit of crime victims, direct reimbursements for victims (e.g. for medical, counseling or funeral expenses, victims of terrorism, victims of crimes against the elderly, safe houses and shelters for battered women and children, abused (especially sexually abused) Native American children, college campus victims and drug-endangered children found in methamphetamine houses
    • See 42 USC s 10601. Available at: and www.ovc.gov. Except for several specifically identified situations in which fines are directed to oil spill cleanups, for example, all fines from federal crimes go to the Crime Victims Fund. Monies from that fund are applied to activities that include the Victim Witness Coordinator positions in USAOs and the FBI, victim notification, improving services for the benefit of crime victims, direct reimbursements for victims (e.g. for medical, counseling or funeral expenses), victims of terrorism, victims of crimes against the elderly, safe houses and shelters for battered women and children, abused (especially sexually abused) Native American children, college campus victims and drug-endangered children found in methamphetamine houses.
  • 43
    • 34447542373 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Final Report, at 69-73.
    • Final Report, at 69-73.
  • 44
    • 34447498421 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Final Report, Para 4.44.
    • Final Report, Para 4.44.
  • 45
    • 34447524885 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • RJ 2005 para 1.4
    • RJ 2005 para 1.4.
  • 46
    • 34447498420 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Keeping track of ultimate results is a critical factor that often is omitted from enforcement recordkeeping. Without it over-all program effectiveness cannot be usefully measured. See Final Report, Characteristic 2, at 32
    • Keeping track of ultimate results is a critical factor that often is omitted from enforcement recordkeeping. Without it over-all program effectiveness cannot be usefully measured. See Final Report, Characteristic 2, at 32.

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