Internet Chat Relay (IRC) and Usenet shared files P2P (peer-to-peer).
Internet Chat Relay (IRC) and Usenet shared files P2P (peer-to-peer).
Used since 1990, Netbatch is an internal P2P application used by Intel to maximize its computing resources in analyzing chip designs.
Used since 1990, Netbatch is an internal P2P application used by Intel to maximize its computing resources in analyzing chip designs.
Established in July 1996, ICQ offered P2P instant messaging.
Established in July 1996, ICQ offered P2P instant messaging.
Growth of P2P applications is documented by many researchers; including Mary Madden and Lee Raini, Music and Video Downloading Moves Beyond P2P: Pew Internet Project Data Memo, (March 2005), http://www.pewinternet.org/ pdfs/PIP_Filesharing_March05.pdf (accessed January 12, 2007);
Growth of P2P applications is documented by many researchers; including Mary Madden and Lee Raini, "Music and Video Downloading Moves Beyond P2P: Pew Internet Project Data Memo," (March 2005), http://www.pewinternet.org/ pdfs/PIP_Filesharing_March05.pdf (accessed January 12, 2007);
The Changing Use of a Mature Campuswide Wireless Network
NY: ACM Press
Tristan Henderson, David Kotz, and Ilya Abyzov, "The Changing Use of a Mature Campuswide Wireless Network," in the Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (NY: ACM Press, 2004), 187-201;
Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
, pp. 187-201
Henderson, T.1
Kotz, D.2
Abyzov, I.3
Thomas Karagiannis et al., Is P2P Dying or Just Hiding? (paper, IEEE GLOBECOM '04, Dallas, TX, December 2, 2004), http://www.caida.org/ outreach/papers/2004/p2p-dying/p2p-dying.pdf (accessed January 12, 2007);
Thomas Karagiannis et al., "Is P2P Dying or Just Hiding?" (paper, IEEE GLOBECOM '04, Dallas, TX, December 2, 2004), http://www.caida.org/ outreach/papers/2004/p2p-dying/p2p-dying.pdf (accessed January 12, 2007);
Analysis of ADSL Traffic on an IP Backbone Link
Piscataway, NJ: IEEE
Nadia Ben Azzouna and Fabrice Guillemin, "Analysis of ADSL Traffic on an IP Backbone Link," Global Telecommunications Conference: GLOBECOM. '03 (Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2003), 7: 3742-6;
Global Telecommunications Conference: GLOBECOM. '03
, vol.7
, pp. 3742-3746
Ben Azzouna, N.1
Guillemin, F.2
Madden and Raini, 3
Madden and Raini, 3.
BigChampagne Online Media Measurement, Beverly Hills, CA: BigChampagne Online Media Measurement
BigChampagne Online Media Measurement, P2P Use Report (Beverly Hills, CA: BigChampagne Online Media Measurement, 2005).
P2P Use Report
Eulynn Shiu and Amanda Lenhart, Pew Internet and American Life Project: How Americans Use Instant Messaging, (September 1, 2004), http://www.pewinternet.org/pdfs/PIP_Instantmessage_Report.pdf (accessed February 12, 2007).
Eulynn Shiu and Amanda Lenhart, "Pew Internet and American Life Project: How Americans Use Instant Messaging," (September 1, 2004), http://www.pewinternet.org/pdfs/PIP_Instantmessage_Report.pdf (accessed February 12, 2007).
Gartner, Inc, Gartner, Inc, accessed January 12
Gartner, Inc., "Instant Messaging," Gartner, Inc. (2002), http://www3.gartner.com/3_consulting_services/marketplace/instMessaging.jsp (accessed January 12,2007).
Instant Messaging
Shiu and Lenhart, 10
Shiu and Lenhart, 10.
The Enterprise Forecast
23, 43 October 30
Andrew Garcia, "The Enterprise Forecast," eWeek 23, 43 (October 30, 2006): 39-42.
, pp. 39-42
Garcia, A.1
New Jersey Institute of Technology, June, accessed January 12, 2007
New Jersey Institute of Technology, "Technology Survey, June 8-15, 2003," (June 2003), http://www.njit.edu/old/News/Releases/techpoll_5.pdf (accessed January 12, 2007).
Technology Survey, June 8-15, 2003
Oldsters Most Likely to Frown Over Napster - Study
August 8, accessed January 24
Steven Bonisteel, "Oldsters Most Likely to Frown Over Napster - Study," Newsbytes News Network (August 8,2000), http://www. findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0NEW/is_2000_August_8/ai_63972859 (accessed January 24, 2007).
Newsbytes News Network
Bonisteel, S.1
Aron M. Levin, Mary Conway Dato-on, and Kenneth Rhee, Money For Nothing and Hits for Free: The Ethics of Downloading Music from Peer to Peer Web Sites, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 12, 1 (Winter 2004): 48-60.
Aron M. Levin, Mary Conway Dato-on, and Kenneth Rhee, "Money For Nothing and Hits for Free: The Ethics of Downloading Music from Peer to Peer Web Sites," Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 12, 1 (Winter 2004): 48-60.
Shiu and Lenhart, ii
Shiu and Lenhart, ii.
High-Speed Internet Use and Academic Gratifications in the College Residence
Denise Matthews and Lynne Schrum, "High-Speed Internet Use and Academic Gratifications in the College Residence," The Internet and Higher Education 6, 2 (2003): 125-44.
The Internet and Higher Education
, vol.6
, Issue.2
, pp. 125-144
Matthews, D.1
Schrum, L.2
Ying Dong, Mingshu Li, and Meizhang Chen provide a concise outline of potential ways P2P could be used in libraries. Ying Dong, Mingshu Li, and Meizhang Chen, Research on Intellectual Property Right Problems of Peer-To-Peer Networks, The Electronic Library 20, 2 (April 2002): 143-50;
Ying Dong, Mingshu Li, and Meizhang Chen provide a concise outline of potential ways P2P could be used in libraries. Ying Dong, Mingshu Li, and Meizhang Chen, "Research on Intellectual Property Right Problems of Peer-To-Peer Networks," The Electronic Library 20, 2 (April 2002): 143-50;
The Google Opportunity
February 1
Steven Abram, "The Google Opportunity," Library Journal 130, 2 (February 1, 2005): 34-5;
Library Journal
, vol.130
, Issue.2
, pp. 34-35
Abram, S.1
Clifford Lynch, Libraries and Library Systems in the New Information Landscape (presentation, MP3 file of the closing general session, LITA National Forum 2004, St. Louis, MO, October 10, 2004), http://www.ala.org/LITATemplate.cfm?Section=2004Forum&Template= / ContentManagement / ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=84353 (accessed January 12, 2006); and John A. Shuler, Ask Not for Whom the Bells Toll, The Journal of Academic Librarianship 30, 1 (January 2004): 77-9.
Clifford Lynch, "Libraries and Library Systems in the New Information Landscape" (presentation, MP3 file of the closing general session, LITA National Forum 2004, St. Louis, MO, October 10, 2004), http://www.ala.org/LITATemplate.cfm?Section=2004Forum&Template= / ContentManagement / ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=84353 (accessed January 12, 2006); and John A. Shuler, "Ask Not for Whom the Bells Toll," The Journal of Academic Librarianship 30, 1 (January 2004): 77-9.
Distributed File Sharing and Libraries
John Durno, "Distributed File Sharing and Libraries," Feliciter 47, 1 (2001): 24.
, vol.47
, Issue.1
, pp. 24
Durno, J.1
Brief of Amici Curiae American Civil Liberties Union et al. at 27, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc., et al. v. Grokster, Ltd., et al., Jerry Lieber v. Grokster, Ltd., et al 545 U.S. 913 (2005) (Nos. 03-55894, 03-56236 & 03-55901), http://www.ala.org/ala/washoff/WOissues/copyrightb/ copyrightcases/Grokster_final.pdf (January 12, 2007).
Brief of Amici Curiae American Civil Liberties Union et al. at 27, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc., et al. v. Grokster, Ltd., et al., Jerry Lieber v. Grokster, Ltd., et al 545 U.S. 913 (2005) (Nos. 03-55894, 03-56236 & 03-55901), http://www.ala.org/ala/washoff/WOissues/copyrightb/ copyrightcases/Grokster_final.pdf (January 12, 2007).
Brief of Amici Curiae Alliance for Public Technology et al., Recording Industry Association of America v. Verizon Internet Services, Inc. 351 F.3d 1229 (D.C. Cir. 2003) (Nos. 03-7015 & 03-7053), http://www.eff.org /legal/cases/RIAA_v_Verizon/20030516_eff_amicus.pdf (January 12, 2007);
Brief of Amici Curiae Alliance for Public Technology et al., Recording Industry Association of America v. Verizon Internet Services, Inc. 351 F.3d 1229 (D.C. Cir. 2003) (Nos. 03-7015 & 03-7053), http://www.eff.org /legal/cases/RIAA_v_Verizon/20030516_eff_amicus.pdf (January 12, 2007);
Brief of Amici Curiae American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Northern California, Inc. et al., Pacific Bell Internet Services v. Recording Industry Association of America, Inc., et al. (N.D. Cal 2003) (No. 03-3560), http://www.ala.org/ala/washoff/WOissues/copyrightb/copyrightcases/ AmicusPacBell.pdf (January 12, 2007);
Brief of Amici Curiae American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Northern California, Inc. et al., Pacific Bell Internet Services v. Recording Industry Association of America, Inc., et al. (N.D. Cal 2003) (No. 03-3560), http://www.ala.org/ala/washoff/WOissues/copyrightb/copyrightcases/ AmicusPacBell.pdf (January 12, 2007);
and Brief of Amici Curiae American Civil Liberties Union et al., The Recording Industry Association of America v. Charter Communications, Inc. (8th Cir. 2004) (No. 03-3802), http://www.ala. org/ala/washoff/WOissues/ copyrightb/copyrightcases/CharterAmicus.pdf (January 12, 2007).
and Brief of Amici Curiae American Civil Liberties Union et al., The Recording Industry Association of America v. Charter Communications, Inc. (8th Cir. 2004) (No. 03-3802), http://www.ala. org/ala/washoff/WOissues/ copyrightb/copyrightcases/CharterAmicus.pdf (January 12, 2007).
accessed January 12
Helen H. Spalding, "Letter to ACRL Library Directors," (2002), http://www.ala.org/ala/ acrl/acrlissues/washingtonwatch/FileSharingLetter.PDF (accessed January 12, 2007).
Letter to ACRL Library Directors
Spalding, H.H.1
I've Gathered a Basket of Communication and Collaboration Tools
May Chang, "I've Gathered a Basket of Communication and Collaboration Tools," Computers in Libraries 24, 8 (September 2004): 6-8, 61-3.
Computers in Libraries
, vol.24
, Issue.8
Chang, M.1
An Analytical Survey of Chat Reference Services
Stephen Francoueur, "An Analytical Survey of Chat Reference Services," Reference Services Review 29, 3 (2001): 189-203.
Reference Services Review
, vol.29
, Issue.3
, pp. 189-203
Francoueur, S.1
Instant Messaging Reference in an Academic Library: A Case Study
Marianne Foley, "Instant Messaging Reference in an Academic Library: A Case Study," College and Research Libraries 63, 1 (January 2002): 36-45.
College and Research Libraries
, vol.63
, Issue.1
, pp. 36-45
Foley, M.1
Joseph Yue, The Use of ICQ in Providing Real Time Reference Services, (paper, Virtual Reference Desk 2nd Annual Digital Reference Conference, Seattle, WA, October 16, 2000), http://www.vrd.org/conferences/ VRD2000/proceedings/Yue11-20.shtml (accessed January 12, 2007).
Joseph Yue, "The Use of ICQ in Providing Real Time Reference Services," (paper, Virtual Reference Desk 2nd Annual Digital Reference Conference, Seattle, WA, October 16, 2000), http://www.vrd.org/conferences/ VRD2000/proceedings/Yue11-20.shtml (accessed January 12, 2007).
LOCKSS, accessed January 12
LOCKSS, "Home: Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe," (2006), http://www.lockss.org/lockss/Home (accessed January 12, 2007).
Home: Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe
SHARES Program
Research Libraries Group, accessed January 12
Research Libraries Group, "SHARES Program," OCLC RLG (2006), http://www.rlg.org/en/page.php?Page_ID=7481 (accessed January 12, 2007).
Docster: The Future of Document Delivery?
Daniel Chudnov, "Docster: The Future of Document Delivery?" Library Journal 125, 13
Library Journal
, vol.125
, pp. 13
Chudnov, D.1
(August 2000): 60-2; Chudnov, Docster Redux: Librarians Respond, Library Journal 125, 17 (2000): 38-9.
(August 2000): 60-2; Chudnov, "Docster Redux: Librarians Respond," Library Journal 125, 17 (2000): 38-9.
What is the Metadata3 (md3) Project?
accessed January 12
Jeremy Frumkin, "What is the Metadata3 (md3) Project?" METADATA3 syntax, structure, semantics (2003), http://www.md3.org/faq.html (accessed January 12, 2007).
METADATA3 syntax, structure, semantics
Frumkin, J.1
All comments are anonymous responses to survey questions
All comments are anonymous responses to survey questions.
Stanley Wilder, The Changing Profile of Research Library Professional Staff, A Bimonthly Report on Research Library Issues and Actions from ARL, CNI, and SPARC, ARL Bimonthly Report 208/209 (February/April 2000), http://www.arl.org/newsltr/208_209/chgprofile. html (accessed January 12, 2007).
Stanley Wilder, "The Changing Profile of Research Library Professional Staff," A Bimonthly Report on Research Library Issues and Actions from ARL, CNI, and SPARC, ARL Bimonthly Report 208/209 (February/April 2000), http://www.arl.org/newsltr/208_209/chgprofile. html (accessed January 12, 2007).
Diana Oblinger offers a good explanation of generational differences. Diana Oblinger, Boomers, Gen-Xers, and Millennials: Understanding the 'New Students,' EDUCAUSE Review 38, 4 (July/August 2003): 37-47.
Diana Oblinger offers a good explanation of generational differences. Diana Oblinger, "Boomers, Gen-Xers, and Millennials: Understanding the 'New Students,'" EDUCAUSE Review 38, 4 (July/August 2003): 37-47.
Tagging is a method of classifying and organizing electronic information bearing entities (IBE) that does not rely on any organized classification system. The author or creator assigns keywords or a description, tags, to IBEs for access and organizational purposes.
"Tagging" is a method of classifying and organizing electronic information bearing entities (IBE) that does not rely on any organized classification system. The author or creator assigns keywords or a description, "tags," to IBEs for access and organizational purposes.
Sharing or Piracy? An Exploration of Downloading Behavior
October, accessed January 12, 2007
Robert LaRose et al., "Sharing or Piracy? An Exploration of Downloading Behavior," Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 11, 1 (October 2005), http://jcmc.indiana. edu/vol11/issue1/larose.html (accessed January 12, 2007).
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
, vol.11
, pp. 1
LaRose, R.1
Penn State, LionShare, Penn State (2006), http://lionshare.psu.edu/ (accessed January 12, 2007); LOCKSS; Research Libraries Group; Foley; Information Technology Services, Vanderbilt University, Using Groove at Vanderbilt: Groove Virtual Office, Vanderbilt University (2006), http://its.vanderbilt.edu/support/groove/ (accessed January 12, 2007); and University of California at Berkeley, SETI@home, University of California (2007), http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/ (accessed January 12, 2007).
Penn State, "LionShare," Penn State (2006), http://lionshare.psu.edu/ (accessed January 12, 2007); LOCKSS; Research Libraries Group; Foley; Information Technology Services, Vanderbilt University, "Using Groove at Vanderbilt: Groove Virtual Office," Vanderbilt University (2006), http://its.vanderbilt.edu/support/groove/ (accessed January 12, 2007); and University of California at Berkeley, "SETI@home," University of California (2007), http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/ (accessed January 12, 2007).