V. Calderaro, F. Sartogo, Report Subtask C-Cooling Group-Simulation of Natural Ventilation Systems in External and Internal Spaces of A Mediterranean Case Study - Ecocity new urban development - Italy 9° Expert Meeting of Task 28 Sustainable Solar Housign - Oslo April 24/29, 2004.
V. Calderaro, F. Sartogo, Report Subtask C - Cooling Group - Simulation of Natural Ventilation Systems in External and Internal Spaces of Two Mediterranean Case study-(1) Centocelle Vecchia: Building renewable; (2) Umbertide Ecocity: New urban development, 8° Expert Meeting of Task 28 Sustainable Solar Housign - Fraser Island November 3/7, 2003.
V. Calderaro, Report on FLUENT Simulation of Natural Ventilation Systems in External And Internal Spaces of a Umbertide Perugia Case Study, Sectorial Planning Energy. Ecocity Project urban development towards appropriate structures for sustaible transport, 4° Workshop dell'Ecocity Project, Tampere, August 31-September 3, 2003.
V. Calderaro, M. Bastiani, V. Verenucci, Progetti di recupero ambientale ed energetico in due edifici scolastici del comune di Umbertide, Convegno Nazionale Abita - I percorsi della progettazione per la sostenibilità ambientale, ottobre 20/21, 2004 (vol. unico, pp. 171-174). Firenze, Alinea Editrice s.r.l. Firenze 2004.
Solar double skin retrofit system - leonardo da vinci high school at Umbertide (Pg) Italy"
Losanna, October
Calderaro V., Sartogo F., Bastiani M., and Cupi F. Solar double skin retrofit system - leonardo da vinci high school at Umbertide (Pg) Italy". International Conference 2003, Innovations in Building envelopes and Environmental Systems CISBAT 2003 Proceedings. Losanna, October (2003)
International Conference 2003, Innovations in Building envelopes and Environmental Systems CISBAT 2003 Proceedings
Calderaro, V.1
Sartogo, F.2
Bastiani, M.3
Cupi, F.4
V. Calderaro, A. Ciolfi, Energy efficient house. Monitoring and experimental results, The World Renewable Energy Congress-VII Cologne, Germany, A.A.M. Sayigh (Ed.), Elsevier Science Ltd., Pergamon Press-June 29-July 5, 2002.
V. Calderaro, F. Sartogo, Report Subtask C - Demostration Buildings, "Rome, Italy: Saline-Ostia Antica, solar sustainable buildings tipology Model for Saline, Ostia Antica Urban Planning, preliminary bioclimatic integrated prototype project, technical solutions set for a "roof-façade" double skin structure with active and passive strategies" 4° Expert Meeting of Task 28 Sustainable Solar Housign, Bregenz, October 25/29, 2001.
V. Calderaro, A. Ciolfi, Passive solar component for direct/indirect gain using innovative high capacitance materials to store solar heat gain, 6° European Confererence Solar Energy Architecture and Urban Planning on 2000, Bonn (ed.) Eurosolar, Settembre 12-15, 2000.
V. Calderaro, A. Ciolfi, Environmental control of buildings: ventilation strategy for building design, Procedings of the Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban planning, Fourth European Conference (Berlin, Maggio 1996), 326-329 dei Proceedings della International Conference Supported by the European Commission, Berlino, Marzo, 1996.
V. Calderaro, F. Sartogo, Office Buildings-Bianchi Palace, Bioclimatic restauration Perugia, p. 116, Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning, T. Herzog Prestel Munich (Ed.), New York, 1996.
V. Calderaro, A. Ciolfi, Architectural design metodology for environmental comfort, International Congress ISES 1991 Solar World Congress, Denver, Colorado, August 17-24, 1991, p. 3048-3052, Proceedings of Congress, August 1991, Pergamon Press.
V. Calderaro, A general model for cooling design, Workshop on Passive cooling, CEE (European Community Commission) Joint Research Center of Ispra il April 2-4, 1990.
Modello di simulazione per il calcolo del comportamento termoigrometrico, energetico, illuminotecnico, ed acustico degli edifici
Roma, November 9/10
Calderaro V. Modello di simulazione per il calcolo del comportamento termoigrometrico, energetico, illuminotecnico, ed acustico degli edifici. Congress ISES on Architettura bioclimatica, risparmio energetico e qualità ambientale. Roma, November 9/10 (1988)
Congress ISES on Architettura bioclimatica, risparmio energetico e qualità ambientale
Calderaro, V.1
A simulation model for the hourly evaluation of the thermohygrometric, energetic, lighting and acoustics behaviour of buildings
Hamburg, Amburgo, September 13-18
Calderaro V. A simulation model for the hourly evaluation of the thermohygrometric, energetic, lighting and acoustics behaviour of buildings. Proceedings of the International Congress Solar World Congress 1987 dell'ISES. Hamburg, Amburgo, September 13-18 (1987)
Proceedings of the International Congress Solar World Congress 1987 dell'ISES
Calderaro, V.1