Avecia And Mareva Piscines Et Filtration's, Before the American Arbitration Association, August 15.
Avecia and Mareva Piscines Et Filtration's (2002) In the Matter of the Arbitration Between Avecia, Inc. and Mareva Piscines Et Filtration's, S.A., Arbitrator's Decision and Award, Case No. 23 171 00170 99, Before the American Arbitration Association, August 15.
The Matter of the Arbitration between Avecia, Inc. and Mareva Piscines et filtration'S, S.A., Arbitrator's Decision and Award, Case No 23 171 00170 99
Dowelanco And Albaugh, Before the American Arbitration Association, June 1.
Dowelanco and Albaugh (1998) In the matter of the Arbitration between Dowelanco and The Trifluralin Data Development Consortium, and Albaugh, Inc., Arbitrator's Decision and Award, FIFRA Case No. 52 Y 171 00100 95, Before the American Arbitration Association, June 1.
The Matter of the Arbitration between Dowelanco and the Trifluralin Data Development Consortium, and Albaugh, Inc., Arbitrator's Decision and Award, FIFRA Case No 52 y 171 00100 95
Enviro-Chem And Lilly, Before the American Arbitration Association, Award Issued June 4, 1999, Public Version Released July 22.
Enviro-Chem and Lilly (1999) In the Matter of the Arbitration Between Enviro-Chem, Inc. and Lilly Industries, Inc. Arbitrator's Decision and Award, Docket No.: 23-171-00003-97 (formerly 16-171-00018-97P), Before the American Arbitration Association, Award Issued June 4, 1999, Public Version Released July 22.
The Matter of the Arbitration between Enviro-Chem, Inc. and Lilly Industries, Inc. Arbitrator's Decision and Award, Docket No.: 23-171-00003-97 (Formerly 16-171-00018-97P)
International Federation Of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations (IFPMA), Fifth Revised Version, April.
International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations (IFPMA) (2005) A Review of Existing Data Exclusivity Legislation in Selected Countries, Fifth Revised Version, April.
A Review of Existing Data Exclusivity Legislation in Selected Countries
Microgen And Lonza, Before the American Arbitration Association, May 10.
Microgen and Lonza (2000) In the Matter of the Arbitration Between Microgen, Inc. and Lonza, Inc., Arbitrator's Decision and Award, Docket No.: 23-171-00003-96, Before the American Arbitration Association, May 10.
The Matter of the Arbitration between Microgen, Inc. and Lonza, Inc., Arbitrator's Decision and Award, Docket No.: 23-171-00003-00096
Proem And Grapetek, Before the American Arbitration Association, June 17.
Proem and Grapetek (1999) In the Matter of the Arbitration Between Proem, Ltda, Productos Quimicos Y Alimenticios Asku S.A. (OSKU), Quimetal Industrial S.A. (Quimetal), Chilean Exporters Association and Grapetek (Pty) Ltd., Arbitrator's Decision and Award, Docket No.: 23 171 00027 98, Before the American Arbitration Association, June 17.
The Matter of the Arbitration between Proem, Ltda, Productos Quimicos y Alimenticios Asku S.A. (OSKU), Quimetal Industrial S.A. (Quimetal), Chilean Exporters Association and Grapetek (Pty) Ltd., Arbitrator's Decision and Award, Docket No 23 171 00027 98