In a recent interview, Jü rgen Habermas hasmade the point that ‘the Bush regime has through itsmoral phrases relegated ad acta the 220-year-old Kantian project of the legalization of international relations’, interviewwith EduardoMendieta, to be published in Blä ttern fü r internationale Politik and in an English version in Logos in. The present translation is the author's.
Whether these facts are celebrated or regretted depends today, of course, on one's standpoint in regard to the merits of American unilateralism. In a recent interview, Jü rgen Habermas hasmade the point that ‘the Bush regime has through itsmoral phrases relegated ad acta the 220-year-old Kantian project of the legalization of international relations’, interviewwith EduardoMendieta, to be published in Blä ttern fü r internationale Politik and in an English version in Logos in 2004. The present translation is the author's.
Whether these facts are celebrated or regretted depends today, of course, on one's standpoint in regard to the merits of American unilateralism
For the expression in the text, see his ‘International Law and the International Hofmafia. Towards a sociology of international diplomacy’, in P. Allott, The Health of Nations. Society and Law beyond the State
This latter criticism is sharpest in the works of Philip Allott. For the expression in the text, see his ‘International Law and the International Hofmafia. Towards a sociology of international diplomacy’, in P. Allott, The Health of Nations. Society and Law beyond the State (2003), 380-98.
This latter criticism is sharpest in the works of Philip Allott
, pp. 380-398
For a useful discussion see S. Lukes
For a useful discussion see S. Lukes,Marxism andMorality (1985), 48-70.
Marxism andMorality
, pp. 48-70
see D. Kennedy, ‘When Renewal Repeats. Thinking Against the Box’, 32 New York Journal of International Law and Politics 335-500, at
For extensive analysis of international law's past oscillation between periods of renewal and stagnation, consensus and anxious disputation, and a call for reactivating the profession as a ‘voice, viewpoint and a whole bunch of people pursuing projects with and against one another’, see D. Kennedy, ‘When Renewal Repeats. Thinking Against the Box’, (2000) 32 New York Journal of International Law and Politics 335-500, at 466.
For extensive analysis of international law's past oscillation between periods of renewal and stagnation, consensus and anxious disputation, and a call for reactivating the profession as a ‘voice, viewpoint and a whole bunch of people pursuing projects with and against one another’
, pp. 466
Four Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty, trans. G. Schwab
C. Schmitt, Political Theology. Four Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty, trans. G. Schwab (1985), 36.
Political Theology
, pp. 36
Schmitt, C.1
in K. Marx, Early Political Writings, ed. J. O'Malley, 28-50, and ‘A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right: Introduction’, The Critical Legal StudiesMovement.
K. Marx, ‘On the Jewish Question’, in K. Marx, Early Political Writings, ed. J. O'Malley (1994), 28-50, and ‘A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right: Introduction’, The Critical Legal StudiesMovement., 57-70.
On the Jewish Question
, pp. 57-70
Marx, K.1
further I. Berlin, KarlMarx.
See further I. Berlin, KarlMarx. His Life and Environment (1978), 57-8.
His Life and Environment
, pp. 57-58
His Life and Environment note 8, at
Marx, ‘A Contribution’, His Life and Environment note 8, at 57.
A Contribution
, pp. 57
in Philip Alston (ed.), The EU and Human Rights
See alsomy ‘The Effect of Rights on Political Culture’, in Philip Alston (ed.), The EU and Human Rights (1999), 99-116.
The Effect of Rights on Political Culture
, pp. 99-116
‘The Effect of Rights on Political Culture’ note 8, at
Marx, ‘On the Jewish Question’, ‘The Effect of Rights on Political Culture’ note 8, at 38, 41.
On the Jewish Question
, vol.38
, pp. 41
‘On the Jewish Question’ note 8, at 33. Marx's critique of political theology is twofold, or contradictory: on the one hand theological questions are reduced into secular ones, while on the other secular phenomena (e.g. bourgeois democracy) are interpreted as Christian theology. For Marx, ultimately, any non-socializing notion of the individual personhood was theological, and as such ‘synonymous with heteronomy and alienation’. Breckman, ‘On the Jewish Question’ note 12, at 295 and
Marx, ‘On the Jewish Question’, ‘On the Jewish Question’ note 8, at 33. Marx's critique of political theology is twofold, or contradictory: on the one hand theological questions are reduced into secular ones, while on the other secular phenomena (e.g. bourgeois democracy) are interpreted as Christian theology. For Marx, ultimately, any non-socializing notion of the individual personhood was theological, and as such ‘synonymous with heteronomy and alienation’. Breckman, ‘On the Jewish Question’ note 12, at 295 and 297.
On the Jewish Question
, pp. 297
For the process through which the human individual emerges to take the place ofGod in secular society, and ‘human rights’ is instituted as a theology of an agnostic modernity note 8, at
Marx, ‘On the Jewish Question’, For the process through which the human individual emerges to take the place ofGod in secular society, and ‘human rights’ is instituted as a theology of an agnostic modernity note 8, at 44, 45.
On the Jewish Question
, vol.44
, pp. 45
‘On the Jewish Question’ note 8, at
Marx, ‘On the Jewish Question’, ‘On the Jewish Question’ note 8, at 46.
On the Jewish Question
, pp. 46
‘On the Jewish Question’ note 8, at
Marx, ‘On the Jewish Question’, ‘On the Jewish Question’ note 8, at 45.
On the Jewish Question
, pp. 45
‘On the Jewish Question’ note
Marx, ‘On the Jewish Question’ ‘On the Jewish Question’ note 8, 47.
On the Jewish Question
, vol.8
, pp. 47
for instance, is premised on the functionalideaof rightsas limits topolitics.Being'outside’ politics,theybecomeabsoluteandnon-negotiable, however, and, asMichael J. Perry has pointed out, can be only transcendentally grounded. Human rights, as he puts it, are ‘ineliminably religious’. M. J. Perry, The Idea of Human Rights. Four Inquiries
The liberal theory of rights proposed by John Rawls or Ronald Dworkin, for instance, is premised on the functionalideaof rightsas limits topolitics.Being'outside’ politics,theybecomeabsoluteandnon-negotiable, however, and, asMichael J. Perry has pointed out, can be only transcendentally grounded. Human rights, as he puts it, are ‘ineliminably religious’. M. J. Perry, The Idea of Human Rights. Four Inquiries (1998), 11-41.
The liberal theory of rights proposed by John Rawls or Ronald Dworkin
, pp. 11-41
This is the theme of the series of small essays by S. Critchley, J. Derrida, E. Laclau and R. Rorty in C. Mouffe (ed.)
This is the theme of the series of small essays by S. Critchley, J. Derrida, E. Laclau and R. Rorty in C. Mouffe (ed.), Deconstruction and Pragmatism (1996).
Deconstruction and Pragmatism
(2nd phase), [] ICJ Rep.
SouthWest Africa Case (2nd phase), [1966] ICJ Rep. 48.
SouthWest Africa Case
, pp. 48
N. Luhmann, DieWissenschaft der Gesellschaft. For a useful application of Luhmannian analysis in international law, see A. Fischer-Lescano, ‘Die Emergenz der Globalverfassung’, (2003) Zeitschrift fü r auslä ndisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht
Suchparadoxandself-reference are central to thekindofunderstandingof societyexpoundedin N. Luhmann, DieWissenschaft der Gesellschaft (1992). For a useful application of Luhmannian analysis in international law, see A. Fischer-Lescano, ‘Die Emergenz der Globalverfassung’, (2003) Zeitschrift fü r auslä ndisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 717.
Suchparadoxandself-reference are central to thekindofunderstandingof societyexpoundedin
, pp. 717
Such a critique and alternative construction is made in J. Rosenberg
Such a critique and alternative construction is made in J. Rosenberg, The Empire of Civil Society (1994).
The Empire of Civil Society
Why Leadership Demands a Pagan Ethos
See typically, R. D. Kaplan,Warrior Politics. Why Leadership Demands a Pagan Ethos (2002).
Warrior Politics
Kaplan, R.D.1
see M. Zehfuss, Constructivism in International Relations
For a useful review and critique, see M. Zehfuss, Constructivism in International Relations (2002).
For a useful review and critique
How Ideas ShapedModern International Relations
D. Philpott, Revolutions in Sovereignty. How Ideas ShapedModern International Relations (2001).
Revolutions in Sovereignty
Philpott, D.1
I have discussed the hegemonic aspect of normative debate in international politics in ‘International Law and Hegemony note
This is how the US-Europe controversy is seen e.g. by Jü rgen Habermas, I have discussed the hegemonic aspect of normative debate in international politics in ‘International Law and Hegemony note 1.
This is how the US-Europe controversy is seen e.g. by Jü rgen Habermas
, pp. 1
This is how the US-Europe controversy is seen e.g. by Jü rgen Habermas note
See especially Laclau, Emancipation(s), This is how the US-Europe controversy is seen e.g. by Jü rgen Habermas note 25.
, pp. 25
The indissociable nature of theory and practice accounts for some of the optimistic romanticismof early left politics.Throughnotions suchas ‘objective interests'and'self-reflection’, it remains central to later critical theory. For a very accessible introduction, see R. Geuss, The Idea of a Critical Theory. Habermas and the Frankfurt School, esp.
In Marxian theory, ‘practice’ is an epistemological category: the validity of a view of society is measured by the type of practice it produces. The indissociable nature of theory and practice accounts for some of the optimistic romanticismof early left politics.Throughnotions suchas ‘objective interests'and'self-reflection’, it remains central to later critical theory. For a very accessible introduction, see R. Geuss, The Idea of a Critical Theory. Habermas and the Frankfurt School (1981), esp. 45-95.
‘practice’ is an epistemological category: the validity of a view of society is measured by the type of practice it produces
, pp. 45-95
theory, M.1
in Laclau, Emancipation(s), ‘practice’ is an epistemological category: the validity of a view of society is measured by the type of practice it produces note 24 note 25, at
See further E. Laclau, ‘Power and Representation’, in Laclau, Emancipation(s), ‘practice’ is an epistemological category: the validity of a view of society is measured by the type of practice it produces note 24 note 25, at 98-9.
Power and Representation
, pp. 98-99
Laclau, E.1
International Law from Below: Development note 8, at 69 (emphasis in original).
Marx, ‘Contribution to a Critique’, International Law from Below: Development note 8, at 69 (emphasis in original).
Contribution to a Critique
The Limits of Marxian Critical Theory
J. Cohen, Class and Civil Society. The Limits of Marxian Critical Theory (1982), 188.
Class and Civil Society
, pp. 188
Cohen, J.1
This is also the gist of the ('communist') critique of the ethics of human rights in A. Badiou, Ethics., 8-17 and passim.
This is also the gist of the ('communist') critique of the ethics of human rights in A. Badiou, Ethics. An Essay on the Understanding of Evil (2001), 8-17 and passim.
An Essay on the Understanding of Evil
Towards a Radical Democratic Politics, 36-42 (on Sorel), and passim (for ‘articulation’ as central to the-hegemonic-effort to occupy the position of the general).
See further E. Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, Hegemony and Socialist Strategy. Towards a Radical Democratic Politics (2001), 36-42 (on Sorel), and passim (for ‘articulation’ as central to the-hegemonic-effort to occupy the position of the general).
Hegemony and Socialist Strategy
Laclau, E.1
Mouffe, C.2