Colored Home Movies by Radio?
December, Mr. Maxim believes that the day is not far distant when amateur movie makers will be exchanging films with the same ease and enjoyment as the amateur radio operator now communicates with his distant friends
Dorothy Rowden, 'Colored Home Movies By Radio?' Amateur Movie Makers December 1926. 'Mr. Maxim believes that the day is not far distant when amateur movie makers will be exchanging films with the same ease and enjoyment as the amateur radio operator now communicates with his distant friends'.
Amateur Movie Makers
Rowden, D.1
Various issues of Movie Makers (1926-54) are housed at the following US university libraries: Harvard, Kent State, Lehigh, Ohio State, Oklahoma State, Princeton, Rochester Institute Of Technology, Stanford, UCLA, University of Colorado at Boulder, University of Minnesota, University of Texas at Austin, University of the Arts (Philadelphia, University of Southern California, Virginia Tech, and Yale. Other US holdings are in the Detroit Public Library, Dillwyn Correctional Center (Virginia, Eastman Kodak Company, George Eastman House, Hagley Museum and Library (Wilmington, Delaware, Library of Congress, Linda Hall Library Of Science, Engineering and Technology (Kansas City, MO, Los Angeles County Natural History Museum, Milwaukee County Library, New York Public Library, New York State Library Albany, and the Public Library Of Cincinnati/Hamilton County. The Johannesburg Public Library, National Library of South Africa and University of Cape Town also have issues of the magaz
Various issues of Movie Makers (1926-54) are housed at the following US university libraries: Harvard, Kent State, Lehigh, Ohio State, Oklahoma State, Princeton, Rochester Institute Of Technology, Stanford, UCLA, University of Colorado at Boulder, University of Minnesota, University of Texas at Austin, University of the Arts (Philadelphia), University of Southern California, Virginia Tech, and Yale. Other US holdings are in the Detroit Public Library, Dillwyn Correctional Center (Virginia), Eastman Kodak Company, George Eastman House, Hagley Museum and Library (Wilmington, Delaware), Library of Congress, Linda Hall Library Of Science, Engineering and Technology (Kansas City, MO), Los Angeles County Natural History Museum, Milwaukee County Library, New York Public Library, New York State Library (Albany), and the Public Library Of Cincinnati/Hamilton County. The Johannesburg Public Library, National Library of South Africa and University of Cape Town also have issues of the magazine. Data provided by Karen Glynn (Duke University, Special Collections/Perkins Library) and OCLC Worldcat.
Home Movies and Amateur Filmmaking
38. 3-4, issue
Patricia Erens (ed. ), 'Home Movies and Amateur Filmmaking' issue, Journal of Film and Video 38. 3-4. (1986).
Journal of Film and Video
Erens, P.1
George Cushman and the American International Film and Video Festival graciously provided the 'Complete List of All "Ten Best" Winners'. Thanks also to Elizabeth Miller and Jana Bean, who transcribed the list for Film History
George Cushman and the American International Film and Video Festival graciously provided the 'Complete List of All "Ten Best" Winners'. Thanks also to Elizabeth Miller and Jana Bean, who transcribed the list for Film History.