New York: Vintage, p, Subsequent references to page numbers are included in the main text above
Jacobs, J. Dark Age Ahead (2005), New York: Vintage, p.171. Subsequent references to page numbers are included in the main text above.
Dark Age Ahead
, pp. 171
Jacobs, J.1
It can be argued that urban studies is a particular disciplinary area within social studies, a particular specialist concern. There seems no strong reason, though, for taking this position. A concern with 'society' that sidelines 'the urban' is clearly inadequate now in a highly urbanized society and, if not to the same extent, for all of rccorded history
It can be argued that urban studies is a particular disciplinary area within social studies, a particular specialist concern. There seems no strong reason, though, for taking this position. A concern with 'society' that sidelines 'the urban' is clearly inadequate now in a highly urbanized society and, if not to the same extent, for all of rccorded history.
Three Who Made A Revolution
April 3, pp
Solnit, R (2006) 'Three Who Made A Revolution', The Nation April 3, pp29-32
The Nation
, pp. 29-32
Solnit, R.1
The city as perverse metaphor
See, Marcuse, P. (2005) 'The city as perverse metaphor' City 9:2, pp. 247-254.
, vol.9
, Issue.2
, pp. 247-254
Marcuse, P.1
See 'Is it all coming together ...', variously submitted and numbered 1-7 in City 7:3, 8:2 to 10:1.
See 'Is it all coming together ...', variously submitted and numbered 1-7 in City 7:3, 8:2 to 10:1.
The notion of the post-Roman 'dark age' succeeding classical decline and collapse and preceding the medieval period was itself largely eliminated, a topic to which I shall return; for an expert challenge to this academic conjuring trick, see, Oxford University Press
The notion of the post-Roman 'dark age' succeeding classical decline and collapse and preceding the medieval period was itself largely eliminated - a topic to which I shall return; for an expert challenge to this academic conjuring trick, see historian and archeologist Bryan Ward-Perkins The Fall of Rome and the end of civilization, Oxford University Press, 2005.
The Fall of Rome and the end of civilization
archeologist Bryan2
The current relevance of the terms 'empire' and 'imperialsm' are not acknowledged by Jacobs but neither are they explicitly rejected.
The current relevance of the terms 'empire' and 'imperialsm' are not acknowledged by Jacobs but neither are they explicitly rejected.
Perhaps, to return to the argument around Hardt and Negri's Empire there is no need to opt for a US-centric or non-US-centric view of Empire. Both tendencies are apparent.
Perhaps, to return to the argument around Hardt and Negri's Empire there is no need to opt for a US-centric or non-US-centric view of Empire. Both tendencies are apparent.
For an account of Jacobs'urban praxis in Toronto particularly, with reference to the general Canadian situation, see Ken Greenberg's review of Dark Age Ahead, headed 'The Avenger of Cities', in Harvard Design Magazine Fall 2005/Winter 2006 pp109-114.
For an account of Jacobs'urban praxis in Toronto particularly, with reference to the general Canadian situation, see Ken Greenberg's review of Dark Age Ahead, headed 'The Avenger of Cities', in Harvard Design Magazine Fall 2005/Winter 2006 pp109-114.
For an account of the national political situation within which Jacobs was seeking to operate, see James Laxer 'Fake Left, Go Right:AN insider's take on Jack Layton's game of chance' The Walrus May 2006, pp. 44-51 (perhaps more revealingly entitled on the cover: 'Neo-Conned: How the NDP Fell for Stephen Harper').
For an account of the national political situation within which Jacobs was seeking to operate, see James Laxer 'Fake Left, Go Right:AN insider's take on Jack Layton's game of chance' The Walrus May 2006, pp. 44-51 (perhaps more revealingly entitled on the cover: 'Neo-Conned: How the NDP Fell for Stephen Harper').
For a characteristically complacent view of, May 11, where it is summarised as having 'lamented the loss of interdependence in society
For a characteristically complacent view of Jacobs' book, see The Economist obituary, May 11, 2006 where it is summarised as having 'lamented the loss of interdependence in society'.
The Economist obituary
book, J.1
There is a CD of a talk made by her in 1997 Angela Davis: The Prison-Industrial Complex. It can be ordered online at www.arkpress.org at www.freedomarchives.org
There is a CD of a talk made by her in 1997 Angela Davis: The Prison-Industrial Complex. It can be ordered online at www.arkpress.org at www.freedomarchives.org
Davis refers to 'a thirty-five year engagement with the prison system' after her imprisonment and to activity before that 105-106
Davis refers to 'a thirty-five year engagement with the prison system' after her imprisonment and to activity before that (105-106)
A prison-industrial complex: Hell Factories in the Field
Davis, M (1995), A prison-industrial complex: Hell Factories in the Field' The Nation February 20 1995, pp. 229-234
The Nation February
, vol.20
, pp. 229-234
Davis, M.1
Mumia Abu-Jamal wrote 'about Pelican Bay in 1993. A civil suit had been filed in federal court, charging the state with 'lawless activity.' 'one defense psychologist, Dr Craig Haney, found chronic depression, hallucinations and thought disorders at levels existing at no other prison in the United States. The findings were comparable only to findings from a psychiatric prison in the former East Germany, known for torture and solitary confinement' However though the disease is so acute in Pelican Bay, the contagion seems to have spread, in a sense, from the former worst 'hellhole' Marion Federal Penitentiary, Illinois.
Mumia Abu-Jamal wrote 'about Pelican Bay in 1993. A civil suit had been filed in federal court, charging the state with 'lawless activity.' 'one defense psychologist, Dr Craig Haney, found "chronic depression, hallucinations and thought disorders" at levels existing at no other prison in the United States. The findings were comparable only to findings from a psychiatric prison in the former East Germany, known for torture and solitary confinement' However though the disease is so acute in Pelican Bay, the contagion seems to have spread, in a sense, from the former worst 'hellhole' Marion Federal Penitentiary, Illinois.
That, Abu-Jamal writes was known as Son of Alcatraz, Pelican Bay is Son of Marion. 'Five years from now, will we be moaning about the Son of Pelican?' see Abu-Jamal. M. 'Skeleton Bay' (1993), in Bruce Franklin, H (ed.) (1998) prison writing in 20th-century america New York: Pengun Books, p. 355.
That, Abu-Jamal writes was known as Son of Alcatraz, Pelican Bay is Son of Marion. 'Five years from now, will we be moaning about the Son of Pelican?' see Abu-Jamal. M. 'Skeleton Bay' (1993), in Bruce Franklin, H (ed.) (1998) prison writing in 20th-century america New York: Pengun Books, p. 355.
Sadly, almost ten years later there is still cause to moan about Pelican Bay according to 'a federal watchdog report... which is part of a longtime legal settlement involving inmate abuse at Pelican Bay...' (Report by Mark Martin, 'Governor accused of retreat on Prisons: Report says Schwarzenegger abandoned reform efforts and caved in to guards union', San Francisco Chronicle, 22 June, 2006)
Sadly, almost ten years later there is still cause to moan about Pelican Bay according to 'a federal watchdog report... which is part of a longtime legal settlement involving inmate abuse at Pelican Bay...' (Report by Mark Martin, 'Governor accused of retreat on Prisons: Report says Schwarzenegger abandoned reform efforts and caved in to guards union', San Francisco Chronicle, 22 June, 2006)
And to the state, as the heading of the Chronicle's report (above) suggests. Agreeing with the union seems to be a rewarding relationship for would-be govenors' campaigns, from 'almost $1 million to Pete Wilson's gubernatorial campaign' (Mike Davis) to the $10 million the union has to spend this year on Schwarzenegger or his Democratic opponent (Mark Martin)
And to the state, as the heading of the Chronicle's report (above) suggests. Agreeing with the union seems to be a rewarding relationship for would-be govenors' campaigns, from 'almost $1 million to Pete Wilson's gubernatorial campaign' (Mike Davis) to the $10 million the union has to spend this year on Schwarzenegger or his Democratic opponent (Mark Martin)
This and subsequent page numbers refer to Davis, A, 2005
This and subsequent page numbers refer to Davis, A. (2005)
Bruce Franklin's introduction to his book (1998), p.15 -see note 14 above
Bruce Franklin's introduction to his book (1998), p.15 -see note 14 above
'B-Block Days and Nightmares' (1990), in Franklin, 1998, pp351-352
'B-Block Days and Nightmares' (1990), in Franklin, 1998, pp351-352
For George Jackson, extract (dated 1970) from Soledad Brothers in Franklin (1998), p. 161. A strong sense of the actual experience of George Jackson and his associates can be gained from AK Press's CD Prison on Fire: George Jackson, Attica and Black Liberation. It can be ordered online from www.freedomarchives.org.
For George Jackson, extract (dated 1970) from Soledad Brothers in Franklin (1998), p. 161. A strong sense of the actual experience of George Jackson and his associates can be gained from AK Press's CD Prison on Fire: George Jackson, Attica and Black Liberation. It can be ordered online from www.freedomarchives.org.
See their website: www.leftturn.org, May-June
Left Turn 20, May-June 2006, See their website: www.leftturn.org
Left Turn
, vol.20
I have referred here only to her publication, Abolition Demcracy. In that book she and Eduardo Medieta refer to her strong relationship to the work of W.E.B.DuBois and Herbert Marcuse. The latter's work has suffered more than most from the '1989' syndrome. In the sequel to this piece I take up Davi's continuities as well as new areas of her work.
I have referred here only to her publication, Abolition Demcracy. In that book she and Eduardo Medieta refer to her strong relationship to the work of W.E.B.DuBois and Herbert Marcuse. The latter's work has suffered more than most from the '1989' syndrome. In the sequel to this piece I take up Davi's continuities as well as new areas of her work.
Mendieta suggests that 'Davis is laying out a post-Foucauldan genealogy of geographies of imprisonment...' (email, 24 June 2006) I shall also refer to the significance of Davis (1998), Blues Legacies and Black Feminism...'. My thanks, with the usual limited liability, to Eduardo Mendieta for this and other comments in response to an early draft of this piece.
Mendieta suggests that 'Davis is laying out a post-Foucauldan genealogy of geographies of imprisonment...' (email, 24 June 2006) I shall also refer to the significance of Davis (1998), Blues Legacies and Black Feminism...'. My thanks, with the usual limited liability, to Eduardo Mendieta for this and other comments in response to an early draft of this piece.
Jacobs, p.176. This passage is discussed in the Editorial to this issue.
Jacobs, p.176. This passage is discussed in the Editorial to this issue.
In a note Eduardo Mendieta fills out this too brief characterisation of the state, particularly, of the humanities In U.S.public universities: 'We are having to become more aggressive about external funding, while having to teach more and more students, with less and less junior and younger faculty, even as we continue to lose high profile faculty, Then there are the internal crises brought on by epistemic shifts, the devestaing postcolonal and global critique have left a lot of people simply cold about the humanities, It is a dark age for the humanities and public universities, email, 23 June 2006
In a note Eduardo Mendieta fills out this too brief characterisation of the state, particularly, of the humanities In U.S.public universities: 'We are having to become more aggressive about external funding, while having to teach more and more students, with less and less junior and younger faculty, even as we continue to lose high profile faculty... 'Then there are the internal crises brought on by epistemic shifts...the devestaing postcolonal and global critique have left a lot of people simply cold about the humanities... 'It is a dark age for the humanities and public universities...' (email, 23 June 2006)
Still Running: Derrida's Tomorrow
I explore these contradictory aspects of Derrida, 8:2
I explore these contradictory aspects of Derrida in: 'Still Running": Derrida's Tomorrow" in Radical Philosophy Review 8:2, 2005, 225-234
Radical Philosophy Review
, pp. 225-234
Derrida, J (1994) Specters of Marx: The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning, and the New International, translated by Peggy Kamuf, New York: Routledge (originally published in French in 1993)
Derrida, J (1994) Specters of Marx: The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning, and the New International, translated by Peggy Kamuf, New York: Routledge (originally published in French in 1993)
Is it all coming together? Further thoughts on urban studies and the present crisis: (2) What time is this space?
See 'Catterall, B (2004) 'Is it all coming together? Further thoughts on urban studies and the present crisis: (2) What time is this space?' City 8:2, pp. 307-335.
, vol.8
, Issue.2
, pp. 307-335
Catterall, B.1
pp. 86-87
pp. 86-87.
Catterall, B (2004), partic, pp. 324-331 where the distinction is made between 'actual' and 'radical' time.
Catterall, B (2004), partic, pp. 324-331 where the distinction is made between 'actual' and 'radical' time.
P. 89
P. 89
Saadawi, N (1994) Memories from the Women's Prison translated from the Arabic by Marilyn Booth, Berkeley: University of California Press p.200 (originally published in English in 1986;the quotation is from the 1994 Afterword)
Saadawi, N (1994) Memories from the Women's Prison translated from the Arabic by Marilyn Booth, Berkeley: University of California Press p.200 (originally published in English in 1986;the quotation is from the 1994 Afterword)