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Volumn 7, Issue 5, 2007, Pages 966-971

Role of nonbonding interactions in the crystal growth of phenazinediamine tetrahydrate: New insights into the occurrence of 2D water layers in crystal hydrates

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EID: 34249027551     PISSN: 15287483     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1021/cg060958r     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (48)

References (66)
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    • Crystal growth of 1 monitored through a digital camera is provided in the Supporting Information (Figure SI). The color change from yellow to red is due to the formation of 2,3-phda from opda as confirmed by UV-visible spectroscopy.
    • Crystal growth of 1 monitored through a digital camera is provided in the Supporting Information (Figure SI). The color change from yellow to red is due to the formation of 2,3-phda from opda as confirmed by UV-visible spectroscopy.
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