Design of the Collaborative AtoRvastatin Diabetes Study (CARDS) in patients with type 2 diabetes
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Office for Human Research Protections Determination Letter, Available at
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45 CFR 46 Subpart A (Code of Federal Regulations) 1991, generally referred to as the Common Rule.
45 CFR 46 Subpart A (Code of Federal Regulations) 1991, generally referred to as the Common Rule.
The guidance states: HHS provides for waiving or altering elements of informed consent under certain conditions. FDA has no such provision because the types of studies which would qualify for such waivers are either not regulated by FDA or are covered by the emergency treatment provisions (sec. 50.23) See
The guidance states: "HHS provides for waiving or altering elements of informed consent under certain conditions. FDA has no such provision because the types of studies which would qualify for such waivers are either not regulated by FDA or are covered by the emergency treatment provisions (sec. 50.23)" See
Deception in the pursuit of science
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Does elimination of placebo responders in a place-bo run-in increase the treatment effect in randomized clinical trials? A meta-analytic evaluation
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