For examples, see Fischer, Frankfurt
For examples, see Oskar Negt, Otto Kallscheuer, Martin Jay, et al., Die Zukunft des Politischen: Ausblicke auf Hannah Arendt (Fischer, Frankfurt, 1993).
Die Zukunft des Politischen: Ausblicke auf Hannah Arendt
Negt, O.1
Kallscheuer, O.2
Jay, M.3
No More Sonderweg. Germany's Return to the “Normality” of the Nation State
See Stefan Berger, ‘No More Sonderweg. Germany's Return to the “Normality” of the Nation State’, Journal of Area Studies, no. 7 (1995)
Journal of Area Studies
, Issue.7
Berger, S.1
Libertarian Ecology and “Civil Society”
John Ely, ‘Libertarian Ecology and “Civil Society”’, Society and Nature, no. 6 (1993), pp. 103–116.
Society and Nature
, Issue.6
, pp. 103-116
Ely, J.1
Politics as a Vocation
Oxford University Press, New York
Max Weber, ‘Politics as a Vocation’, in On Max Weber (Oxford University Press, New York, 1952), p. 78.
On Max Weber
, pp. 78
Weber, M.1
Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY 113
Mack Walker, German Home Towns (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1971), pp. 111, 113.
German Home Towns
, pp. 111
Walker, M.1
Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ See Current examples of this movement from left to right can be found in the adaptation of a version of ‘federalism’ inspired by Schmitt by Paul Piccone and the American journal Telos as a defense of the Italian Northern Leagues. Piccone, along with paleo-conservative Schmitt-follower Paul Gottfried, has been publishing Alain de Benoist's defense of culturally exclusive democracy and his view of the Holy Roman Empire as models for a confederal regionalism in Europe. See Telos, issues no. 91, 94, 97, 98–99 and 100
See Zeev Sternhell, The Birth of Fascist Ideology (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1993). Current examples of this movement from left to right can be found in the adaptation of a version of ‘federalism’ inspired by Schmitt by Paul Piccone and the American journal Telos as a defense of the Italian Northern Leagues. Piccone, along with paleo-conservative Schmitt-follower Paul Gottfried, has been publishing Alain de Benoist's defense of culturally exclusive democracy and his view of the Holy Roman Empire as models for a confederal regionalism in Europe. See Telos, issues no. 91, 94, 97, 98–99 and 100.
The Birth of Fascist Ideology
Sternhell, Z.1
On the role of irreducible difference among the neo-Nietzschean political theory, see Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD
On the role of irreducible difference among the neo-Nietzschean political theory, see William Connolly, Identity/Difference (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 1989), pp. 29ff.
, pp. 29ff
Connolly, W.1
University of Chicago Press, Chicago Writes Mouffe: ‘While politics in a liberal democracy aims at creating a “we”, at constructing a political community, a fully inclusive political community can never be achieved since, as Schmitt tells us, in order to construct a “we” it must be distinguished from a “them”, and that means establishing a frontier, defining an “enemy”.
Jacques Derrida, ‘Differance’, in Margins of Philosophy (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1982), p. 20. Writes Mouffe: ‘While politics in a liberal democracy aims at creating a “we”, at constructing a political community, a fully inclusive political community can never be achieved since, as Schmitt tells us, in order to construct a “we” it must be distinguished from a “them”, and that means establishing a frontier, defining an “enemy”.
Margins of Philosophy
, pp. 20
Derrida, J.1
There will therefore exist a permanent “constitutive outside”, as Derrida has shown us, an exterior to the community that makes its existence possible. On this point Schmitt's ideas converge with several important trends in contemporary theory which reaffirm the relation character of every identity, the unavoidable couple identity/difference …’ London
There will therefore exist a permanent “constitutive outside”, as Derrida has shown us, an exterior to the community that makes its existence possible. On this point Schmitt's ideas converge with several important trends in contemporary theory which reaffirm the relation character of every identity, the unavoidable couple identity/difference …’ (The Return of the Political I Verso, London, 1992]), p. 114.
The Return of the Political I Verso
, pp. 114
Duncker & Humblot, Berlin
Carl Schmitt, DerNomos der Erde (Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 1950), p. 13.
DerNomos der Erde
, pp. 13
Schmitt, C.1
See Atheneum, New York
See Claude Levi-Strauss, Tristes Tropiques (Atheneum, New York, 1975), pp. 294ff.
Tristes Tropiques
, pp. 294ff
Levi-Strauss, C.1
Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD
Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 1974), pp. 101–140.
Of Grammatology
, pp. 101-140
Derrida, J.1
July Mut a new right ‘ethno-pluralist’ serial
Hermann Lubbe, ‘Hochfoderative oder gar nicht,’ Mut, no. 299 (July, 1992), a new right ‘ethno-pluralist’ serial.
Hochfoderative oder gar nicht
, Issue.299
Lubbe, H.1
Doubleday, New York
Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition (Doubleday, New York, 1959), pp. 122ff.
The Human Condition
, pp. 122ff
Arendt, H.1
Sovereignty and the Fuhrerdemokratie
See 26 Dec
See Jiirgen Habermas, ‘Sovereignty and the Fuhrerdemokratie’, Times Literary Supplement, 26 Dec. 1986, p. 1053.
Times Literary Supplement
, pp. 1053
Habermas, J.1
New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers
Schmitt, The Concept of the Political (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers, 1976), pp. 19–21.
The Concept of the Political
, pp. 19-21
The Social Contract
ch. 1: ‘Now the less relationship there is between private wills and the general will, that is, between mores and the laws, the more repressive force ought to increase. Therefore … the government must be relatively stronger in proportion as the populace is more numerous.’ (trans. Cross, Hacket, New York
J.-J. Rousseau, The Social Contract, Book III, ch. 1: ‘Now the less relationship there is between private wills and the general will, that is, between mores and the laws, the more repressive force ought to increase. Therefore … the government must be relatively stronger in proportion as the populace is more numerous.’ (trans. Cross, Hacket, New York, 1986), p. 173.
, vol.3
, pp. 173
Rousseau, J.-J.1
Aristotle, Politics
1276a ch. 3
Aristotle, Politics, Book. III, ch. 3, 1276a 25–34.
, vol.3
, pp. 25-34
See, in general Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA
See, in general, Gianfranco Poggi, The Development of the Modern State: A Sociological Introduction (Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, 1978).
The Development of the Modern State: A Sociological Introduction
Poggi, G.1
ed. Antony Black (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
Otto Gierke, Community in Historical Perspective, ed. Antony Black (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988).
Community in Historical Perspective
Gierke, O.1
For a post-structuralist reading, see
For a post-structuralist reading, see Chantal Mouffe, The Return of the Political, pp. 105–143.
The Return of the Political
, pp. 105-143
Mouffe, C.1
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA
Christian Meier, The Greek Discovery of Politics (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1990), p. 14.
The Greek Discovery of Politics
, pp. 14
Meier, C.1
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL
Leo Oppenheim, Ancient Mesopotamia (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 1964), p. 126.
Ancient Mesopotamia
, pp. 126
Oppenheim, L.1
Oppenheim quotes the Barker translation of Aristotle's Politics
ch. 11 1330b 18–1330b 20) in Ancient Mesopotamia
Oppenheim quotes the Barker translation of Aristotle's Politics (Book VII, ch. 11, 1330b 18–1330b 20) in Ancient Mesopotamia, p. 126.
, vol.7
, pp. 126
Democracy Revisited
Spring See for a Schmitt-based new right version of democracy emphasizing cultural ascription. However, since the publication in English of Meier's Discovery of Greek Politics, the Schmittian focus on ‘identity’ and walls, culture, and exclusion has influenced even American classics.
See Alain de Benoist, ‘Democracy Revisited’, Telos, no. 95 (Spring, 1993), for a Schmitt-based new right version of democracy emphasizing cultural ascription. However, since the publication in English of Meier's Discovery of Greek Politics, the Schmittian focus on ‘identity’ and walls, culture, and exclusion has influenced even American classics.
, Issue.95
de Benoist, A.1
Ancient Greek Political Theory as a Response to Democracy
John Dunn (ed.) See for example Oxford University Press, Oxford
See for example Cynthia Farrar, ‘Ancient Greek Political Theory as a Response to Democracy,’ in John Dunn (ed.), Democracy: The Unfinished Journey (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1992), pp. 18–21.
Democracy: The Unfinished Journey
, pp. 18-21
Farrar, C.1
The Birth of Humanism
See Peter Murphy, ‘The Birth of Humanism’, Thesis Eleven, no. 40 (1995).
Thesis Eleven
, Issue.40
Murphy, P.1
University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, PA
Otto Brunner, Land and Lordship (University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, PA, 1992).
Land and Lordship
Brunner, O.1
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL Republicans can take interest in Marsiglio, noting the pains Leo Strauss has taken to esoterically prove to beginners in political philosophy that he was no democrat, not unlike Strauss's anti-Hegelian attempt to bury Aristotle under Plato, or his continuation of a tendentious German, Meineckeian reading of Machiavelli as a ‘teacher of evil’. See Marsiglio and Machiavelli are two thorny republican thinkers he trusted to no disciples
Republicans can take interest in Marsiglio, noting the pains Leo Strauss has taken to esoterically prove to beginners in political philosophy that he was no democrat, not unlike Strauss's anti-Hegelian attempt to bury Aristotle under Plato, or his continuation of a tendentious German, Meineckeian reading of Machiavelli as a ‘teacher of evil’. See Leo Strauss, History ofPolitical Philosophy (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 1973). Marsiglio and Machiavelli are two thorny republican thinkers he trusted to no disciples.
History ofPolitical Philosophy
Strauss, L.1
substantive in its own right, signifying the citizens or their assembly
Longman, New York observes, it comes originally to mean a The ‘council’ is the most characteristic feature of this personal association forming the living cell-tissue of the ‘commune’ in this sense, having emerged originally as an attributive, as ‘common counsel’, or in deliberations ‘in common’. In this manner, as 1988
The ‘council’ is the most characteristic feature of this personal association forming the living cell-tissue of the ‘commune’ in this sense, having emerged originally as an attributive, as ‘common counsel’, or in deliberations ‘in common’. In this manner, as Daniel Waley observes, it comes originally to mean a ‘substantive in its own right, signifying the citizens or their assembly’ (The Italian City Republics [Longman, New York, 1969, 1988], p. 34f.).
The Italian City Republics
, pp. 34f
Waley, D.1
Personality and Territoriality in the ‘Defensor Pads’: The Problem of Political Humanism
London: Variorum my emphasis. See also Gary Nederman's excellent work on Marsiglio
Walter Ullmann, ‘Personality and Territoriality in the ‘Defensor Pads’: The Problem of Political Humanism’, in Law and Jurisdiction in the Middle Ages (London: Variorum, 1988), p. 404, my emphasis. See also Gary Nederman's excellent work on Marsiglio.
Law and Jurisdiction in the Middle Ages
, pp. 404
Ullmann, W.1
Doubleday, Garden City, NY
Henri Pirenne, Medieval Cities (Doubleday, Garden City, NY, 1956), pp. 134f.
Medieval Cities
, pp. 134f
Pirenne, H.1
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 113ff. Carl Schmitt's land-based orientation in this respect can be contrasted with the maritime one with reference to his obsessive anxiety of pirates, which are a symbol of democratic and democratizing politics from Athens to the ‘privateers’ of the Dutch and early American republics, and the naval revolutionaries of Kiel and Kronstadt
Antony Black, Political Theory in Europe: 1250–1450 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992), pp. 108f., 113ff. Carl Schmitt's land-based orientation in this respect can be contrasted with the maritime one with reference to his obsessive anxiety of pirates, which are a symbol of democratic and democratizing politics from Athens to the ‘privateers’ of the Dutch and early American republics, and the naval revolutionaries of Kiel and Kronstadt.
Political Theory in Europe: 1250–1450
, pp. 108f
Black, A.1
like Ernst von Salomon, disliked pirates with a rather serious ‘intensity’. Schmitt insists on a distinction between ‘tellurian’ and ocean-going bandits
Duncker & Humblot, Berlin and prefers the former. ‘Privateers’, military tools by republics in the making who fight empires, are romanticized by republics that have become imperial and with a global reach. They are perhaps inhibitors rather than catalysts of primitive accumulation
Schmitt, like Ernst von Salomon, disliked pirates with a rather serious ‘intensity’. Schmitt insists on a distinction between ‘tellurian’ and ocean-going bandits (Theorie des Partisa-nen [Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 1963, pp. 34f.), and prefers the former. ‘Privateers’, military tools by republics in the making who fight empires, are romanticized by republics that have become imperial and with a global reach. They are perhaps inhibitors rather than catalysts of primitive accumulation.
Theorie des Partisa-nen
, pp. 34f
Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ Putman, however, celebrates the northern Italian cities for their money-making
Robert Putnam, Making Democracy Work (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1993). Putman, however, celebrates the northern Italian cities for their money-making.
Making Democracy Work
Putnam, R.1
See Routledge, Boston, MA
See Charles Tilly, Coercion, Capital and European States: 1990–1992 (Routledge, Boston, MA, 1993), pp. 67ff
Coercion, Capital and European States: 1990–1992
, pp. 67ff
Tilly, C.1
University of California Press, Berkeley 222–4. The actual legislator of the European Union is the Council of Ministers in the particular regions of competency. This institution of the governing leaders of the member states, combined with the presidents of the EU Commission, leads individual governments (‘Luxembourg Compromise’) to choose a consensus format for the decisions over structural changes. This leads to centralist, executive control. Each national government has insisted on retaining direct executive control
Anthony Giddens, The Nation-State and Violence (University of California Press, Berkeley; 1988), pp. 83–117, 222–4. The actual legislator of the European Union is the Council of Ministers in the particular regions of competency. This institution of the governing leaders of the member states, combined with the presidents of the EU Commission, leads individual governments (‘Luxembourg Compromise’) to choose a consensus format for the decisions over structural changes. This leads to centralist, executive control. Each national government has insisted on retaining direct executive control.
The Nation-State and Violence
, pp. 83-117
Giddens, A.1
Entanglements of European Cities and States
Charles Tilly and Wim Blochmanns West-view, Boulder, CO
Charles Tilly ‘Entanglements of European Cities and States’, in Charles Tilly and Wim Blochmanns, Cities and the Rise of States in Europe AD 1000 to 1800 (West-view, Boulder, CO, 1994), pp. 6–12.
Cities and the Rise of States in Europe AD 1000 to 1800
, pp. 6-12
Tilly, C.1
Note the pathbreaking early work by Bookchin on this theme Sierra Club Books, San Francisco, CA
Note the pathbreaking early work by Bookchin on this theme, Urbanization Without Cities (Sierra Club Books, San Francisco, CA, 1986).
Urbanization Without Cities
University of California Press, Berkeley, CA
Max Weber, Economy and Society (University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1978), vol. 1, pp. 52f.
Economy and Society
, vol.1
, pp. 52f
Weber, M.1
Duncker & Humblot, Berlin [1928]
Schmitt, Verfassungslehre (Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 1970 [1928]), pp. 77–79.
, pp. 77-79
Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei
Dietz Verlag, Berlin
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, ‘Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei’, Marx-Engels Werke, vol. 4 (Dietz Verlag, Berlin, 1977), p. 464f.
Marx-Engels Werke
, vol.4
, pp. 464f
Marx, K.1
Engels, F.2
Norton, New York On this sense of ‘identification’, see 20–4
On this sense of ‘identification’, see Jacques Lacan, Ecrits (Norton, New York, 1977), pp. 4–5, 20–4.
, pp. 4-5
Lacan, J.1
Democracy and the End of the Nation State
Sandel's communitarianism can be compared with the White House advisor William Galston and Amitai Etzioni
Michael Sandel, ‘Democracy and the End of the Nation State’, New Political Quarterly, vol. 9, no. 4 (1992). Sandel's communitarianism can be compared with the White House advisor William Galston and Amitai Etzioni.
New Political Quarterly
, vol.9
, Issue.4
Sandel, M.1
Welches Europa Wollen Wir
19 June
Daniel Cohn-Bendit, ‘Welches Europa Wollen Wir’, Die Zeit, no. 26 (19 June, 1992).
Die Zeit
, Issue.26
Cohn-Bendit, D.1
Neue Chance fur einen Demokratisierungsschub in Europa
Wilfried Telkamper Die Griinen, Berlin
Claudia Roth, ‘Neue Chance fur einen Demokratisierungsschub in Europa’, in Wilfried Telkamper et al., Europa ja - Maastricht Nein (Die Griinen, Berlin, 1993), pp. 3f.
Europa ja - Maastricht Nein
, pp. 3f
Roth, C.1
Green vs. Ecosocialist Economic Programmes: The Market Rules OK?
Where the Greens were always weaker and never clear of their character as socialists, there is more, not less, ambiguity. Political developments in the European Parliament suggest that the influence of Greens who are still ‘neither right nor left’ and purist on ecological issues, such as Amendola's ‘smiling sun’ in Italy and the French Greens dominated by Anton Wachter, until he finally quit, will continue to dilute European Green political programs, despite the fact that they have done poorly recently at the polls. Purist Green influence on the European Greens' statutes and program is evident in the least common denominator, milque toast nature of the June, 1993 resolutions. For an intellectual perspective, see
Where the Greens were always weaker and never clear of their character as socialists, there is more, not less, ambiguity. Political developments in the European Parliament suggest that the influence of Greens who are still ‘neither right nor left’ and purist on ecological issues, such as Amendola's ‘smiling sun’ in Italy and the French Greens dominated by Anton Wachter, until he finally quit, will continue to dilute European Green political programs, despite the fact that they have done poorly recently at the polls. Purist Green influence on the European Greens' statutes and program is evident in the least common denominator, milque toast nature of the June, 1993 resolutions. For an intellectual perspective, see Robyn Eckersley, ‘Green vs. Ecosocialist Economic Programmes: The Market Rules OK?’, Political Studies, vol. 40 (1992), pp. 315–333.
Political Studies
, vol.40
, pp. 315-333
Eckersley, R.1
Raumordnung und moralische Verwirrung
See Otto Kallscheuer, ‘Raumordnung und moralische Verwirrung’, Transit, no. 7(1994), pp. 5–11.
, Issue.7
, pp. 5-11
Kallscheuer, O.1
Jihad vs. McWorld
Benjamin Barber, ‘Jihad vs. McWorld’, The Atlantic, March (1992), pp. 53–55.
The Atlantic
, pp. 53-55
Barber, B.1
Gianfranco Miglio's Challenge’, Gianfranco Miglio, ‘Beyond Schmitt’, and Paul Gottfried, ‘Miglio's Political Quest
Allesandro Campi, ‘Gianfranco Miglio's Challenge’, Gianfranco Miglio, ‘Beyond Schmitt’, and Paul Gottfried, ‘Miglio's Political Quest’, in Telos, no. 100 (Summer, 1994)
, Issue.100
Campi, A.1
Second Thoughts on Traditions
Paul Gottfried, ‘Second Thoughts on Traditions’, Telos, no. 94 (Winter 1992–1993), pp. 72ff
, Issue.94
, pp. 72ff
Gottfried, P.1
Monthly Review Press, New York
Samir Amin, Eurocentrism (Monthly Review Press, New York, 1989)
Amin, S.1
The Coming Clash of Civilizations - Or, the West Against the Rest
6 June ‘Civilization’ here refers largely to what Marxists call ‘cultural’ issues, above all ethnic and religious identity ascription
Samuel P. Huntington, ‘The Coming Clash of Civilizations - Or, the West Against the Rest’, The New York Times, 6 June, 1993. ‘Civilization’ here refers largely to what Marxists call ‘cultural’ issues, above all ethnic and religious identity ascription.
The New York Times
Huntington, S.P.1
Harcourt Brace, New York See 145ff
See Hannah Arendt, Imperialism (Harcourt Brace, New York, 1968), pp. 101f., 145ff.
, pp. 101f
Arendt, H.1
Post-modernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism
Frederic Jameson, ‘Post-modernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism’, New Left Review, no. 146 (1984).
New Left Review
, Issue.146
Jameson, F.1
The Geopolitics of Capitalism
John Urry (ed.) Macmillan, London
David Harvey, ‘The Geopolitics of Capitalism’ in John Urry (ed.), Social Relations and Spatial Structures (Macmillan, London, 1985).
Social Relations and Spatial Structures
Harvey, D.1
Universalism, Particularism, and the Question of Identity
John Rajchman (ed.) New York, Routledge
Ernesto Laclau, ‘Universalism, Particularism, and the Question of Identity’, in John Rajchman (ed.), The Question of Identity (New York, Routledge, 1995), pp. 98ff.
The Question of Identity
, pp. 98ff
Laclau, E.1
On Cultural Studies
Frederic Jameson, ‘On Cultural Studies’, in Rajchman, The Question of Identity, pp. 286ff.
The Question of Identity
, pp. 286ff
Jameson, F.1
The Case Against Liberal Federalism
‘Identity’ is crucial to Schmitt's definition of both nation and federation (though he thinks the latter is an inherently unstable political form), and those advocating federalism who are influenced by him. See Fall
‘Identity’ is crucial to Schmitt's definition of both nation and federation (though he thinks the latter is an inherently unstable political form), and those advocating federalism who are influenced by him. See Piccone, ‘The Case Against Liberal Federalism’, Telos, no. 93 (Fall, 1992), pp. 36ff.
, Issue.93
, pp. 36ff
The Cultural Roots of Federalism
Fall emphasis in the original
Dario Durando, ‘The Cultural Roots of Federalism’, Telos, no. 97 (Fall, 1993), p. 27, emphasis in the original
, Issue.97
, pp. 27
Durando, D.1
The Cultural Roots of Federalism
Gianfranco Miglio, ‘The Cultural Roots of Federalism’, Telos, no. 97 (Fall, 1993), pp. 38–39
, Issue.97
, pp. 38-39
Miglio, G.1
The Case Against Liberal Federalism
Paul Piccone, ‘The Case Against Liberal Federalism’, Telos, no. 93 (Fall, 1992), pp. 36ff.
, Issue.93
, pp. 36ff
Piccone, P.1
The Idea of Empire
See Winter-Spring
See Benoist, ‘The Idea of Empire’, Telos, no. 98–9 (Winter-Spring, 1994)
, Issue.98-9
ed. Ursula Lutz, Piper, Munich
Hannah Arendt, Was ist PolitW (ed. Ursula Lutz, Piper, Munich, 1993), pp. 28f.
Was ist PolitW
, pp. 28f
Arendt, H.1
Hannah Arendt, review of La Nation by Harcourt Brace, New York
Hannah Arendt, review of La Nation by J.-T. Delos, now in Essays in Understanding 1930–1954 (Harcourt Brace, New York, 1994), p. 210).
now in Essays in Understanding 1930–1954
, pp. 210
Delos, J.-T.1