The Mars regional atmospheric modeling system: Model description and selected simulations
Rafkin SCR, Haberle RM, Michaels TI (2001) The Mars regional atmospheric modeling system: Model description and selected simulations. Icarus 151:228-256
Statistics of scalar fields in the atmospheric boundary layer based on large-eddy simulations. Part 1: Free convection
Sorbjan Z (2005) Statistics of scalar fields in the atmospheric boundary layer based on large-eddy simulations. Part 1: Free convection. Bound Layer Meteorol 116(3):467-486
Statistics of scalar fields in the atmospheric boundary layer based on large-eddy simulations. Part 2: Free convection
Sorbjan Z (2006) Statistics of scalar fields in the atmospheric boundary layer based on large-eddy simulations. Part 2: Free convection. Bound Layer Meteorol 118:1-23
Statistics of shallow convection on Mars based on large-eddy simulations. Part 1: Shearless conditions
(in press)
Sorbjan Z (2007) Statistics of shallow convection on Mars based on large-eddy simulations. Part 1: Shearless conditions. Bound Layer Meteorol (in press)