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Volumn 32, Issue 2, 1997, Pages 259-280

The economic motivations behind Japanese aggression in the late 1930s: Perspectives of Freda Utley and Nawa Toichi

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EID: 34248116562     PISSN: 00220094     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1177/002200949703200208     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (16)

References (41)
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    • Nakamura Takafusa, Senji Nihon no Kahoku Keizai Shihai (Japan's Control of the Economy of North China during the War) (Tokyo 1983);
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    • (1970) Odyssey of a Liberal: Memoirs
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    • Ian Brown ed, London
    • For a brief summary see Sugihara Kaoru, 'Japan's Industrial Recovery, 1931-1936' in Ian Brown (ed.), Economies of Africa and Asia in Interwar Depression (London 1985), 154-9.
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    • 9, October 1987
    • This became a reality with the introduction of wartime control. See Takamura Naosuke, 'Mengyo Yushutsunyu Rinkusei-ka ni okeru Bosekigyo to Sanchi Kigyo (The Spinning Industry and Local Weaving Centres under the System of "Linking [the Production of] the Cotton Industry to [the Amount of] Exports and Imports")', Nenpo Kindai Nihon Kenkyu, 9, October 1987, 59-79.
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    • (Berkeley, CA 1989), 131, September
    • For a recent synthesis of the revisionist view, see Thomas G. Rawski, Economic Growth in Prewar China (Berkeley, CA 1989). For a riposte, see Chris Bramall's review in China Quarterly, 131, September 1992, 784-93.
    • (1992) Economic Growth in Prewar China , pp. 784-793
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    • Boeki (Foreign Trade)
    • Umemura Mataji et al eds Tokyo
    • In the postwar literature on the history of Japanese trade, Nawa's thesis and Akamatsu's 'wild-geese flying pattern' have been the two dominant themes of discussion. For a recent summary of the literature, see Yamamoto Yuzo and Oku Kazuyoshi, 'Boeki (Foreign Trade)' in Umemura Mataji et al. (eds), Nihon Keizaishi, vol. 5 (Tokyo 1990), 86-131.
    • (1990) Nihon Keizaishi , vol.5 , pp. 86-131
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    • Japan Sugihara and J.A. Allen (eds, Japan in the Contemporary Middle East London
    • For a brief discussion on the significance of the supply of natural resources in the postwar period, see Sugihara Kaoru, 'Japan, the Middle East and the World Economy: A Note on the Oil Triangle' in Sugihara and J.A. Allen (eds), Japan in the Contemporary Middle East (London 1993), 1-13.
    • (1993) Middle East and the World Economy: A Note on the Oil Triangle , pp. 1-13
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    • paper presented to the, Osaka, May
    • Paul Kratoska, 'The Southeast Asian Rice Trade and its Ramifications, 1850-1950', paper presented to the Workshop on China in the Asian International Economic History, Osaka, May 1993, 7.
    • (1850) Workshop on China in the Asian International Economic History , vol.1993 , pp. 7
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    • Mitani Taichiro, 'Kokusai Kinyu Shihon to Ajia no Senso: Shumatsuki ni okeru Taichu Yongoku Shakkandan (International Finance Capital and the War in Asia: The Final Phase of the Four-Power Loan Consortium to China)', Nenpo Kindai Nihon Kenkyu, 2, December 1980, 114-58.
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    • Hashimoto Juro, Daikyokoki no Nihon Shihonshugi (Japanese Capitalism in the Age of the Great Depression) (Tokyo 1984), chaps 4 and 5. In the 1960s and 1970s there was a debate on how much weight should be given to the cotton industry and heavy industry, respectively, in accounting for the economic motivations of Japanese imperialism. For a brief summary from the perspective of the 'cotton industry-oriented imperialism' camp, see The Structure of Industry and Foreign Trade, 2)' in Ishii Kanji et al. (eds), Kindai Nihon Keizaishi o Manabu Tokyo
    • Hashimoto Juro, Daikyokoki no Nihon Shihonshugi (Japanese Capitalism in the Age of the Great Depression) (Tokyo 1984), chaps 4 and 5. In the 1960s and 1970s there was a debate on how much weight should be given to the cotton industry and heavy industry, respectively, in accounting for the economic motivations of Japanese imperialism. For a brief summary from the perspective of the 'cotton industry-oriented imperialism' camp, see Nishikawa Hiroshi, 'Sangyo-Boeki Kozo, 2 (The Structure of Industry and Foreign Trade, 2)' in Ishii Kanji et al. (eds), Kindai Nihon Keizaishi o Manabu, vol. 2 (Tokyo 1977), 84-104.
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